Monday, June 11, 2012

Wild Mushroom Risotto...and Pinterest

Since I've been hooked on Pinterest, I've been neglecting my own posts, and photos to upload to blog about and making excuses to feature other bloggers' foods...and why not? I have been so impressed with all the various wonderful things I find on Pinterest among them my foodie friends' pins, and as soon as I visit someone's food blog these days, I immediately want to pin their amazing that good, or bad...or just a little crazy?!

linking to: 
Full Plate Thursday, @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Korner

We all have are different style of foods...different presentations...different photo technique; some bloggers just want to make photos small, and concentrate on the actual recipe, some bloggers want sheer elegance and make sure to set up fancy props, flowers, concentrate on the dish that is being served in...some blogger get a real in your face close up (guilty)...and why is that? I even ask myself. Well, the answer is clearly, that we want you to see how perfect it turned out, how it tastes, just by you reading the recipe and imagining, picturing, lingering on the aroma and the amazing flavors.

Then there are others, that totally turn me off, not so much as to aggravate me, like in the past, but how can someone use the same plate, post-after-post, always the same dull unattractive plate to feature there know who you are, so stand up and be "counted"...plopping a piece of something boring, not caring to even dress it up a bit...for heavens sakes; and you even leave a warning not to copy without permission....yikes! Now, that irritates me...who in the world would want to steal your photo, and recipe!

As for me...I've been very guilty, lately...I'm the "photo, and recipe food blogger thief" but only the sheer purpose of pinning your fabulous photos on Pinterest; I assure you, I put the URL link in to link back to your blog...even though I'm the culprit who uploaded it to Pinterest...then, later I inform you of my crime and let you know that the whole world will be seeing that good, or bad?! You tell me!

I was just browsing through my daughter's computer...since I am staying here because they are in Lago di Como Italy at this very moment...staying with family;  I've been trying to figure out the Skype phone to call them. I got it working earlier, but now, I seem to have lost the sound. ...moving on!
Lora took this photo, from a few years ago, in Lake Como...
In case you're wondering, Lago di Como, or in English Lake Como, has to be one of the most beautiful places on EARTH...I kid you not. Just click on the link under the photo, and it will lead you to my "travel the World and ...(the seven seas) board, on Pinterest!
Pinterest-flickr photo stream, by; Paolo Margari

Wild Mushroom Risotto
Bon Appetit magazine; Sept. 1999

  • 2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 1/2 cups finely chopped onions
  • 12 ounces crimini mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh marjoram
  • 1 1/2 cups arborio rice or medium-grain white rice
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Additional grated Parmesan cheese


Bring broth to simmer in heavy medium saucepan. Add porcini and simmer until just tender, about 2 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer mushrooms to plate. Cool mushrooms and chop finely. Cover broth and keep warm over very low heat.
Melt butter with oil in heavy large saucepan over medium heat. Add onions; sauté until tender, about 10 minutes. Add crimini mushrooms; sauté until tender, about 8 minutes. Add porcini, garlic and both herbs; sauté 4 minutes. Add rice; stir 2 minutes. Add wine; cook until liquid is absorbed, stirring often, about 3 minutes. Add 1 cup hot broth; simmer until liquid is absorbed, stirring often, about 8 minutes. Continue to cook until rice is just tender and mixture is creamy, adding more broth by cupfuls and stirring often, about 30 minutes. Mix in 1/2 cup cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Serve, passing additional cheese separately.
*Porcini are available at Italian markets and many supermarkets
I searched high-and-low to get another copy of this "treasure" of an issue from Bon Appetit, that I have saved since 1999, and have mentioned in a previous post of mine that while I was relaxing by the pool, or beach (can't remember which one)
I was devouring, page...after page of all the glorious, fabulous recipes of the 100yr celebration of the American Food!
You cannot find this anywhere, unless you saved this issue, which I have done so, just like a few others of my favorites. This is no "thrift find" a matter of fact, I googled to try to find to order it for my GIVEAWAY GIFT to the winner, for putting up with me for my 2 year Blog Anniversary! Not much story about how I started to do my food blog, accept my daughter Lora talked me into it when she started her food blog a month or two before I did!
You will not find "fancy schmancy" photo shop photos on my set-up props, except the ones I find in my place, or at my daughter's ...using her beautiful butcher block table, or her gorgeous back yard and patio with the most natural, and amazing bougenvillas that grows abundantly right here in S. Florida!
All I can say, if it wasn't for my wonderful food blogger friends...most of them VIA-Foodbuzz, I will not say that you are my READERS as most some bloggers refer to are my FRIENDS, from all over the globe and locally from the United States. I appreciate all your kindness and caring you have shown towards me...and the LOVE is so, so genuine from all you sweet comments, and e-mails, that honestly, sometimes I really just "weep" in silence, and end up with a huge smile on my face...that is LOVE!...and I love all of you, dear friends.
Thank you for all your LOVE, and support for these past 2 years...and as the song says by: Tina Turner..."Let's Stay Together!"...Amen to that!

note: I am offering this special Bon Appetit edition to the giveaway gift winner... so bear with me....I have just ordered it, but where else?
No deadline on this yet...since I just ordered the magazine! Not asking anything of you. except (you have to be a follower on my BLOG)....that's all!

