Thursday, May 24, 2012

Popovers...and Good Bye!

No...I'm not saying Good Bye...although, I wanted to take a break, which I did for a week, and then again, just recently, with all the stress and making my final decision to have my precious, and loyal companion, Prince, my beautiful Maine Coon kitty. On Monday, May 21st, we had to part and say our last "Good Byes." I will tell you more about it at the end of my post. After all, this is a blog about food, and thrift, and I should concentrate on these, but it's very, very, difficult to do so while my heart is weighing so heavy with grief!

Since this Monday, I don't know how I functioned...well, not so good! I'm glad I had my guest post ready for Ping by last Sunday evening, and another 2 guest posts for the month of June for Lizzy, and Veronica. You know how it is with some people? When they are stressed and under pressure, they shop, and shop!

I also do that...did that in the past, spending money needlessly for some things that I didn't need. The only difference for the last 10 years, I have learned how to budget, save money, and shop wisely.

Thrift shopping is such a fun thing to do, especially when you find useful, expensive, sometimes practically all new items, for fraction of the cost that you would pay full cost. Just take a look at this cool popover separated cups...very heavy duty, and really was brand new, but I only paid $2.99 for it at my local Goodwill. I think you can even make mini cakes, or muffins in them...very, practical, and useful! I also found a great Bread Book, a soft covered 1983 HPBooks that has amazing yeasted breads and rolls, just don't know how the Popover recipe ended up in this book. It certainly does not have any yeast, and it oh, so easy to make.I love the breads, rolls, and biscuit recipes in this book. The cost?...$1.49 for a beautiful book with photos, instructions and great bread recipes! I also order amazing books from love, love all the things they have on Amazon!

adapted; from HPBooks Breads

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup milk, room temperature
2 eggs, room temperature
1 Tbsp. vegetable oil

Generously butter (I used cooking spray) 8 (5-to 6-ounces) custard cups, or 10 muffin cups, or 6 popover cups. Place custard cups on a heavy baking sheet. Place muffin cups, popover cups or baking sheet on center rack of oven.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. (230C) Combine all ingredients in a BLENDER. (seriously, a blender.) You can use a food processor or small bowl of electric mixer. Blend until batter is smooth, scraping sides of container, if necessary. Remove hot baking cups from oven; spoon in batter until 2/3 full. Immediately return filled cups to oven. Bake 20 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F. (175 C) Bake 20-25 minutes longer or until browned.

Run a knife around edge of baking cups to loosen popovers.

Note: After batter is prepared, it can be stored at room temp.. for 2 to 3 hrs. before baking. Keep oven door closed during the first 30 minutes of baking.  A draft will collapse popovers. Popovers have a moist interior. It's important that you have the milk and eggs at room temperature, and the popover, or muffin pans preheated.

My beloved kitty, Prince has ended his life on Monday afternoon, on May 21, 2012...after a long illness that he has endured for the last 2 years. He was my constant companion for the last 15 of his almost 20 years. My daughter is the one who originally had him for the first 5 years, after finding him at her apartment, during her early college days.
Prince has been  a loyal companion to all of us...a very sweet, intelligent kitty. He has literally wasted away at the end, and I insisted that I will not have him put down as long as he is able to eat, and be able to walk. A sudden change came over the last weekend...on Monday, he refused to eat, and his poor legs gave out after a few steps. I knew right there that I have to quickly make the choice. I was able to comfort him, and say my last Good did my daughter, and grandchildren, when I brought Prince over to Dr. Eric, as instructed. He will surely be missed by all of us. I did all I could to keep him comfortable, and prolong his days...but there's a higher power, who decides the end is here!

While there is no decisive answer to the question, “Is there a pet heaven?” a few things are clear indeed. First, pets bring tremendous joy to their owners, and can teach them a great deal about compassion, kindness, and mercy. Second, many pets live their whole lives in the service of their owners, trying to please them, make them happy, and cheer them up when they need it. Third, if there is a heaven, then there is a God, and they are His creatures. All of these things give tremendous plausibility to the idea that.... yes, there is a pet heaven, waiting for all of the good animals, after they die!

