Friday, May 11, 2012

Spicy Red Bean Stew

Do you sometimes just browse through blogs, from other blogs, by just clicking over to a blog with s "shout-out?"...well, I do that quite a lot lately, and get so distracted with what I was originally set out to do.
I was recently commenting on a blog...trying to comment on a blog, that did not happen, and I got "sidetracked" to another blog, that caught my eye...such as this Spicy Red Bean Stew!

I'm linking the recipe to the blog, where I have spotted this wonderful spicy Israeli Red Bean Stew, that actually reminds me of chili...a vegetarian version...and oh, by the way, I just found this awesome small "bean crocks"...set of 2, at Goodwill for a ridiculous 79 cents each!
Without any further ado, please check out this blog for the recipe, all the way from Israel!
 Mimi, @ Israeli Kitchen
The only adaptation I made...was, that I chopped 1/2 of a green pepper, and used 2- 15 oz. cans of Red Gold diced tomatoes. I also thickened the bean stew, as I usually do, with removing 3/4 cup of the liquid from the stew, and adding 3Tbsp. of flour, mixing it smooth, and adding it back into the pot! I must say this is as "good as it gets"...
Do Not use canned beans, as Mimi suggested not to, as well. You don't want to miss out on the special nutrients, that only comes from the dried beans.
For the recipe; click here>>>Spicy Red Bean Stew

Thank you for all your good wishes, about my hands's been about nearly one month now, and I'm just about all healed now. You all have been so kind and caring, and I do appreciate your thoughtfulness. No fun getting a nasty bite from your own pet (cat)...but you have to be understanding of the situation, and take care of the bite immediately, because infection sets in right away...which in my case it did, but it's all good now, and Prince is still around, 90% blind, from cataract, and almost deaf, but still is eating, and has not other issues other than being very, very frail and thin...still a trooper, still getting around, amazingly knowing where his food is, and his favorite lounging places (sometimes missing the jump to the bed, and sofa)...other than that he is still around, being guided by the younger little Persian kitty, that entertains him and sits by him when I'm not home! That's what I call a real "buddy!"

Happy Mother's Day!

To all mothers, grandmothers, step-mothers, and soon-to-be-mothers...may you have a lovely day full of sunshine, happiness, and much love... that you so, deserve!

My Mango Daiquiri recipe ...(with, or without the alcohol)
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love getting side tracked to other blogs from other bogs....Hehe! I just wish I had more time to do it! This looks so interesting and good. Love your bougainviellea is beautiful and looks so good with that drink! Cheers! We are taking our boat out for Mother's Day!

  2. Elisabeth, olyan sok finomságot készítesz babból, és ez az étel nem csak csodaszép színes, de nagyon finom is. Olyan guszta, kedvem lenne belekóstolni. Én nagyon ritkán főzök babot, igaz amikor itt meglátom Nálad, mindig megfogadom hogy ezután nálam is sűrűbben kerül majd az asztalra.
    Örülök, hogy már jól vagy, és meggyógyultak a kezeid.
    Szomorú lehet látni, amint így megöregszik a kedvenc cicusod "herceg".
    Leveled megkaptam, és vasárnap válaszolok rá.
    Szép hétvégét, boldog anyák napját!!! Puszillak

  3. Ez velem is előfordul szinte minden nap, egyik blogról kattintok a másikra, ami nagyon jó, mert csodás dolgokra lehet bukkanni, csak sok idő elmegy vele:) A ragud nagyon jól néz ki, a fiúk kedvéért én is gyakran készítek babos ételeket. Boldog anyák napját kívánok! Norvégiában februárban van, Skóciában márciusban, Magyarországon múlt héten volt, nálatok most van, kéne egy nemzetközi:) Szép hétvégét kívánok:)

  4. The bean stew looks delish with that bright color.

  5. The beans look amazing...and it is good to hear that Prince is still with us!!!

  6. Hi Elisabeth, so glad to hear you're recovering. Despite your injury you still present lovely food for us to feast. Take care, my dear.
    Good to hear Prince is still eating well. Keep finger cross.

    Love the red bean stew, it sure look tempting. And I love the cute little pot.
    Thank you for the refreshing drink, Happy Mother's day to you.
    A big cyber hugs to you and lots of love. muahhzz.....

  7. Guess what!? I was about to reply to your comment and got side-tracked to see this dish that side-tracked you! LOL!! Gorgeous looking stew! I'm happy to be side-tracked! Big hug to Prince too.

  8. What a lovely the colour :-)

  9. Elizabeth, Your stew is so deliciously appetizing! Makes me want to cook some up today!
    I’m very happy to hear that your hands are healing up nicely! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day, my friend!

  10. Hi Elisabeth! I am certain I can relate to this.. being distracted by another link and another link.. LOL.. am glad your hands are healing nicely. It's been crazy at my end, hence the slow posting etc.. However, I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity in wishing you HAPPY MOTHER's DAY dear friend!! Do take good care and stay in touch. Big huggsssss...

  11. Happy Mother's Day, Elisabeth! Glad to know that all is well with you!
    Love the look of the bean stew...and yes, I always get sidetracked from one blog to another, and I find it really fun! :)

  12. How fun, and how nice to see one of my recipes here, Elisabeth! Thanks for linking, and I hope all those super nutrients in the beans helped your hand heal. :)

  13. I'm so glad your hands are almost 100% and that Prince is still keeping you company. The same thing happens to me when I'm catching up on posts...came over to see you after visiting Ping and then back to check on some more friends :) Have a marvelous Mother's Day, Lizzie! xoxo

  14. Hi Elisabeth,I'm glad you're almost completely healed and that the kitty is still around..Hope you'll fully recover before long and that you'll enjoy a great Mother's day weekend!:)

    1. Elisabeth,
      I'm glad to hear of your recovery, another thing about cat bites is cat scratch fever.
      The spicy red bean stew looks awesome and just right for a little spice.
      And the mango daiquiri, so refreshing, I love the combination you've selected of spicy & sweet.
      Happy Mother's Day !

  15. Your stew looks fantastic and I'm glad to hear your hands are getting better. Have a wonderful Mother's Day Elisabeth!

  16. Happy Mother's Day to you, Eli! Glad to know that your hands are getting way better.
    The stew looks fabulous!

  17. Happy Mother's day to you, and cheers! The stew looks very appetizing!

  18. Happy Mother's day to you Elisabeth. This spice red bean stew looks delicious. Glad that your hand is getting better. I thought I will post because of mother's day. It is really specially to me because my two kids.

  19. That looks like a whole lot of spicy! Happy Mother's Day! And Daquiri with lots of booze please :D

  20. Nutritious and great looking stew,well done.

  21. Oh! You just reminded me that I do not buy red I am trying to incorporate more beans and grains to our table, this is a recipe that I can use.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead Elisabeth :)

  22. A very nice stew, enjoy with some bread must be nice too.