Ever wondered how your blog rates on the outside of your little, or vast circle?...Well, I just found out when I googled my own blog name, and a long list of links appeared that was picked up by different, not even knowing about this.
Just think, I even have a price on my website(blog) now, if you check on the widget on the bottom right corner.'s what they had to say about my blog...wouldn't you know, I had no CLUE! check out and see what they have to say about your blog...and how much $ it's worth...very interesting!

 from: it is ranked #5,583,813 in the world, a low rank means that this website gets lots of visitors. This site is worth $1,978 USD and advertising revenue is $0 USD per day. This site has a good Pagernk(3/10), it has 38 visitors and 61 pageviews per day. Currently, this site needs more than 88.43 MB bandwidth per day, this month will needs more than 2.59 GB bandwidth. Its seo score is 55.8%. IP address is, and its server is hosted at Mountain View, United States. Last updated on Mon, 11 Jun 2012 22:45:37 GMT.


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  1. If I laughed, thought and cried everyday-I would be exhausted but my life would be filled.

    I have been shying away from pinterest because I know I would love it! Your post is proof.

    Take care.

  2. What a beautiful post Elisabeth! I love the wild mushroom Risotto recipe, thank you for sharing that! I love the photo of Lake Como, I have heard so much about it, and your photo looks absolutely amazing. I am a big fan of Italy too, I have been to Roma 3 times, and I love everything Italian! I will definitely put Lake Como onto my dream destinations list!

  3. The close ups tell the real story

  4. Beautiful post Elisabeth, you wrote everything, I read and learned lot things. I always want to tell but you did it. Nice picture of Italy. Love the risotto.

    Congrats on your blog anniversary, Wishing many more years of happy blogging.

    I like always closeup.I want to know the food, that I can find it from your blog.

    1. Thanks Swathi, I just happened to think about all that stuff and remembering things as I was writing. I have lots of photos of Italy, just need to upload them. I posted some of them on Pinterest. I would never claim photos to be mine, unless I took them myself, or someone in my family.

  5. This looks totally saucy and delicious! I too love pinterest!

  6. Eli, do you think you can install a pin button on post so we can easily pin and share your delicious creations?

    1. Angie, I will do my best to install the pin after the posts. Lora has been doing it for me. will try to remember how she did it!
      Thanks for the compliment. The risotto has to be saucy, but every grain should stand out. The risotto will absorb the sauce after a few minutes of serving...that's why it has to be saucy (if not, it will be dry to start with.)

  7. Nagyon finom lehetett a rizottód, a sokféle fűszer és sajt nagyon jó ízt adhat neki. Az olasz táj is gyönyörű, mi egyszer voltunk Olaszországban, Velencében is, ahonnan nagyon szép élményekkel tértünk haza.

  8. Congrats on ur blog anniversary Elisabeth, lovely give away.. I slowly started loving pinterest, yet to discover it. Btw risotto looks irresistible.

    1. Thank you, Priya! Pinterest is addictive, because once you click on a photo pin to pin it, or just like brings you to another board with similar on-and-so-on, that you just get hooked on pinning, and dreaming about all the amazing "finds"

      My giveaway, is not limited to where the winner is is the most well informed of the 100years of American Cuisine, and updated recipes, history, stories, chefs, etc.

  9. Hi Elisabeth, Lovely Risotto!!! Can you please invite me to the pinterest? Seems something really interesting. My id is

    Food Fun Freak

    1. Hi Sabby, I did click over to your blog, but don't know if you're reading it since I only see it up-dated as of last July, 2011. Will contact you by e-mail!

  10. Elisabeth, long time since I popped in to say hello. Look at the colour of that beautiful risotto! It looks bursting with flavour. Gosh, you're tempting me with your lovely Como travel links via Pinterest. I had to stop as couldn't get anything done! As for that Statscrop, that is scary. At least you have stats. Mine is wonky and can't even show anything! Hm. Perhaps I should just hang up my coat and surf Pinterest! Cheers to Italy and your risotto.

    1. Hi Jill...from Paris?...I think you still live there! Such a lovely and magical place!

      The reason for the lovely color of my risotto is; from the dried porcini mushrooms that I added to the broth to simmer to get softened. Pinterest is, very addictive...I just love it! When you click on the link under the are actually directed to a blog where the recipe came from, or a site, where photos came find more!

