Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Strawberry Cake....a Guest Post

We are so happy and honored to guest post for our friend Lizzy, from That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!! 

It’s a joy to be here guest posting with my daughter Lora, from Cake Duchess.
We have known Lizzy for nearly two years and she has always been such a great friend to the both of us. She is always ready to help in any way possible. Lizzy really needs no introductions since she has so many followers and friends who frequent her amazing and delicious baking blog. I’ve often mentioned about her having little elves that help her in the kitchen baking in her little baking factory. Thank you, Lizzy, for asking Lora and I to team up for a guest post. You are a sweet friend. 

My computer has been acting up since last night, and I could not have the post up by this morning. Our friend Lizzy, who is having the time of her life in Paris.

The fabulous sponge cake was made by Lora, I only created the cream, and the strawberry other words, my part was only the filling and the decorations; but it was a team effort, and we will get this straight, I promise.

I also forgot to mention that it's my second blogaversary, and also, I wanted to pay forward some award which came from Lizzy, and Kathy...oh, well, I will catch up as soon as I get my technical issues straightened out on my computer....never fails...just like "Murphy's Law"
Thanks for your patience, and will get things in order ASAP...
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Oh my goodness, it's my 2 year blogoversary too!!! I love that we both entered the blogosphere at the same time...and my world has never been the same since....loved your you

  2. such a sweet post! lizzy truly is the sweetest.
    the cake you and your daughter made is beautiful...lovely decorations :)

  3. Just gorgeous as everything she bakes is! Love Lizzy and this was a perfect cake and Lora's desserts are always on the top of the list of must trys a match up perfectly! GREAT job to the girls! Congrats on your 2 years of fabulous entries... love them all can't wait to see what your all cooking up next!

  4. Milyen csodás csapatmunka, és a lányoddal együtt elkészítei egy ilyet, igazi ajándék, szuper ez az epres torta:) A vendég post is olyan jó ötlet és kedves dolog, a magyar blogokon ezt nem csinálják, kár:) Nagyon szép hétévégét kívánok neked Elisabeth:)

  5. Just finished reading the guest post. Came across that blog first time.

    This cake looks lovely. And the strawberry on top? Almost looks like a rose, doesn't it?! :)
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Giveaway # 1 - Cupcake Carrier - Bake n' Take!

  6. Elisabeth, as I have already said on Liz's blog, this cake is breathtakingly appetising! I am even scared to think what it would become if left in my kitchen (or rather how long it would survive!).
    I had no idea you had a blogging daughter (I am your recent follower, I hope it's a valid excuse). I'm thrilled to discover her culinary achievements!

  7. Csodaszép ez a torta, olyan finom epres, habos, szívesen megkóstólnám:)

  8. I will have to check it out, the cake looks amazing!! I know what you mean and how frustrating it is with computer issues, I have to get a new computer. Ahhhhck! You are lucky to have your daughter around and have the same interests as you! Now I have to check her blog out and follow her!!!

  9. Hi Elisabeth,

    This strawberry cake is awesome. I liked Lora and you teamed for a guest post Lizzy. I love to taste a piece.

  10. I am looking forward to your blog anniversary post.

  11. Happy 2nd bloggyversary, Elisabeth! I saw this at Lizzy's and was wishing I could take a bite of this. Great team effort! And as always, a great friend.
    Btw, Lizzy's 3 elves look pretty big to me :D

  12. Ez valami csodálatos! Nagyon klassz csapat vagytok. :)))

  13. HAppy 2nd Anniversary dear! May you have many more ( much to our delight)to celebrate!!
    HAve a great weekend! Will definitely check out your friend's blog.

  14. De gyönyörű tortát készítettetek! Szuper jó! :)

  15. Wow!!! Amazing presentation, looks really delicious!!

  16. Wowo....soooooooooo gorgeous Cake!!!!
    Good to see you after a long time.

    Food Fun Freak:

  17. Happy Bloggyversary, Eli!
    The strawberry cake looks terrific and I am off to Liz's blog to check out the recipe.
    I wish you and yours a happy weekend!

