Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mango Jelly Roll...a Guest Post

I finally have the privilege of introducing my sweet daughter, Lora @ Cake Duchess ...who is so kind to guest post for me, which I have already mentioned about 1 month ago when I had my hand injury. She already had this wonderful jelly roll ready for me but we just could not get together on the same day to post it. Be sure to check out Lora's lovely blog...and probably know her and follow her blog!

She is so very all young moms with work, kids, school, and all her own cooking and baking projects.
Lora, I'm so thrilled, and honored to have you guest post for me, and taking time out from your busy schedule and your amazing blog. I'm so proud to have you as my daughter!

I have totally forgotten about my mango jam, that I make every summer, and it lasts for several months the way I carefully can it, and to make sure that it's properly sealed. Without further hesitation, here is Lora, and in her own words!

It’s such a pleasure to be guest posting on my mom’s blog. She’s an amazing woman and she was my first cooking inspiration.  She still inspires me every day with her creativity in cooking and in baking. I owe my love of cooking to my sweet mom. She’s taught me invaluable lessons in the kitchen that I am now teaching to my children.

The jelly roll is a recipe that brings back many memories for me. My mother’s aunt from Hungary used to make it very often. It was light as a feather and filled with her wonderful homemade jams. She was an expert at baking delicious Hungarian desserts. I have sweet memories of baking alongside my great-aunt with my mom.

Every summer my mom makes the most wonderful mango jam with the mangos from our tree. I thought it was about time to bake with some of it as our tree is filled again with more glorious mangos. You can fill the cake with your favorite jam or even some whipped cream and fresh berries.

Thank you very much for having me guest post today, mom. It’s a joy to be a part of your delicious blog.

Elisabeth's home made mango jam

Mango Jelly Roll:
This recipe makes enough for one 18″ x 13″ sheet  or one 9″ cake. Here’s the formula:
5 ounces (1 cup) all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons butter (preferably clarified)
½ teaspoon salt
6 eggs
7 ounces (1 cup) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
1 cup mango jam (or your favorite preserves)
Preheat your oven to 350. 
Set a saucepan big enough to hold your mixer bowl on the stove with an inch of water in it. Bring it to a simmer. Meanwhile, sift the flour and salt together into a medium bowl. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and set aside. 
Pour the sugar into the mixer bowl, add the eggs and whisk to combine. Set the mixer bowl over the pan of water and heat the mixture until it’s warm to the touch (no more than 120 degrees). What you’re trying to do is simply melt the sugar…don’t cook the eggs! It’ll only take a minute or so. 
Remove the bowl from the heat and, using the paddle attachment, beat the mixture on medium high until it’s very light and foamy, about triple its original volume (this will take up to ten minutes with a stand mixer). Add the vanilla and beat an additional 10-15 seconds. 
Pour a cup or so of the egg foam into the cooled melted butter and stir it until it’s completely incorporated, then gently pour the mixture back into the mixer bowl (this eases the incorporation of the butter into the batter). Next, sprinkle the flour mixture into the mixer bowl and carefully fold until the flour mixture and the butter mixture are completely incorporated. Gently pour the batter into the prepared pan.
Bake until the cake is a pale gold color and springs back lightly when touched. Bake cake until golden brown and springy to the touch, 6 to 7 minutes. Run a knife around sides of cake. Invert onto prepared towel, and remove parchment. 
While the sheet cake is still warm, gently roll, starting from one short side, into a log, incorporating the kitchen towel. Let the cake cool completely, rolled. (This will give the cake a "shape memory," so it will be easier to roll again with filling.)

Time to fill: Unroll cake.
Spread filling over cake leaving a 1/2-inch border all around. Carefully roll cake to enclose filling (without towel), starting at a short end. Refrigerate 30 minutes (or up to 3 hours). Dust with confectioners' sugar before serving.
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  1. the roll look so delicate to roll up. sure it taste good wit a cup of tea ;).

