Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Zucchini in Tomato Sauce...and Restaurant Review

I hope you have an extra few minutes to hang out on my blog...just wanted to share the latest...I mean the really most recent, meaning, from yesterday's event! What a wonderful day I've had yesterday, that was totally unplanned.
I'm so happy that my family is back now, from Italy, and I'm back in my own little place, with my sweet little Persian kitty, Mush, who I rarely mention. I've had her since she was a kitten, 13 years ago...and she is still the size of a kitten, has not grown much, but so cute and sweet. She was my beloved Prince kitties constant companion...and now, my little 'shadow'...always been sweet and aloof, but now that Prince is gone, she constantly wants to be around me!

I'm not starting out with the restaurant review...although that came earlier, at lunch time, but for dinner, I made this batch of zucchini for a light dinner, just enjoying it with crusty slices of bread. Still have plenty left over, which could be added over pasta of your choice! So easy to make, and so delicious.

Zucchini is in season now, and so abundant in our supermarkets, and especially in the fresh produce market. I also picked up a small batch of thyme, a bunch of Italian parsley, and decided to make a different herb version for my zucchini and tomato sauce.

Zucchini in Tomato Sauce
created by; Elisabeth

4 small zucchini sliced,(but not too thin)
1 medium onion chopped
2 cloves garlic minced
salt and pepper to taste
a handful of Italian parsley chopped
few sprigs of thyme snipped, or
(you can use basil, rosemary, or your
favorite herbs)
1 cup fresh, or canned tomato sauce
(I used Flora tomato sauce)
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 cup white wine, or vegetable broth

In a large cast iron, or non-stick skillet, saute onion and garlic first, for about 5 minutes, add the sliced zucchini, and saute over medium high heat to get a little color on them. Add the wine, or broth, let it cook down a little...another 5 minutes longer.

Add the tomato sauce, and let it cook for another 10 to 15 minutes. The entire cooking time should not take more than 25 minutes. Serve over pasta, or just simply enjoy with crusty bread of your choice...and there's your 30 minute meal. You can also grate Parmesan cheese on top if you prefer!

Simple, and easy...guaranteed that you will love it, if you like zucchini, this is a great way for kids to enjoy their veggies...smothered in tomato sauce!

...and now, for the Restaurant Review!

Ahh, here we are Lemongrass, Asian Restaurant...haven't been here in 2yrs...food is so good, and a pleasant friendly atmosphere!
There's 2 identical section like this...2 bars, so if you have too much Saki to drink...you may think you're seeing double!...no Saki for me, it's only a little over 12: noon! (Lora in the blue shirt, walking in)
I ordered the Lemongrass soup, with mussels, squid, scallops and fish...a light lemony hot 'paprika' broth...did not know that they use Hungarian paprika in Asian cuisine...I loved it, it really 'hit the spot'. Fabrizio ordered the same thing.

We all shared these 2 rolls...the front one was called ...Volcano Rolls...some really yummy sauce, not spicy...covering the rolls...even the little guy enjoyed it, wanting to learn how to eat with chopsticks!
Gabby's Pad Thai noodles, with chicken...and some brown rice from Lora's shrimp and brown rice...on the same plate...really delicious, (but not crazy about the presentation)
Since no-one would pose for me...all you can see them is walking, and me taking photos of other restaurant buildings...such as this lovely building on the corner, next to the railroad track...for years, this building was a breakfast eatery...then, abandoned for a few years, and in the last ten years, it's been a chic eatery, and always packed on the weekend, and during season. (didn't check the name of the place, but dined there 2yrs ago)

As we were strolling down the avenue...I spotted these gorgeous expensive dogs...their masters walking them...
I don't know the breed of these beautiful dogs...just took the picture, and thanked the owner (no time to ask for permission)...but they said "you're welcome"...isn't it nice how people can be so friendly, and courteous?
Just look at the strong legs on those doggies...wonder if they are poodles...just have them groomed differently!
On this corner, is a very nice seafood restaurant...outdoor eating has a fresh mist blowing...you can even see the mist, above the entrance where it says...Lobster Roll!
 Heading on to this 'parkway' ...there is a brand new amazing restaurant...gigantic outdoor eating, and indoor, as well!...check this out!
This is all part of one restaurant...I have not seen this until now, since they've only opened a few months ago! Totally, amazing!
This was my very favorite...beautiful, and just check out the upstairs...two stories. Love the architecture of the modern building!
A whimsical gift shop, with art, as well...wonder if these cute sculptures are for sale?...love the turtles! So, that was a very nice day, well spent, and totally NOT planned. This is how my family plans events like this...sometimes at the 'spur of the moment'. Have a wonderful day, and hope you're not suffering the heat! We are having 10 degrees cooler temps. now...only about 88 degrees the highest...just lots of rain every day...and mostly grey skies!

