Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blueberry-Peach Bread...for "Twelve Loaves"

I decided to make some fruit filled bread, since we are in the midst of the summer season, with plenty of summer fruits available and at such cheap price. Blueberry happens to be one of my all-time favorite berries, and to combine it with juicy ripe peaches, is the first time for me...although I have seen it on other food
bloggers site.

If you love banana bread, or any fruit cannot help, but fall in love with this amazing peach-blueberry combination! The recipe is really just based on my banana bread recipe, that I know by 'heart'...just a few adjustments, and

You're probably wondering what is the 'Twelve Loaves' about in the title?...well, it's a baking challenge created by my daughter Lora. I'm happy to join along as a hostess this month. I am happy to contribute, which I am doing now, this 1st homemade bread as the "blueberry challenge" long as un-yeasted breads are accepted...which is this one is, I'm fine with it!

Just look at the golden color of this beautiful fruit bread, and you can see the moistness, as well. The glaze is a Limoncello glaze...a special bottle that was a gift for me from Italy. In the meantime...I still have a couple of mango recipes that I would like to post. I already made one of the best mango sorbets that  was gone in minutes, as soon as it set. That will be my next post. No step-by-step prep photos on this one either, you can  follow the recipe...its self-explanatory.

So, my baking friends...please join us baking this month!Look how easy it us to link your Bread with Summer Fruit!

Bread with Summer Fruit
Bake a bread, yeast or quick bread, loaf or individual, filled, stuffed, studded or topped with your favorite fresh summer fruit or berries. It’s your bread…we want you to have fun with the idea!Check out the delicious breads that Lisa from Parsley, Sage and Line Drives baked and Jamie from Life's a Feast. Just wonderful!

Just follow the rules, it’s as easy as pie:

1. When you post your Twelve Loaves bread on your blog, make sure that you mention the Twelve Loaves challenge in your post and mention and link back to Lora's blog. Please make sure that your Bread is inspired by the theme! This is obligatory if you would like your link to be included!
2. Please link your post to the linky tool at the bottom of my blog or Lora's,   blog. It must be a bread baked to the Twelve Loaves theme.
3. Have your Twelve Loaves bread that you baked this August, 2012 posted on your blog by August 31, 2012.

Do you tweet? We sure do!

Follow @TwelveLoaves on Twitter

Blueberry-Peach Bread
created by; Elisabeth

1 1/2 cups unbleached  all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup vegetable, or canola oil
2 eggs
1 cup fresh, or frozen blueberries
1 cup pitted, and diced peaches
1 cup peach pulp

For the Glaze:
1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tblsp Limoncello, or lemon juice

First thing; have your pitted, and diced peaches ready in a small bowl...set aside. In a large bowl, add the flour, the baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix together with a fork. In a medium bowl, break the eggs, and lightly mix together with the oil, and sugar. You can add the peach pulp, by adding about 3 or 4 pitted peaches to your blender, add abt. 1 Tblsp water to blend. (if you don't want to use this process with the peach pulp, you can skip it) you can use 1/2 cup orange juice, in place of the pulp.

With a plastic spatula, or spoon, add the wet ingredients to the flour mixtures. Add the pulp, or the orange juice, slowly and fold in. Lastly, add the fruit, folding in carefully, not to break it up.

Preheat oven at 350 degrees F....bake for 25 minutes. Lower the temperature to 325 degrees F. and bake for an additional 35 minutes longer, or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool on rack for at least 30 minutes. Mix the glaze ingredients, and drizzle over the top. Cut in very good!

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Thursday Favorite Things @Katherines Corner

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Good lord this is the most delicious looking bread I ever saw I love both peach and blueberry bread and never had them as a combination your a genious and this is perfection as its best! love this!

  2. I am a big fan of banana bread and blueberry, peaches are a great addition to this, the swirl in the bread is just amazing looking nice job... going to have get into baking soon as this would be on the list of must trys first.

  3. I love the way you are so creative with foods!

    This bread looks beautiful!

  4. Hi Elisabeth, this is truly an incredibly delicious- looking loaf :) I've also never thought to combine blueberry and peach, but now that you have, it seems like a natural pairing. I'll second Pegasuslegend in saying that this is sheer genius!