  2. So cool when the kids cook! lovely cake and so proud you have to be as I always am to know she can cook and bake like a pro... nice job Lora you should have your own cooking Cake show!

  3. It goes without saying that I adore your daughter... and now I'm thrilled to have found you!

  4. I love Lora's blog and I wasn't aware that you had one yourself. Looking forward to going through it. Lora certainly made a scrumptious looking jelly roll and to fill it with mangos...delicious.

    (P.S. I'm too scared to attempt a jelly roll...still :)

  5. Beautiful! I have always been intimidated by jelly rolls...and that they would crack as I rolled it up. Maybe I should just go for it and see how it goes! Hope your hand is healing up and that you're feeling better!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Mango jelly rolls looks delicious. Love the mango in any form. Both mom and daughter are wonderful cook.

  8. looks beautiful...the moment I saw this on your blog...I say to myself, I am going to make this! Mango is my favorite and what more in a roll...beautiful! Thanks for taking time off from your busy schedule to share such a wonderful roll with us :) are so blessed to have Lora ...she bakes and cook well just like you :) You have a beautiful mother and daughter relationship ! Thanks for sharing her with us :) Have a great weekend!

  9. it must be a very delicious roll blessing simmy from Italy

  10. Mango jelly roll.I am in love with this.

  11. I love it when the kids are in the kitchen cooking. Great post.

  12. What a talented mother-daughter team! I am so sorry I've been terrible at visiting, Elisabeth, but I have been on a forced blog break... I'm back now and catching up on my favorite blogs! The mango jelly rolls look really yummy! Thanks for sharing Lora and Elisabeth :)

  13. I just love the idea of mango jam and especially home made! Beautiful guest post Lora and I hope your hand is better Elisabeth;-) Have a wonderful Friday and coming weekend!

  14. Wow, you daughter also a good cook and baker, this roll look so tempting and i bet it taste good too!

  15. Beautiful!!!
    I think this is the best guest post ever... Mom and Daughter coming together...WOW!!!
    The jelly roll looks delicious... I love Mango in anyway and everyday so this is absolutely divine for me...

  16. Such a delish roll. M definitely making it now that mangoes are in season. Great post Elisabeth ans Lora. Love that you posted abt mango jelly which you actually made together.

  17. How are you dear friend? Sorry for missing out for quite awhile. Guess, I just hop in at the right time....! Its great to meet your lovely daughter Lora and her beautiful baking creation!Yummylicious jelly roll!

  18. Such a delicious rolls, wonderful guest post, kudos to you both.

  19. Came through Lora's blog, I did not know that you guys are a duo in this world now :) I am looking forward to following you as well :)

  20. Csodás ez a mangós tekercs, a lányod is ugyanolyan gyönyörűségeket készít, mint te:)Remélem én is inspirálom a lányom, és mire felnő ő is szeretni fogja a főzést, sütést:) Szép hétvégét kívánok:)

  21. Hi Elisabeth! I hope you are well. Sorry I haven't been here for a while. I am currently away and don't get much chance to catch up with my blog reading :(
    I adore Lora's blog. She's just wonderful. And the mango jelly roll looks fab! so beautiful. Boy, do I wish for a slice now... Take care.

  22. Hi Elisabeth. how are you my friend? I love Lora's jelly roll, it look really good. And your mango jam is certainly to die for type. LOL I love anything mango.

    Wish I can have at least 2 slices now with a cup of coffee.

    Have a nice day, take care my dear. Regards to Lora too. *hugs*

  23. How very special to have your daughter guest host - I will now have to mosey on over to her blog! This jelly roll looks and sounds divine! I trust your hand is healing... take care. Hugs :)

  24. Elisabeth! Lora is lovely just like you ~ and so is her blog. This jellyroll looks wonderful, filled with your mango jam...ahhh to have your very own mango tree...foreign to this midwestern climate!

