Thursday, April 19, 2012

Feta Cheese LOVE...and taking a short break!

Tomato, feta cheese, fresh mint, and red onion salad with lemon, and white wine vinaigrette
Tri-color tortellini salad with feta cheese, and Greek olives and white wine vinaigrette
Since I have a blog about "food" which naturally is a food blog, also I do have it listed as "thrift"...previously "finds" as well. I still find fabulous thrift finds...just when I happen to walk into Goodwill and something will just "pop" out to greet me, but my main focus still is FOOD and being THRIFTY!

As you have seen my Spanakopita in my previous post, I used the same feta cheese in two of these dishes, as well!
At Costco, or another food club, you can purchase the same amazing Greek feta cheese...not the pre-crumbled kind, but in one solid block, which stays moist, and you can dice it, or crumble it yourself. For a 2.65lb. of Greek Feta Cheese, I paid a little over $10. ...prepared 3 different kinds of dishes with it, and I still have enough to use for a beautiful Greek salad. So actually, you have enough for 4 different kinds of things to use it in...which is about $2.50 pr each dish, that serves up to 6 to 8 servings. What a fabulous DEAL!

So now, I would like to let you in on a "little secret" that I wasn't going to mention...but then again, I'm back in the same situation as in my last mention on my blog, about the "posting".
Although, I do have a GUEST POST ready for my dear friend, Ping @ Ping'sPickings, which I successfully have made just about a day or two before I had this accident on both hands that will be preventing me from blogging....(sure, sure, excuses, excuses! LOL)

Some of you, who doesn't know about my beautiful kitty named Prince, is nearly 20 years old now...we're just calculating the age from the time my daughter Lora found him at her doorstep crying, about 17, or 18 yrs ago at her apartment door (close to her college she was attending) He was left behind by the previous owner still with the tag on his neck...owner moved, and I think Prince just did not want to leave his premises. Apparently he was well known in the area by the people, and the neighborhood cats that were all his buddies, hanging around the plush Key West style area at the N. area of the Palm Beaches.

The photo on the right...Prince from 1998, when I adopted him from Lora, since she was living in Italy at the time. He is a pure breed Main Coon...tall, about 11 lbs, with gorgeous shimmering soft white-and-black hair, and bushy long tails. The most handsome male cat you've ever seen. So sweet, and gentle, as well.

Well, I announced a few month ago that I may have to have Prince put down because he is wasting away...he is now, about 4 lbs...has thyroid problems, has glaucoma, almost deaf, but still as sweet as he always has been...still remembering the 7:00 wake up call for me, to jump on my bed to remind me...still jumping up on the sofa by the living room window...I don't know how he recognizes my footsteps but he knows I'm coming upstairs...still eating...and a LOT! every 2, 3 hrs wanting to eat again, so now I just give him the same leftovers in a clean dish, and he finishes it!

I cannot make this awful decision to put him down YET, when he is still alert, sweet, and caring...but two days ago, something terribly went wrong. Since he does not groom himself, I clean his hair with "handy wipes" wet disposable towels, and brush his hair but not as often because he get snarls, and his skin is sensitive.

I will not prolong...although, I'm still hesitating to tell you that my sweet Prince bit both of my hands which at the time I didn't make much of it, just cleaned it up, and put a band aid on it. That was TWO days ago.

I do understand no-one likes to have their hair pulled, "you'd be mad too," is what my attending nurse said! Poor Prince freaked out...while in my lap, he snapped at my left hand, leaving two puncture marks over, and under my left thumb (can't bend my thumb;ouch)....I did get the snag out of his hair, and when I put him down, he freaked out even more, and bit my upper right hand, quite deep, and tore the skin to almost two inches...looks like a #7  nasty infected scar now!...the worst part is, that both my hands been inflamed, and swollen...getting better now with strong antibiotic, and antibiotic heavy cream!
Wouldn't you know, when it happened, all I said..."Prince, that wasn't nice"...last year at this time, almost to the exact day is when I sprained my ankle, and now this!
Instead of worrying about my hand at the time, I asked Dr. Eric to look at Prince...and again, he suggested to put him down...I'm in such a dilemma...Prince is his sweet self he has always been, calm, and nice...fighting to stay alive!

So, I will be resting, taking my antibiotic (which makes me drowsy)...will try to comment on your blogs, but will not be posting for cooking, or baking, but will be enjoying all your mouthwatering and delicious foods, and amazing desserts you post!

My daughter Lora @ CakeDuchess offered to  do a Guest Post for me this weekend, and I may be "knocking" on your food blog door to ask if you could do a guest post for me!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Oh no Elisabeth, I was just thinking about you and then you had this happen. I'm sorry about Prince and about you being injured again. I've been having a hard week myself.
    Sending a hug and a prayer!

