Friday, June 1, 2012

Sun Dried Tomatoes in Herbed Olive Oil

It's been nearly a year and a half since I made this wonderful Sun Dried Tomatoes in Herbed Olive Oil, and since I wanted to pin this to Pinterest to my "pickles and jam" board, which needed more home canned goods, I thought it would be a good idea to post it again.
For the recipe; click on to the original source: Sun Dried Tomatoes in Herbed Olive Oil
I have to admit, I did make a very nice dinner a week ago, which consisted of a light salad from my dear friend Angie, @ Angie's Recipes
photo, courtesy from Angie's Recipes
I actually made this salad, along with bake haddock with a gratin topping, and shared it with a friend of mine. She wanted us to celebrate Prince's life...which I thought was a little odd...but, why not? I took photos of the salad, which was really very nice, but I'm my worst "self critic" and deleted the photos! The only thing that was different; is the sweet potatoes were served on the side, and the baby spinach I purchased also was mixed with baby arugula, which was just perfect. Thank you Angie, for your amazing recipe, as for all the others, especially the most beautiful breads that Angie bakes.

Yesterday, my daughter Lora and I went to Costco to get a few cannot go to Costco, for less than $100. even if you shoot for $50. minimum which some people can...but it's almost impossible! She stocked up on cookies, juices, and popcorn for the kids' parties at the end of the year parties, and I requested a box of their superb croissants which is so, so, good! You can have them for breakfast, fill them with whatever you like. For lunch, I sliced some cold rotisserie chicken breast which I purchased at my local Publix supermarket, and topped it with coleslaw that I fixed from a already shredded cabbage in a bag, and mixed my honey mustard dressing!, so, yummy...(not photo of that, either)

I will be sharing some of my "thrift finds" with you, from yesterday! Since Goodwill is so close to my daughter's neighborhood in West Palm Beach, every time I go to Lora's house I have to stop at Goodwill to see what they have. Apparently, Mikasa, and Studio Nova are connected, which I did not know until now. What really is nice, that companies like that, and others donate discontinued items to Goodwill which happens to be BRAND NEW...and it was my lucky day!
I just love, love this modern serving bowl with the platter...brand new, from Studio Nova!
  Just love the cheerful colorful polka dots, and the shape of the platter, and the bowl!
must have been my lucky day! $7.97 for the set!

I found this Tupperware set...don't even know if its a set, but these smaller pieces were inside of this "classic" Tupperware from the 70's, or 80's...brand new, as you can see. They don't make this high quality any longer.
Love the beautiful brick color, and the sturdy material. You just cannot find this any more...brand new...brand new!
I kid you not..this was the actual price of this most amazing Tupperware, that for some reason was brand new!
I love this crystal vase, bowl, or container...another brand new product!
Just look...from Pier 1 Imports...check out the price! I will be using this for my sea glass, collected from my beach, or place a nice large candle, or even for a many uses!
A beautiful stainless steel mixing bowl...just the right size, I need! Love this little bowl!

 Price of this bowl....$1.91...price is not shown up from from glare!

A crystal bud vase...there was no price on this vase...I asked how much, and I was told that it has to be $2.99...only, because its crystal, and because it has some beautiful design...which does not show up on the photo!
My most favorite...of favorites...Baby's Breath! Cost?....$3.99, and it will last you for a week, changing the water for a nice fresh one, each day, adding a little bit of whit vinegar each time to the water, along with ice cubes!
My favorite, of favorites...Baby's Breath!, love, Baby's Breath, just by itself!

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  1. Eli, thank you so very much for featuring my salad here. I am honoured!
    I am thinking to put some pasta in that square bowl with polka dots.
    Love Baby's Breath too...very pretty.
    I wish you a relaxing and wonderful weekend!

    1. Angie-the honor is all mine...and thank you for letting me post the photo of your beautiful salad that we enjoyed so much. (now I regret for deleting my photo from the camera)
      I love Baby's Breath so much just by itself, or mixing it with other flowers. So pretty, and delicate, lasts for up to 10 days!

  2. Love the polka dots. Thanx for the sun dried tomatoes recipe.

  3. I love this sun dried tomatoes in olive oil! Sounds amazing with the herbed oil. Wow such a great shopper! The mixing ball is less than $2? Wow what a great buy! Have a wonderful weekend Elisabeth!

