Thursday, June 14, 2012

New York Style Cheesecake...and Guest Post!

I am honored to be guest posting for my dear friend... Veronica, of Quay Po Cooks food blog...which is a very diverse kind of a blog that you would want to see. It always starts with Veronica's stories from friends she has met, or of a fabulous restaurant and talented chef review, or her lessons with the famous chef's, making delicious cakes. She always speaks highly of everyone, has an abundance love for her family. A very lovely, and talented person. The "Lucy" version, is a little hard for me to get, because I don't think she messes things up, or get into trouble with her sweet Western husband...that would have to say..."Lucy, dju got some splaining to do!"...on the contrary, he puts Veronica on the "pedestal"...even when she gets her Lucy "moments"

At any rate, I honestly think she has a darn good sense, and always has everything in their proper order. I met Veronica, shortly after I started my blog, a few months later... and has kept in touch, since than. She always mentions how much I helped her with advice, which I appreciate so much but honestly, we all need advice, and occasional help from friends. That's what friends are for...( a line from a song, which I can't remember right now)

Thank you Veronica, for giving me the opportunity, to guest post...while you are vacationing in beautiful California, USA!

For the actual full recipe: link to my previous post when I posted it on my blog:
click on the title: New York Style Cheesecake

...and of course, check out my guest post at Veronica's Blog!

...there's more to come re: this post! ...right now, I'm having a "Lucy moment"...ask me why?

I want to share a 'Lucy' moment with you, since we're on the subject! You see this adorable 'thank you' card, (from Veronica) and the pretty Nyonya dress?  (I think that's what is called)...'a blend of Malay and Chinese influence' which is also in foods, or it could also be Peranakan. Big words?...I did my homework!

Anyway, make a long story short...when I accepted Veronica's invitation to guest post; later, she announced to me that she's sending me a gift and needs my address...OK,  I said, 'but you don't have to send me anything'...but of course, she insisted. 'I'm sending you a nyonya dress'...I'm thinking, 'ha...what?'...what's a 'nyonya?'...or even a dress?...why does she want to send me a dress...she doesn't even know my size, and what would I be doing with a traditional 'nyonya' dress...where would I wear it? that point I didn't even ask her, but in the next e-mail she told me, she is sending me a small gift which is a fridge magnet of a traditional DRESS!

OK, so who's the Lucy here...when I was about to tell her...(oh, I love this line from Lucy show)...from Ricki!
"Lucy, dju got some splainin to do!"...yes Lucy/Veronica, why didn't you tell me in the first place...letting me think you're sending me (maybe a promotional dress)...from one of your favorite sponsors, and I can keep it for 30 days FREE?...then after that I will have to purchase an additional dress for the next 6 months?...phewww! what a relief!
None of the above, and I can get to keep the pretty dress, adorned on my Thank you Veronica, once again. If I get to meet you in person one day soon, I will take you up on your offer, for the real DRESS. (ha, ha, just kidding!
Big hugs, to you...I accept you 'just the way you are' xoxo
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  1. I didn't know Quay Po's real name is Veronica :)
    I follow her blog, and love how she shares stories...there's something to learn from each of them.

    On my way to check out your guest post.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Giveaway # 1 - Cupcake Carrier - Bake n' Take!

    1. Thanks Nisha, good to know you enjoy my stories. Hope what you learned is not being 'Lucy' like me. I am afraid that can be contagious! Look at what Elisabeth has become lately.. Hehe. You have a great weekend. Hugs.

  2. Yum! Looks really sophisticated.

  3. Ez valami meseszép torta! Imádom a sajttortákat...Nagyon guszta. Kár hogy az a szelet nem esik ide elém... :o)

  4. Ez az amivel engem bárhol, bármikor (akár a fogyókúra kellős közepén :DDD) el lehet csábítani. Csodás. :)))

  5. Gorgeous cheesecake and such a beautiful presentation! (Although I never make American-style cheesecakes, only European, with fresh cheese like túró). In fact it must be telepathy because I went to my multi-ethnic shop today without any particular reason, it was just on my way to another shop. I bought two packages of fresh cheese and now I see your cheesecake! It must be the sign I have to bake one tomorrow!
    I don't know Veronica well (I have been following her blog for a very short time in fact, I even didn't know her name was Veronica!) and I must say when once she mentioned "Lucy" I had no idea what she was talking about. Now I understand better; well a bit better ;-)

  6. Elisabeth,

    You can make this cake when you visiting me. My hubby loves cheese cake. This one looks delicious.

