Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mango Mousse

I received so many ideas, suggestions,and recipes, for mangoes...plus researched some new ones online. I thank each and every one of you, and appreciate all of them so much . With all the mangoes still on the tree, there will be plenty of time this month to try out new recipes.

One recipe recipe and single perfect photo that I wanted to try out was my dear friend Ping's, @ping's pickings  in Malaysia... that called for agar powder, a replacement for gelatin, (which is animal based powder)...compared to agar that is pure vegetarian-vegan. I also had a small portion of agar powder, sent to me, as a gift...among a lot of other useful baking gifts, from my other dear friend, Amelia, @Amelia's De-ssert...also, from Malaysia. I'm so fortunate to have such amazing friends from all over the globe.

 Well, since I apparently have used up the agar powder from before, I did discover another powder, which will surprise my American friends. It is the ever so commonly used; PECTIN...which is also a vegetarian-vegan based thickening agent, mostly used for jams, and jellies. Let me tell you, it worked perfect. I did my homework, once again researching the Internet for replacing agar powder, and came up with pectin. It is really very nice, a light white powder; very affordable, and you only need to use a teaspoonful to slightly thicken your pudding, or mousse. Also, I created my own mango mousse, using the simple method, without the use of eggs, and just simple basic ingredients...it worked, and turned out amazing.

 Now, I have 2 amazing simple recipes for you, one is mine, and the second one is Ping's, which she featured in her June 25, 2012 post. Please visit her beautiful blog, and you will find other wonderful recipes from her, which are all her creative ideas (no source mentioned)...so I do believe they are all her secret recipes...sharing with you!

Mango Mousse
created by; Elisabeth

4 cups of  mango pulp
from 4 medium peeled, and diced mangoes
juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 teaspoon pectin powder
2 Tbsp. cane sugar
1 pint heavy cream

In a blender, add the peeled, and cut up pieces of mangoes, along with the juice of 1 lemon, puree the  mangoes with the 2 Tbsp. sugar, and the  1 1/2 teaspoon pectin. In a medium saucepan, pour the mango pulp mixture and heat on medium-high, stirring, but not frequently; let it come to a slow bubble, take off the heat, to slightly cool. In the meantime whip up the heavy cream, and halfway through, add 1 or 2 Tbsp powdered sugar. Whip to a consistency, by testing with you finger to make sure that it has a "peak"...do NOT whip any further than that point, or it will become whipped butter!

Pour the cooled mango pulp into a large bow, and carefully fold the whipped cream incorporating it. Pour into dessert bowls, and place in fridge to cool, and set...about 2hrs, or overnight if you can wait that long. I will be very light, fluffy, not too "jelled"...but just the right consistency to enjoy as a beautiful and perfect summer dessert. Decorate according the way you like to, with pieces of mango, or whipped cream on top.



200 ml milk
200 ml coconut milk
4 tbs sugar
1/2 tsp agar powder
1 medium-sized ripe mango (about 250 g uncut weight)


Remove peel and seed of mango. Puree 3/4 of the flesh in a food processor with a little milk until smooth. (I had about 1/2 cup pureed flesh). Cut remaining flesh into slivers or cubes ... your preference. Set that aside.

Place milk, coconut milk, sugar and agar powder into a pot.
Stir over medium heat until sugar and agar have dissolved.
Stir in pureed mango and turn the heat off. Mix well.
Pour into moulds or cups.
Refrigerate until firm, about 1 - 2 hours, depending on how big your moulds are.
Serve with mango slivers or cubes.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. OMG...those look so cool and delicious!

    I just bought sorbet push pops at Whole Foods...they were so good but pale in comparison to these babies!!!

  2. These looks amazing ... so lush and fresh. Love the colour!

  3. What a fabulous-looking summer dessert! The color is really lovely.

  4. Beautiful, love to try this, Seriously thinking of coming over there.

  5. i love anything with coconut milk but how come i never had this yet. Glad to get the inspiration from you.
    Hello Elisabeth! I have been MIA for almost a week. I just thought I needed a summer break too haha. But glad to be back.

    Happy summer... and this post definitely is summer in a glass!

  6. I better try this while I remember because mangoes are my family's favorite and I must move fast before sweet mangoes start to disappear! Lovely recipe. Looks like nice silky texture... beautiful Elisabeth!

  7. I have eating agar since young but never know the wonders of agar until I started blogging. I was simply amazed too seeing Heston using agar to thicken his sauce for his chicken pie... I have tried cooking with pectin and would love to try it one day.