  5. Elisabeth this looks awesome, and I don't even like blueberries! You are so creative, this would be great for breakfast! I am going away for a week leaving Sunday. Family reunion right before school starts back for me. Is my summer break over so soon! :)

    BTW, I was just thinking about whether you cot my text or not and then you told me on my blog! Ha! you sound like me not getting them right away!

  6. Elisabeth ,

    That bread looks delicious and love that glaze Looks perfect. Sure I will try to make some thing and send to you. Happy hosting.

  7. Love it Elizabeth, and so colorful! I´ll be baking along, just have to find some `summer fruit´ in the middle of!

  8. I did make a loaf today with fruits unfortunately did not take a picture. If I had seen the post before then might have thought of posting it.
    You are good in using fruits.

  9. Elisabeth,
    I love the peach blueberry combo in this bread. Fruit in bread, just go together. I'll be making some soon for 12 Loaves.

  10. Wow,,,,perfect looking bread,the color and glazed tell it all "delicious" great post Elisabeth !!

  11. Oh, this is such a dreamy bread! The peach and blueberry combo was great in my pie...and now I'm craving it in a quick bread. And limoncello glaze is the perfect topping! Beautifully done, my friend. I'm off to visit family next week, then moving Nick to college...maybe I'll have time to make a bread and join you. I might need some baking therapy after Nick leaves :(

    Hope you're having a nice week! xo

  12. So very beautiful! I love the glaze on the top as well. Normally I'd skip any extra sugar stuff, icing, frosting, glaze but this is just so pretty and I know limoncello flavor will compliment the bread wonderfully.

  13., what a phenomenal blueberry - peach quick bread! I adore the Limoncello glaze so much! Like I said the last time I was I know where Lora gets her amazing baking genes! So gla to be taking part in amd hosting Twelve Loaves with you!

  14. Hű, de guszta gyümölcskenyér! Tetszik rajta az a máz! Máris mentem, Karácsonykor jó lesz! Imádom az ilyen édes kenyereket... Nagyon guszta!

  15. The bread looks incredibly tasty, Elisabeth. Fresh fruits are in all my baked goods these days, too.

  16. Hello Elisabeth! This loaf looks absolutely amazing and I love the idea of Lora's challenge. I have fallen off the blog roundabout lately but will make every effort to hop back on again. Hope you're well x

  17. Oh Elizabeth, This sounds amazing and looks incredibly delicious! My grands are coming to visit next week and I’m sure this would be a big hit! I even have peaches and blueberries in the house. Thanks for a great recipe! I love quick breads!

  18. Your bread looks beautiful, Elisabeth. I love the combination of peach and blueberry, even though I bake both together and separately rather in light tarts when the weather is hot. It's so funny because I have just had some blueberries and peach separately. I love both raw and baked.

  19. How wonderfully creative of you to make a fruit bread as enticing as this one. The limoncello glaze is gorgeous and must add such a nice addition to the overall flavour.

  20. My goodness! Your bread looks beautiful! And with the Limoncello glaze... come on, you know you had me! Brilliant.

  21. This looks so delicious! I am a fan of fruit loaves, but the ones i normally get are made with dry fruits! I love your idea of using fresh fruits, the colors are just beautiful! very appetizing !

  22. Love this post Elisabeth and thanks for the link I found there some other good things I would like to try.

  23. The combo of stone fruit and berry makes this quick bread so interesting and tempting!

  24. Elisabeth, ez gyönyörű! Imádom a banánkenyeret is, sajnos még nem sikerült egy igazán jót sütnöm :)
    Ezt a receptet feltétlen kipróbálom. Köszönöm!

  25. ÓÓÓÓÓ Elizabeth, csodálatos lett a gyümölcskenyered!!! Kétségem nincs, hogy mennyei finom lehet. Na most én nyelek ám itt jó nagyokat.:))) Jó sok gyümölcsöt tettél bele, és az a máz a tetején....Eddig soha nem sütöttem gyümölcskenyeret, mert mindig azt hittem, túl száraz a tésztája. A múlthéten aztán elkészült nálam az első, és annyira ízlett, hogy hamarosan újrasütöm.
    Leveled megkaptam, és ígérem holnap válaszolok rá. Puszillak

  26. Oh! That bread looks so perfect, moist and fruity and the sugar drizzled down the sides.Too delicious.I love blueberries too.
    I'm going to fix up my pierogi now for supper,did I spell that right??.I'm sorry if I didn't,hmmmm.

