Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Raspberry Streusel Bars...and a Guest Post

First things first...I would like to thank all of you for your kind comforting, and encouraging words regarding my cat Prince, and my injured hands...which is a whole lot better now. It's healing very nicely, and as for Prince, we're taking one day at a time. As long as he is eating (even though, thin and frail)...his spirits are good, and he can pretty much get around  with minimal vision. He's alert, and sweet as he has always been, but we both know his time is nearing and I have to say good-by to him!
I am so blessed to have such nice friends that I met through blogging...truly caring, and loving dear friends. It's as if I've know them in person, already!
I am so thrilled to have my friend Lizzy from That Skinny Chick can bake...offering to help me out to guest post...oh, I did mention that my daughter Lora will do the guest post, and then Lizzy, but we had to switch it since Lora wasn't quite ready with hers yet!

Well, it turned out even better, not realizing at first that this is my very first guest post on my blog, and my blog is nearing two years soon!
So let's bring out the bubbly, and celebrate Lizzy for my very special honor for her first guest post on my blog!
Thank you Lizzy, I'm truly honored!

Lizzy, is an amazing baker...every fabulous cake and dessert recipe is down to a "science," so precise, and accurate. She is a super kind, and wonderful person. She will be the first one to offer help when someone needs it. When you check her blog, every recipe is "tried and true"...just like one of those TEST KITCHENS where day test each recipe. You can feel rest assured that when you try out one of her recipes, that you will be so pleased and will always remember where the recipe came from. I told her in the past, that I already started a folder, just from her recipes.

She will tell you how we met for the first time, the two friends...one Lizzy, and the other Lizzie (that's me)

I am thrilled and honored to be guest posting here on Food and Thrift for one of my dearest blogger friends.
Lizzie joined Foodbuzz, a huge food blogger community, one month before I did…and was the first to befriend me and show me the ropes.  As my other Foodbuzz friends know, there is a huge learning curve….and Lizzie offered me tips and words of support and advice. Plus, she confided that she also had the same nickname, just spelled with an “IE” instead of a “Y.” We bonded immediately.

So when I heard that she had injured BOTH hands and was unable to cook (a food blogger’s nightmare!), I offered to guest post for her. I know she would do the same for me…she’s just that kind of gal. I baked these raspberry bars for a recent bridal shower and am delighted to share them all with all the Food and Thrift fans while Elisabeth recuperates.
Heal quickly, my friend! xoxo

When I prepare for a dessert buffet, I make sure certain categories are covered: chocolate, lemon, cheesecake AND something fruity. Cook's Illustrated does a wonderful job offering fool proof recipes...with detailed instructions...so when I came across these bars, I knew they would be perfect for the shower.

These were easy to whip up...and after finishing up a much more time consuming recipe for cheesecake pops, that was truly a blessing. I only had time to snap a couple quick photos, but I guarantee that raspberry fans will love these!

Raspberry Streusel Bars~

Adapted from Cook's Illustrated

2 1/2 cups flour
2/3 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt
16 tablespoons (2 sticks plus 2 tablespoons butter 1/2-inch pieces, at room temperature
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup quick oats
1/2 cup pecans, finely chopped
3/4 cup raspberry preserves
3/4 cup fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 375º. Line a 9 x 13-inch pan with non-stick foil so it hangs over the edges. Or use regular foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray.

Using mixer, combine the flour, sugar and salt at low speed to combine, about 5 seconds. With the machine on low, add 1 cup (2 sticks) of the butter, 1 piece at a time, then continue mixing on low for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

Reserve 1 1/4 cups of the flour
sugar and salt at low speed to combine, about 5 seconds. With the machine on low, add 1 cup (2 sticks) of the butter, 1 piece at a time, then continue mixing on low for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

Reserve 1 1/4 cups of the flour mixture and set aside.  Evenly pat the remaining flour mixture in the bottom of the prepared baking pan. Bake until the edges begin to brown, 14 to 18 minutes. Leave oven on.

While the crust is baking, add the brown sugar, oats and pecans to the reserved flour mixture and mix to combine. Using your fingers pinch the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter into the flour and oat mixture until the butter is fully incorporated. Pinch the mixture with fingers to create small clumps; set streusel aside.

Mix preserves, raspberries, and lemon juice in a small bowl, mashing the berries into small pieces.

Using a spatula, spread the filling evenly over the hot crust, then sprinkle the streusel topping evenly over the filling without pressing down on it. Bake 22 to 25 minutes till topping is lightly browned and filling is bubbling.. Cool to room temperature on a wire rack, 1 to 2 hours; remove from the baking pan by lifting the overhanging foil. Cut into squares and serve.

