Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Vegan Avocado-Tomato Toasts...for #greenslove

Not too long ago, my 5 year old grandson Luca, asked me what my favorite color is...and I answered "green." He immediately answered back, "no, you can't have that for your favorite color; that's my favorite color!"...well, I just laughed about that, which he did not think it was funny, and told him...then we must have the same "likes"...since he would translate "taste" if I would have said that, to FOOD!

"Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is a safe color, if you don't know what color to use anywhere use green.

Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eye shades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia."

Oh, yes...FOOD...who would want to turn down glorious fresh, and green vegetables, especially when you have a "hum drum" just everyday kind of dish, wouldn't a nice bright green salad brighten up a dreary, or otherwise too rich of a dish, yearning for something fresh, and green? That's my kind of dish, anytime. a nice dish of fresh baby green spinach salad with red onions, sliced mushrooms and topped with a simple red wine vinaigrette...a side of fresh cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes, and a simple extra virgin olive oil, and fresh lime topping, or fresh green beans, steamed to perfection, still crunchy and to preserve the bright green color, just rinse it in cold water and throw some ice cubes on it!

The list goes on-and-on, and I'm not even mentioning the health benefits of the GREENS. We can probably all hear our mothers saying: "eat your vegetables!" boring as it seemed in our childhood days, we all benefited from that in our, may I remind you to EAT YOUR VEGETABLES?...It's so good for you...the fresher, the greener; the better!
I was so inspired by this healthy, simple, and totally delicious vegan open-face sandwich, and after a short trip to my local Whole Foods market I got some specialty items, and a few organic vegetables. I wanted to make a salad with avocado, and organic sprouts, organic tomatoes, but instead, I decided to try this sandwich from the fresh ingredients only because I bought a loaf of their amazing San Francisco Sourdough bread...get this; a whole entire beautiful round loaf of bread for only $3.99. I could not have baked a better loaf of sourdough bread myself. So here's the recipe!

Linking to: #greenslove @ cake duchess
Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner

Vegan Avocado-Tomato Toasts
inspired, and adapted from:

4 slices Rustic bread toasted
2 avocados peeled and sliced
1 ripe tomato cut into slices
(I used 2 slices, saved the rest for salad)
a handful of organic sprouts
(I used organic clover sprouts)
1 lime cut into wedges
freshly ground black pepper
sea salt
extra virgin olive oil, for drizzle

Top toasted bread with avocado slices, some sprouts
salt and pepper and squeeze with some lime, and drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on it, lightly. Top with the tomato slice and some more salt and pepper, and drizzle some additional extra virgin olive oil on it, and top it with some extra sprouts. Have some extra slices, or wedges of lime!
This is a very satisfying sandwich, high in high in calories, carbs, protein, low in cholesterol, and and you get the "good" fats; also, I did the math with my WW calculator, and it came to a high point: 12

note: not to worry for the high point of a single slice of a very healthy and delicious sandwich, it is very filling, highly satisfying, and is a well accepted Weight Watchers choice,  from my vegan choice addition!

...and now, click over to some more interesting facts, and #greenslove photos...and for the winner of the LENOX candy dish giveaway!

You may think I'm "crazy"...actually it's the name of a song, which I can't remember who sang it...just the title!
You may think I'm a "nerd" or a "geek"...not even a "hopeless romantic"...but I do like to buy myself flowers of a nice combination of choice! This two combination bouquet, I bought at Whole, love, green and pink, especially for spring, and just LOVE, WHOLE FOODS MARKET!

My chocolate mousse, topped with kiwi slices from exactly one year ago...just check out the amazing dessert/martini glass, a "thrift find" doubt from the seventies, brown, and green! It's actually on my blog, just not linking it, didn't have enough "raves" about it!

Aren't these glasses gorgeous? They are hand painted with pretty green petals...cost, $1.99 each, have not used them since last year...a set of 4.

I was so proud of my beautiful fresh, crunchy, organic, asparagus, grilled in my large cast iron skillet...priceless!

...or, this gorgeous healthy, and bright green basil plant planted in an "ugly generic" huge plastic bucket in Lora's back yard don't laugh, this was also exactly one year ago, at a local little Tea House...I happened to wear my "Irish" lucky green shirt for St. Patrick's Day, and they had all kinds of hats at this charming place for you to try on...of course, I chose the GREEN!

Now, do you get the total picture how much I love green?...actually, I even have green eyes, but you can't see it cause I always "squint" when I smile!

