Friday, April 27, 2012

Stracciatella=Italian Egg Drop Soup

Don't you agree about the pretty gold and brown colors on that pretty soup, or caffe latte mug?...well, it's a thrift find! I purchased a set of two @ Goodwill, for a $1.49 each. The bottom matching gold plate is a dinner plate...also a "thrift find" (made in Portugal)... from several months ago, is a perfect match for the mug. Definitely a "decco" mug, from the 1950's perhaps; judging from the design.
I'm still not back into full action; as far as cooking or baking, but I could not resist making this super-easy soup, since I have so much eggs left over that has to be used up before the expiration date...but even after the date on the egg carton expires, you can still use it for at least 1 week!
I'm feeling much better now; and Prince is still around...not wanting to leave my side. Infection is almost all cleared up now. I am so grateful to all of you who commented, wishing me a speedy recovery, and expressing your concern for my sweet kittty Prince, who is going to leave soon...on to "kitty heaven"
A huge thanks for my dear friend Lizzy, and also to daughter Lora, who is so caught up with her work, the children, and her own food, perfecting her focaccias! (still waiting for her guest post...end of the week.)
The recipe for the Stracciatella, is a very easy one, and it works really well when you need a light but super easy comfort soup, especially good curing a cold, as well! I just have this memorized, but you can change this around for the way you would like it!

Stracciatella=Italian Egg Drop Soup
my adaptation from the original source

1- 32 oz carton of chicken, or vegetable broth
or 2-15 oz. cans of chicken, or vegetable broth
1 Tbsp. of chicken, or vegetable bullion paste,
added to 1 cup of hot water
1 bunch of fresh parsley, chopped, and divided in half
a dash of chile pepper flakes
2 to 4 eggs, beaten, with half of the chopped parsley
1/2 cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano chees, grated

In a medium saucepan, heat the chicken broth, add the 1 cup of the water with the bullion paste, and heat to a boil. When it comes to a boil, whisk in the eggs, with a fork in a streamline, slowly, so that the eggs fall down into the broth  and form strands. (do not add the eggs all at once)'s important to use a fork, that is easier to stream into the liquid. Add half of the grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, the chile pepper flakes (optional)...and add the other half of the chopped parsley, and it's ready within a few minutes of simmering, slowly.
Serve with the additional half of the grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and add a little more chopped parsley, for garnish.

Note: you can also add fresh spinach into the simmering broth, for color, and flavor...then, you can omit the parsley!

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again for your kindness and support!
Elisabeth...a.k.a. Lizzie

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  1. The soup looks yummy in that pretty cup and saucer:)
    I order egg drop soup when I go P.F Chang's restaurant in Seattle.

  2. That's a real comforting soup. We have our Asian version as well, sometimes with some mint leaves thrown in. I'm so glad to hear you're doing better altho so very sad to hear of Prince going off to cat heaven. Not to worry, my little Pretzel (an orange tabby) will be there to keep him company. Take care, dear friend.

  3. I agree, the mug is really nice and fits well with the soup:)

    Life and travelling

  4. I've heard of this soup - but never made it - it looks wonderful - this could be dinner!!
    mary x

  5. A levesed és a bögre is nagyon szép.

  6. Hi Elisabeth, glad to hear that you're recovering.
    Your soup look really good and appetizing. Very pretty presentation too.
    The mug and plate is really beautiful. Love the design on the mug, very unique.

    Have a nice weekend, take care my dear. *hugs*

  7. the mug and plate are the perfect colors to enhance this lovely soup, make s it look even more delicous

  8. I'm so glad you're feeling up to making a simple meal. This looks delicious...and perfect for a cold spring day like we're having. It was my pleasure to help you out, my friend! xo

  9. Lovely mug and plate and soup and Elisabeth!

    I've heard egg drop soups are a breeze and delicious!

    Will be trying out soon!

  10. Elizabeth, So glad your doing better! Love your thrift find…I’m always drawn to pretty or unusual cups and plates! I have found some that I just love! What a great quick recipe for a delicious looking soup! Have a great weekend!

  11. A great use for eggs. I love this soup, but it's been such a long time since I've made it. High time! Glad to hear that you're feeling up to this.

  12. I I love this fixes anything!!!

  13. Super tempting and definitely a comforting soup..glad u r doing better..

  14. Wow, that soup looks so comforting and delicious! Love it!

  15. Szuper a tányér is, a bögre is, igazi retro:) Jó kis könnyű leves ez, én mindenképpen megbolondítanám egy kis spenóttal, mert nagyon szeretem. Örülök, hogy már sokkal jobban vagy és főzőcskézni is van kedved:) Gyönyörű hétvégét kívánok Neked:)

  16. My hubby loves egg drop soup. I need to try this one. Your cup looks nice, some time we can find treasure from thrift stores. Hope you are getting better.

  17. What a comforting soup to have! I do the same way to my left over egg, too. It's sad to know that Prince is leaving soon and take care!

  18. Mmmmmm , yummy soup Elisabeth . So glad to hear that you are getting g better :) . Looking forward to your lovely recipes . Take care dear friend :) .

  19. A bögre, a tányér és a leves remek együttest alkotnak!

  20. This reminds me of Chinese egg drop soup...fresh, light and delightful for any meal!
    Love your serving cup too.
    Have a relaxing and cooking/baking free weekend!

  21. Finom levest rittyentettél! Szép hétvégét. :)))

  22. Oh that looks so delicious and the parsley floating on top makes me just want to grab the cup. Your cups and saucers are lovely and a great find.
    It's definitely the time to save wherever I can.
    I love this recipe, seems quick and tasty and soothing.
    I'm glad you're doing better :)

  23. This looks so tasty! I love anything soup, and the presentation is excellent. So much love for this post, got to make this soon!

  24. Oh Dear, that is a perfect soup! Love the colors, you are totally right about it! Your Goodwill has some selection of kitchen stuff! :)
    Take care Elisabeth, hope everything and everyone is getting better.

  25. I glad to hear that you are doing better. The soups sounds delicious. I have never had egg drop soup, but after reading this I know I will be making it soon.

  26. Elizabeth nagyon örülök hogy jobban vagy!!! Csodaszép a bögre, és olyan jól mutat benne az a finom leves. Szeretem a tojásos levest, így elfogom készíteni a Te recepted alapján is. Vigyázz magadra, és ne erőltessed a kezeidet. Puszillak

  27. Those cups are so to get in a mood of thrift finds! I love egg drop soup, and yours look like a keeper. Will try it one of these days for sure! Have a lovely day honey!

  28. Elisabeth, this is definitely the kind of soup that I will make over and over again. I like how you serve this with a cup and that is a beautiful set of cup and saucer. Love it.

  29. This soup sounds really good! I love the serving cups!

  30. Elisabeth, I wanted to let you know that I made this soup this weekend. I loved it. It was really delicious.

  31. One of my favorite soup. You've just brought back childhood memories, I love the egg drop soups my mom use to make for me.


  32. This looks like a nice hearty soup to me, it may be light, but I'll bet it;s very satisfying!

    Good to hear you are on the mend, good to hear Prince is still eating...that was one of the signs we had to really make a decision about Tucker, when he stopped eating! He would of been 16 on the May 10th.

    Sorry I have not been around much. It is such a struggle for me to even post. I am waiting to get a new computer. It takes me about half a day to do what is should take me a half hour to do. Now I have to wait to use my husbands computer on Sundays when he has it at home and is not using it. I will try to keep up with you, hurt hands and all you are way better than me! :) I should be around a lot this summer...I don't think I got summer school, so I'll have the summer off.