    1. So sorry to hear you've been having a bad week, Gina. I will visit your blog, now...haven't been to see you at your blog... with your moving; hope you're settled in!

  2. oh no, thats terrible, so sorry to hear this, poor you andpoor kitty, like you said he's not usually like that.I will say my daughter was bitten by her cat and she ended in hospital, infection spread very quickly, please take care.Wish i was closer I could give you somehelp.Take care, I have had to put our dear cat down a few years past, I will say I found I suffered much more than my dear cat did.

    1. Laurie-three years ago, the same thing happened to me...I was bitten by my vet Dr. Eric's cat and with that one, I ended up at the emergency ward. That time their cat just jumped up and bit my wrist, leaving 4 deep teethmarks!
      Sorry about that it happened to your daughter too. The left hand puncture marks are fairly deep, and my daughter said she did not sleep all night worrying that the infection would spread while I'm sleeping. (it did spread past my wrist) it' receding. I do agree about suffering more than the dear cat!

  3. Elisabeth,nagyon sajnálom, ami történt, remélem jobban leszel hamarosan. Most az a legfontosabb, hogy pihenj:) Nagyon nehéz, mikor egy szívünkhöz nőtt állat elaltatásáról kell dönteni, magam is voltam ilyen helyzetben. A lányod blogját is megnéztem, nagyon szuper, alaposan körül kell néznem nála. Jobbulást kívánok neked, aztán várunk vissza új receptekkel:)

    1. Erzsike, nagyon köszönöm a kedves szavaidat...a lányom tegnap eljött hogy oda vigyen hozzájuk, mert nehéz a kezeim miat vezetni a kocsit, a drága főzött, sütött, kérte hogy ott maradjak náluk, de nem hagyhatom a cicát magában...habár a másik cica ügyel rá, de aranyos hogy mennyire ügyel rá.

      A lányom nem tud magyarul, csak ért, de nem beszél már kiskora óta magyarul. Olaszul meg igen...a férje is az, és onnan való. Be nézek hozzád hogy mit főztél és sötöttél, ami mindig finom és különleges!

  4. Many hugs to you and your family.

    1. Thank you Jennifer for your caring, and hugs, to you too!

  5. Do take care, life can keep us so busy, that we must rest, that often times includes healing. Let me know if I can be of help.

    1. Hi Melynda- I haven't seen or heard from you in such a long nice to see you visit my blog. Thank you for offering your's truly appreciated!

  6. Lovely blog! (big feta fan) I must comment about your little dear Prince, I recently had to put my cat Cookie to sleep, it was so emotionally draining, but she too was literally wasting away, I would get up in the middle of the night to check on her and many times she would be laying in the litter box cause she couldn't get out, she could barely walk (this all happened very fast) I know she had kidney problems but was sick all her life. I adopted her at a young age, she had feline leukemia...but she lived till about 17....which is remarkable considering all the odds that were against her, sometimes putting are friends to rest is the kindest most unselfish thing we can do. When the time is right, you will know in your heart. I had the vet make a house call so it would be less stressful for her, I wish you and Prince the best and my prayers! <3

    1. Hi Holistic Gal-so nice of you to discover my blog, and also following! Thank you, and mostly do appreciate your kind words about knowing in my heart when the time is right to put him down...which is coming closer than I would like it to be!

      My heart just dropped when you mentioned about your beloved kitty, all the health problems she endured. I was blessed to have Prince be so healthy all his long years but now it's "heartbreaking" ...He is such a little "trooper" and always has been. It's comforting to know that others share similar stories with their beloved pets that they had to put down!

    2. I think you have a wonderful blog! So many yummy things~ As I'm typing this the baklava muffin on the right keeps calling to me! :) (heading over to it after this post)

      Cookie was sick, but she played and ate and loved just like any other cat (bit lazy though lol) she had a pretty good life all things considered.

      Prince is a fitting name! Just look at that face, very regal look to him hahaha, and VERY clean!! He has had a very long life, not many cats make it to or close to 20! wow! Im glad that I was able to share my story with you and bring any comfort that I can, and I truly wish you and prince all the best, and I will be sending my prayers your way for strength during this very difficult time! Give Prince a kiss for me! :)

  7. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about you cat Little Prince, I have a cat too, and I can imagine what you must be going through. Big hugs for you and prince. Take your time and get better soon. (I love your Greek feta cheese salad! The photo is absolutely mouth-watering!)

  8. Oh no Elisabeth, so sorry you have to go through this. I know how difficult it is. Last month we had to make that decision with our dog. Tucker was almost 16 years old, and was part of the family since my daughter was a year and a half. We knew when it was time and it would of been wrong to let him go on like that, not that he was in any pain. I will email you.

