Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Pudding...a Guest Post

It's beautiful spring, everywhere...although here, in South Florida we do not know the difference, because for us, as they say "spring has sprung"...and it sprung quite early which we consider a truly spring weather, was back in February, and March. Even April is very nice, but soon as May is around the corner, our summer has begun, just like for all you folks up north. I hear it's about in the upper 80's in Cleveland, my old home town...less than what we have here today, in the low 80's.

Enough, about the weather. What I really would like to mention is my guest post for my dear friend Ping! Would you believe that when I first met her and we started following each other's blogs, which is almost 2 years for me...I was calling her blog Ping's in pickle?...she graciously corrected me that it's PICKINGS, and not the pickle kind!

I am so thrilled and honored to guest post for my dear friend Ping, whom I had the pleasure of meeting since we both started our food blogs, nearly two years ago... and have been supporting each other throughout the entire time. Ping has a meticulous food blog, and is very specific about her more than one, or two, and always a specific size...unlike my photos, which vary in sizes, and step-by-step directions when time permits. Ping has an amazing sense of humor, and always has the right thing to say, on any subject given...only in a "lighthearted" way! Her photos are always perfect, and immaculate, her choice of dishes, desserts, and baked goods are "dropped dead" gorgeous, and makes you want to see, and get more! She is kind, and caring, and you will feel blessed to have her as a friend...a beautiful friend, indeed!

Thank you Ping for asking me to guest post..."the second time around!" 

For my recipe...just click over to  Ping's lovely blog @ Ping's Pickings

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  1. Pudding looks fabulous,running to ping's pickings.

  2. LOL!!! I've forgotten about that ... "pickling"! That was so funny!
    Well, thank you, my dear friend, for helping me out ..... I'm in a pickle! How appropriate this time :D
    You're welcome to reply to the comments at my place altho it'll only show after I've approved it ... and that'll be when I have the time to check my mail or when I get back later this week.
    Thank you so much again! Hugs!!

  3. Great guest post! Great to know you thru Ping :)

  4. Wow what a delicious combo great guest post smart idea!

  5. South Beach Diet dessert “Creamy Italian Pudding” is proven to be tasty and satisfying. It is interesting to know that this South Beach Diet dessert is applicable for both the second and the third phase of the South Beach Diet plan.

  6. CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER PUDDING???!!! I'm on my way right to check out Ping and your Pudding :)

  7. This pudding is so perfect for a guest post, Elisabeth!

  8. Hi Elisabeth, I love your chocolate-peanuts butter pudding. It look awesome. I just had one at Ping's place and I'm going to take one from you, please.

    Lovely presentation, love the flower.

    Have a nice day. A big hugs to you.

  9. Chocolate and peanut butter...that's a killer combination!

  10. I did see your guest post over at "the pickle"...I mean Ping's Pickings ha, just kidding, about the name, I really did see it, but I'll bet she got a kick out of that! How's that for a run on sentence?! :) Anyway it was a beautiful post!

    Hasn't our weather has been perfect, the weater man is getting a little boring saying the same thing for over a month now. High in the low 80's 20% or 30% chance of isolated showers. Warmer inland and cooler at the coast (that's us). Last summer when everyone was so hot we were just 90. It's nice being on the coast since we've never reached 100! It is so pleasant to walk the beach at sunset, almost a little chilly! Have a great day Elisabeth!

  11. That looks so good. I am here from Foodbuzz. Thanks for the new friendship. Cheers, Tara

  12. The pudding looks wonderful. The bougainvillea are beautiful too.

  13. Yum, I guess it's true what that say about great minds, lol. Will have to go check it out. Glad you are having great weather, we are here too, it's wonderful I can't get enough. Hope you are all well and having a great week.

  14. Lovely pudding! This dessert has been on my mind for some time, I really need to make one.

  15. hi elisabeth, i just came to know about ping about 2 weeks ago and always delighted to know another blogger. Shall be going over to ping's in a shortwhile. I just want to have a look at your older posts which i've missed.

  16. Peanut and chocolate is awesome combo. love this pudding Elisabeth.

  17. This pudding looks delicious. I am going to check out Ping's blog.

  18. bella, always always ALWAYS such a treat to catch up on your posts....I did not make the connection between Lora@Cake Duchess being your did I miss that????? oh bella, my brain cells are barely reviving themselves it seems....but anyway, can I just say that I always leave you with a smile on my face. Thank you for blessing me the way you do, xo j

  19. Thx for connecting with me on foodbuzz. I just subscribed to your blog feed and can't wait to see what your next post will be!

  20. Oh my goodness! what is better than chocolate and peanut butter ?? this pudding sounds divine!
    Mary x

  21. Hi Elisabeth, beautiful picture and a great recipe. I am happy to know you and Ping. If only the three of us cook and bake together someday, that will be awesome. Hugs.

  22. omygosh!! now i'm craving for some ;(

  23. Elisabeth, this is probably the most appetising sweet dish including peanut butter I have ever seen!
    I saw your comments so many times on Zsuzsa's blog and have been meaning to visit yours dozens of times... Finally, thanks to you, I'm here and I love it! Thank you once more for visiting my blog and for your kind words!

  24. Beautiful pudding that was as thick and rich as it looks. Who can resist chocolate and peanut butter? Fantastic guest post for Ping:)

  25. What a great guest post! The chocolate peanut butter combo sounds like a match in heaven! Love the beautiful photos, very summery!