Photo of my beloved the young age of 5, when he came to live with me...nearly 15 years ago! May you rest in will always be in our hearts!

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  1. I saw on facebook that you had lost your kitty, and I know how difficult that is. We have lost our two old ladies in the last year and I miss them terribly. The house just isn't the same without them.
    I'm so sorry about Prince... and yes... I believe there is a pet heaven. Hugs to you...

    1. Thank you Kim! I know the sorrow you must have endured losing your 2 "old ladies"...oh, how cute! I lost my little wise old gentleman, and gentle, he was, all these years!

  2. I'm so sorry about Prince, Eli. Kim is right, the house wouldn't be the same without them.
    I need a popover or two, or a dozen....they are golden brown and so delicious.

    1. Thank you Angie! You are such a great friend, and have been since day#1 since I've been blogging! The popovers were really golden brown, and delicious!

  3. I m so sorry dear. May his soul rest in peace. A big hug to you.
    The popovers look delicious and very comforting.

    1. Thank you so much, you are such a sweetheart and so caring!

  4. the popovers look so yummy, the perfect "comfort" food. sorry about Prince.

  5. I'm sorry for you and only hope these gorgeous popovers cheered you up a bit. And also the thrift buys! These always make me happy: such a small amount of money and so much joy! I have some places where I buy very cheap kitchen gadgets from time to time and most of them proved high quality and useful too.

    1. Thank you, Sissy! My thrift finds always cheer me up because our Goodwill store gets such amazing quality goods donated from very well to do people, and most of the items are practically brand new at a fraction of the actual price!

  6. So very very sorry to hear this, we have had many heartbreaks with our kitties, its never easy no matter how much pain their in, still we miss our furry friends and companians we are huge cat lovers here... our sincere condolences to you may your baby be eternally happy while waiting for your reunion... hugs....xo Claudia

    1. Claudia, thank you for your encouraging words. It must have been so hard for you to say good-bye to your kitties. Prince was not in pain, or discomfort, until the very end, and I could not prolong his pain any longer!

  7. Oh Eli! I'm sorry to hear about prince! :(

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your kindness, and concern!

  8. I'm so sorry for your pain and loss. We have a dog, we've had cats, we understand! You gave him a wonderful life and now you must enjoy yours with delicious popovers and great bargains...until you and your furry baby meet again one day... Be well, dear.

    1. Thank you, Anita! This is the first time for me since childhood, to lose a beloved pet. I have not made popovers in years, but since I found the great recipe, and the popover pan to go with it, it resulted in "perfection" the way its supposed to be...puffed up, golden, and soft in the inside!

  9. Oh, I am SO sorry, my friend Sending you a huge hug, my friend...I know how dear Prince was to you...and I always loved seeing him pop up in your blog posts. I know he is in heaven, looking down on you...and at peace. xoxo are now a Food Stories Award Nominee. See my watermelon sorbet post for the details...but no hurry at all.

    1. Thank you, my dear friend, Lizzy! Yes, I did post some photos of him from time-to-time. I do know he is looking down on me from heaven!

  10. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about dear Prince. There definitely IS a pet heaven. He'll be well received by my other cat who left us last year. Here's a hug to you ... hug. He was so lucky to come to be with you all and I'm sure he's had a beautiful and full life up til the end.
    That's a lovely pic you have of him ... he certainly was a handsome cat.
    Don't be too sad, dear friend, he's in a good place, I know.

    1. Dear Ping, I remember you mentioned it last year. So sorry for your loss. Hugs, back to you! Thank you for your caring thoughts and kind words. Prince did have a full life till the end. I feel so blessed to have him all these years, and never a sick day in his life until the end came!