Finally...for the winner of the LENOX candy dish giveaway...Jane, from Jane's Jewels is the winner!...which came out to # 15 on Random.Org. Could someone explain how to be able to copy and paste the actual widget showing the number...without having to register? I did have to widget on my side-bar, but it's useless, the  number doesn't stay on, and frankly it does not do any favor, so I removed it!

Congratulations Jane, I know you will love this little gem of a candy dish. LENOX is such a beautiful and exquisite American made product, and has been for decades...maybe even longer!
I will contact you on your blog as well, to e-mail me your address to ship it to!

Enhanced by Zemanta

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  1. Gratula a nyertesnek, nekem is az egyik kedvenc színem a zöld, a másik a kék. Egy falatkát elfogadnék abból a szendvicsből:)

  2. Everything looks beautiful...I love sandwiches like this one...

  3. What a great and healthy toast with green,looks yummy and beautiful,I'm agree with green color things :)

  4. I remember that conversation and it was adorable. Too bad I didn't get a sample of these delicious and healthy toasts you made for #greenslove (hint...hint;). Love the fun photo of you:)yay for #greenslove !

  5. Zöld és a kék együtt,és még fehér!Jól néz ki,szívesen megkóstolnám.Jó kis pirítós,megpakolva!

    1. Piroska, a kék szinnek semmi köze a toast kenyér és a tö csak a háttér egyik része! Köszönöm a komplimentet, és az utasitást is, amit gondolom már a többiek is ki figurálták!

  6. Istenien fordít a rendszer!!!Tiszta kabaré!

  7. A blog statisztikája.
    Megjeleníti a blogod statisztikáját.
    Készítette: Blogger
    A blogodba a tervezésre rákattintasz,majd kikeresed az Elrendezést,ott a modul hozzáadásra mész,és akkor kikeresed a fenti szöveget,kijelölöd majd megjelenik a egy ablak,és kiválasztod a neked megfelelő ikont,és mented.Majd a statisztikánál bejelölöd,hogy csak a ténylegest számolja.Remélem tudtam segíteni.Ez a legegyszerűbb.

  8. Yeah, I wish I knew how to save that graphic from, too. Congrats to Jane! And thanks for sharing this delicious, healthy looks marvelous! Sending you lots of #greenslove, Lizzie! look so cute decked out in green!

    1. Lizzy-I noticed the Nami has the graphic on her blog, I asked her and she e-mailed the instruction to me. I will forward it to you too! So far, it's all "greek" to me, but we'll figure it out!

  9. What a healthy and beautiful dish! I agree that you look stunning in green! Buzzed!

  10. Hi Elisabeth, THANK YOU!! - I am so excited to have won and know I will really treasure my bowl xx Love the cool, fresh green post - I just did a 'green' post of sorts myself! You look adorable in your hat :)

    1. Jane-I did notice that you also have that gorgeous greenish chemeleon on your blog. You're welcome on the giveaway winning! Thanks for e-mailing me your address!

  11. Elisabeth,
    Your Avocado Tomato Toasts are just lovely, and green. Green is also my favorite color, and I have green eyes. I even have a green Jeep.
    Keep up the good work with WW. I'll have to try, when we have local tomatoes.

    1. Becky, the Avocado Tomato Toasts were incredible! Cannot begin to tell you, and everyone how amazing, refreshing, healthy and totally yummy it was.
      So glad that you also love green. My first car was a "jade green" 1969 Ford Mustang, hatch back...I miss that car so much, had it for 10yrs w/out even one scratch on it! My dining room wall is a Zen Green color from Loew's!

  12. Mmm, sounds delicious! I really need to eat more avocado :)
    Well done, and awesome pictures!

  13. Guess I'm not too well balanced ... my fav color is blue, so what does that make me?
    Whatever it is, I'd go for this open face sandwich anytime! I've got some avocados and this would be perfect for lunch today. I'm glad I popped by early ... just about to go to the grocers to stock up. I know what to add to my list now :) Thanks, Elisabeth!

  14. Ping-your more than well balanced inspite of not having green as your favorite color;
    Here's what color blue says about your favorite color!

    Blue is the coolest color - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color. That makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, especially for babies. Blue is so soothing that is a good choice for pajamas. Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. A blue iris means your friendship is very important to me. Wednesday's color is blue. Blue gemstones to wear to feel calm are blue sapphire and blue topaz. Lapis lazuli and azurite are said to heighten psychic power.

    1. Oh wow! That all sounds wonderful! Unfortunately I don't have blue eyes ... will colored contacts do? :)
      And funny enough, I was born on a Wednesday! But according to the poem, Wednesday's child is full of woe! Haha .. sometimes, yes but most times, NOT!! This has made my day, Elisabeth. Thank you for taking the time to look this up and posting it for me. Love you lots! Hugs!!!

