Saturday, July 14, 2012

White Beans and Tuna Salad

I hope you are all enjoying your summer months...hopefully not suffering the horrible heat wave. For us, in South Florida, we've gone through some scorching temperatures, and when the humidity level hits the 100%...don't even try to stay dry, and comfortable in your best attire...because the minute you step outside from your air conditioned comfortable homes, you will be drenched with 'sweat'...within minutes. The best thing do do is just dress comfortably in your shorts and T-shirts...although, that may not apply if you're going someplace that requires appropriate dress code!
A couple weeks ago, I happen to notice a favorite easy and light salad on a food blogger friend's blog... that I have not made for a while....and immediately wanted to make it, so the perfect opportunity was, while my family vacationed in Italy, to have a light and easy lunch, just for myself...I did even find a can of the lovely Italian tuna in olive oil, and the cannelini beans.The vegetables, I purchased at our favorite local produce market!
Isn't it nice to just grab a recipe from a fellow food blogger, who happens to inspire you with their creation?...actually, this simple salad does not really need a recipe, but if you would like to follow the recipe, I have a great suggestion for you!

On the left side of this page, is the photo of the refreshing and light salad, that my new food blogger friend, Anna shared on her blog...@ Una Semplice Passione...meaning: A Simple Passion!...doesn't the title sound romantic?
I was so happy to find this lost and forgotten simple, yet so healthy and delicious salad.

The only difference was, in addition to Anna's recipe, was that I just had to have my favorite Balsamic Vinaigrette...this time with fresh snipped dill added to the balsamic vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil! Enjoy it with a couple pieces of nice crusty bread, and you got yourself a fabulous light lunch!

Do check out the fabulous  Una Semplice Passione ...and say hello to Anna, and let her know I sent you!

FEAST your eyes...people! Who says, you can't eat healthy foods?...Just look at this other creation of mine, that I made from all the veggies and fresh fruits in season: Preparation may take a little time, but it's so well worth it
I call this creation of mine:...PAPAYA, KIWI SALSA....just happen to make it up. Nothing exotic, no spicy additions, but you can add your favorite hot chilli or jalapeno peppers to it.

All it is: Diced papaya...cucumbers, peeled, pulp scooped out cut in half, and slice into moon onion diced, kiwi peeled, cut in half and diced, and a good squeeze of fresh lime over it, sea salt, freshly ground pepper...and the most important herb...chopped cilantro! If you don't like cilantro, you can use chopped parsley, or basil; your preference. You can use dill, too, of course. You do not need olive oil, or any other oils...leave it natural, and let it marinade for about 20 minutes before serving
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Looks like just the thing for a hot day. I'll probably make it soon as summer heat is upon us!

  2. it's scorching hot here too Elisabeth, and this would be perfect right now. It definitely is light and sings summer in your mouth. I would like to dip my crusty bread over that bowl of vinaigrette ( i always do that) until the plate licks itself haha.

    THanks for sharing and stay fresh and cool...

  3. Oooh..both of those salads look amazing!

    I love Italian does Lucy!

  4. You sure got some awesome close up shots! nice job! I wonder how many points this is in WW love it!

    1. Claudia, the Bean and Tuna salad is 4 points in WW...the Papaya and Kiwi Salsa has -0-points!

  5. The tuna and white bean salad really caught my eye! thanks.

  6. Love the idea! Very yummy looking salad!

  7. Hi Elisabeth, we are also enjoying a few weeks of hot weather (in the low 30's a number of days) and humid - which is quite unusual for here. I'm loving it! Thankfully we have air conditioning - or I'd likely be complaining, lol! Isn't that so human nature :) I love your veggie/fruit salad - so interesting and colourful with the kiwi, papaya and cucumber moons :) I would never have thought to combine white beans and tuna, but I can see that it works.

  8. So yummy and refreshing! Love the kiwi and papaya one also.
    Thankfully monsoon has arrived in Mumbai which in turn has brought down the scorching temps. In fact the weather here is perfect for a hot cuppa with some fried fritters :D
    Have a fab Sunday!

  9. Delicious Salad, love all the fresh fruit and veggies. Till yesterday, here heavy rains, Nidhi didn't go to play school as loading two in car is very difficult for me in pouring rain. Today no rain.Hope next week it will be like this.

  10. I made this a couple of weeks back, I loved it and plan to make it again. It is so versatile, and perfect for our weather! Yours looks so much prettier than mine did, but it tasted good!

  11. Love the salad. The second one is so colorful and vibrant.

  12. Nagyon guszta saláta:) Sajnos én még nem vagyok ilyen bátor az összetevők terén.

  13. Wat a fabulous and nutritious salad,catchy and colourful.

  14. Your balsamic vinaigrette must have been wonderful over that bean and tuna salad and that fruit salad is just the perfect dish for this heat and humidity you are having. Super photos.

  15. Imádom az ilyen megoldásokat,és nem csak nagy melegben, gyakran élek is vele, nálam a saláta mindennapos vendég :), azt rakok bele ami éppen kéznél van, és rá tonhal, garnéla, füstölt hal....

  16. I hope you are coping with the heat wave over there. It's been raining most of the times. You know, the usual British summer :)
    I adore white beans and tuna salad. I've made it once before, I think it was Giada's version if I'm not mistaken. The papaya kiwi salsa also looks fab! Beautiful vibrant colours.
    Thank you for your kind words about my graduation and I agree, it's about time I change my profile picture :)
    And I love the quote on to of your blog.

