Saturday, March 10, 2012

Two Black Bean Dishes..."kill two birds with one stone"

I'm so sorry to disappoint all of you with my simple dishes and not making ooey-gooey cupcakes, cakes, and super rich dishes, so I decided at least the things that I do make are healthy, and delicious...that is if you like black beans!
The one thing, or maybe two things you might have noticed since I started my Weight Watchers diet program, is that I'm concentrating more on making things look attractive, and improve on my photos, as well!
Remember that huge container of black beans? well, I made another big pot of black beans from dried black beans.
This first one is a delicious CUBAN BLACK BEANS, and the second one coming up, is my BLACK BEANS PAPAYA SALSA...I decided to "kill two birds with one stone"...I'm sure you've heard the meaning before!
Not my own photo...courtesy of National Geography
Realistically speaking...who would want to kill these beautiful Rainbow bee-eaters? The term killing two birds with one stone is "performing two tasks at the same time" has been mentioned that it originated from the Japanese, the Chinese, the Romans, and from a Greek Mythology! Well, they all can call it their own, but this famous Idiom Definition is referred by Hobbes, in 1841, in England. According to Hobbes, it was to "satisfy two arguments with one answer." It is almost impossible to kill two birds with one stone, unless they are sitting close together as these lovely birds!
My second bean dish is BLACK BEAN PAPAYA SALSA...a very nice, refreshing salsa that is perfect as a side dish with BBQ or just have around as a great snack to satisfy the in-between meals hunger!

Love this refreshing salsa, and so easy to make. I will post both recipes for you, and for the next post I will try to keep it on the sweet side by making a yummy dessert of some sorts!

Cuban Black Beans
adapted slightly from: Everyday Food from the
Kitchens of Martha Stewart Living

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion diced
2 celery stalks diced
2 garlic cloves smashed, and peeled
2 carrots, diced  
1 1/4 teaspoons ground cumin
coarse salt, and ground black pepper
2 lbs dried black beans, soaked according
to package instructions
1 dried bay leaf
1 small bunch cilantro, stems and leaves separated, stems tied together with kitchen twine and leaves reserved

In a large Dutch oven, or a large heavy pot, heat oil over medium. Add onion, celery, and garlic, and cook until onion is softened, about 6 minutes. Add carrots and cumin, and cook until fragrant, 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper.

Add black beans, 8 cups water, bay leaf and cilantro stems and bring to a boil over high. Reduce heat and simmer until beans are tender and liquid is slightly thickened, about 1 1/2 hours. Season with salt and pepper. Remove bay leaf and cilantro stems. (To store, refrigerate up to 5 days or freeze up to 6 months. You will be able to use these beans to make other recipes with it. Makes 7 cups
Points value: 6

Black Bean Papaya Salsa
adapted by: All

2 cups cooked, or canned black beans
2 small, or 1 large papayas peeled seeded
 and diced small
1/2 red bell pepper diced small
3/4 cup pineapple juice
 ( I used 7 1/2 oz can crushed pineapple)
!/2 cup lime juice (4 limes)
(I used 2 limes)
2 Tbsp minced green chile peppers of your choice
( I also used 1/2 of a medium purple onion, diced)

Dice the papaya in small pieces

If your onion is large, just cut in half, wrap the other half and save for next time. Peel and dice in small pieces.

I used green chiles, sliced them with the seeds. You can slice in half, scrape the seeds out, and dice them if you don't want it too spicy.

Clean and slice half of the red bell pepper in thin long slice, and dice the pepper in small pieces.

 Rinse the black bean in cold running water, in a colander.

Chop a handful of fresh cilantro.

Layer all your ingredient in a big bowl. I also used about 2 teaspoon of jalapeno can use red hot sauce if you can't get jalapeno sauce.

With a fork squeeze the lime into the bowl and just turn the fork well with one hand and squeeze with the other to get all the juices in there.

Sprinkle with the chopped cilantro, and stir together gently, and serve...Enjoy!
Points value: 6

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth! Beans are good for health but I have to say I barely eat them, mainly I don't know how to cook them so that they taste good. In Japan we only have a few kinds and it's not too common to eat beans (although we eat tofu almost everyday). I would like to try cooking black bean one day. Colorful dish is very cheerful!