  4. What great finds! I especially love the polka dotted bowl and platter!
    And a coincidence ... I'd made some quickie sweet potato dish too. You know me and quickies these couple of weeks. :)
    Your bottled sun-dried tomatoes would make great gifts. So pretty and colorful! Tie a nice ribbon and voila!!

  5. Wow, csodás tányérok, én is szeretem a modern formákat, színeket.
    Nálunk még várni kell legalább júliusig, hogy paradicsomot aszalhassunk , a tiéd csodaszép! A saláta is !

  6. Az a pöttyös szett valami csodás, én is akarok:) Nagyon jó és a tupperware irtó drága, nagyon jó áron kaptad meg. A vázád is szuper, nem tudtam hogy angolul Baby's Breath ennek a virágnak a neve, magyarul fátyolvirág a neve, latinul meg Gypsophila, képzeld én ezt termesztettem is még Magyarországon. Az aszalt paradicsomot én is nagyon szeretem:) Sajnálom, hogy szomorú vagy, de könnyebb lesz ezután és az olyan szép, hogy az oceánba szórod a hamvakat. Nagyon szép, békés hétvégét kívánok:)

    1. A pöttyös szett, tiszta uj...több más hozzá való dolgok is voltak, amint mondta egy hölgy nekem. Én elég későn értem oda, és rögtön fel kaptam. Drága lehetett, nem mondom hogy ujjan, mert az, de ez a cég ajándékozta mert már nem az idei divat talán!

      Igen Baby's Breath-nek hivják, én imádom ezt az aranyos gyenge, kedves virágot, és sokáig is tart el.
      Az aszalt paradicsomot a szárazbol csinálom, nagyon könnyü a módja. Bizony sajnos még szomoru vagyok de majd tul teszem magam rajta, remélem egy is idővel!

  7. Such fabulous finds…I would love to go out hunting with you! Love the polka dot bowl! And I love your sun dried tomatoes…will definitely give this a try! Feel better, Elizabeth! Have a great weekend!

    1. Kathy-In our local Goodwill store, we don't have to hunt...every day they have something so amazing to please everyone.

      Yesterday, I just walked in there to check to see what they have and saw a whole set of a flat screen PC with keyboard; some programs were left in there, and a customer was playing "poker" on it. The entire cost...$200. I bet by today, or this morning it will be snapped up!

      I often make my own sundried tomatoes...just buy the dry tomatoes and I put them in a sterilized jar with olive oil!
      Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. The salad sounds lovely and your sun-dried tomatoes look wonderful. Our Goodwill never has the great items you managed to find at yours. Great tip about adding vinegar and ice cubes to the flower water.
    I can imagine how difficult your decision of where to place your beloved Prince's ashes is going to be but you knew him best and I'm sure will decide where he would be happiest.

    1. Hi Paula, thanks for your sweet comment (I removed the last photo) will make the difficult decision about Prince's ashes when family returns from Italy.

      We are very, very fortunate at our Goodwill in West Palm Beach, because we get a lot of new donations from stores, still in boxes.
      The beautiful bowl with the platter is brand new (never used) donated by Studio Nova, a discontinued item. Also, a lot of women's wear still have the original store tags items.

      I have a lot of great uses for white vinegar, and use it in many handy ways. Old school!

  9. So many great things happening in this post! Your sundried tomatoes and salad look amazing (Angie does have wonderful recipes :)). And then ALL your bargains...unbelievable!!!! What marvelous finds! And then I wanted to pass along that my florist told me that baby's breath is all the rage again with upscale you're totally in sync with your style! Have a great weekend, and I'll check in with you in a couple weeks. xoxo

    1. Wow Lizzy! I'm so glad that I'm in sync with the Baby Breath, which I love so much! It is such a delightful, delicate flower, that keeps so well, if you change the water every day!
      See you in a couple week, my dear friend. Have a wonderful vacation!

  10. Elisabeth I have been wanting to do something with my oven dried tomatoes, I have been keeping them in the freezer in zyploc bags and this recipe looks absolutely perfect for them. I didn't want to waste them with a bad recipe, they were a lot of work last fall. Thank you for posting the link!