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  1. The raspberry bars look amazing. Delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Elisabeth, so glad to hear you're getting better. Wish you speedy recovery, take care, my dear!

    Congratulation on your 1st guest post. The Raspberry bars certainly look awesome. Lovely presentation and beautiful photos too.

    Hi Lizzy,thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe, it look really good.

    Have a great week ahead.

  3. Omg, wat an incredible raspberry streusel bars,i dont mind having some..

  4. This looks like such a delicious recipe! I think my whole family would LOVE this recipe. :)

  5. Hi Elisabeth! I am so sorry to hear about your injury and Prince. I'll check out missed posts to read more details on that. I just hopped over from Lizzy's site. I loved reading your story about your friendship to each other. :-)

  6. Finomnak néznek ki ezek a sütikék:)

  7. (((HUG))) Get well soon, my dear. And thanks sweet Lizzy, sharing those gorgeous bars with us.
    Meow..Prince, and do keep purrrrring...


  8. Thank you SO much for the kind introduction! It such an honor to be your first guest poster! Hope your hands are feeling better each day and that sweet Prince continues to hang in there. It's tough to watch our dear pets age.

  9. It's great to see Lizzy guest-posting! The bars look amazing - must try! I am so sorry about your kitty. I can imagine it is hard to say good-bye...

  10. Hűha! Szépséges, mi még csak várunk a finom málnára :)

  11. Great guest post. Feel better soon, Lizzy!

  12. Look like I missed about hand injury. Hope Lizzy is feeling better now. Great post Elisabeth, you are always true friend happy to have you.

  13. The raspberry bars are wonderful, (Cook's Illustrated is one of my all-time favorite sources), Lizzy is great, and I sure hope you're mending well!

  14. Elizabeth!
    Most értem ide, nagyon remélem már minden rendben van a kezeddel,és maradéktalanul rendbe jössz!!!Szeretettel gondolok Rád!!!

  15. Greetings to Lizzy and Lizzie.
    I wish you a speedy recovery and glad to hear Prince is eating well.
    The strawberry bars look and sound delicious and thanks for sharing the story of your friendship :)

  16. lizzy is awesome! she's so sweet. good to know that cook's illustrated has fool proof recipes.

    hope you are doing well, elizabeth! hugs.

  17. hi elisabeth, i just read your previous posting and glad to know that your hands are getting much better. i can understand how you feel when you talk about putting Prince to sleep, it's not an easy thing to do but you're right, just take one day at a time and see how it goes.

    hi lizzy, I love streusels and these bars look wonderful! i'm sure it will be a hit if i make them for my friends.

  18. Ilyenkor friss málna, ez nagyon finom lehet ....

  19. The bars look awesome, just came from Lizzie blog...nice meeting you Elisabeth, you have an awesome blog :)

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about your hand injuries - I hope the recovery is speedy. And I'm so glad to see Lizzy guest posting - I'm new to your blog but it's a pleasure to meet you and I'm now subscribed so I can keep up. You're so right about Lizzy too - all of her recipes leave me drooling for more...

  21. Hey sweetie these are amazing as you are.. hope your feeling better and your in my prayers for strength everyday for your precious prince... talk to you soon ... off to Arizona a few days be back next week.. xo take care

  22. Hi Elizabeth, Hope your doing better! You are in my thoughts and prayers. How nice that Lizzy is doing your guest post! These bars look wonderfully yummy! Perfect for a Shower!

  23. You both are such a good cooks and great bloggers! Elizabeth, I wish you to get better soon... Sending your way a big warm hug...

  24. Haven't been here for so long. I'm sorry to know (from Lizzy's site) about what happened to your hands, Elisabeth! Hope they're getting better.

    Perfect guest post from Lizzy, btw. She and her recipes are always awesome!

  25. Oh no, I hope you and Price heal quickly my dear. These bars look incredible. They would go well with this coffee right now. I wish we were all neighbors and could have a treat share thing going on!

    Happy Thursday! I hope you have a good rest of the week.

  26. Mielőbbi gyógyulást!!!!!!! Ennyi ember figyelme és szeretete kell hogy segítsen! :) Finom az a málnás, nálunk még nem terem, csak a fagyasztóban! :D

  27. Thank you all, for you kind, and caring comments. I truly feel blessed, to have you all as food, and other blogger friends; perhaps, we can meet in person one day with some of you, as I have met sweet Nami, from,
    Just One Cookbook!

    I will comment back to all, today...some, I have already commented!
    It's such a joy, to open my blog, and see all the loving, and caring comments:DDD

  28. I love raspbery and these bars are great! Nice to have such good friends.

    I wish I could meet some of you bloggers in person, such a joy to hear of others who have!