    I love both versions of non-gelatin mango mousses. They both look very "sexy" and irresistible.

  8. Never get bored of this yummy mousse..

  9. Ciao Elisabeth,
    I never had mango mousse but when I see these pictures....well, I want to dive in the kitchen and make it straight away!!! Amazing!!! I love both recipes. I love your brilliant idea of using pectin. I would have never thought of that! Maybe I can as well use it for other desserts, I will have to learn more about that!
    A hug

    1. Ciao Anna, you would love mango mousse if you like mango. Pectin is a nice substitute for agar powder, and its so easy to find in the supermarkets.

      You can certainly use it for other desserts!

  10. Hi Elisabeth, thank you for the mention.
    Your mango mousse look extremely good, love the beautiful color. Both the version of recipes look delicious.

    So more mangoes menu on the way? You can baked/ grill the chicken fillet and top with mango salad. A very appetizing dish.

    BTW, how's your wrist? Are you getting better? Take care my dear.
    With hugs and lots of love. Have a great week ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia, I was happy to mention you, should have mentioned more of the wonderful gifts you sent me.

      I have been researching for different types of mango recipes, and also recreating ones I have to substitute mangoes with the other fruits.

      Thank you for asking about my wrist. I'm getting physical therapy on it 3 times a week. Still not healed completely, yet!
      Amelia, thanks for the idea about the grilled chicken with the mango topping...I did that with fish last time; grilled chicken sounds great too!
      Hugs, and love, back to you!

  11. Már rég kinéztem Pingnél ezt a krémet, sajnos nálunk nem kapni ilyen szép érett mangókat, mindig csak olyan zöldest kapok. De hátha egyszer:)

  12. i've used agar flakes before! but i've noticed that they don't dissolve completely. but i like how they are animal free and veg friendly! i just finished reading thru all the posts i've missed... wow, banana bread with no butter? i totally starred that one! and i make a similar lemon icing with confectioner sugar for my lemon poppy seed cake. YUM! hope you are enjoying the beautiful summer!

  13. You have created a wonderful mousse with mangoes. Its interesting to know that you can replace pectin for agar agar or gelatin. I have worked with agar agar before but I find either it becomes lumpy or does not dissolve. I shold better try my hands on pectin. Wonderful picture.

  14. Both recipes sound wonderful and the colour of your mango mousse is beautiful. Hope you are healing well from you wrist injury.

  15. Hi Elisabeth. I've finally some time to look at this wonderful mousse! What a gorgeous color! I don't believe I've had mango mousse before ... super idea! And the use of pectin to replace the agar powder .... brilliant! Looks really silky!
    Thanks so much for the linkback and for including my post over here. You've made my day! ..... make that week! :)

    1. Ping, I'm so glad you stopped by my blog to check out my mango mousse which really did turn out smooth and silky...the pectin was such a great replacement for the agar powder.

      Thank you, for allowing me to feature your amazing mango cream, which is a similar creation, without folding in the whipped cream...which would make it a mousse!
      Making your day...week, makes me feel very happy:D

  16. What a creative idea to replace agar with pectin! I must try it one day to see the difference. I also like the idea of 100% fruit mousse. I usually make fruit mousse with fresh cheese or yogurt. I am glad you have already started mango experiments and am looking forward to seeing next ones.

    1. Sissy, I didn't even think about the 100% fruit mousse; you're so right, and it was so delightful, refreshing, and smooth as silk!
      Pectin is really a wonderful product...I don't understand why they don't mention and suggest for the use of other desserts.

      I already compiled a list of mango stuff to make!

  17. Szégyellem, hogy mostanában alig jut időm hozzád eljutni...
    De ha itt vagyok nagy örömmel nézelődöm. :))) Ez a mangós finomság levett a lábamról. Kár, hogy nálunk nem lehet igazán finom mangót kapni.

    1. Petra, nincs semmi probléma hogy nem tudsz hozzám benézni...mostanában én is elhanyagoltam hozzád is benézni. Már is igyekszem átt kattintani te hozzád. A Floridai mangó nagyo hires, és kapós. Szerencsések vagyunk hogy az idén rengeteg termés lett!