      In order to get stats for your blog, you must be updated with your RSS feeds, and other places where you are listed. I had no idea that other food places are featuring my blog, so when I saw it, I signed in to register. (they just do the advertising for you at NO cost to you)

  11. Hi Elisabeth,
    Happy Anniversary and may you have many more!
    HEartfelt post, very touching and the risotto looks yum yum.
    No clue how to "operate" foodbuzz or pinterest as m still taking baby steps and the whole thing looks pretty intimidating :D.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for you sweet comment, Anuja! As far as foodbuzz, and pinterest goes, you would just need a "hands on" demonstration, by someone sitting next to you who is familiar with both. I still have a few things to figure out, as well! I do understand about being intimidating; but only at first. Just give it a try. If I can be of any help, you can contact me by e-mail!

    2. Wow thanx Elisabeth for your sweet offer. Will definitely pop in whenever m in a fix :D

  12. I do like that we all have such different styles of making food, presenting it, and how we want to share it. I know, I know, I need to work on my photos, I need to up grade my camera first. :) I know, that's no excuse. Funny how you embrace the food world of pinterest, and I get overwhelmed by it, wanting to repin so much, kinda like walking into a large Home Depot for a screw driver... one could get lost!

    I like your in your face...err...close up, photos, really shows the lovely details...and makes me want to eat it! Nice risotto!!

  13. Ok you're inspired me to make risotto - I've been meaning too for ages - yours looks SO great - also love those photos
    Mary x

  14. Nagyon guszta ez a gombás rizottó! Milyen gombát használtál hozzá? Remélem nem vetted komolyan a regényírást...Csak vicceltem, imádom olvasni a bővebb sorokat! Sokszor készítek én is rizottót, hamar elkészül és nagyon sokoldalú étel...

    1. Kriszti, ha komolyan vettem volna a "regenyirast" akkor nagyon sajnalatra melto volnak, mert hal isten a humorom meg meg van!

      A szaraz, olasz porcini gombat bele aztattam a a csirke le, vagy lehet zoldseges leben is. Fel kell forralni, es benne hagyni tiz percig hogy megpuhuljon. Meghozza tettem friss szeletelt gombat is. Csak muszaj betartani az allando keverest 25 tol 30 percig, es felhasznalni az 5 bogre let, de nem egyszerre bele onteni.

  15. Elisabeth, I am just checking nervously the plates I use for my food photos. I have a tendency to use very similar presentation, almost always the same background (my table) and I cannot stop myself from using my favourite bowls and plates. Once I have almost posted two dishes on the same plate two posts in a row! (I have realised it at last minute luckily).
    Your risotto looks gorgeous. I could start making it if I wasn't lazy... The weather is awful today. Rain, clouds, cold... A warm plate of mushroom risotto would be very welcome. (Did you know there is an English, forgotten word for these wonderful mushrooms? "Penny bun" I find it really cute :-)
    I'm so behind in some technological sides of blogging. Pinterest, facebook...

  16. First, congratulations on you anniversary! The risotto looks delicious, creamy and so flavorful with the mushrooms.
    The pictures are awesome...and I sure enjoy the close ups ones :)
    Will keep in mind Lake Como as I heard about it before.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week Elisabeth!

  17. Elisabeth, Such a wonderful looking risotto! Love your photos…very nice post! Hope your having a great week!!

  18. Elisabeth, I love this risotto, or anything with porcini mushrooms. When it's cooking, it's perfumes whole house with it's woodsy smell and brings a part of nature indoors. Mmmm, good!
    Happy 2nd year blogiversary!

    1. Thank you are certainly right about the perfume arome with the woodsy smell. As soon as you put the dry mushrooms in boiling broth; not water, it gives off a rich color and aroma!
      I appreciate your good wishes...thanks!

  19. this risotto looks so dreamy. i remember an episode at hell's kitchen about how Gordon Ramsey threw a fit (well ok he always does haha)when one of the contestants made a risotto that looked so dry... well yours looks perfect and i'm sure Gordon Ramsey's hot head will cook donw if he sees this one... well but of course that's reality TV where everything is all played up hahah.
    I hope you are having a wonderful week Elisabeth...

    1. Malou, you are so funny. I hear you about Gordon Ramsey, and I do remember the dry risotto episode, and how he threw a fit! ha, ha, is right! I was laughing at your comment. Seriously, the risotto needs its time and you have to make it proper...right down to a "science"
      constantly stirring after each ladleful addition of the broth!
      Have a wonderful week, as well!
      Ciao, ciao,

    2. I'm back to tell you that last night at MasterChef (another reality cooking show that Ramsey is in) contestants cooked one of the most challenging dishes that the chef judges have and you guessed it... it's risotto... and OMG I felt bad for the contestants. I thought you could have won that challenge if you were there.
      you know Elisabeth.. we both belong to MAC (mutual admiration club)haha!
      enjoy the FLorida sun!

