Monday, April 30, 2012

Coconut Macaroons

To Guest Post? or not...That is the Question! Coconut Macaroons have been around for a long time; just don't confuse it with the Macarons...which is the French version of the beautiful egg whites, piped in a perfect circle, and sandwiched with another with so many different kinds of delicate and yummy fillings.
I remember well, making these easy amazing coconut cookies in the seventies, but flattening them down, and placing a bright red or green glazed cherry on each of the macaroons just for the Christmas holidays. Now, they are more fashionable, leaving them in their natural state, piled high, and just a light thin drizzle of melted down chocolate glaze.

Now, I've gotten away from the subject that I wanted to cover. I did not make these macaroons just now...not even recently. I made these just 2 days before I got my hands injured...exactly 2 weeks ago to use for a guest post...which took a different route. As you can see, this is my own guest post...and I'm the guest poster for myself!
In the nearly 2 years that I have been food blogging, I have made so many friends, through my blog, but mostly through the Foodbuzz community, which is so amazing! We all share the same mutual interest; which is FOOD!
Actually, even if it's not about food, but a different interest, we still end up celebrating an event with great food!

I do think it's a nice idea to guest post for a fellow blogger friend if the friend is in "need" case of vacation, an illness, or some other reason, perhaps wanting to take a break, but whichever the reasons are, it's always an honor for both parties involved...sometimes things change, and you end up keeping your own guest post, so you might as well make the best of it...and honor "yourself"...after all, you deserve the honor!

Coconut Macaroons

adapted from

1- 14 oz. package sweetened flaked coconut

2/3 cup sugar

6 Tbsp. all-purp flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

4 egg whites

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

2 Tbsp. canola, or vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, stir together coconut, sugar, flour and salt. In a medium bowl, beat the egg whites with

the vanilla extract, until soft peaks form. With a spatula, fold the egg whites into the coconut mixture, making

sure that all has been distributed into it, evenly.

With a small teaspoon drop cookies generously filling up the spoon, keeping them 2 inches apart. Mound cookies higher with your fingers so they don't look matted down.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes till edges are golden and cookies are set. Top and sided of cookies should be slightly golden, as well.

Melt chocolate chips with oil, in a medium microwavable dish, for about 60 seconds. Take it out, and stir to make it smooth. (if not smooth enough, nuke for an additional 10 seconds longer)

Drizzle over cookies. Refrigerate 1 hour before serving.

Makes 24 cookies

Note: The best thing to use, and it's my tip a small, or medium plastic bottle with a small tip. (it's a clear plastic bottle used for sweet dessert decorations.) Use a funnel to spoon chocolate into it.

You can also use a small teaspoon to drizzle, or cut a tip on a corner of a plastic baggie (but in this case, it's a bit messy, and bag collapses)

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  1. I ADORE macaroons...and chocolate just takes them over the top! Nice job! Wonder if white chocolate would be nice to use too? Hmmm...hope your hand is feeling bette!!!

    1. Wendy-of course, you can use white chocolate, but in this case, I would use cocoa powder in the coconut macaroon recipe to make it dark, and chocolaty! Thanks I'm feeling much better now, and all healed!

  2. I love coconut. These looks absolutely divine.

  3. Awww .... I should be the one who's deeply honored. Thank you for the effort. I would have posted both yours and Veronica's macaroons together, showing how one recipe can produce two very beautiful but different results. But when you told me about your injured hands, I knew you'd need this more than I did.
    Beautifully made and photographed, Elisabeth. I do love the browned bits at the edges! Yum!

    1. Ping-not to worry, my "intended guest post" worked out well, by keeping it, since you told me Veronica posted the same thing! It worked out the way it was meant to be. Thank you for being so considerate, actually I did need it more than you at this time!
      It's always an honor to help out a friend, and to be there for each other!

  4. I am addicted to these macaroons. Love it. You are great friend no doubt about that.

  5. Macaront még nem sütöttem, de a tiéd nagyon tetszik!

  6. These look just amazing! I love the idea of coconut macarons!

  7. I love coconut macaroons, my mum used to make these, I can't think why I haven't. The choccy drizzle icing is inspired and they look so pretty :)

  8. oooo, these look so yummy, you know I always make these only at Christmas, how silly, I think I will today! Thankyou for sharing this wonderful recipe and the chocolate is wonderful drizzled on like that, looks beautiful

    1. Laurie-that's exactly what I've been doing; just making them at Christmas. It's so easy to make these, and you don't have to make the full recipe at the other half for another day, just wrap it up in plastic wrap; keeps in the fridge very nicely for up to 1 week!

  9. Those cute looking macaroons looks damn attractive and addictive..

  10. Yum...What is it about chewy cookies?

  11. Gyönyörűek lettek a kókuszos finomságaid!

  12. These look scrumpticious!
    i gained 4 pounds on vacation saving this recipe for my victory of removing the last binge of foods.. but these will be well worth it!

    1. Claudia-I tried to comment on your blog yesterday; your marinades are so amazing, and my computer kept freezing up. I even had to upload my post from my daughter's computer...that's how bad it was.
      Could not find the darned Defrag program in my files. Had to start from "scratch!"