  27. Elisabeth... you left my mouth watering!
    Thank you so much for joining us in Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop! With His grace, wishing you peace and many blessings to you and yours… Carla

  28. Combining blueberries and peaches has to make for an irresistible creation.

  29. Hi Elisabeth, this bread is so-so good! with Lemoncello glaze? Oh yes, I am in! :)

  30. On Fridays, I share my favorite food finds in a series called Food Fetish Friday - and I love this post so I'm featuring it as part of today's roundup (with a link-back and attribution). I hope you have no objections and I love the inspiration I get from your food…

  31. This is truly inspired and I adore the glaze so much.

  32. I love your quick bread version of this month's challenge! Peaches and blueberries are a fabulous combination! The sugar glaze really makes it perfect!

  33. Beautiful looking bread, Elisabeth - peach and blueberry is such a great combination.

  34. that looks wonderful, the colour and the texture. Peaches sounds special in this bread, i never tried that though. I'll see if i can make any contributions to the event this month. Enjoy your weekend!

  35. YUM - what could be better than blueberries and peaches baked into a moist delicious bread???? Topping it with that glaze, that's what! :) Seriously beautiful. I pinned this and will definitely be trying it!!

  36. Hi Elisabeth,
    It is good to see you and hope you are having an awesome summer! This bread is wonderful, has some of my favorite ingredients, a great summertime bread to be enjoyed. Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  37. Hi Elisabeth, this bread look excellent. Love the combination of peach and blueberry. The color and texture look really awesome, nice to go with a cup of fragrant cappuccino.

    Love the limoncello glaze, keep 2 slices for me please. LOL

    Have a nice weekend, hugs to you.

  38. Highly irresistible and super tempting bread.

  39. I love tweaking my banana bread recipe as well. If my oven would talk, it would say: what banana bread again? hahah. But this banana bread "tweak" is something to try especially the glaze and the blue berry parts...
    happy weekend mi amiga,

  40. Hi Elisabeth, just drop by to wish you Happy Friendship Day.

    Have a nice weekend, hugs to you.

  41. Gorgeous looking fancy loaf! It looks like a painting. And Limoncello glaze!

  42. Hi Elisabeth! I love the look of your fruit filled loaf of homemade bread, the glaze is pretty tempting as well;-)

  43. Deve essere molto buono!! buona serata...ciao

  44. oh my goodness, this looks ( sounds) divine. Perfect with a nice cup of tea. Thank you for your bloggy friendship and for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  45. Anyone who puts limoncello in a bread has my attention. Looks fabulous!

  46. What a lovely combo! Blueberries and peaches, and I could see both of them in your bread, so clearly. I would love a slice filled with these juicy fruits. I was just telling Sandra from Sandra's Easy Cooking that I have such a huge love for bread, that I need to switch to whole meal if I am consuming them on a daily basis. LOL.. Have a wonderful week ahead and thanks for coming over again ;). Huggsss, Jo

  47. Hi Elisabeth,
    i deleted my earlier comment as Ira (my younger one) typed some random letters, as she was sitting on my lap while I was typing :D.
    Well M really sorry for not being in touch last couple of weeks. What can I say??? My schedule's gone totally haywire since I've joined the college. Also my kiddo's not keeping well (happens every year in the monsoon season) :(. But m really lucky to have such supportive, encouraging and inspiring bloggo-circle. Thank you for putting up with me even if I go "off" sometimes :D.
    Your loaf looks simply amazing. The peaches and blueberries are really the "star" in your loaf. Love the theme. Will try to bake something for the entry.

  48. This is a beautiful loaf! I love all that juicy fresh fruit, plus the glaze on top! YUM! :)

  49. What a delicious looking bread. Blueberries and peaches are a favorite combination of mine but the idea of the Limoncello glaze just put it over the top for me. So glad to be participating in Twelve Loaves.

  50. Hi

    I have linked my entry on your event.Please visit my blog as i posted ur logo and linky address event on my blog.Awaiting to hear your comments dear :) Also happy to follow you.:) New to your space :)

  51. love the idea of peaches and blueberries together. i'm sure it was phenomenal.