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  1. What an absolutely great day! Great food and family.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.


  2. You sure had a fun day! The tomato sauce with zucchini looks so yum. It would be nice to go with some pasta I just cooked ;-)

  3. Csodás napotok volt, együtt az egész család, finom ételek, mi kell ennél több?:) A cukkini nagy kedvencem, nálam ma cukkinis lecsó volt, mi nagyon szeretjük, és tegnap hazajöttek a gyerekeim Magyarországról, finom füstölt kolbász is lapult a bőröndben, de finom volt:) Te szoktál lecsót főzni? Tényleg melyik a kedvenc ételed a magyar konyhából?

  4. Elisabeth,

    Looks like you had a fun day, Love to read review as I am walking with you.Zuchhini in tomato sauce looks awesome. Thanks for linking with Hearth and soul blog hop.

    Please don't forget to make a cookie this month and link to me.

  5. Erzsike, már tavaly óta nem főztem lecsót, itt nem találni olyan jó husus paprikáta, csak ősszel. Szerencsések voltak a gyermekeid hogy a kolbászt át tudták csempészni. Jajj de finom lehetett, el tudom képzelni.

    A Magyar konyhábol, persze a régi klasszikus ételeket imádom. Az unoka lányom mindig kéri hogy főzzek csirke paprikást nekik...de a lányom is ügyesen főzi. Mi mindannyian nagyon szeretjük a marha pörköltet, pláne vörös borral. Gondolom gyermekeid jól érezték magukat MO-szágon!

  6. Kellemes időtöltés volt,szép környezet,finom ételek!
    A paradicsomos cukkini finom lehet,jó kis friss ropogós friss fehér kenyérrel!!!Csak el ne felejtsem.:):)

  7. Your zucchini dish looks really delicious and the thought of eating it with crusty bread is really appealing to me at this moment, will I unpatiently wait for my soup top finish cooking.

  8. The zucchini looks so good...just a simple red sauce dish...perfection...

    Loved the restaurant photos, too...are you glad everyone is home?

  9. Já esteve aqui um amigo
    Blogs são perfeitas, eu gosto, ...
    bom post, paisagens e boa comida ...
    saudação sucesso .....

  10. Itt is "tombol" a cukkiniszezon, szeretjük nagyon, sokféleképp készítettem már, lecsóval még nem :), sőt még lecsót sem készítettem az idén, pedig gyönyörű és olcsó a paprika!
    Príma éttermi kalauz vagy :) finomak az ételek, szépek a fotók, imádom én is japán, thai konyhát, a tengeri "herkentyűket" :)...
    Szép nap volt!

  11. Hi Elisabeth, your zucchini look delicious. With the herbs and tomato sauce combo, it sure taste excellent.

    Thank for sharing all the beautiful photos. Excellent, all are very well taken. The lemongrass soup look awesome.
    How's your wrist, fully recover?

    Take care and have a nice week ahead,warm regards.

  12. I like your simple zucchini in tomato sauce. Eating with bread sounds fabulous. I can dip all my bread in the sauce... but probalby I'll cook lunch so no one (= my husband) won't request a meat dish. ;-) I love how simple and delicious it is. I tend to put way too many things in one dish, but I'm totally loving this simpleness. It's a very interesting and delicious looking fusion Japanese food!

  13. what a LOVELY day indeed...how I would have loved to spend this day with you. You all shared some marvelous food! Those volcano rolls look DELISH! I love eating zucchini with tomato sauce just like that - no pasta. I need to do more of this, my pants are feeling tight! gasp!

  14. Beautiful pictures. Love your zucchini dish!!!

    Please come and check out my new site and Housewarming Giveaway!!!

  15. Nagyon guszta a cukkinid, mi is nagyon szeretjük, de így még nem készítettem.
    Szépek az éttermi képeid, és az ott evett ételkülönlegességek. Én sajnos idegenkedem a kagylóktól, rákoktól, és általában a tenger gyümölcseitől. Amik vízben úszkálnak, azok közül egyedül csak a halakat eszem meg :) Biztos szokás dolga...