  15. oh be still my taste buds this looks divine!!! xo

  16. elizabeth, i love the vegan avocado sprout sandwich. reminds me of the vegetarian sandwich from jimmy johns! now i'm craving this yummy sandwich :). so glad you linked up to our #greenslove bloghop, whoohoo!

    i'm sorry i missed your lenox heart giveaway. grades are due and i've been busy writing away with comments. congrats to the lucky winner! :)

    hope you have a splendid week!

  17. Your pictures are lovely. that toast looks delicious.

  18. Elisabeth, gyönyörű a szendvicsed, nagyon finom lehet. Szívesen beleharapnék....

  19. Szép szendvicsek! Minden "zöldet" kedvelek, ami nem ruha :), még a jade-követ is. A lányom szeme is zöld! Köszi a jó bevezetést és a story is tetszik.

  20. Looks so healthy and good!!! Beautiful pictures. Always a pleasure visiting your blog.

  21. Yummy toast...loved reading about the colour soothes are looking cute in the green hat :-)

  22. Looks so amazing Elisabeth, I love this sort of thing. So healthy and fresh.

    Green really does suit you, especially the hat :) And I love the 70s martini glasses!

  23. Yummy! That looks satisfying and delicious! I love eating green foods but I am not too fond of wearing green... I feel it doesn't suit me :) Great post, Elisabeth!

    P.S.- All you need is to take a printscreen of your result and then crop the image to show just the widget. At least that's how I did it! :) I hope this helps!

    1. Thanks, Marsha! With your help and Nami's will figure it out for my next giveaway. I feel so bad that I cannot show the actual result of the winner of my giveaway, but for sure next time...which will be soon, with something different I will follow your method:DDD

  24. Hi Elisabeth, your toast look extremely good. Love your presentation, very pretty. I love your chocolate mousse with kiwi fruit, yum yum
    You're good, always come out with amazing dishes.

    Have a nice weekend.

  25. Szendvics jöhet!! És nagyon jól áll Neked ez a zöld szín :)

  26. Wow, what a colourful toast! Keep the greens coming!! And Paddy's Day is upon us ;-))

    1. Yes, Anazar...St. Paddy's Day is swiftly upon us, and we have huge celebrations here in South Florida, and I will be happily wearing my "green colors" again:DDD

  27. Ez maga az élet, az egészség:) Imádom az ilyen ételeket, már a látvány is mosolyra fakaszt:)Nekem is a zöld és a földszínek a kedvenceim. Érdekes az a kalap, amit viselsz, de nagyonjól áll neked:)Nagyon klassz volt a bevezető, nem is tudtam, hogy az egyiptomiak zölddel húzták ki a szemüket, nagyon érdekes. Az én vacsorám most minden nap zöld, nyersen, nagyon jól is esik:)

    1. Erzsike, pont most rád gondoltam, mert mindig olyan tanulmányos finom ételeket teszel fel a blogodra, és a sütemények is minding nagyon szépek is finomak. Most azért válaszolok itt mert megint befagyott a szeszélyes gépem...sok program van rajta és ki kell sok mident törölni. Nagyon guszta és finom volt a scampi rántottád...amin most törött a fejem hogy bizony ez is angolos szó persze olasz eredetü. Mi shrimp-nek hivjuk! Találtam egy You-Tube videot, de nem tudtam fel tenni a te blogodra most, és itt teszem fel a Scampi-val kapcsolatra!

  28. Elisabeth ez a szendvics nagyon-nagyon guszta, és én most szívesen befalnám. Imádom a zöld színt, és Neked nagyon jól áll az a szép kalap.
    Gratulálok a nyertes, csodaszép az a bonbonier.

  29. Patsy Cline sings "Crazy!" Is that the one you were thinking of....and you are JUST ADORABLE in your green hat...I love green too, blues and favorite colors! What a treat it's been to catch up on your last blog posts. How wonderful Gabby did the "race for the cure"....and your rye bread had me drooling!!!!! I also have to say the strawberry whipped sensation looked just marvelous. I am very proud of you for all you've accomplished with the weight loss this year, and do understand the frustrations with the WW system....just know you are totally equipped with what you need to succeed right there at home. You are such an inspiration, and your delicious meals make me feel so comforted all the way over here.....much love to you today bella, xoxo j

    1. Thank you bella...but I finally figured out the song, after repeating and humming the title. "you may think I'm crazy" is by the Cars, I googled the lyrics too! I do love the blue colors as well, from sky blue to royal, to midnight blue. I just love cobalt blue, especially in glassware, and vases!
      love to you too, bella!