  11. Elisabeth, I am so sorry to hear about Prince - it's heartbreaking for sure. A few summers ago when I put down my cat Rosie, who I'd had for 19 years, I had no idea how painful the separation would be. Our pets are truly loved xx Try to find comfort in the fact that you know he is at peace and had a wonderful pampered life because of you :)

    1. Jane, I'm so sorry about your sweet Rosie. I totally feel your pain. I've gotten to know Prince in 1994, when he was crying at my daughter's doorstep (left behind) by owner's that moved away, we were told, or he ran away. He still had his tag around his neck. My daughter took him in after not being able to contact his owner, and he has been with her...and then me, since that time!

      He certainly had a pampered life with me. He ruled in my home! Thank you for your kind words!

  12. Very sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are the best non-judgemental 'people' to have in our lives.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog, Wayne...also thank you for your kind words of comfort. They sure are non-judgemental, and they love us unconditionally!

  13. My dear Elisabeth,
    My heart is breaking for you on the loss of your precious Prince. I know that he will be at the Rainbow Bridge with my Andre' and Jaque'. May God bring you comfort and fill your heart with wonderful memories of your friend.
    Miz Helen

    1. Dear Miz Helen,
      You have seriously brought me to tears, knowing that your precious doggies have passed on as well! Yes, the Rainbow Bridge is there waiting for them, and I'm sure Prince will meat with your Andre and Jaque. I do have a lot of wonderful memories with Prince that will last a lifetime!

  14. It is very tough to say goodbye to our furry family members-deeply sorry.


    1. Thank you is very tough to say good bye to our little furry friends!

  15. So sorry to hear about ur loss Elizabeth.. Take care.

  16. Yes, there is definitely a pet heaven! Prince is there now with our Kaboodle! Saying goodbye to her was the worst day of my life (and I have had some doozies!)The best therapy for me was to go to the Humane Society and find a new friend to help me grieve. Best wishes!

    1. Hi Denise-thank you so much, I also believe that there is a pet heaven. I'm sure by now, Prince has made good friends with your sweet Kaboodle (what a cute name)
      Prince left his little buddy behind, whom I have not mentioned. She is a little Persian that I adopted from an animal hospital 13yrs ago, as a kitten. She misses Prince so much too!

  17. I'm so sorry to read about your very sad news;-( I hope you can enjoy your holiday weekend and keep your good memories to get you through your loss.

    1. Thank you, Patty! first, I didn't want to post about it on my blog, because I thought I was going to lose him a month ago, for sure; but he has been such a trooper wanting to stay here with me longer!

  18. I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your beautiful Prince. I firmly believe that there is a pet heaven (that's why their is a patron saint for animals) and I feel that your beloved Prince is very happy and at peace in his new home.

    1. Thank you Paula, I also firmly believe that there is a pet heaven!
      Your caring words are greatly appreciated!

  19. Oh I am so very sorry for your loss. Our furry friends hold such a special place in our hearts. There is pet heaven, I know there is because animals are such innocent and genuine creatures. God Bless.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and caring words. So touching, and sweet about animal being innocent and they are genuine creatures which is so TRUE!

  20. Nagyon sajnálom a cicádat Elisabeth, nehéz lehet, ő is igazi családtag volt nálatok. De én biztos vagyok benne, hogy jó helyre került:) Nagyon tetszik ez a forma, itt még sosem láttam ilyet, pedig sokkal mélyebb, mint a muffinforma,jól jönne nekem is. Nagyon szép nyugalmas hétvégét kívánok:)

    1. Erzsike, köszönöm a részvétedet, nagyon kedves vagy. Bizony nehéz volt megválni a cicátol, mert az egész család szerette, és kedves cica volt. Az biztos hogy jó helyre került.

      A formát véletlen találtam, és csodálkoztam hogy miért olyan olcsó is mikor teljesen uj. Én sem látom ezt az üzletekben... Puszillak!