    It must be such a joy to share this blogging experience with your are very blessed! xo

  25. Hi mom-Thanks for having me here to guest post. Sorry it took me so long to get my post together:D LOVE all your sweet readers and their lovely words. Reading every comment has me smiling and feeling warm and fuzzy. love to you all! xo (MY MOM ROCKS!:D)

  26. What a great and sweet guest post from your sweet Lora!
    Lora, your roll look incredibly tasty, and my mom and aunts would make it very often. Since Hungry is not that far where I am born, I think we have very similar dishes!
    Wishing you both wonderful weekend!!!

  27. Kedves Elisabeth, nagyon sok szépet írt Rólad Lora, öröm volt olvasni. Nagyon szépséges ez a piskótatekercs, és a mangólekvárral mennyei finom lehetett. Nem fogod elhinni, ma egész nap a piskótatekercs körül forogtak a gondolataim, de a diétám miatt nem sütöttem. Sárgabaracklekvárral nagyon szeretjük.
    Mindig benézek Lora blogjába is. Nagyon szép, és sok finomságot kínál a látogatóinak. Gratulálok Neki a bloghoz, és jó sütést-főzést kívánok.
    Csodás hétvégét kívánok az egész családnak!!

  28. Lora, that's so sweet of you. The cake roll looks fabulous. I need to make some mango jam. (Hopefully I can get some quality mangoes)

  29. A mango jelly egyszerűen csodás! Itt majdhogynem lehetetlen érett mangót kapni :)
    A piskótatekercset ezért mi is baracklekvárral készítjük.

  30. Elizabeth, How very blessed you are to have your lovely daughter guest post for you. Very special! Hope you are doing well and healing nicely. Lora, I read your blog all the time and you’re very creative and talented…this cake roll is gorgeous! I think the apple didn’t fall far from the tree! Great post ladies! Have a great weekend!

  31. What a lovely idea, having mango jam in a swiss roll. I don't believe I've ever had it that way and to think we get tons of mangoes here even. Duh.

  32. How fun to find two of my favorite bloggers folded into one delicious post! I have complete fruit envy imagining your burgeoning mango tree all for your every culinary whim! How fun and what a wonderful thing to have all through the winter. Elisabeth I hope your hand is on the mend and that you are enjoying a bit of R and R while healing!

  33. Ez gyönyörű!! Gratulálok a lányodnak(is)! :) Újból megkívántam. :)))

  34. Your daughters guest post is the perfect compliment. Loved it. The jelly roll is awesome.


  35. i didn't know that she was your daughter wow how great is that? I have yet to wait for my daughter to guest post. ALthough she is not a blogger, she promised that she will blog... i have yet to wait for that day tho hahah.I love this mango jelly roll. it's something that will go well with my afternoon tea. Lovely Sunday to you Elisabeth!!!!

  36. Thank you all, for your kind comments, and lovely words about my guest post, from my daughter, Lora! We support each other, as mother-and-daughter, and of course as food bloggers...just like all of you supporting me, and each other in not just the food community, but the blogging community, as well!

    I would like to thank each and every person I will do my best to reply back to all your blogs!

  37. Lovely, lovely, I see there is another Joe Pastry fan. Congratulations Elisabeth! Az alma nem esett messze a fajatol.

  38. How fun to see my favorite foodie mom/daughter team blogging together! Mom's jelly plus daughter's cake makes for one amazing dessert! Great guest post, Lizzie. Lora, I'm drooling at the thought of this cake roll. Hope you're both having a fabulous weekend :) xo

  39. Hi, Lora's Mom :) Lovely blog you have here and now I know where Lora gets her mad sills is baking and cooking! My Mom couldn't bake or cook to save her life..but thankfully my grandmothers could ;)

  40. i think it's lovely and meaningful to have lora doing a guest post for you. The roll looks aboslutely beautiful and good, also i see a new method for me for making this roll where we hv to melt the sugar fist. Thanks for sharing!