  7. Let me wipe my drool off the key board! Good gracious there goes the diet! Sensational!

  8. Gyönyörű:)A sajt tortákat mi is imádjuk, szerintem az egyik legfinomabb sütemény:) Egyre jobban tetszik ez a vendég blogolás, olyan kár tényleg, hogy a magyar nyelvű blogoknál nincs ilyen. Megyek körülnézek kedves barátod, Veronika blogján:)

  9. New york style cheesecake is one of my favorite,,,looks delicious YuM !!

  10. Elisabeth,
    The cheesecake looks melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
    I have an award for you, Please accept.Thanks :D

  11. Elisabeth, this New York Cheesecake is stunning. I can tell it's fluffy and light. And those luscious juicy strawberries to top it off is just simple and delicious. I can think of one person who I know adores a simple cheesecake. It will be my DAD!! Great guest post, and I hope I get to meet QPC soon, since she's from KL, Malaysia. Will soon arrange a meet up with Ping and QPC when they are both not too busy and share all the scoop with you ;). Take care now Elisabeth!! Lots of love, Jo

    1. Jo, So sorry, I haven't been to your blog for your latest...will go there now! Hope you're feeling much better now! The topping of the cheesecake is with fresh strawberries and a glaze I made homemade, with strawberries, and strained it!(sorry did not post that recipe)

      I do hope you will arrange a meeting with Veronica, and Ping..since you all live in the same area in Malaysia!
      Big hugs, to you...glad that we met in person, from around the glob from you!

    2. Jo, this is Quay Po (Veronica). I am using my Quay Lo's laptop using his account. I am looking foward to meet you. It will be lots of fun being with you and Ping. Will get in touch when I am back in KL. XOXO.

  12. Elisabeth, once again thank you for doing this fabulous guest post for me. When I got your email about the time to publish, I was all confused. For me it is Malaysia time at 10am 14 June so when you thought is 10am Callifornia time, I quickly use my Quay Lo's laptop to access my blog to change the time. Then, I get a comment from a reader, spusht that there is no list of ingredients or link to it. Maybe I had my Lucy moment when I change the time to publish your post. See! Lucy did it again!! Do I need to explain why my Quay Lo calls me that? Hehe Anyway It is in order now. Phew!! LOL! Xoxo

    1. Hi Veronica-the reason I figured it would be 10:am your time...meaning since you are in California, I'm 3 hrs ahead of you, so it would be 1:pm in S. Florida. As far as 10:am Malaysia time, which in that case, you are 12hrs ahead of my time. In order to coincide with the time, I would have had to post it by 12:am yesterday, which was Thursday!

      Also, you didn't use my INTRO, which was for you, and for me, with a few changes; so I quickly recovered that too!
      No worries about the ingredients for the recipe, I have it on my previous post to link to!
      Trust me; I have my Lucy moments, as well:DD

    2. Oh my god, What is your intro? Of course I would love to use your intro. How did I missed that? I wish I can blame it on Lucy. I am including your intro right now. I am so glad you are so understanding. HUGS.

    3. oops Elisabeth, I use my Quay Lo laptop so the above comment if from me (Quay Po) lah!! hehe

    4. Veronica-did I say, you're not like Lucy?...well, I take that back!! Ha, ha, you are just too much!
      That entire paragraph was for YOU...I even wondered why you didn't use it on your site!
      The reason I mentioned about my 'Lucy' moment was, because I did not have my own 'schpiel' (line) on my site, and I did my post literally, in minutes using your intro, since you didn't post it!
      All is well, I still did not put up the photo of your beautiful gift, which I will do later from my computer!
      Talk about 'Lucy' moments...ha, ha,!
      Big hugs!

      p.s. feel free to reply back to comments from my site, as well!

  13. Your cheesecake looks wonderful. I love Veronica's blog too! Will go get your recipe.


  14. The cheesecake looks amazing! I am amazed everyday the passion and creativity of food bloggers- it is an awesome community to be part of-


    1. Thank you are so right about the passion and creativity with food bloggers; and the support is truly LOVE!

  15. Two of my favorite people on one post! How cool is that?!
    Oh maaan .... I'm lusting after that topping!
    No need to "splain" the Lucy moment, haha! We all have our Lucy moments. For me, quite often :) That's why she calls me that too! You're a good friend, Elisabeth.

    1. Ping-sorry for not including the recipe for the topping. Did not think I was going to make it till last minute, when I realized I had a lot of strawberries to use!

      No gelatine used in this one: Just melted down some seedless strawberry jam, (abt.6 oz.) added the juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup water, let it come to a boil, and when its slightly cool, brushed it on the half strawberries. (normally, I prefer a lighter color glaze w/apricot jam.

      You're a good friend too, Ping!, I officially joined the 'Lucy' club!

    2. Elisabeth, Welcome to the Lucy Club. Shall I address you Lucy from now on? Hehe I Love Lucy!!

  16. What a gorgeous cheesecake! I think we all have our Lucy moments, don't we?

  17. I love the post (hopped on to Quay po immediately) and the comments passing to & fro between you two are most entertaining. Love Lucy! She's so adorable.

  18. Nagyon gusztusos, mutatós a sajttorta! Régóta készülök én is elkészíteni.

  19. Mindblowing cheesecake,looks super irresistible..

  20. Hello, Elisabeth! Came over from Lucy's. Your cheesecake is gorgeous and simply to die for!

    1. Hi Phong, thank you for stopping by; will check out your blog, as well!

    2. Phong Hong, you did the right thing to pop over here. You don't know what you missed if you did not.

  21. The photograph of this gorgeous cheesecake shown on your site is stunning and what you shared on Veronica's even moreso.