  2. No dissappointment here! I love these healthier dishes, the more the merrier, beans are fantastic source of protein, I am with you all the way!

  3. Egyátalán nem okozol csalódást, imádom az egészséges, diétás ételeidet:) Nálunk inkább a fiúk vannak oda a babért, de ezt a salsa istenien néz ki, papayával nagyon izgalmas lehet, csodásak a képeid is, tele színnel és élettel:)Nagyon szép hétvégét kívánok:)

  4. Ooo ... the salsa looks and sounds super yummy! Trust you to be able to make black beans look so good :)

  5. So pretty! The photographs really tell the story too.


  6. Well I, for one, am excited about these dishes. Black beans are popular in my house. My husband and son love them and they are cheap and nutritious. They're a part of diet and appear at least once a week on the dinner menu. I love your step-by-step photos and the ingredients, which guarantee great flavors. (Note: Following your blog now too and am glad I am!) Buzzing you back too!

  7. Oooey-gooey is always great, but I am loving the emphasis on healthy, colourful foods myself. Both of these salads are gorgeous!!

  8. I adore black beans, as well as both of these recipes! I do not mind the lack of Oooey-gooey in the least :) And the photos are lovely, as well as the presentation!
    Hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

  9. Delicious colorful healthy dishes Elisabeth. Love it.

  10. i loveeeee black beans...and I love everything about your black bean papaya salsa - definitely on my list to try...going to "pin" it now :) p.s. I am going to make your Israeli Couscous tonight with some steak xoxo j

  11. Yum! I love black beans - they are so underused!

  12. I love black beans, finally I found something I love that's good for me,lol! There are plenty of unhealthy recipes out there so I do appreciate your healthy recipe contributions Elisabeth;-)

  13. Healthy and fresh food is wonderful...when I'm not posting, we eat a lot of grilled meats and simple veggie sides. Though you wouldn't know if from most of the food I post on my blog...those are my 2-3 splurges per week for the most part. I'm pinning this how pretty and bright it is!!

  14. I am soooo jealous Elisabeth, I have never seen papaya like that, we just don't get those things here. My mouth is watering I want to have a bite so badly! Your photos are simply amazing, OK I need a new camera but where would I get that bright light? It’s still winter here.

    1. Zsuzsa, most likely you won't see a papaya like that, because these are home grown. My ex-husband has several papaya trees and now is the season for these amazing papayas. They are so sweet, and so perfect. Can't find these particular ones in the supermarkets.
      I get the beautiful bright light in the morning...that is, if we have a sunny morning. This last week or two, it's "hit-and-miss" but I take the photos, when the sun shines through even if for a few minutes$

  15. Gyönyörű színes a babsalátád, nagyon finom lehet, étvágygerjesztő :) A rózsa is csodás, miből "faragtad" ?

    1. Kati, köszönöm! A rózsa nagyon egyszerü. Le hámoztam vékonyan az érett paradicsomot, és fel tekertem...utána, felforditottam a faragott oldalára, igy lett rózsa formája!

  16. These dishes may be simple but look really good!
    Great presentation and colors!

  17. Yum! Anything with black beans is a winner to me, and these recipes and photos are lovely! I particularly like the salsa with the papaya, which is plentiful here. I'll have to try it!

  18. Both of these look yummy...and that top photo is gorgeous!!! Your garnishing is top notch, my friend. And I doubt you'll hear any complaints about posting these wonderful, healthy recipes :) Hope you're enjoying this weekend!!!

  19. I am utterly intrigued by papaya salsa - papayas are close contenders for my favorite ever fruit, and how interesting to combine them with black beans! Must try!

  20. Oh Elisabeth, another beautiful dish!! A rózsa nagyon szépen sikerult. A babsalátádnak örülünk mert ma épp Fajitat csinalunk es ahoz nagyon finom lesz.

  21. Csodálatos színekben pompáznak ezek a remek babételek, gyönyörű fotókat készítettél. Én olyan ritkán főzök babot, pedig szeretjük, lehet ezen változtatnom kellene. Én valahogy napok óta valami finom, krémes süteményre vágytam, így ma bizony sütöttem, és kicsit lazítottam a diétán, de nagyon jólesett. Igaz most lelkiismeret furdalásom van, és reggel félve álok majd rá a mérlegre.:))

  22. this looks so good! Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop linky party. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful week ahead. P.S. The new giveaway started :-)

  23. I am not disappointed Elisabeth , these dishes look great sound delish too , the salsa looks really yummy , gotta try it . Have a great day dear friend :D .