    2. haha i should have paid attention closer, i just focused on "crazy" LOL! you make me laugh. oh we are kindred spirits, i lovvvvvve cobalt blue in glassware and have a very small collection going. BTW, I love the flowers you bought at whole foods....gorgeous! oh, and that quote you left me, "a moment of silence, is like a HOLY STOP." oh bella, I'm gonna be chewing on that one for a while!!! xoxo

  30. Green is my favorite color too! The avocado tomato toasts sounds so yummy and healthy!I love avocado! But my favorite part has to be that Kiwi chocolate mouss, it looks heavenly! And the color is perfect for St Patrick's Day Party!
    P.S You look beautiful in that green hat!

  31. Red is my favorite color, but I've never met a green avocado that I didn't like! This looks so good...and healthy! Hope you're having a great day, sweet Elisabeth!!

    1. Wendy, I knew that your favorite color is red, and your blog also proves it, as well! I also love red, for special occasions, like Christmas, and Valentine's.

      Red is the warmest of all colors. Red is the color most chosen by extroverts and one of the top picks of males. On the negative side red can mean temper or anger. In China, red is the color of prosperity and joy. Brides wear red and front doors are often painted red. Red is Tuesday's color. Red roses symbolize passionate love. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand. Red is the color of Mars. This planet is known as the God of War.
      Red Energy

      Red is associated with fiery heat and warmth. It can also mean danger (burning).

      Red is the color of blood, and as such has strong symbolism as life and vitality. It brings focus to the essence of life and living with emphasis on survival. Red is also the color of passion and lust.

  32. Wow I never knew diet food could look this fantastic!

  33. Green is my second favorite color after blue! But, I love green and everything associated with it, especially food related! That is my kind of sandwich and I would have that for lunch in a nano second;-)

  34. So much to learn about my favorite hue! Thank you for sharing all of these facts. It is making me want to buy some sprouts and cut open my avocado. Thank you for sharing these toasts. They look so very good! I hope you are having a great week. We're gearing up for a busy weekend. Love and hugs.

  35. Lovely vegan sandwich,Elisabeth!Avocado is a great choice in it! XO

  36. Never mind the recipe. I love the story and I LOVE the hat!

  37. Ok, I got it, you just love green lol. The toasts are gorgeous especially their color combinations!

  38. Good Morning Elisabeth,
    Your Vegan Avocado Tomato Toast looks like I need it for lunch. I just love this veggie combination, it looks delicious! Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Miz Helen

  39. These toasts look so tempting and healthy!
    Have a nice weekend!

  40. i'll take 2 for lunch please! i could use some green.

  41. Love these green and healthy toasts! My husband dislikes 'green'...
    You look great with green hat ;-))
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  42. I love open faced sandwiches and this sandwich is perfect for a light lunch at work for me. So I won't feel sleepy. LOL.. Just discovered my mom has some avocado in the fridge. So I just need stock up on some tomatoes and alfa-fa. Btw, I particularly like the photo of you with the green hat. Suits you really well. Enjoy your weekend!! xoxo

  43. Elisabeth, I've missed you! I've been m.i.a. for a while with work related projects and haven't had time to visit. I was so glad to hear from you today and I had to hop right over here and thank you for your loving comments on my posts. As soon as your blog page opened up, that photo of the green and the red popped so beautifully! I love the look of your healthy open faced sandwich and all of your photo's of wonderful green things! The combo of the green avocado and the bright red tomatoes is so inviting. I'm "crazy" about your hat too ;)...Have a beautiful week-end, my friend! xoxo

  44. I am all about the this sandwich, delicious and beautiful!
    And congrats to the winner :)

  45. Everything looks great! The toasts are perfect for a quick lunch! Visiting from greenslove bloghop!

  46. Elizabeth, Forgive me for being so lax in getting around to visiting you this week...I'm still trying to get back to my normal life.
    Loved your post! Your sandwiches look so delicious and I would love to be eating one right now.
    You are not alone in the crazy department...I love buying flowers for myself. And I love Whole Foods...My daughter-in-law's sister calls it "Whole Paycheck"...could be if your not careful!

  47. Your recipes sound wonderful. I just joined your blog. Patsy

  48. What a delish veggie combination! I love your photos! Who knew something so healthy could be so yummy!Thanks for sharing the greenslove!

  49. The Avocado toast is sooo healthy and looks really inviting! I KNOW I will love this! absolute must!