  20. 2 whole years of being blessed beyond measure by you...your authenticity, love, compassion, and friendship have enriched me in more ways than I can count. I thank God for a bringing you my way via foodbuzz! so cool. and pinterest...oy vei, so addictive....I LOVE pinterest, and have had to limit myself because when I sit down to do it....I simply cannot stop hitting the "see more pins" button...haha! it's a wonderful unwinder for me in the evening, so I would like to enjoy at least 1/2 in the evening before bed to graze through the wonderful pics and ideas....this risotto looks beautiful, I have enjoyed making your creations so much, as you know, your israeli couscous salad is a PERMANENT staple to my entertaining repertoire...which always gives me a chance to talk about YOU with my friends and family :) when I tell them where this wonderful recipe came from and what a beautiful friendship that has come about via the blogosphere

  21. Now I will have to check out my worth, lol! Congratulations again on your two year anniversary - I've only been following for the past six months, but always look forward to every one of your posts and bless the day I stumbled across you. Your enthusiasm and honesty shine through every time I visit. The travel pics section on your Pinterest page are incredible - just gorgeous!

  22. Hi Elisabeth, great post which it's full of love and so touching.
    Love your Risotto look so appetizing and the closed up picture of yours make me so hungry.... Wish I can have some now.LOL

    I pop in to pinterest, it look very interesting. :)
    Thank you for sharing the statscrop site.

    Have a lovely day and hugs to you.

  23. I think crimini mushrooms are our Swiss browns, in which case I would love this dish. It looks very lush Elisabeth.

    I love Pinterest also! Sometimes I have to make myself go to bed because I could look through those pretty pictures for ages. Very addictive ;)

  24. Great anniversary giveaway, Elisabeth! So nice of you to go through all that trouble for it. Congratulations on your bloggyversary again. With this, I'm reminded that mine will be coming up soon and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna forget and not even notice when it does, just like my 100th post that went by me. So duh.
    I love Italy and had a great time when I was there for a short holiday a while back. I fell in love with Assisi :)
    Risotto takes me back there to a little trattoria where we had the most scrumptious lunch. Tanks for bringing back sweet memories.

  25. hi elisabeth! happy blog anniversary! i do a lot of close up too, not because i want to show how delicious or mouthwatering but you know why, simply because i hv nothing much to show at the background, no beautiful props or close up, saves time! LOL! guilty..guilty!
    I have not eaten a risotto though i see arborio rice selling here..i dont think i know how to cook it properly yet but will learn it one day! your picture looks delicious, i'm off to chk your pinterest!

  26. Kedves Elisabeth! Nagyon boldog 2. blogszületésnapot kívánok!!! Köszönöm Neked a sok jó receptet, és a csodálatos fotókat melyeket megosztasz velem is. Nagyon szeretem a rizottót, és olyan csodálatos képet készítettél róla, hogy legszívesebben most rögtön nekilátnék a falatozásnak. Nagyon szép lehet a Comói-tó és környéke, sajnos még Olaszországba nem jártam. Jó nyaralást kívánok a lányodéknak. Puszillak

  27. Hi Elisabeth! I am hooked on Pinterest too! I love looking through all the photos at the end of the day and find it very relaxing. A big happy blogaversary to you;-) I also make a mushroom risotto similar to your recipe, it is one of my favorites;-)

  28. Hopping by to say Hi. Visiting from Katherines Corner blog hop. I enjoy photography but yet to perfect that hobby. LOL I follow you as Kathy B. Please come visit when you can, your always Welcome. Http://

  29. Hi! I like your recipe and will try to make it. I do like Pinterest, but have been afraid to without asking. After all, just because I can do it, doesn't mean I should. But I am guilty of pinning something into my files without asking, because it is such a perfect way to file all your favorite things! So, I guess I am a little confused!

    1. Hi Susie-the good thing about Pinterest is; that everyone is pinning, without asking! That's a good sign! Pinterest pinners just click on the photos, to pin to their board, but...and there's a big must copy their URL to enter, otherwise, you can't use your own URL unless its from your blog!
      That's all there' to it. Thank you for stopping by my blog, to comment!

  30. Good Morning Elisabeth,
    What a beautiful Risotta, I can almost taste it with all the wonderful flavor. Your New York Cheese Cake looks like a piece of heaven. I could just have the Risotta for my meal and then the Cheese Cake for dessert and I would be a happy camper. Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  31. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, Elisabeth! Lago di Como is so charming and glad thet your daughter and her family is there to enjoy it's beauty. The risotto looks very creamy, just perfect :)

  32. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you are having a great week and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