  24. I am on a diet too, so I appreciate any healthy choice I can find. Your salad and salsa look terrific Elizabeth!

  25. Csodás saláta, csodás útmutató az elkészítéséhez. A papaya nagy kedvencem, de ilyen szépet itt ritkán latunk :)
    Tetszenek nagyon a babos ételeid, nekem valahogy még nem honosultak meg igazán, kivéve a zsenge zöldbabot.

  26. Black bean with really unique combination...waiting for the recipe...the pics look great...:-)

  27. Suchi-If you scroll down to the end of the photos...on the left, click on READ MORE and it will bring you to another page where you will find the recipe!

  28. Hi Elisabeth, fantastic recipes with lovely ingredients - so glad you found my blog so that I could find yours! Very happy to follow!
    Mary x

  29. Elizabeth, I love black beans....both of your dishes look so delicious! I make a wonderful black bean salad that I usually make all summer long. Beans are so healthy, too! A favorite in our house!

  30. Elizabeth!
    Nagyon szép,gusztusos friss az üvegtálban szereplők,micsoda színkavalkád,nem baj ha pirítóssal kérem?Én örülök,ha ilyen receptet látok,mert mindenhol csak a sütemények a menők,szinte főételek nem is érdekesek.

  31. Elisabeth,
    I love seeing healthy recipes, especially because my Hubby has had a bypass, so we are always looking for new recipes. i especially like the Black Bean Papaya Salsa. your pictures and food styling are gorgeous!

  32. Elisabeth I did notice how pretty your dishes have full of color. I make black beans a lot and my daughter asks for them often. My husband can take them or leave them. I love Cuban black beans and soup...or just black beans and cilantro rice. It must be healthy like black rice!

  33. Both sound FABULOUS. black bean papaya salsa - that is heavenly right there!!! and i love the healthy eats you got going here :)

    1. Thank you all for your kind, and encouraging comments. I really appreciate it! Since I started my Weight Watchers program, I've become more aware of the wonderful, colorful, and healthy dishes that I've overlooked for a long time...well, not that long; but I'm more aware of the healthy foods, with lots of fresh vegetables, and legumes, also more fresh fruits which we have available here, in South Florida all year round.

      Also, since I'm not making so much desserts, I do tend to focus more on the healthy things that I'm making to make sure they are prepaired right, and to catch the best light to take photos of them. Presentation is very important...not necessary to the point of an extragavanza treatment for example: one food blog where I noticed every food was photographed over an expensive lavish lace table cloth. I love the rustic look these days, which is very popular...but I don't think the rustic slab of bacon is very "cool" thrown unto a lace table cloth next to the every day delicious dish that has the bacon, as the "starring role" in it!

      Also, if you're going to photograph some dish or dessert, I think a change is nice, using a different dish, or plate every now and then. Photographing a "hum drum" dish on a boring simple dish, does not HELP either. I've sort of taught myself to photograph my foods like the pros do it, just by watching different food photos in various books and magazines!
      So, if the food is colorful, it tells you that it's just as good as the color shows it...and by setting it pretty on your plate gives you more incentive to enjoy it, and make the best of it when you photograph it to post on your food blog.

  34. Oh, this sounds healthy & yummy! Sounds like a perfect dish for a hot South Texas day. Thanks for dropping by my blog today:) I appreciate your comments.

  35. Hi Elisabeth, the black bean papaya salad sounds like a perfect summer day meal! Very light, very healthy and yet very filling! We have been enjoying some bright and warm weather here in New York recently, I would love to make this for my friends this weekend! :)

  36. There'll be many takers for these colorful healthy dishes...and yes I noticed too that your photos look really good and fantastic. black or white background is best for projecting photos and all the colors in your dish is like a bright sunny day!

  37. Hi Elisabeth, I don't know how I missed the recipe, really silly of I mentioned love the papaya and bean salsa, bookmarking it...:-)