    1. Zsuzsa, I'm glad that I could be of help for your hard work with the oven dried tomatoes. These tomatoes will last in your fridge for quite a while. You are most welcome!

  11. The food looks and sounds amazing!

  12. Elisabeth, salad looks delicious. I Love that bowl and collection you bought,

  13. ÓÓÓÓ, Elisabeth csodálatos dolgokat vásároltál. Nekem minden kellene, mert mindegyik nagyon szép!!! A pöttyös készletbe teljesen beleszerettem. A fátyolvirág csodálatos. Nekem mindig szokott lenni a kertbe fehér és rózsaszín, de idén elfelejtettem magot venni. A Tupperware dobozokat nagyon szeretem, igaz az enyémek már jó régiek, az újak meg nagyon drágák, így már régen vettem.
    Az olívás aszalt paradicsom, és a saláta nagyon finom lehet, most jó nagyokat nyelek.:))
    Csodás hétvégét kívánok!!! Puszillak

  14. I am so jealous of all your fab Goodwill finds!! You know how wonderful I think that place is :) I tell anyone who will listen about the terrific prices (they're practically giving this stuff away!) and new (or next-to) treasures I find there on a regular basis. Your sun-dried tomatoes look so bright and inviting :)

  15. Ooooo such great finds, Elisabeth.
    Gosh I feel terrible for 'wasting' money so far buying stuff from places like Macy's, Kohl's etc!
    Ahhhh I need to search some thrift stores around!
    Hope you're having a good weekend :)

  16. some great buys here wow~ Love this sun dried tomatoes recipe... holding on to this one sounds better than the one I do!

  17. It really was your lucky day Elisabeth! What great finds! I also love baby's breath...the name alone is sweet and the flowers are delicate, yet hearty! I love that they last! Your sun-dried tomatoes look delicious ~ and your salad too! It sounds like you had a full week and what a sweetheart your friend is to want to celebrate Prince's life...a tender hearted gesture by someone who obviously loves you! xoxo

  18. Szia Elisabeth! Ne haragudj, hogy mostanában ritkábban van időm kommentelni, de azért figyelemmel kísérlek ám!
    Először is borzasztóan sajnálom a cicádat, tudom milyen egy szeretett állat elvesztése, 2 éve búcsúztam el az imádott kutyámtól. Együtt érzek veled.
    A finomságokat is megcsodáltam természetesen. :)))
    Az aszalt paradicsomot ismerem és szeretem, jó, hogy eszembe juttattad, idén is fogok készíteni.
    A szerzeményeid remekek! A pöttyös szett a kedvencem. :)))

  19. Elisabeth, both the salad and dried tomatoes look gorgeous (you should have posted your photo! I'm sure you underestimated the aesthetic side!). Have you made these tomatoes as a real long-term preserve? I never make preserves based on oil (even though I sometimes add some oil) because my mum never did and I don't really know how to... preserve them correctly. (Preserving is a kind of family habit even though I make lots of new, exotic preserves compared to my mum's). I don't have a big American-style fridge, so I rarely make short-term fridge preserves.
    Lovely buys! Thank you for sharing the photos with us. I'm looking forward to see some of them in your next posts with dishes.

    1. Sissy, thank you for the compliment...I did not post my photo of the salad not because it wasn't good; but speaking of the "aesthetic" side of it, I felt that Angie's photo would bring out the beauty of it so much better! When I take photos of my foods I prefer the natural light, even though the lighting in my kitchen is great.

      As for the sun dried tomatoes, the only concern is that the jar has to be sterilized, do not use extra virgin olive oil which congeals it in the fridge. It must be refrigerated, otherwise it will not keep fresh. Could last up to 3-6 weeks in the fridge!

    2. Thank you, Elisabeth. Then, alas, it's not for me :-( I will have to keep on buying them. My fridge is already packed with sauces, misos and other jars... It almost explodes when I do my weekend shopping. The only preserves I can make are long-term ones (for the pantry, not fridge).

  20. Hi My dear Elisabeth, I love, love your thrift finds especially the polka dot set, so cute and pretty. Really admire all of them, the tupperware set is no where to find now especially the quality is concern.
    You sure collect lots of treasure by now? LOL But it's really value for money and some of the things are still brand new. You're very lucky.