  18. Elizabeth nagyon finomságos pohárkrémet készítettél a mangóból. Kedvem lenne most rögtön belekóstolni. A színe pedig egyszerűen csodálatos. Nálunk sajnos nagyon ritkán lehet mangót kapni, és akkor is inkább zöld a színe, nem pedig ilyen szép mint a képen. Puszillak

    1. Gizike, sajnálom hogy nálatok nincs szép érett mangók, de ha ki teszed a zöld szinüt a napra, meg fog szépen érni.

  19. I have never had or heard of this! ITS BRILLIANT!

  20. I am imagining how wonderful a mango mousse would taste. Both of your desserts sound fantastic.

  21. Looks yummy and creamy. I love the color.

  22. Two great ideas for mango :) Your mousse is gorgeous - the colour! that pic for Ping's mango cocnut cream agar is stunning. I am crazy for anything coconut - I will be trying both of these recipes by end of summer.

  23. It looks wonderful Elisabethe, smoth and creamy just like you described. I stll have some agar agar I haven't used yet...it's on my list. I think I was waiting for some molds or something. Now that you reminded me let's see if I do something with it! :D

    I just came from Ping's blog I do love it there! Great ideas and such a fun person.

  24. Clever you!! this looks so delicious - I couldn't think of a better dessert for the hot weather!
    Mary x

  25. Look at that fantastic yellow! They looks so amazing! I can also taste mango in my mouth just looking at your photos! I look forward to trying this recipe soon! ( My hubby is allergic to mangoes, but I still want to make some for myself! They simply look inresisable )

  26. gorgeous! i absolutely love that incredible color - can't wait to try this out. thanks so much!

  27. 'Great minds'! I thought this morning I wanted to come peek at your blog and it took all day until things settled down and I just got YOUR comment on my blog! This is gorgeous Elisabeth. You've opened my eyes to ideas of things to do with mangos. I have only eaten them raw. I envy you your mango tree and the 'dilemma' of finding recipes to use them. The best part? We, your adoring public, gain the benefit of these recipes you create! This has got to be amazing.

  28. Gorgeous colour! I love the combination with coconut. So tropical and summery!

  29. Wow! Both of these recipes sound delicious and look beautiful!

    Great timing... I just posted a drink I made with coconut milk. I'm hooked on coconut milk...use it for so many things!

    I've been taking a little summer break...good to be back for a visit. I hope you are enjoying summer! xo

  30. One of my favorite dessert. i love mangoes.

  31. I have a great weakness for mangoes, Elisabeth!!Both the recipes are so mouth watering!!Thank you for sharing, XO

  32. Elisabeth I found agar in the healthfood store, but I refused to buy it at 16 dollars/packet, so I used cornstarch instead. The base was coconut milk, so I didn't have to worry about oxidizing fruit. Using pectin would be much better for thickening fruit. Thanks for sharing your research, it is very useful. As always your pictures are beautiful. I love mango, but its too expensive in B.C. to cook with it. The darling and I share an occasional mango for snack. I may have missed Ping's recipe. Her photo is very beautiful.

    1. Zsuzsa, agar powder is really expensive, here in the states as well!
      A 2 oz, container costs $7.99. Cornstarch gives a totally different texture...I would have just used the pectin, which is also a natural thickener (no animal products)
      Mango is not cheaper here, either; and its not even the type we have growing on our tree. Absolutely no stringy fibers.

      Yes, Ping's photo is very beautiful...the reflection of the glass is magnificent!

  33. Oh Elizabeth, This sounds so wonderfully delicious and healthy, too!! A great way to use up some of those mangos!! Yum! I love the fact that this mousse is all fruit and whipped cream…so smooth and creamy looking!!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!!

    1. Thank you Kathy, and thanks to all of you dear friends...if I didn't comment back to your blog, I will do my best to comment now. You are all so sweet, and kind, and I appreciate each and every comment, suggestions, recommendations!
      Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  34. I'm so glad you found a delicious way to use up some of your stash of mangoes! I remember admiring Ping's amazing recipe and it's so fun to see you whip up your own version of it. It is one beautiful dessert. xo

  35. Imádom a mangót,gondolom ez látszik a blogomon is :), és ha nem is mindig teljesen érett, akkor is megérik, ahogy írod. Én a jellyhez/zseléhez mindig pektint használok, így készült a pitypang zselé, a bodza zselé....
    Szép nagyon a kókusztejes pohár is!

  36. i only come to know about pectin for their use in making jams and you're brilliant to discover that it can be used for making this mousse too! whether it's mousse or agar, i believe that both you and ping's desserts will be much enjoyed by many!

  37. this. sounds. divine! and so refreshing. I adore mangos, and don't buy them enough (fresh that is, I buy frozen mango chunks often) - you rock mama

  38. That looks so bright and sunny not to mention light and delicious!