  21. dear elizabeth, saying goodbye to a pet is so hard. i remember saying goodbye to my dog that grew up with me in my childhood. sigh. the house feels so empty, you know? their presence is so powerful! hugs.

    and i wish i could say the same - learning how to be more wise about how i spend my money. so hard. i need to work on this!

    1. Oh, Junia-I'm so sad for you. That is so hard when you grow up with a pet from childhood. Their presence is so powerful, and when they leave us it's such an emptiness in the house and in your heart!

  22. Ah Elisabeth I am so sorry. I couldn't read on when I realized what your goodbye means. It is so hard to say goodbye to your beloved pet. Hugs.

    1. Thank you Zsuzsa! I took the read on break out now, sometimes readers don't click on it, or pass it up. Yes, it is extremely hard to say good bye to Prince. I put it off as long as I could.

  23. Hey! How come I didn't get a popover sample?So sweet what you wrote about dear Prince. He was an adorable kitty and we all will miss his sweet little face. xx

    1. Lora, I actually froze half of them, hopefully they will be all right reheated. Yes, you know how adorable he had him for the first 5 years, and I was so happy with him throughout the rest of his long years!

  24. sorry to hear about prince. I must say that pets do come to our lives to give us much joy and make us happy. I remember many years ago, when my dog died, i was so upset..cried for a few days and even made her a card to go with her burial. Now i have another dog and you know, sometimes i'm just busy and ended up not taking her for walks or playing with her, that makes me feel so guilty! I hope to believe that there is really a pet heaven and i actually read that there is also a pet care taker there!

  25. So sorry that you had to make that hard choice to say goodbye to Prince...never easy, but I told you that you'd know in your heart when it was time. And you did...I'm sure he loved you as much as you loved him and was happy to no longer be suffering. I do believe that animals have souls and do live on...and I think that they even look after us from beyond. When I put my Spot down after 12 years together, I swore that he was still in bed walking around in the weeks after he passed. It was one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with -- losing him -- but Lucy really helped heal my heart when we found her as an abandoned kitten a few months later. Thinking of you...and wishing I had one of your beautiful popovers!

    1. Hi Wendy-you were so right...and I thank you for your wise advice!
      I did know, the minute I saw that he couldn't walk properly, and would not eat. He was actually thankful for me to make the decision, because poor little guy...he was always so independent...loving, and so caring. I'm so sad for your sweet Spot...I still feel Prince's present so strongly! Your Lucy is such a sweet cat, I remember seeing her on your blog...did not know she was was, Prince, crying at my daughter's doorstep!
      The popovers were surprisingly perfect, and yummy!

  26. The pop overs looks and sounds delish!
    I am sorry about Prince and I for one believe dogs, cats any animal who served people must join us in Heaven. I have many 4 legged friends up there.
    Take care, my friend.

    1. Hi Brad-I'm sure my Prince will meat up with your pets in Pet Heaven!
      Thank you for your kind and comforting words!

  27. I'm so sorry about Prince--what a beautiful kitty. We had to make a similar decision a couple of months ago, and it is so very hard.

    1. Thank you Angela!...your kind words of caring, and comfort means a lot to me!

  28. I am sorry to hear about your cat. It is hard to let go of a pet that you loved so much. I am sure that he is in a better place.

    1. Hi Dawn! thank you so much for your kind and caring words!

  29. Dear Elisabeth, I am sorry for your loss... I am sure there is a pet heaven, and your friend-pet is in better place now... I will miss you here, but everyone needs time off. Take care, Elisabeth and see you soon...

    1. Marina Dear! I'm not saying GOOD BYE to my blog...I was saying Good Bye to my precious kitty...Prince!
      Thank you for your kind words, and caring!

