Thursday, March 15, 2012

Farfalle Pasta with Cream, Salmon, and Peas

I've been making this delicious pasta since the nineties but cannot remember the original source...I just know that it's absolutely divine! The only difference is, that I cut down on the butter and the heavy cream used in this dish to lighten it up a bit. There are other similar pasta dishes out there but with the smoked salmon, instead of the fresh and they don't use the petite frozen peas, or garnish it with dill. The fresh salmon gives it a lighter taste where you don't get that "smoky" aftertaste from the smoked salmon.
This beautiful dish represent Spring, it is also linked to #greenslove @ Mis Pensamientos and will be honoring St. Patrick's Day...although it's far from being an Irish dish, but at least it's green!

Farfalle Pasta with Cream, Salmon, and Peas
my own creation

12 ounces  (1 1/2 pound) Farfalle Pasta
1 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 shallot chopped
1/4 cup dry white wine
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
juice of one fresh lemon
1/2 pound fresh salmon with skin on
2 Tbsp. sliced thin scallions (green part only)
2 Tbsp. fresh dill snipped with kitchen shears
sea salt, and freshly ground pepper

Boil pasta in a large pot, less than al-dente. Drain pasta, reserving 1/2 cup. In a large wok or skillet, saute shallots till soft and wilted. Add the wine and cook down until almost evaporated. Add cream, and bring to a boil.Add the peas, and just let it cook for a minute or two in the cream. In the meantime bake, or cook in a skillet the salmon piece adding the 1 Tbsp olive oil and sprinkle a little sea salt, and freshly ground pepper.Cook for about 8 minutes (will be cooking for an addition 2 minutes combined in the pasta)

Add pasta to cream mixture, along with the lemon juice, lemon zest. With a fork flake the salmon in small pieces off from the skin, and add to the pasta mixture. Add the scallions, 1 Tbsp. of the fresh dill, and add the reserved pasta water, if needed. Adjust the seasoning with sea salt and pepper.You can also drizzle a little bit of the extra virgin olive oil on top.
Serves 4

May you always have walls for the winds,
a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,
laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
and all your heart might desire.
`Irish Blessing
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Awesome dish... I love pasta and this one promises flavours and happiness..:)

    1. Thanks, it is for sure a happy pasta, light, and refreshing with all the fresh flavors.

  2. Nagyon guszta a tésztád! Mindig olyan szépen tálalod, hogy megjön az ember étvágya :)

  3. Hát ez tényleg gyorsan elkészíthető, nagyszerű étel!
    Imádom a kapros ételeket.

  4. First pic is very appealing, nice recipe.

  5. I love salmon, I looooove Spring!!

  6. This looks super your photos are mouth watering!

  7. What a bright, gorgeous, fresh looking plate! Just beautiful... and i bet it tastes every bit as delicious... Great post, and gorgeous pictures, Elisabeth! Loved this one :)

  8. What a lovely dish to celebrate St Patrick's Day with :-) Love the photos...they are looking really nice...never thought I would call pasta pretty but that is exactly what it is looking :-)

    1. Suchi-every photo of your post is such a "feast for the eyes"...especially the chocolate orange tart on your latest post!

  9. This looks so spring like and festive..perfect for a meat free Friday!!!

  10. Hi Elisabeth, wow... your pasta look delicious and so tempting. Lovely photo, the color look so nice.

    Have a nice weekend.

  11. I love pasta and salmon! They make such a perfect combination! Your pasta looks very colorful Elizabeth!

  12. My husband would love the salmon in your pasta! This is such a pretty pasta dish and just perfect to celebrate Saint Patty's day! Enjoy your weekend Elisabeth;-)

  13. Csodás színkavalkád, és a lazac a kedvencem:) Nem lehet vele betelni. Ezt a masni tésztát szeretem talán legjobban, olyan jól néz ki:) Szép hétvégét neked:)

  14. Elisabeth ez a tészta gyönyörűségesen szép, és mennyei finom lehet. Imádom minden hozzávalóját, így igen csak kedvemre való. Látom te is használod a bort főzéshez, nekem is nagy kedvencem. Sokan félnek tőle, pedig főzés közben az alkohol tartalma elpárolog, és csak a finom zamata marad meg. Most éppen korog a gyomrom, így jó nagyokat nyelek, és nézegetem még egy kicsit ezt a finom tésztát.:)

  15. This dish looks great! I make a similar dish with bacon and all the same ingredients except dill. I will have to give this a try. :)

  16. that's such a cute irish blessing....and this pasta....yes, spring! It looks so fresh and light, I would like to try this soon...I completely devoured the last batch of your Israeli Couscous salad that I made earlier this's such a wonderful garnish in a pita with meat and feta!!!! have a wonderful sun shiney weekend

  17. Delicious love that green peas, making it really cute and apt for St. Patrick day.

  18. Gorgeous pic of a gorgeous dish, Elisabeth. I do have some smoked salmon sitting in my fridge .... this would be perfect. Now to get me some dill. Happy St Patty's Day! and a great weekend!

  19. A make a very similar dish, without the peas though, beautiful recipe!

  20. I love pasta salads! I've never thought to include salmon though - I'll be giving this one a try. The peas really add a lot visually. Happy St. Paddy's Day :)

  21. Great St. Paddy's pasta salad! Looks delicious :)


  22. This looks great Elisabeth. I like those successful dishes that you just go to all the time...tried and true, and delicious! I often get more salmon when I make it for dinner so I can have leftovers for lunch the next day. This would be perfect. I usually lighten up recipes anyway, again, this is perfect!


  23. This dish sounds really good! I love the combination!

  24. Greetings, This is my first visit to your site. Your photos are beautiful, and your info is terrific. And this pasta looks fantastic, just the thing for a weeknight supper. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hi Adri-sad to say, but your spam detection is not letting me thru!
      According to the letter verification...I "failed the test, three times" Also your comment section mentions it as "conversation" so that kind of threw me off as well!
      You have a lovely blog, gorgeous photos...and amazing recipes:DDD

  25. wow Eli, I want to lick the screen!!
    This pasta with salmon and peas look out of this world delicious!

  26. Oh, how I love this and wish I could have it right now. Gorgeous. Looks like spring. It's pinned!

  27. Oh, this looks fabulous, Lizzie! I'm going to have to make this for Tom...he had a similar dish in Rome but my recreation fell short. Yours is beautiful. I'm so, so sorry sorry both you and Lora are sick (and that she missed the food blogger festival)...ugh. Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly! xoxo

  28. Elizabeth, What a delicious looking meal! I would love to be sitting down to this tonight…gorgeous! Feel better soon!

  29. Hi, about how many peas do you use (they are not listed in ingredients) I can guess though! This will be dinner tonight. Thanks!