    I can buy some fresh feta at this little market where I get my ethenol free gas. She makes it fresh, along with spinach pies and hummus! Her kids go to my school, so she'll bring me a gyro for lunch once in awhile, am I lucky or what? :D

    Take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you soon.

  9. My heart breaks reading this. It is so hard to make this kind of decision and last Summer, my friend's St Bernard was very old & ill. All the family wanted another to decide but then one morning he'd passed on, quietly and we all wished him well in his new life.

    So difficult...
    I love your feta cheese creations and please take good care of you on this break.

    Whatever you do, Prince knows you love him.

  10. I love feta in any form...but I'm so sorry that you're facing such a horrible dilemma regarding Prince. I think that pet mamas instinctively know when it's time to say you'll know when the time is right for Prince. My cat Dexter (Spot) was the cat I had before Lucy...he was my boy for nearly 13 years! He got sick and started losing weight...was so hard to watch him decline. When the time was right, I just knew it in my heart and loved on him for the weekend before taking him to the vet on a Monday. It was hard, hard...the only thing that eased my heartbreak was finding Lucy as an abandoned kitten and us taking her in. That was 8 years ago next month!! Thinking of you, sweet friend!

  11. Now this saddens me for sure.. blogging is my therapy ... I know all too well the love for your cat. We had to put our cedric down after 4 days of dyialisis and 3k dollars later.. he was fighting the treatment. So so sad.
    He was only 8. We have two more that those days when they come I will dread. I am sorry to hear your not feeling up to par.. not fair two things to deal with... take all the time you need my friend will be here waiting for your return love and hugs always, your buddy on the SpaceCoast ... xo

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry to read this. I have a dog so I know what it feels like to love an animal. I'm sure you know that your sweet kitty was in pain and distress and did not mean to hurt you. Whenever his time comes, it sounds like you've given him a wonderful long life. And the feta creations look amazing, by the way. I love feta...and Costco, too :)

  13. Oh, I'm so sorry, Lizzie...I'm sure your heart is aching just thinking about putting Prince down...and your hands are hurting from a nasty infection. Let me know if I can help you out, my friend. xoxo

  14. I m so sorry to hear abt prince. I can not even imagine what you must have been going through. actually prince must have been traumatized too after the biting. Take care and take plenty of rest.
    BTW the salad looks deli and very very inviting.

  15. Gosh, a lot happening Elisabeth. Prince sure is a handsome thing and to come down to 4 from's sad. And you in a bad state too. Rest up and take care. Am taking a break too; moving to a new city. So get well soon!

  16. Elisabeth én is nagyon sajnálom, ami történt....

  17. this is exactly the type of food which I like to eat when it gets warmer!
    Thanks for following me, I am your new follower:)

    Life and travelling

  18. oh elizabeth, i totally understand your season. i've been taking a break from blogging (haven't updated since april 1st) due to some personal things i've been going thru. my dog past away in college and it was one of the hardest moments for me... a companion for my entire childhood. sending a hug to you!

  19. i'm so sorry! having to make these kinds of decisions about pets is so difficult. i don't blame you at all for taking a break to recuperate. get some rest, and know that you have a lot of support from your readers!

  20. Really sorry to hear that, sounds very painful! And even more painful to make such a tough decision. Take all the time you need to rest up and relax...we'll be here waiting for your return! P.S. I had no idea that Cake Duchess is your daughter, silly me!

    1. Hi Ramya-I must go over to your blog...saw your amazing ice cream...think it was Mango. Just when I received your comment is when I saw you on Top 9...Congrats~

      Yes, Cake Duchess (Lora) is my daughter; she is such a sweet daughter, caring and loving; so glad she is near by. The reason you probably did not know because we very rarely mention it, or comment on each other's blog (not to make a big deal of it)
      Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to me!

  21. oh sweet bella, I am so sorry to hear all of this....BLESS YOUR HEART....I know this is such a heart breaking decision....and sweet little Prince...sometimes even with the elderly, when they start to decline, they have violent lash outs...I am praying for you right this very moment. For the healing of your hands, and the healing of your heart as the time draws near to put Prince to have so much compassion and courage. I am just squeezing you from a distance right now....xoxoxoxo j

    p.s. i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE feta...did i mention that I love feta???? your salads are fantastic....I WILL MAKE THESE....oh bella I love making your allows me to have a part of you here with me...

    1. Yes, bella, it is a heart breaking decision because he is still getting around on his own, and is eating well...but deteriorating fast now. Twenty years is a long time to have a dear pet in your life and then you have to let them go.