  16. Én sem készitettem még paradicsomosan a zukkinit,de jó ötletet adtál. És az az éttermes leves is nagyon jól néz ki. Szép helyek vannak ott nálatok is,az biztos.

  17. Your zucchini dish looks wonderful. I'm hoping I get a decent crop from my zucchini and squash this year, but with the coldest July on record in Alaska, things are not looking up. Stay tuned... :) Hopping over from Hearth & Soul -- and I'd love if you decided to stop by soon. xoxo Erin

  18. yes, it's zucchini season, your recipe sounds not complicated which is a big advantage!
    the food in the restaurant look very delicious, the lemongrass soup sounds very good!

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  19. Remek nap volt! Finomságos ételek, szép idő, kellemes város! Nem is kell ennél több!

  20. Thats a wonderful looking zucchini dish, lovely review too.

  21. Thanks for the lovely tour Elisabeth. I sure would enjoy a stroll down these streets - what a very pretty place Delray Beach is! Just LOVE that gorgeous restaurant building on the corner :) Your zucchini recipe looks fab - I hope to have my own zucchini to use in it (we'll see how my garden grows after the hail storm we had...) and I'll let you when I do!

  22. Hi Elisabeth, you and I like to eat the same things! I have made a zucchini dish so similar to your recipe for most of my life,lol! I think you live in a beautiful part of the world and it's wonderful that you enjoy showing us a view into that world;-) The zucchini in my garden is getting ready to explode so I will be looking for ideas to use it up, thanks for sharing your recipe;-)

  23. What a lovely lunch you had! The zucchini with tomato sauce looks awesome.

  24. What a fun day for you!!! I know you're delighted to have Lora and family back home...my family doesn't pose for me, either! Thanks for the tour of Delray Beach...looks like a great place to dine :) And I love zucchini flavored with thyme...so your dish looks fantastic!

  25. Elisabeth, I love such simple dishes as your courgette in tomato sauce. They are good only when vegetables are in full season and obviously full of flavours.
    The restaurant sounds really great! You know it's funny but I have notice children love sushi, especially sushi maki , even with raw fish. Man adults are disgusted (at least in Europe I know some) by sushi, but children see probably cute shape and are not afraid to taste.
    The dogs look especially very very well taken care of! As if they were brushed and styled the same day. You live in a lovely region!

  26. I'm always trying to get Michael to eat more veggies, and I think this dish would do the trick! Hope you're doing well...so busy lately that it seems I'm behind with everyone. Now I want to come to Delray Beach for my next trip...I've only been to FL to catch a cruise out of Miami.

  27. These are gorgeous! I love the flavors.

  28. Hi Elisabth,
    So nice to see the pictures that you posted :D! The lemongrass soup that you ordered looks good. Lovely combination the zucchini and tomato. That is something my aunt used to combine a lot. Brings back old memories.
    I send you a big hug from rainy Switzerland.

    1. Hi Anna, this dish brings back fond memories from Sicily, from years ago, when my sister-in-law used to make the green beans with the delicious tomato sauce; I just switched it to the zucchini, instead!

      I would like to send you some Florida sunshine...today is a lovely mostly sunny day!

  29. Eli, I just want to stop by to let you know that it works again.
    Enjoy your weekend, my dear!


    1. Thank you Angie for letting me know about my blog only accepting viewers by invitation only!...Yikes, just don't know how this happened, but I fixed the error now. Good thing that its working now!
      Have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend!

  30. Elizabeth, Your zucchini dish looks so delicious! The zucchini in my garden is just starting to come in…I’m always looking for ways to use it up…I will bookmark this one! Love taking a stroll with you though your very pretty town!!! Beautiful restaurants and lovely views!! Have a great weekend, my friend!!

  31. ÓÓÓÓÓ, Elisabeth csodálatos napot tölthettél a családoddal, és gyönyörű képeket készítettél. Nagyon szeretem nézegetni a képeidet, köszönet érte.

    Imádom a cukkinit mindenféle formába, és ez a recept nagyon kedvemre való. Idén bőséges a termés a kertemben cukkiniből, és paradicsomból is, így mindenképpen elkészítem ezt a finomságot.Puszillak

  32. I have done this before to serve along with pasta. Do u actually need to cook this for 25 minutes. Zucchini gets cooked very fast right? I love the crunchiness when its not cooked that long.
    I added in minced chicken when I sauted the garlic and onion before adding zucchini.
    Looks fantastic. would make zucchini quiche first..

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