  18. Elisabeth,
    Happy Second Blogoversary! This was a wonderful guest post with your daughter for our dear friend, Lizzy. You can come and decorate my cakes anytime:)

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Happy two year blog anniversary! Great guest post :)

  20. Lizzie, I'm sorry it took me so long to get here to thank you and Lora for sharing this delicious work of art! We have been going non-stop and will have to come home to rest :) Happy anniversary to your wonderful blog...I am so lucky to call you my friend!!! xo

  21. Happy anniversary to your blog and I wish you many more years ahead. Love the post and of course pic is drooling me.

  22. Happy second anniversary! What an accomplishment ;) And a great way to celebrate with this brilliant cake and some fun friends :)


  23. Droolworthy,super tempting and irresistible cake..Happy blog anniversary Elisabeth.

  24. What a beautiful summer cake! lovely photos - hope Lizzy is having the time of her life in Paris!
    Mary x

  25. Gyönyörű lett a tortád! Piros, fehér, zöld :)

  26. Great teamwork :) I am seriously drooling!! Gorgeous creation Elisabeth and Happy Blogoversary!

  27. Happy blog anniversary! I love the look of this cake (you really do need to do a video the next time you and Lora bake together :)

  28. happy 2nd birthday to your blog!! the cake looks awesome, it's really wonderful that you and lora are working together for a post just like earlier when lora was guest posting for you earlier, i think it's such a meaningful thing and sweet. Will be hopping over to lizzy's, thanks!

  29. Gyönyörű torta, príma együttműködés, jó recept! Mi más kell még a sikerhez :)

  30. Oh my gosh, that looks delicious!

    Happy Anniversary!

  31. Oooh this cake looks gorgeous , I love this , said the same thing over Lizzy 's blog . Also a big Happy Blogeverssary dear Elisabeth :D.

    1. Thank you all for your good wishes, and support, your kind comments mean so much to both Lora and I. We are a 'team'...but more of a mother and daughter TEAM, not as team bloggers...only in the kitchen when we team up together to cook and bake (Lora does most of the baking) as you have seen on her blog.

      As for food blogging, we both do our separate things with separate styles and the majority of the time don't even comment to each other, when we can actually do it in 'person'...and give our constructive "critique" and my TMI..(too much info)...LOL according to Lora!

      Our friend Lizzy, is our 'middle person'...both Lora and I consult with her and different levels for different food subjects, but we both love and adore her just like you all DO! She is a lovely, gracious, generous, and kind hearted beautiful "skinny chick" is Lora. Truly blessed with 'skinny genes'

      Have a wonderful Sunday to you, my friends...hugs, to all!

  32. happy 2nd blogversary Elisabeth. THis beautiful baking collaboration of Lora and you is a perfect centerpiece for a happy occasion: it's beautiful, vibrant and radiant, scrumptious and delightful, it inspires... makes you smile... All those describe your blogging just as well.
    Happy Sunday. and oh btw, I spent almost an hour at your PInterest gawking and clicking on your pins. In fact I posted one in my fb page hihi
    Thanks for being there my blogger friend... cheers!

  33. Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary! You and Lora did such an amazing job with this gorgeous cake!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  34. Happy Blogversary, Elizabeth!! Loved the post you did for Lizzy with Lora! The cake is gorgeous…you both did a wonderful job! I think it’s so wonderful that you get to bake and blog with your daughter…such fun for you both!

  35. Hi my dear Elisabeth, happy blog anniversary. Love your strawberry cake, the decoration look so pretty and cute. Texture of the cake look good,wish I can have one slice now. LOL

    Have a great week ahead. Take care, dear! *hugs*

  36. How fun to guest post with your daughter, Elisabeth! I really think that mom and daughter are both popular bloggers. I'll be over at Lizzy's after this to check it out. I wish I have this delicious strawberry cake.

    Happy 2nd Blogiversary! What a milestone!!

  37. Happy Blog Anniversary!! What an amazing recipe. I am such a sucker for strawberries and this is a keeper. Yummmm.. Thanks so much for living me with such a wonderful message on my blog too. I have not been able to catch up on reading as I was not well for the past week. Whole body was aching, and feel like I have missed out so much. I will pop over to Lora's and Lizzy too, whom both are my favourite bloggers. Have a wonderful week ahead Elisabeth.. hugggssss :D

  38. What beautiful creation from mother and daughter. I am hopping over to Luzzy's and Lora's. I remember I wish you Happy 2nd blogiversary already but I just cannot trust my memory nowadays. I will wish you again. Happy 2nd Blogiversary and many many more! Hugs and kisses.
