Sunday, March 18, 2012

Almond Cookies

I've been down-and-out with the flu for at least one month now, which seemed to have gone after finally 3 weeks, and I was so glad that I finally got a little relief from the sneezing and coughing...then one week ago, I woke up with my throat on fire, sneezing and coughing once more again, this time even worse. I finally gave in and went to see my doctor, and he prescribed antibiotic this time. Finally, I'm getting better now...well enough, that I just had to make something sweet, but not too sweet, so my perfect stand-by Almond Cookies always come to my rescue!
I practically have this simple recipe memorized, but could not find my handwritten recipe from over 20yrs ago, so I had to consult online, only to find the exact recipe that I used to have. Funny...even if I would have found my recipe, there wouldn't be a source on it, which we did not include in the past when we copied recipes by hand.
These lovely light as a "feather" cookies, do not even need baking powder, or baking soda, a light crispiness on the outside, and soft as a "pillow" on the inside. You really do not need to buy a large bag of whole almonds, just get the sliced ones which you can grind in a small processor, and use some sliced ones...I generously sprinkled the top of my cookies just before I baked them.

Almond Cookies
adapted from all

1/2 cup unsalted butter softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup ground almonds
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon pure almond extract
(you can use 2 teaspoons Amaretto liqueur
 instead of the vanilla, and the almond extract)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C)

In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Beat in the extracts, or if you're using Amaretto beat that into the mixture. Beat in half the amount of the ground almond. Gradually mix in the flour and the rest of the ground almonds.

Drop by teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart, on parchment lined baking pan. Bake 5-8 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cookies are lightly colored. Do not bake longer than 8 minutes...they brown very quickly.
Point value: 2 pr. cookie

Serves about 24 cookies. An extremely easy recipe...if you love almonds, you will love these perfect little cookies!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elisabeth, sorry you haven't been feeling well. I love recipes with ground almond. I still have some ground almond from Christmas stashed away in my freezer, I should give these a try. Take care of yourself.

    1. Elisabeth I made these cookies and we cannot stop eating them! They are DELICIOUS!

  2. Nagyon jó kis recept, gyorsan, könnyen elkészíthető és finom!
    Elisabeth, kívánom, hogy mielőbb gyógyulj meg teljesen!

  3. Nagyon finom lehet ez a mandulás süti! Elisabeth gyorsan gyógyulj meg, hisz már itt a tavasz, legalábbis nálunk!

  4. Aww ... sorry to hear you haven't been well, but glad you're much better now.
    I love almond cookies and the sprinkling of the almond flakes on the top ... extra goodness! Extra crunch too!

  5. These look fabulous!! Anything with almonds is ok with me! It’s great to have those “go to” recipes! I will have to give these a try! Feel better soon!

  6. YUM! I'm a huge almond fan, any type of almond cookie is fine by me! These definitely look like they pack a ton of almond flavor. Hope you feel better!

  7. So glad that you are feeling better...cookies always help!!!

  8. elizabeth, i would love to make these gluten free! i love almonds in any form :). actually i've been sick with the flu all weekend, yesterday night was the worst. i hope you are feeling better! also i got your post about the linky tool. strange b/c other people have been able to post more than before. why don't you email me your picture and link and i'll put it up? (

    1. Junia-at this point, don't even give it a thought! Linky Tools must not like me, since I didn't join them when they invited me to join!
      They specifically pointed it out in RED letters letting me know that I already linked up once, so "that was that!"
      Thanks for offering...will link up with the next project...can't wait! Feel better soon:DDD

  9. Sorry you've been sick for so long hopefully the antibiotics take care of it for good. These cookies look and sound yummy. I love almond.

  10. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better now. These look delish :) I love almonds - since I was a child, almond extract has been one of my all-time favourite scents.

  11. Oh no! I hope you'll be back to normal soon! I've been out for half a week now and it's *not* been fun!
    Gorgeous cookies, I adore almonds!

  12. Képzeld el, mi még nem voltunk betegek egyáltalán, talán mert itt olyan hideg van, hogy a vírusok se bírják. Neked jobbulást kívánok:) A mandulás keksz szuper lett, megsütöttem ám a banánkenyeredet muffinak, nagyon finom lett, majd valamikor felkerül a blogra:)

    1. Erzsike, ez az első alkalom több mint egy éve hogy igy lebetegettem. Szinte borzasztó hogy nem tudok ki kabarodni belőle. Itt most minden államban egyforma tavasz idő van mint nálunk...gyönyörü napsütéses. Tegnap délután kint ültem a napon több mint egy óra hosszát beszivni a jó friss levegőt.
      Örvendek hogy sikerült a banán muffinod, a banán kenyér receptjéből!