    I love the baby breath too, it pair very well with beautiful roses too.
    Your sun dried tomatoes look good in the cute little bottle.

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

  21. The sun dried tomatoes are delicious looking. What a great Goodwill you have at Lori's,new stuff. Your purchases are precious. I love baby's breath too and I keep them after they've dried :)
    Happy Sunday,

  22. Szeretek itt sétálni!!!!Ritkán tudok de szeretek!!!

  23. What great finds, especially that dotted bowl!! so lovely - Goodwill so often has some treasures - also LOVE the sun dried toms olive oil - scrumptious
    Mary x

  24. baby breath flowers are soo pretty, i love them too! oooo yay for some healthy, yummy eats. i love fresh salads!! hehe. hope you are well, Elizabeth!

  25. hi elisabeth, would like to chk out your sundried tomatoes recipe after this. what wonderful bargains you hv there, tupperware brand items are quite expensive here, i'm sure you were jumping in joy seeing all those items at such prices, i love the vase too and of course, the baby's breath..lovely, gives me a dreamy 'feel'!

  26. such great finds! and those sun dried tomatoes sound delicious!

  27. Nagyon guszta a szárított paradicsomod, én még soha nem ettem, de szívesen megkóstolnám :)

  28. Elisabeth, you salad with sun dried tomatoes look great...perfect for the warm weather...and you sure got a lot for your money!
    Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  29. Great finds Elisabeth! I need a pickles and jam board, just love the name;-)
    Wonderful way to keep sun dried tomatoes, I can think of a few ways to use them up!
    Hope your week is off to a good start;-)

  30. Wonderful finds Elisabeth...the polka dots dishes are absoluetly darling! Have to try your sun dried tomatoes in olive oil...looks yummy :)

  31. Hi Elisabeth, I love your polka dots dishes! They are adorable!!! and very stylish! I must check out some goodwill shops near my area soon! Thanks for sharing the link for the sun dried tomatoes recipe. It looks delicious and pretty, I want to make some for my next food swap event.

  32. Wow Elisabeth, now I really want to come to your side of the state to go to Goodwill. I stop in all the time to the ones near me. It changes all the time.
    The sun dried tomatoes look great, I have never made any myself yet. Of course I just can't grow tomatoes like my mom can up in Michigan, and the store bought just are not the same.
    I like the dish for the sea glass, I would have to use it for sea urchins and shells. We don't get much sea glass, I don't know why maybe because our sand is like powder, too soft, not coarse. I love the looks of the Baby's Breath, just stunning with the bright blue wall background. I like the looks but I can't stand the smell...I'm weird, I can't handle the smell of Jacaranda either. I will have to post some of my finds! This is fun...Fab Finds Friday? :D :D

  33. Lyndsey-I have never even stepped into a Goodwill store until about 10 years ago when they opened a new one in my former place where I lived, here in S. Florida! They were also so amazing with all the great finds, and every donation was a treasure! Now, that store is a "hit and miss"

    Our local store here has the Best...of the Best stuff. Any time you want to take a 5hr. drive, just let me know, and I will show you around!
    Funny about the Baby's can't stand the smell; which actually I don't even detect any or maybe just a little. Yes, do post some of your great finds...would love to see them:DDD

  34. Elisabeth,
    I cannot help but comment on your Goodwill trekking. I wish i live close to you so I could go with you. I went to Goodwill this morning to donate stuff and I had to take a peek on what's inside... but somehow I get intimidated and can't stay long... (weird of me huh?) That's why I wish I could find someone who I could go with or mayhaps it's a lot better if it was you right? hahah.
    i hope you are having a great week.


  35. Elisabeth, what a lovely salad to celebrate Prince's life. I love your thrift finds especially the polka dot dishes. There are no decent goodwill store in KL or maybe there are and I am not aware of it. I love sundried tomatoes and I am sure homemade ones will be even more delicious. Your jar of sundried tomatoes look so inviting. I think baby's breath the best enhancer to other flowers. Today is Saturday already. Time flies when I am enjoying myself. I will be back home next Sunday. To bad I am not going your side. I still wish we could meet in person someday. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs
