Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Food Cravings...and a New Week!

The Big Red Bold Burger

It's been exactly one week, since yesterday that I had to part from my sweet kitty, Prince...things have not been the same. I have been just in a state of "disbelief" that I actually made that decision to have his life ended, feeling guilty...yet relieved!

I am so thankful, and grateful to all of you who have commented, comforted, and shared your heartfelt stories about your beloved pets that you have lost, as well. It is such a sad feeling, an emptiness in your heart, in your home, that you feel for a long time to come...yet, knowing that this is the "cycle of life" that our pets, just like us have to endure. Just as we will be called to pass through those golden gates to heaven...our pets are also called to their final resting homes...this is an assurance that I know, and that we will all be together, someday!

Some of you have noticed that I've been pinning a lot on PINTEREST, working on my board, to add more. I love PINTEREST; did not think that I would get so hooked on it! I do have a board on it, called; Food Cravings, and this amazing burger called...The Big Red Bold Burger from amazing sandwiches, is one of my cravings!
Oven Fried Onion Rings

You can't just have a burger without fries and onion rings...so at least go for the healthier version...Oven Fried Onion Rings, courtesy of Pinterest  I will have to google the recipe for this, as well!

Sweet Potato Fries Baked

If you're going to have fries, might as well choose a healthier version, which is the Sweet Potato Fries, Baked, courtesy of natural noshing...yumm

Honey Almond Ice Cream

Honey Almond Ice cream, courtesy of a sweet simple life and Caramel Espresso Bars?...a match made in heaven!

Finally, I would want to have a piece of the amazing Caramel Espresso Bars from my good friend Lizzy @that skinny chick can bake....now, we are getting closer to home, where you can actually find her recipe!

As you can see, this is not your Weight Watchers foods, or desserts, I have given that up a few months ago since my Prince has become so ill...although, I still know the points that I'm allowed; I also have the little WW calculator to figure the points...actually, did figure out how many points are in an all beef Hebrew National hot dog...4 points; and in a hot dog bun...3 points. Well, that's what I had yesterday...2 hot dogs, and a side of deli coleslaw. I declined my invite for the cookout at my daughter's...stayed at home all day...went downstairs, to check out the ocean, and went for a walk on the beach, and later went swimming in the pool...and read one of my old Bon Appetit cooking magazines from 1999!...So, all in all, it wasn't such a bad day.
Hope you all had a very nice Memorial Day weekend!

...Don't go away, yet... I have some awesome, and important thing to share with you!

Yesterday turned out to be a gorgeous, sunny, (partly cloudy) and breezy day, the high of 86 degrees F. in South Florida! (Palm Beach) I decided to take a little walk...hardly any people on the private beach...(snowbirds gone back north)...no vacationers, at least not around here!
As you can see, there's only one person up ahead in the distance, and this is at 1:00pm in the afternoon; not if like they have all gone to lunch!...just a quiet, and empty beach is what I needed to gather my thoughts and recite some prayers quietly to myself and the universe! 
As I'm watching the gentle waves...of course, not going into the water, in fear of "undercurrents" ...just the other day, they had to pull a few people from the ocean because they were stuck in the undercurrents, and that is very, dangerous where it could pull you under in a "snap of a moment" and ...be gone...washed away in the currents! (it happened in another part of the state)
Finally, as I was walking...I stumbled upon one flip-flop...not just an ordinary flip-flop, but what looks like an expensive brand...a mens' flip-flop that has been washed ashore. With all the time on my hands, I began to wonder? Where did this come from...is it local?...always just one flip-flop!...What happens to all these washed ashore items, as in plastic bottles, containers, and tons, and tons, of debris washed ashore. I know, in our area it get cleaned up...but what about, all the rest?...so; later I decide to google about flip-flops being washed ashore...and this is what I found!
This is an exhibition site of a fabulous art of several discarded debris...such as flip-flops, plastic, to design ART out of it!
Now isn't this so awesome, wonderful?
For more information, check out this website...absolutely, amazing!
Washed Ashore plastics, sea life and art Global Tour 

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. this looks wonderful lovely pictures

  2. first to comment yay!
    so it's been a week already without Prince, i'm so sorry... but time heals all wounds and that space he left behind will be filled in with other joys.
    i should take PINTEREST 101 from you. I still haven't pinned anything. I'm so clueless as to how haha.
    You have the beach by yoursefl... great time to be on the beach haha.
    have a great week!

  3. All of that food looks so delicious. I'd love to sample all of it.

    The scenery is pretty spectacular also.

  4. How come I wasn't invited? The food looks good to eat! :-)

  5. I am glad you are feeling better Elisabeth. Don't give up on WW. When you feel strong enough, go back to it, it's worth it. It's not just about looks. If anything, I would look older if I was thin. I am 63 and starting to feel the weight on my ankles. I am a shapely size 16, but the weight is starting to affect my life style. Two days ago, I had to wear my DAWGS to my granddaughter's dance show. My pumps didn't fit.

  6. I too noticed you are pinning lot in pininterest, I like it there, but have less time to do anything. So Just pinning my blog entries. It is whole lot of nice pictures.

  7. I am also an addict of Pinterest... so many gorgeous recipes there. Love your beach photos:)

  8. Elisabeth, it is good to know you had a wonderful time. All the food look so delicious making hungry again even though I just had a bowl of spicy hot instant noodles. The last picture is very interesting.

  9. It's nice to contemplate life by the beach ... it's always so soothing and exciting at the same time .... Trash Art! No, I wouldn't call that trash since you said it was an expensive flip flop :)

  10. Oh, it's good to see you posting...I know this has been an extremely tough week for you. I'm glad you had such a peaceful beach to gather your thoughts...it's just beautiful. And thanks for featuring my bars, too...such a nice surprise (and probably one of the tastiest things I've made this year!). My thoughts are still with you, my friend. xoxo

  11. Elisabeth, all the food look so delicious and which I could grab them from the screen :)) Good that you had a quiet time all by yourself on such a lovely beach. Thanks for the sharing the link...they have use the debris and turned them into such a beautiful piece of art ! Have a nice day,

  12. Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for sharing these incredible shots from your beach walk - isn't it amazing how things work out - just when you needed some solitude and the soothing beauty of nature... you had the beach all to yourself on a gorgeous day! All your food cravings are most tempting :) I also felt guilty about putting my cat Rosie down, even though I knew I had her best interests at heart - I suspect it's a common feeling. Take care xx

  13. Nice to hear that you feel better now, I am sure all the pets go to animals heaven...

    nice walk on the beach!

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  14. Lizzy's caramel Espresso bars are amazing! Life is too short to just eat WW food....if you crave for them, I suggest that you go grab them and enjoy life.
    My 3 cats all had a cold last week...well, one is still not 100% okay, two tom cats seem back to normal now. By normal, I meant they came to bother me while I was doing yoga...had to push them away when I need to stretch....and stretch....but one of them decided to sit on my stomach and clean himself ;-)

  15. I have resisted the urge to join Pinterest so far as I know once I do I will spend too much time there :) I love the artwork. The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me.

  16. Yummy, wish to have that bars rite now..Beautiful clicks.

  17. Elisabeth, remélem jobban vagy:) Hát az a hamburger jöhetne most rögtön, és a hagymakarikák is:) Megkívántam, ki kell próbálnom:)

  18. Lizzy's caramel Espresso bars are to die for! I've been wanting to bite into those ever since she posted it! Glad you're taking the time out for yourself. Hope to see you back and posting soon. xx

  19. hi elisabeth, i'm not on pinterest but i've been checking some of the boards, not exactly sure how to go about doing this pinterest thing, one day i might join. All the food looks so good, especially that burger, really scrumptious with that hash brown..well, looks like hash brown to me!
    so did you bring that one flip flop back home? it's just amazing that people can build sculptures out of all those debris. Hope you are feeling better now.

  20. Hi Elisabeth, love...love all the delicious food especially the burger and espresso bars. It is so sinfully awesome to die for type.LOL

    Thank for sharing the beautiful beach, would love to join you for a walk.

    So how are you, my dear? Hope everything goes well at your side. Take it easy and please take care of yourself. Hope to see you back in action again. A big big hugs to you. Regards.

  21. Elisabeth, no problem you can pin it.

  22. I love the flip-flop art! I know you can't find much sea glass on our beaches...which is really brocken trash! :) I have seen a peg poard that posted all the single sandals found...some pairs that were left too! I only have 4 more days until my summer break, I'll get more time to spend on pinterest... I did get my daughter hooked on it! Maybe I'll have time to drive across the state! :D

    Thanks for your comments on my blog, it's always a pleasure to hear from you...who cares if it's right on time/ I'm usually late too. I think I'll post about Tucker, but I will have a hard time narrowing down the pictures!

  23. Elisabeth, luckily I have just finished my dinner because otherwise I would start making one of the above delightful dishes and I wouldn't probably go for the lightest and healthiest (the hamburger is probably the most appetising I have ever seen; its height is amazing but most of all it has real, crunchy bread!).
    I had no idea you lived in a paradise! I would love so much to have a beach nearby... I long for southern seaside regions and if I could, I would go at least for a weekend to profit from the beaches of the south of France. There is something which gives me energy, makes me optimistic and joyful after a couple of hours on the beach.
    I also hope this walk has made you feel better.

  24. Kedves Elisabeth, nagyon sok finomságot találtam itt Nálad, és a fotóid is lenyűgözőek. Csodálatosak a strandon készített képeid. Örülök hogy sikerült a parton sétálva egy kis megnyugvásra találnod. Nagyon sajnálom a cicusodat, és együtt érzek veled a fájdalmadban. Elnézésedet kérem, hogy eddig nem jelentkeztem. Küldtem egy levelet, melyben mindent megírtam. Vigyázz magadra!!! Puszillak Gizi

  25. Haha, I love pinterest as well! But I guess I don't need to go on today, these pictures will do me for a while. So much yum on one page.

  26. A gyászhoz idő kell, a tengerparti séta pedig biztos, hogy nagy segítség ehhez, remélem idővel könnyebb lesz. Szuper minden, az a burger, valami csodás, de hogy lehet beleharapni?:) A paucsokról eszembe jutott a fél pár zoknik rejtélyes eltűnése, szerintem minden házban vannak ilyen misztikus dolgok:) Imádok én is sétálni a tengernél, de persze itt teljesen más, nincsenek olyan homokos beach-ek, mint nálatok. Szép napokat, mielőbbi megnyugvást kívánok neked:)

  27. You have pinned so yummy looking food. The beach looks so beautiful. It make me wish that I lived closer to an ocean. Take care!

  28. Oh Elisabeth....I was so anxious to hop down to leave a comment after oogling that burger and then read about your cat. I'm so sorry and do understand your feelings. I had two cats for about 15 years who passed in the last few years. Both became stricken with kidney disease and we had to make the decision to put them down. I held them both feeling I owed them that. It's powerful our connection with animals. Life will return to normal (hastened by the beauty of Pinterest and your ocean!) and you'll always have him with you. You are in my thoughts my friend.

  29. Elisabeth, the onion rings look so delicious, as well as everything else. Do you want a company to walk on that beach?! :)

  30. ah.. no.. this post is bad for me. I'm getting all hungry right after dinner...

  31. Great post, Elizabeth! Your beach is the way I like it….looks like such a great place for a walk! Funny how things get left behind…I have found beach towels along with a chair and no one ever came to claim it!

  32. Lovely pictures. Especially those onion rings. So sorry to hear about your sweet Prince though. Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you are having a beautiful day. I'm glad to be back in the blogging world. I've been gone too long!

  33. What a beautiful beach! And thank you for sharing that flip-flop art! I saw a program on TV the other day about washed ashore stuff, apparently hundreds of toothbrushes get wash up in Hawaii every hour! I am glad you shared this amazing art website, it's good to know that beautiful things can come out of these "trash"! P.S And that burger looks amazing, you have me drooling right now for one! I might have to make burgers for dinner tonight to satisfy my craving!

  34. Sorry for your cat, my you have cooked up quiet a storm...the burger looks out of the world and so does the rest...

  35. Szép ételfotók, különösen a hagymakarikákat kedvelem!
    Örülök, hogy volt egy kis időd rá, hogy a gyönyörű tengerparton a magad csendességében visszatalálj a lelki békédhez.

  36. i am in love with pinterest too!!! mmmm i love that honey almond ice cream, YUM! join our #icecreamlove bloghop when u make a post. and sweet potato fries and baked onion rings, yay for healthier snacks! i loveee sweet potato fries!

  37. Elisabeth, you've made me hungry and I just ate lunch,lol! I like Pinterest too, great way to relax in the evening;-)