  30. Elisabeth I am sorry for your loss. I wish I had some words that I could give you to help. We had to say good bye to our Tucker March 1st. He would of been 16 this past May 10th. My daughter was a year and a half when we got him...definitely part of the family for so long. It was hard for me to talk about it on my blog, I still have not mentioned it. I might have to do that some day. It is one of the hardest decisions that you have to make, but you know you did what was best for him. My husband found the Rainbow Bridge poem for my daughter to help her.

    On to the pop-overs! I am just like you when shopping...looking for bargains! I picked up a double bundt pan on clearance at Target after Christmas. I still have to use it! I really plan to, maybe this summer since I don't have to work summer school! At least you used yours right away!

    1. Oh, Lyndsey...I'm so sorry for having to put your sweet Tucker down, and just recently! So difficult, especially when you daughter grew up with Tucker. I do think it would be a good thing to mention Tucker on your blog, but it's your choice!
      It is still a "heartrenching feeling" if I made the right decision, and not wait for him to pass away naturally. I just couldn't see him suffer any longer, after I saw that he kept collapsing just from walking!

      It's so nice to find bargains...I LOVE TARGET, as well... and they always have bargains!

  31. Oh Elizabeth, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to put down a wonderful friend…I had to put down my doggie last August. It was so hard! I still miss him…he was always underfoot while I was cooking hoping I would drop some morsel on the ground for him to steal away with…truth is, I used to drop bits of food on purpose! I’m sure there is a pet heaven!
    Your popovers look beautiful! How lucky to find such a wonderful "like new” pan. Don’t you love when that happens? Have a wonderful weekend…I’ll be saying a prayer for you!

    1. Kathy, thank you for your kind words, and I'm sorry that your had to put your sweet little doggie down, which is so sad, and so hard. Such nice memories of him, and so cute, about "dropping the morsels" which I also do for my daughter's little doggies when I'm cooking in her kitchen.

      I know, there is a pet heaven. How can not be one, when our precious and loyal pets have been serving us with unconditional love?
      Thank you for your prayers!

  32. Oh Elisabeth I'm sending you :::HUGS::: I know how it is to lose a pet. It pains like no other. I didn't replace my PUNGPUNG when i lost her. I know i always wonder where pets go too...
    your pop-overs are gorgeous... and the bonus is you got those pans on a bargain. lucky lady. I haven't gone shopping in a while. Maybe that's what i should do as I am so stressed out too hehe.
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend Elisabeth!

    1. Thank you my dear friend, Malou! Sometimes its very hard to make the decision to replace our beloved pets.
      Popovers are easy to make, the secret is the pre=heated pan, and the high heat!

  33. So sorry Elisabeth :( I'm certain pets go to heaven as I've always thought animals have a soul and kind, giving qualities which bring so much to our lives. Your Prince is in a lovely place frolicking around right now.

    Hope you're holding up ok.

    1. Oh,'re so sweet! I'm sure Prince is frolicking around in a lovely place, right now. His name certainly fits him. He has always been a "little Prince" from the day we got him!

  34. I too lost my precious kitty some years ago. I've never gotten another cat since then. I think yours is so pretty. I too hope there is a pet heaven with humans where we will all be together some day.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement!

  35. I'm sorry to hear about Prince Elisabeth.. as I know how much you adore and love him.. I think there's a pet heaven, cause I wish to believe it that way too. I lost another of my dog just about 2 months ago. Really sad, I had 3 dogs, and my cutest of the lot which is a sausage dog, passed away coming to 3 years now. He was the oldest but the cutest. He came to me when I was 7 years old and boy he sure had a long blissful life. I can understand the grief. So right now, I am left with 1 dog and a kitty cat. They are getting older too,& I am having that fear of losing another beloved pet. Okay, now to baking business ;). I missed the pop overs I had in Tyler's restaurant back in San Francisco. And your recipe is answer to my prayers. Can't wait to bake these and share them with my family. Do take care now and I hope your hands have healed completely now. Take care and big hugggssss...