  13. Oh, these look great. I adore almond cookies. Thanks for the recipe and feel better soon!

  14. Aww how can I not flag these....Elisabeth you should really be living right here, next to me!!! :p

  15. I love anything everything with almonds! These cookies look fantastic!

  16. bella! i'm just catching up on emails today :) and I am so sorry you have been ill, oh dear I do understand and so empathize but am so glad you are feeling better and these cookies look wonderful. I would love to try these, maybe this week? I sure do love almond anything! so true about the written recipes, I have a stack of them and who knows where some of them came from...just passed down over the years...hugs to you bella

  17. Oh no! That must have been awful, glad to hear you're doing better! These cookies do look like little clouds I can imagine the pillowy center! They sound delicious, I really enjoy almond cookies & now I have a great recipe to make them myself! :)

  18. Kedves Elisabeth, minél előbbi gyógyulást kívánok!!! Pihenjél sokat, és reménykedjünk hogy hamarosan teljesen meggyógyulsz.
    Nagyon finom kis süteményt sütöttél, nálunk is nagy kedvenc minden amibe mandula kerül. Kölcsön is kérem a receptedet, és én is megsütöm hamarosan.
    Gyógyulgassál, pihengessél. Puszillak

  19. These look just like cafe' cookies back home in the little Italian bakeries wow just beautiful as I am sure they taste fabulous! These would diffinitely make me stray from my diet!

  20. Hope you're feeling better! One of your almond cookies would make me feel better,lol! I love a simple cookies like these, thanks for remembering one of your favorites and sharing this recipe;-)

  21. I am so glad you are feeling better, Elisabeth!!! These cookies must have done the trick :) Must husband would be ecstatic if I baked these for him. He is a total almond fiend & he would LOVE these... Thanks for your recipe :)

  22. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, hope antibiotics makes you better. By the way Almond cookies looks delicious Elisabeth.

  23. You are right - this recipe is very easy to remember (simple nubmers of amount!) and these cookies look really delicious! I hope to make it with the kids one day. Thank you for sharing your favorite cookie recipe!

  24. these looks delicious! glad you're feeling better - baking usually helps, especially when almonds are involved :)

  25. I am so glad you are feeling better and off the nasty flu. Glad the baking helps too, especially with those delicious almond cookies. I love anything almondy. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I'll be giving this a go sometime.

  26. I do love almonds, and these cookies are gorgeous! I'm so glad you're feeling better- being sick is no fun. I've had that same problem for the last three weeks, and it's comforting to know that it gets better! :)

    1. Thank you Betty, have not seen you posting lately, now I understand why! Sorry that you were sick too for all that length of time too. No fun being sick like this for such a long time, but as you does get better!

  27. I love almond cookies and I love that you added Amaretto as well. Yum!

  28. I can just imagine what your house smelled like while these were baking, yummo!I hope what ever was ailing you has hit the road, thats way too long to be sick.Those cookies will fix you right up, I just know it!

    1. Laurie-every year I get the flu shot, and this year I didn' of course I have no one to blame but myself for getting this awful flu that literally lasted 6 weeks!
      Finally that's the end of that!
      The house certainly smelled so fragrant with the baking of pure almond cookies. So incredible, delicious, and comforting!

  29. Elisabeth!
    Gyors gyógyulást kívánok.
    Nagyon szépet sütöttél, így is ki fogom próbálni, épp most vettem egy üveg Amaretto likőrt:-))KÖszi a receptet:-))

  30. Hey Elisabeth , glad to hear that now you are getting better , cold and flu is so annoying , I hate gong to the doc too , I do lots of home remedies , you can try it too , it really works , if you are interested I can mail you , it works on my kids and me too . These cookies look really great , my hubby would love them . Take care :D.

    1. Shabs-thanks for offering your home remedies, but I would like to put it off hopefully till next year, but for next year I will be sure to get the flu shot that is recommended for everyone to take...the one year I didn't get the flu shot had to be the one that made me so ill for so long.
      Your cupcakes and the amazing whipped frostings are the ones I crave for:DDD

  31. Mmmmm.....almond in cookies?? Yup, that is my favorite kind of cookies. Great recipe! I am glad you are getting/feeling better.

  32. This winter has been terrible too here in Greece. All people were sick with the flu! Hope you are feeling better now and these almond little treats I am sure they will give you the energy and the remedy you want!

  33. Beautiful with the almonds on top, Lizzie! My mom loves almond this would be a perfect treat to take when we next visit my parents :) I hope you're finally feeling normal...this bug has wreaked havoc on you!

  34. Thank you all for your well wishes and caring. This is the worst flu I can remember that I've had in such a long time that came back twice, in a row and lasted this long. When everyone else is sick in your family it's not easy to shake the flu, so we just have to make the best of it and gradually it does get better!

  35. This is really a great recipe! Looks delicious with almonds, my favorite! Will try this recipe with my boys. Thanks for sharing your awesome recipe! Have a lovely day! :)

  36. Am back to congratulate you on getting Top 9 today! I'll bet that'll brighten you up lots! Yay!

    1. Whoops, sorry. Was suppose to tag this onto your ranch style eggs! :D

  37. Hi Elisabeth, sorry I miss out this posting.
    Love your almond cookies, looks very addictive and I like your generous amount of chopped almond. Guess, I will eat non stop if this cookies reach my hand, hahaha

    Have a nice day.
