Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Curried Potatoes and Egg Scramble
I have not been photographing my foods in the last couple weeks...and if I actually did, I was not pleased with it. As you can see, this delicious Curried Egg Scramble is from at least a year and a half ago, and it was taken with my old camera, which has been replaced with a much better one, soon after this! I'm still hooked on Pinterest as you may all know, finding more, and more gorgeous things, and amazing foods to re-pin! I'm on the breakfast "mode" at this moment...although, I only had my favorite caffee latte and ate an entire grapefruit, but I'm seriously craving some good, hearty and healthy breakfast. My curried potatoes would do well with the scrambled eggs, but I don't have any eggs in the house. (I left it at my daughters when we went shopping together a few days ago)
...NO EGGS!...that is so not acceptable! Click on the link, for the recipe!

One thing for sure...I have to have my Caffe Latte, and not just any coffee with milk, or cream, this is the authentic important Italian coffee, made in an authentic espresso maker...actually, an electric one, and a very unusual one, at that. Just look at the yummy foam, and the cinnamon sprinkling. You have to have fat-free milk in able to make a fabulous foam like that, and of course the steam feature on the coffee maker...and a little practice indeed!
You guessed it; it's another Thrift Find...the unique, electric espresso coffee maker, and the Starbucks mug! It' even got the Starbucks name engraved in it! Coffee maker is made in Italy, of course...$9.99, and the mug was $.99 of course, from my local Goodwill store!
I did not just get this coffee pot, and mug...it's been about two months ago! I happen to stumble upon it, and wondered why it hasn't been snapped up, since I went to Goodwill in the late afternoon, and by then all the great items are taken. Every morning, they bring out at least 3 or 4 bins of amazing donated stuff...and at least 90% of those items are nearly new, or some of it brand new, donated by companies.

Even the furniture is donated by furniture companies, when they are no longer in style...amazing...absolutely amazing. The 5 star hotel, the Breakers has been donating extremely expensive furniture, such as armoirs, desks, chairs, from the hotel, for a ridiculously low price, a fraction of what they actually cost

I will tell you why this coffee pot was probably donated...#1 because the people did not want to bother with using it...#2, because they had a nasty "messy" accident with it, like I did! #2 is the right answer. The part, where you put the coffee grains in, and close it, must be closed tightly...you have to twist it to the right, just like I have it in the photo, otherwise when the coffee is brewing, and filling the cup, it will splatter...and I mean splatter all over you counter, your wall...even up to the ceiling....yes it will, and it did! I was devastated when it happened. Took me an hour to clean the mess up. Now, I'm very careful with it.
Just wanted to share this photo of the amazing sky at sunset...I happen to go outside on my balcony to look across the street, and gazed at God's nature beauty, of beauties....the Glazing Sky!...Wow, oh, wow...these red streaks were all the way across into the horizon....a perfect Pinterest share photo...of Palm Beach sky!
Isn't this stunning?...usually when the sky is like that, they say it's going to be windy the next day, but that wasn't the case, at all!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, or Wednesday, by some places, as in Malaysia, and India where some of you dear friends reside!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. oh yummy! we had some eggs/potatoes very similar to this for dinner last night! :)

  2. Elisabeth, love that coffee latte. That mug and coffee maker looks good.

  3. I love eggs with anything....this is a lovely post with or without new photos!

  4. Elisabeth...this is a great post and I love the sunset photos :) And your coffee maker looks good...a very classic looking at I can't believe it was $9.99 only. Over here in Malaysia , it would have cost a bomb ! And I like your quote on your header....and I agree totally with it ! Have a great day yourself :)

  5. Hi my dear Elisabeth, I love your breakfast and latte, slurrppp..... I love any coffee regardless of day and night.

    Your sure very lucky with your thrift find, the coffee maker is so unique and cute. Very very good bargain too.

    Love your sunset pictures, so beautiful and lovely.
    Thanks for sharing, my dear.

    Have a nice day and take care, hugs to you.

  6. Lovely sunset clicks, am drooling over that latte.

  7. I am a morning person...I usually get up before 6am for the breakfast;-) and after yoga, another breakfast...;-)) This is such a satisfying and delicious breakfast! I totally love it.

  8. I always want to find out how to cook coffee latte. It is my favourite one. Great mug and coffee maker!!!

  9. USD9.99?? unbelieveable!!oh,i'm so jealous! i think you hv grabbed tons of items back home from goodwill! beautiful sky!

  10. Én nem ismerem a latte kávét, de biztos nagyon finom!
    A természet fotóid csodálatosak. Nálunk is ismert egy versike: Hogyha a nap vörösben leáldozik, az idő szeles lesz, vagy megváltozik.

  11. Kérek egy kávét :)csodásan néz ki.
    Az én reggelim sem "villás" sosem: joghurt, kávé, zabkorpa .... :), megszoktam, szeretem.
    A naplemente engem is mindig elvarázsol, egyáltalán a NAP. Ma reggel hatkor látható volt, ahogy a Vénusz elhaladt a Nap előtt, sok csodás fotó van a neten. A lestyán: lovage

  12. Ezt a reggelit nagyon szeretem! Nagyon finom,szép!!!!
    Kávé jöhet!!!

  13. Your beautiful potatoes and egg scramble looks like a potential hit in my house for lunch or brunch! (I hardly ever take breakfast during the week).
    This is the first time I see something like this! I have been using Italian coffee maker for almost 20 years (the traditional one, put on the stove) and I keep on dreaming about a high pressure one (like in Italian cafés ;-) ), but otherwise this is my favourite method to prepare coffee out of everything I have tested.
    My coffee is either small black or bigger with a tiny dash of soy milk (cow milk is not my friend in coffee so in the last 15 years I had to get used to soy milk).

  14. The curried egg and potato scramble is genius! I'd love a big bite of that right now (especially as I am in the middle of a juice cleanse and am hungry!). Love your coffee gear as well, and of course I too share your Pinterest affliction!

  15. The sunset photographs are cool! I liked the espresso coffee maker and the Starbucks coffee mug too!! I loved the egg scramble...looks delish!

  16. what another thrift find??? you are the queen of thrifts and i'm so jealous! hahah. you know when i dropped by yesterday, i think all i talked about is about your finds and not the food which is what i come here for haha... but ok today, yeah let's talk about your breakfast spread... even if it was taken ages ago, it still look appetizing. in one of my recent posts, i featured a tearoom which offered waldorf with curry goodness and this post reminds me of it... so im imagining im having this today as well... buy guess what???? i don't have eggs either!!! what a foodblogger am i hahah!

  17. what another thrift find? you are definitely the queen of thrifts!!! and i am so jealous.
    Yesterday, I know I came here and I left a message but I thought all I talked about was the thrifting and not the food which is the reason why I come here for. haha... talk about excitement over thrifting (or my lack of thrifting abilitities haha)
    Anyways, this curried egg potato scramble even it it was taken years ago, reminds me of the waldorf salad with curry i had in a tearoom (posted 2 posts ago) I loved the curry goodness in the salad and your post is definitely reminding my of how i enjoyed the food... i thought i could make this now but guess what , i don't have eggs either!!!! what a foodblogger am i hahah...

  18. That breakfast looks mighty appetizing. More wonderful finds at your thrift store. Glad you are enjoying the new to you espresso maker. Gorgeous sunset photos too :)

  19. It is not in my nature to covet Elisabeth, but I do covet your espresso maker. I am with you about the eggs; I cannot run my kitchen without eggs. I was at the thrift store yesterday. I bought 4 more wool sweaters for felting.

  20. Elisabeth nagyon finom reggelit készítettél, szívesen megkóstoltam volna. Nagyon klassz ez a kávéfőző, és biztosan nagyon finom kávét lehet főzni vele. Csodálatos képeket készítettél!! Nálunk igaz a mondás, és ha ilyen piros az ég alja, akkor bizony másnap fúj a szél.
    Holnap válaszolok a leveledre, elnézésedet kérem a késlekedésért. Puszillak

  21. Elisabeth,
    You must be the queen of thrift finds. I must go to Goodwill soon, and browse around. I would like to find some pink Depression glass. I have one piece, and I love it. Your breakfast dish sounds so good!

  22. Sunset pictures are beautiful. Nice looking coffee maker, you were lucky to find it for this great deal.

  23. That espresso maker is a wonderful find - and now that you've got all the bugs ironed out...! you're really going to treasure it over the years. We certainly go through a lot of eggs in this household - when I'm out of them (which is rare) I feel like I can't function in the kitchen. Your sunset pics are simply stunning :)

  24. Elizabeth, Love that wonderful espresso machine…what a find! I would love to go treasure hunting with you! I can’t tell you how often I’ve gone to a thrift store and found nothing! Maybe I need your good eye!
    Gorgeous sunset photos…how lovely to see that from your patio! And your breakfast looks totally delicious! Have a lovely day, my friend!!!

  25. Ok, so many thoughts to share. You know how when someone is going to 'spill' about a movie the word 'SPOILER' is used? I think you need a 'SALIVATION ALERT' before a post like this Elisabeth. As soon a I saw the first photo I was ready to hop a plane. By the way I LIKE the photo; it has an instagram feel to it which of course is uber cool.

    I love reading about your thrift adventures. It's like treasure hunting. In fact the date you published this was my bday and I went out on a jaunt which included a stop at a fave thrift store in Denver. Found a few littler things but no deals such as yours. Will live vicariously.

    Love the sunset too!

  26. stunning!!!! and the curried potato egg scramble....LOVE! that latte looks so good I could just jump through the screen...oh bella, have I told you lately that I adore you

  27. I used to love curried egg sandwiches when I was at school! You just reminded me of them with your scramble.

    Love the beautiful sunset images, they remind me of my place :)

  28. What a find you made with that coffee maker!!! And your layered coffee drink is just so tempting. I'm sitting here waiting for my weekend coffee, my husband makes it for me, yes I'm totally spoiled!!! But I don't get layers of goodness like yours!
    Happy Weekend!!

  29. Those potatoes and eggs are just delightful, and I so love that espresso machine...cool!