  22. csodás lett a tortád, jöhetne egy-két szelet most belőle, mert nagyon éhes lettem :)

  23. Eli, the cheesecake looks to die for!

  24. Loved that show!! Your cheesecake looks amazing and as I stated in my comment on Veronica's blog - I'm quite certain I could polish this one off all by myself - just give an afternoon, heehee!!

  25. Elisabeth,
    Your cheesecake is amazing. I love the strawberry topping with the luscious cheesecake.

    Heading to Veronica's blog...

  26. I know these cheesecake very well and so happy yo guest posted for Veronica. You are a great friend and a talented cheesecake maker for sure! xo

  27. dear elizabeth, it sounds like you've been having a good time in the world of pinterest (i just caught up readin your previous posts!). there's always time for pinterest in my day hehehe. it's my source of inspiration! hope you are well.

  28. Beautiful cheesecake for the special guest post for Quay Po! I'll go check your post in a minute, but how funny you thought the dress is on the way. Very cute magnet dress! :-)

  29. haha! quay po sure caught you on that one..the nyonya dress! you know, that reminds me of a time when i received a gift from quay po..she didnt tell me what was that..and when i opened the package, i tried it on on my ears thinking that was earrings..and i thanked her for giving me the earrings..and she told me.'no, those are not earrings, those are wine charms!' how embarrasing! my lucy moment from quay po!!

    1. Lena, are you using the charms as earrings now? I think it is a very original!! LOL!

  30. Hello Elisabeth, thanks for hopping over to my blog... you have a very interesting blog over here too! My kids love cheese cakes a lot, well, of course, that includes me too... I named myself "Dessert Maniac" cos I am really one! LOL...

  31. You make such gorgeous desserts, Lizzie...and this is no exception! And you're on a roll with your guest posts...thanks again for helping me out, too. I love what went through your mind with the thought of receiving a dress...too funny.
    Now I'm off to read your guest post~

    P.S. I looked for your address in my old emails, but I think it was too old to be I hope you don't mind sending me yours again :)

    1. Thanks Lizzy-I will send you my address-did receive your e-mail letter, and love your latest guest post....will comment on that, as well!
      Hope to see you back in the U.S. ...soon! (well, not that soon; just enjoy your amazing trip to Paris!

  32. Hi, Lizzie,

    We got back late Thursday...still acclimating :) I saw your post about where to find Biscoff Spread...and it looks like it can be found in these spots in Florida:
    Walmart Cost Plus World Market Fresh Market Whole Foods Publix Winn Dixie Sweet Bay

  33. Elisabeth, what a lovely cheesecake post. Now I want to make one too... :)

  34. Elisabeth, I could not stop laughing when I hear about your Lucy moment. I am laughing with you and not at you. When you read about the many Lucy moments I had in California, you will laugh with me too. I think Elisabeth Lucy Pregadio sounds good to me:D I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday.

  35. Ez valami mesés, a torta is a fotó is! Inspirál egy hasonló elkészítésére :)

  36. Elizabeth, I laughed at your Lucy moment…I’ve had many of them myself! Your cheesecake looks fabulous…I could eat a couple pieces right now….love cheesecake!

  37. Dear Elisabeth, what a gorgeous Cheese Cake! Just love the bright Strawberry topping and the creamy texture of your cake.
    Have to ask Corina to share her German Style Cheese Cake with Kiwi & Berry topping. Thank you so much for your lovely visit and hope that you had a fabulous Sunday. We just moved and are still by unpacking and organizing. Oh my over the years I collected so many dishes and table clothes from Hungary and just can't part with any of them. You must know the feeling Elisabeth, you do have a large collection as well :)

    1. Hi Judit, thanks for the compliment, and the gracious visit...its always so nice to hear from you!
      I would love to see Corina's German Style cheese cake with the kiwi and berry topping. Sound divine, and it would be so awesome for her to share.
      I do understand the feeling and the stress of moving...I had to move a few times myself in the last few years.
      As far as the Hungarian hand made items; I had a lot of those, but unfortunately a bunch of them was given away by accident in the wrong box, and now they're gone-forever:( really sad, but I still have a few nice pieces, including Herend china!

      I'll be visiting your site shortly; been so out-of-touch lately!

  38. "for good times, and bad times, Ill be on your side forever more... that's what friends are for..." hahah you got me into singing the song because girl you said you forgot the lyrics! That's in every woman's playlist haha.

    oh your lucy moment is so hilarious. how can she give you a nyonya dress? well if that's the case I would raise my hand and shout "HERE!" to get Veronica's attention to get me as a guest blogger if you were to get the REAL DRESS!!! JK JK!

    seriously your NY cheesecake is worthy to be the feature on her blog. Because this post is surely a winner!
    enjoy your Monday under Florida sun!

    1. Hi Malou-I thought that it was strange that I should get a real nyonya dress...but then again, who knows?...maybe a promotion for some clothing company?...there's always possibilities; and where would I wear one? Almost like getting a Japanese Kimono for a 'promoition', or and Indian sarong?...ha, ha, ha, I would look very strange, and out of place in all of them!

      Thanks, and wishing you a lovely Monday, as well!

  39. Great recipe and a super cute thank you gift.