      Instructions: how to DISK DEFRAG
      If anyone has the same's what to do!

  13. Oh, how I love these!!! They remind me of Christmas, too...and yours are perfectly done, Lizzie! How nice of you to guest post for yourself ;)

  14. I actually prefer macaroons to macarons. These look stunning.
    Thanks, Eli, for pointing out the typo on my post. I shall triple-check it next time or write the post when I am totally AWAKE. ;-))

  15. we ate last 2 days such cakes but from a market, I must try to make mine own version:)
    Yours indeed looks very fashionable!

    Life and travelling

  16. Angie-I did not intentionally point it out to you...LOL this time I actually thought there was such a word, without the "s"...silly me! Usually, I would let you, or the person know; I find so many of my own typos, and have to keep going back to correct them! At any rate, your tart/crostata is amazing, as everything else you make:DDD

  17. Elisabeth,
    Your coconut macaroons are the prettiest I've ever seen with the finely drizzled chocolate and no cherries. Beautiful and tasty :D

  18. Nagyon finom lehet,emlékszem kókusz csókokra valamikor.Örülök,hogy a kezed javul teljesen!:):):)

  19. Hi sweet friend.Could thes look any better? I'm sorry I've been absent around here. I've been so busy with end of semester work. I hope you are doing well. As always, I'm so happy to visit your beautiful blog. Thank you again for sharing this piece of deliciousness, and I hope your hand is feeling much better!

  20. Nothing beats this classic :) Love the chocolate drizzle!

  21. I love coconut macaroon, and yet have to make them...I like the chocolate drizzle, it sure give an extra taste and look awesome.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week Elisabeth :)

  22. These look absolutely delicious! I can't believe I have never made macaroons! I'm drooling over here :p

  23. These look amazing. I agree it is amazing how many people Foodbuzz and our mutual love of all things delicious have been brought together. I hope your hands are ok

  24. I'm a bit shocked to find out that my favorite coconut macaroons are quite easy to make! Really? I will have to try this recipe. I buy these all the time. I know it's shame on me~~~. Thanks for sharing the recipe Elisabeth. Hope all is well with you. Thinking of you!

  25. Csodásak a kis kókusz habcsókok! Macaron-t még sosem készítettem, csak sima meringue-t a Pavlovához.
    Azt is ki kellene 1x próbálni :)

  26. Elizabeth, Your coconut macaroons look amazing….so perfect for a coconut lover like me. Love the chocolate drizzle on them…Lovely!
    Hope your doing well and hope your hands are healing up! So crazy how quickly things can turn! Feel better!

  27. I love Coconut Macaroons ! Yours look so yummy, they look light, fluffy and sweet, the kind that would melt on your tongue! mmmmmmm :-) Hope your are feeling better! Carmen x

  28. Oh these looks such a delicious treat! so wonderful with the drizzled chocolate - scrumptious recipe!
    Mary x

  29. Hi Elisabeth,
    I had quite a lot to catch up.
    So sorry to hear about your cat and your hands. Hope your feeling better.
    We had two cats and out vet asked to put them down since both of them developed cancer. We thought about the decision for quite a while and finally gave in. The day before the scheduled day, we found both dead :( God made His will.

    I love coconut and chocolate. Wish I could grab one of your macaroons right now

    1. Roxana-I'm so sorry you had to go through such a sad event with your cats. My Prince has had thyroid problem for the last two years, and he is losing weight; on the opposite side, other cats gain weight!

      So nice to hear from you, and will check out your latest post!

  30. Elisabeth, your macaroons look very pretty. I like the way you drizzle the chocolate. I must do that the next time I make them. I hope you hands are okay now. XOXO

  31. Hi there Elisabeth, I'm new here and came via Quay Po Cooks blog site. Those macaroons - they look like a work of art!

  32. Elisabeth,
    So nice that you could honor yourself with a 'guest post," I remember the macaroons with the red and green cherries, but I will have to try your updated version.

    Hope that your hand is better!


    1. Becky, I'm so happy to see your comment...knowing what a difficult time you have at this time, losing your dad!

      I still like to make the macaroons with the red and green cherries...although those cherries have become so very expensive, I just stick to one color!

  33. Elisabeth, these macaroons are my favorite, and I am with Nami (of course we are both non-bakers) I didn't realize they were so easy to make. I would rather just grab one off the plate. :D Such a nice guest post, I wish i could have it :D. I have always been on the fence about guest posting. I love to see them and to find out about blogs that are new to me. But i would feel terrified to guest post on someone else's blog, and I really never thought to ask anyone if they would like to guest post on mine! This one would actually be good for mine since I don't bake that much! I wouldn't even know how to set it up! Okay now I'm really showing my novice-ness, and I should really slim down my comment, but I'm not! hehehe! I really do love these morsels of goodness!

  34. Hi Elisabeth, your macaroons look awesome. I've not bake this but your recipe sure look easy to follow. I add this to my to do list, will give it a try later.

    I love the chocolate drizzle, yum yummm...

    Have a great week ahead, my dear and take care. My warm regards to you *hugs*

  35. Csábító falatkák. Jól néznek ki a csokicsíkokkal. :)