  17. Mostanában sok tonhalat eszem, mert gyors és finom:) Ki fogom próbálni ezt a salátát is, nagyon jól néz ki, a canellini az egyik bab féle, amit legjoban szeretek, szinte elolvad a szájban:) A gyümölcsös saláta is isteni lehet,gyönyörű színek,persze nálatok ezeknek a gyümölcsöknek más íze lehet, mint amit itt kapni Norvégiában:) Szép hetet kívánok neked:)

  18. Elizabeth megint nagyon remek és finom salátákat készítettél. Szeretem a tonhalat a salátákba, lencsével már párosítottam, de kifogom próbálni a Te babos változatodat is. Nálunk most szerencsére nincs az a nagy kánikula, egész kellemes az idő pár napja. Puszillak

  19. Delicious and healthy. The Papaya Kiwi Salsa has me drooling. What a great idea. I have to add this salsa to my recipe notebook:D
    Hope the weather cools off a little,

  20. Gyönyörű színek,nagyon szeretem, a következő salátámba teszek én is fehér babot,tonhalat,azt nem hiszem a hallal nem vagyok jóban,mindkét saláta kedvemre való:):)Nagyon guszta mindkettő!!!!
    Körülnéztem,tudnék választani,és szívesen lettem volna Nálad asztalvendég!!!!:):)

  21. Hi Elisabeth, for me, if it has a dill, it tastes great! Heading over to your friend's blog to check out more.

  22. Hi Elisabeth, we are also being scorched by the heat wave here, in Montreal, and I really love both your suggestions, very appropriate for the temperature..Looking forward to cooler days,XOXO

  23. Eli, I have made a similar salad before, but with red kidney beans, so I know this is delicious! Love your papaya kiwi salsa too. Exactly, who doesn't love healthy yet very delicious food!
    I wish you a wonderful week ahead!

  24. Elisabeth, both salads looks gorgeous. I love the Italian bean and tuna salad too and also make vinaigrette with balsamic vinegar quite often. The second salad looks particularly original. I do not often mix fruits and vegetables in salads, but I can imagine how well they taste.
    It's been ages since I posted a salad (I do have salads all the time though)! Thanks for the inspiration.

  25. Nem régen csináltam, nagyon szeretem. Imádni való saláta. Nagyon guszta nálad is!!! :o)

  26. I really enjoy a good salad. I think the only thing I have not done is add sliced of kiwi. This is a must try. Tuna and salad is really a quick fix for me. Another must try for me is Italian beans. Right now your salad looks so good that I wish I could have a bowl of it. Thanks for coming over again, and I will be supporting Gabby on her culinary journey. Huggssss, Jo

  27. i'm in my shorts and tshirts everyday, even when i go's about 33C everyday but we are quite used to it here. what gorgeous colours you hv for your fruit salad, seldom i see papaya in salads like this, i like that! and it's good for easier bowel movement too! hehe..and i like the picture of that vinaigrette pouring into that tuna salad!

  28. Gyönyörű a salátád, nagyon fincsi lehetett....

  29. Postado amizade nos blogueiros do mundo
    Eu amo este blog, e eu sigo 477
    seguir de volta para o meu bom amigo
    para a nossa amizade
    ser aguardado

    1. Obrigado por visitar e depois do meu blog. Visitarei e seguirei o seu blog também!

  30. Fantastic photos! and lovely salad - this is so delicious and perfect for summer!
    Mary x

  31. White beans and tuna is lovely salad and the papaya kiwi salsa also looks delicious. Of course both are healthy.

  32. Oh, I love both of your recipes! The white beans and tuna would be perfect for my lunch...delicious, filling and full of protein! And what a beautiful salsa..I am now longing for a few slices of kiwi, too...I may need to whip up a tropical salsa myself! Off to say hi to Anna :)

  33. Ciao Elisabeth,
    Here in Northern Europe we are experiencing a weird summer where we actually hope for extreme hot temperatures. I am still walking around with a light coat and scarf!!! In July.

    Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog, my dear blogger friend. I actually have had lovely comments on my salad from people that found my blog through you! I am very grateful for that :D. I think your version with Balsamico Vinaigrette will taste very good with it as well. Lovely pictures you made, as always.

    I like your salad with vegetables and fruit. I don't often combine fruit and veggies. But it looks so refreshing and tasty.

    Have a nice day, cara Elisabeth.

    1. Ciao Anna...I'm so glad that others found your lovely blog, as well. Like I mentioned to you at the time I saw your delicious salad, that I do want to make it; just needed the right time to make sure I have all the ingredients.

      I wouldn't mind having some of your cooler temperature here, in South Florida, but we have to except the heat, especially the hottest month, of July, and August!
      Baci e abbracci!

  34. a simple passion DOES sound romantic...sigh. This salad looks great! We've been having record temps here too, and I've got the electric bill to prove it (we like our air "conditioned" around here LOL) - but relatively low humidity so that helps. Nonetheless, this sounds light enough, but hearty enough...I'm in!

  35. This is my first full summer in Florida. The "drenching" as you leave the house is an amazing phenomenon. It's like walking into a sauna!

    Your salad looks like a delightful diversion from the heat. I try to stay away from my stove these days, so a glorious salad like this sounds amazing.

  36. Elizabeth, A perfect salad for very hot days! We’ve been having a heat wave here in NJ for weeks now…I think it’s probably still hotter in Fla. Thanks my friend for sharing such a delicious recipe and for introducing me to a very lovely blog!!

  37. This looks absolutely delicious! I had a salad similar to this when I was in Italy in May--perfect for hot weather.