      He's been so appreciative all his life for every meal, treat, or toys, and such good company for us all. Even when my daughter had him for the first 5 years, I still saw him every day, and was so happy when she let me keep him. When he was young, if he liked you he would jump up in your lap and purr. He is tired and old now, sad, but that's how life is!

      The feta cheese we get from Costco is amazing, in one huge block, and lasts fresher, longer. I love to add it to green salads, as well! I'm so, so touched by your sweet words, bella Jaime!
      Hugs, to you too!
      Thank you for your prayers, for healing,

  22. Kedves Elizabeth, minél előbbi gyógyulást kívánok. Pihenjél sokat, pihentessed a kezeidet, és bizakodjunk, hogy a gyógyszer és a kenőcs hamarosan meggyógyít. Nagyon sajnálom az öreg cicusodat, tudom milyen nehéz megválni ennyi sok év után a kedvencünktől. Most eszembe jut a kutyusom, 3 éve hagyott itt bennünket, és még mindig nem tettem túl magamat rajta, pedig szegénykém nagyon beteg volt, és tudom hogy jobb már így neki.
    Puszillak és nagyon vigyázz magadra.

    1. Kedves Gizike, hát bizony remélkedek hogy meggyógtuljon a kezeim, már a bal az szépen gyógyul, csak a jobb kezem ké a bőr nagyon érzékeny, pláne egy ilyen nagy gyulladás és fertőzés után.
      Sajnálom a kutyusotokat, igazán szomoru amikor itt kell hogy haggyanak, pláne mikor betegek, és öregek!
      Puszillak, és köszönöm a kedves biztató szavaidat!

  23. Elisabeth,
    Sorry that you have to go through this dilemma with Prince, and for your hands. Hope that they heal soon.

    Your Spanokita is gorgeous, and I'm pinning it to make later. I have never used phyllo dough, and the time is now.

  24. Sending love and positive vibes your way.


  25. I'll be thinking of you and your lovely pet Elisabeth, it must be such a difficult decision to make. It could be that he's in a bit of pain and that's why he bit you, it must have been a shock for you though.

    Hope you recover soon and as always, I love your Mediterranean inspired recipe ♥

  26. look absolutely delicious ..... They make me hungry!

  27. Oh Elizabeth…so sorry about your hands! Take good of yourself and feel better soon! This dish looks incredible! I’m sure so delicious, too! Have a great weekend and please feel better!

  28. Mouthwatering! Love me some feta!

  29. Oh my Elisabeth! I know how painful it can be to decide to put your beloved pet down.. as I had that same dilemma a fews years back and recently a couple months ago. It's never easy.. Also, I hope your hands are not as swollen as before now.. do continue to rest well. You have us here cheering you on and I hope all will be okay!! Will continue to check on you..huggsss,

  30. Elisabeth, I'm so sorry about your hands and sorry about Prince too. I know how much you love him and you know that I'm such an animal person...I can completely understand how hard it would be to make that decision to put him down...I don't even want my mind to go there! I'm praying for your healing and hoping that you recover quickly so that we will be able to see more of your mouth watering recipes. Bless you!!! HUGS!

  31. I am sorry to hear about your hands and about your cat Prince. I hope you heal soon and you can make the right decision about Prince.

  32. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, oh.. my, I so sorry to hear about your injury.
    Guess it must be very painful with the swell and inflammation.
    Take care my dear, wish you speedy recovery. *hugs*

    Sorry I'm late to comment as I was tight up with my work and cracking my head for the April Fool challenge closing date on the 3oth April. Anyway I'd completed and submitted my posting.

    Sorry to hear about your prince and his sudden changed of attitude. And I know it will hurts you badly to make decision about Prince but keep finger cross with God's blessing.

    God bless you. * A big cyber hugs from me* Take good care, my dear.

  33. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, I love your Feta Cheese, it look really good and lovely color.

    Have a nice week ahead. My warmest regards to you and all at home.

  34. Oh my Elisabeth,
    You dear sweet lady, I am so sorry about your hands and I pray that they heal very soon. God Love your little Prince, our little friends are so special to us, like a member of the family and it is so sad when they begin to slip away. I am sure this is a trying time for you. I wish you were close by, I would bring you a nice lunch in a lovely basket and sit with you and visit. Sure hope to seeing you posting again soon!
    Miz Helen

  35. I'm sorry to hear about your poor Prince - it must be very hard decision to make. I hope your hands will heal fast. Rest well! Hugs! xoxo

  36. Hi Elisabeth, so sorry to hear about your injury, as well as about Prince..It's a horrible decision to make and yet no one wants to see their pet sick and slowly fading away..Hope you'll be able to deal with both situations, and take one day at a time..Get well soon!XO

  37. Elisabeth--I am so far behind on commenting that I am just now reading this! I am so sorry, and I feel so bad for both you and Prince!

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