    1. Hi Jo-I'm so sorry that your lost your doggie 2 months ago...that is so sad. Oh, so sweet that you still have one dog and a kitty cat. Pets getting older do cause a concern, because they have illnesses, just like humans do.
      I didn't know you had a popover at Tyler's restaurant in San Francisco?...oh, my! I missed that. Popovers are really easy to make, as long as you follow the directions, exactly!
      Thank you for you kind words. Big hugggssss to you too!

  36. Hi my dear Elisabeth,, I'm soooo sorry to hear about Prince. I know how you feel after so many years staying with you. It sure not easy to let go but it's part and parcel of our life, we have to accept and face it.
    So please take it easy, my dear. He will be well taken care in pet's heaven.

    Your popovers certainly look awesome and love your thrift pan, very good buy. I love it.

    Please take care, my dear. We are all here to be with you.
    A big big cyber hugs to you. with lots of love. Regards.

    1. Hi Amelia, my dear and sweet friend! Thank you so much for your condolences. Prince has been a huge part of my life...and for more reason than just having a pet. He was so, so sweet, precious, and loyal. So easy-going, and so appreciative! I miss him so much!
      A big cyber hug to you, as well!

  37. Tényleg nehéz megválni a legjobb "barátunktól", nekem ez egy puli volt...

    1. Kedves Anna! Nagyon sajnálom hogy kellett megvállni az aranyos puli kutyátoktol!

  38. It is really heartbreaking to lose someone you love dearly and I am really sorry for your loss . Please take care of yourself dear Elisabeth , lots of hugs to you.

    1. Shabs dear! You are such a dear friend, and I do appreciate you kind words, and caring!
      Hugs, to you too!

  39. Elizabeth, I have an Award for you on my blog…It is a new award given for Excellence in Storytelling! Since I love reading your blog..I know you deserve it! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! I feel honored, and I truly appreciate the award!

  40. I am so sorry for your loss Elisabeth :( It is so heartbreaking to lose a furry baby :( Big hugs to you... Take care of yourself!

    The popovers look great, and tasted fabulous I am sure...

    1. Thank you, Marsha! It truly is heartbreaking to lose our furry babies...especially when they have been with us for so long!
      Hugs, to you too!

  41. Elisabeth,
    So sorry for your loss of your sweet Prince. He is in heaven looking down on you, watching over you. Hugs to you!

    Your popovers look wonderful. My MIL used to make them many years ago.

    1. Becky, you just went through your loss with your sweet dad, and you have your own sorrow. I appreciate you caring, and your kind words. I do hope Prince is looking down on me from heaven and watching over me!

      Popovers are easy to make, its just having that little "trick" to keep them from deflating which I figured out after all these years!

  42. Hi Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear about Prince. I know he is in heaven now! (I think pets and people go to the same heaven!) Hope you are doing ok. Big hugs for you! ( Sorry I have been on holiday and I haven't been commenting for awhile, I have missed reading your blog while away! Now I am going to check out more of your stuff from the past 2 weeks!) This popovers recipe is really awesome! They look absolutely delicious. I will try to make some soon it sounds easy enough even for me!

    1. Hi Carmen, thank you for your kind words. I do think like you that people and pets go to the same place in heaven. I'm doing better now!

      I clicked over to your blog, and it really cheered me up to see all the love and happiness with your family and friends for your big celebration:DDD

  43. pop overs looks very tempting. i had made it once but they become soft and deflated after cooling. may be i will try ur recipe.
    even I had something very important on 21st May morning. I can understand the feeling when u loose ur loved ones. I am on rest. Took one month leave from office, I started to blog again to keep myself busy and forget my sorrow.

    1. Suhaina-I haven't kept in touch with you for a long sorry about your sorrow. I will write you and e-mail, and check your blog. I missed you, after all these months not hearing from you, either!

  44. OMG ... I can only imagine the grief you must be going through ... Please accept my condolences :-)

    1. Thank you CJ, It's very difficult for me at this time...but with all the wonderful memories make it easier!
