Monday, August 6, 2012

Mango-Lime Sorbet

'Rainy Days, and Mondays' precisely what is happening here, in S. Florida at this very time! It is a lazy day...or I should say morning. I'm watching the Olympics as I'm typing my post...barely able to take my eyes off the T.V...watching the water polo with U.S. and Hungary...with a 4 - 0 ...Hungary leading! (ending with 11-6, Hungary winning!)

Very strong defense from Hungary! ...last night I watched the women's volleyball...U.S. against Italy, with U.S. pummeling the Italian team, wow!
Mango season is just about over now...I saw 3 lonely mangoes leftover on the mango tree, but we did get quite a few even towards the end to make some more mango creations. Nothing compares to fresh fruit sorbet...I love sorbet, more than ice cream...because of the light texture and pure fruit flavors along with the citrus fruit, such as lime! You really just have to know the formula, in making sorbet. It has to be equal amount of sugar and water for the simple syrup, which you just bring to a boil, and cool down, even best to chill several hours, or overnight!
Just add the chilled fruit puree with the cold simple syrup, and the lime juice, and you're good to go, mixing it in your ice cream maker.

Mango-Lime Sorbet
recipe by; Elisabeth

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups water
4 cups mango puree
juice of 3 limes
a pinch of salt

In a medium saucepan, bring water and sugar to boil.
Stir frequently, just until sugar melts, and water comes to a full boil. Set aside to cool.
Peel and dice about 4  mangoes...more if needed to make 4 cups of puree. Add the juice of the 3 limes to the puree. Cool the the simple syrup in the fridge for several hours, ore overnight, before adding to the puree.

Combine the simple syrup and the mango puree in in the ice cream maker, and mix for about 20-40 minutes. Next...with the mango sorbet in the ice cream maker cylinder, put into more than 40 minutes.

Spoon sorbet into a quart size plastic container, and freeze until firm! It is the best sorbet, that you can make homemade with other fruits as well. I would love to make a strawberry, or blueberry sorbet. Next, on my list!

Speaking of which, I totally wiped out my blog list by mistake...always messing around, fixing things. Now, I have to add my I did not intentionally wipe your blog out, will get my list back up soon, since I rely so much on my regular commenter friends.

Linking to: Full Plate Thrusday, @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage

                Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Jégbe zárt napsugár, gyönyörű színe van:)Nagyon jól harmonizálhat a lime ízével, én is nagyon kedvelem, bár minden gyümölcsöt nagyon szeretek. Ma vettem 2 mangót és a kislányom most meglátta a képeidet, holnap ezt el fogjuk készíteni:) Szép hetet kívánok neked:)

  2. Sorbet is one of my favorite light desserts, and look at the color on this one! I caught that beach volleyball match too, since my husband has caught Olympics fever.

  3. Sorbet looks delicious mango lime combo is always best Elisabeth.

  4. The colors of that sorbet are amazing...does a mango tree have fruit only once a year?

    1. Yes, Patty that is the true color of the mango sorbet, even more vivid in 'life'...and extremely flavorful. Unfortunately mangoes only bloom once a year, and that's when we get the fruit...once a year; so you can see why we treasure it so much!

  5. LOVE anything with lime! But this looks absolutely fabulous, Elisabeth!

  6. You are so lucky to have mango tree,,,remind me @ home in Indonesia ,mango-lime sorbet looks so freshly made,gorgeous color :)

  7. I love sorbet better than ice cream too, and more refreshing.I didn't know sorbet can be made at home.It's pretty pricey buying sorbet already made.I better get an ice cream maker, I love sorbet in the Winter too after a filling meal.I'm going to try this.
    Hot here too but less humid today.
    I'm sorry about the blog links mix-up.I'm adding you too :)

  8. Nagyon guszta! Tényleg csodaszép a színe! Ez az adag mennyi mangóból van? 2-3 darab?

    1. Köszönöm Kriszti, én 4 mangóbol készitettem 4 csészével, attol függ hogy mekkorák a mangók. Nálunk közepes nagyságu!

  9. Csodálatos a színe, és isteni finom lehet az íze. Ma itt nálunk rekkenő hőség volt, pont egy ilyen frissítő finomság után vágyakoztam. Én még soha nem csináltam sorbetet, de most kölcsönkérem a receptedet és elkészítem.
    Drága Elisabeth, már nem is mentegetőzöm, hogy még nem válaszoltam a leveledre, de teljesen le vagyok lassulva ebben a hőségben. Pedig annyi mindent szeretnék neked írni, ígérem hamarosan összeszedem magamat. Puszillak

    1. Gizike, a sorbet nagyon üditő, és frissitő, csak annyibol áll az egész cukor és viz felforralva, lehütve, és gyümőlcs meghámozva és a blender-be péppé keverni, össze adni a sziruppal, lime, vagy citrom leve is megfelelő...még rumot is lehet tenni bele, de a legvégén!

      Nincs semmi baj, irjál amikor időd engedi. Nálunk már nincs olyan nagy hőség itt, sokat esik az eső és fuj a szél, ilyenkor lehül a levegő.
      Puszillak, én is

  10. The sorbet is so beautiful and I just happen to have a few mangoes on hand. Can't wait to try this.

    1. Hi Mary, thank you for your kind comment, do try this simple sorbet out, if you have mangoes on hand. It's really a quite simple method, and so perfect, and refreshing!

  11. Elizabeth, Your sorbet sounds so wonderfully delicious…and looks gorgeous!! Love that is has no fat like ice cream.
    I just made some peach ice cream today…my grandkids are coming for a visit and I thought they would enjoy it!!
    I can’t tell you how many times I hit something on my keyboard and everything goes blank…and then I pray to the technology gods not to let me lose what I’ve just done…lol!! Technology…can’t live with it and can’t live without it! Have a great day!!

  12. Elisabeth, I wish your team all the best! We don't have a good reception here, tried to watch 100 meters run yesterday, was like a torture, all the time the signal disappeared...
    I love your sorbet, looks delicious and so refreshing... :)

  13. I learned to love mangoes this year and this sorbet looks wonderful!

  14. can I have some of your mango sorbet?

  15. Yum! Looks so delicious, a great summer treat.

  16. That sorbet is what I need right now with the hot weather. It is certainly refreshing!

  17. What a delicious combination! I pinned this to my frozen dessert board.

    1. Hi Alea,thank you for pinning my sorbet to your dessert board, and thanks for you kind comment on my blog!

  18. Absolutely amazing! I love sorbet and made it last week but with cantaloupes, yours with mango and lime i will have to try soon. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely week ahead!!!

  19. Hi Elisabeth,the sorbet looks sooo refreshing and has such a vibrant color!!Do you know for how long you can safely keep it in the freezer?

    1. Hi Xara, while I'm still online, I will add you blog on my Blog list...which was wiped out by a click of a 'wrong button'

      Yes, the mango sorbet is extremely refreshing, and so good, that you would want to eat the three scoops...which I actually did!
      It will keep in the freezer for two weeks; for us, it was gone by the next day!

  20. I can't wait for the day when we get "scratch and taste" screens.
    This is so refreshing even to just look at ... no, I'm not looking, I'm ogling!
    It's slowly going towards the end of mango season now.

  21. You have a mango tree? That's amazing! A friend of my mother said the best way to eat a mango was in the bath or swimming pool but I think I'd add 'in this sorbet' to that list.

  22. It has been RAINING over here and still no sight of summer..terrible.
    The sorbet looks refreshing and so tempting!

  23. I would love a bowl of this right now! Sounds so refreshing and delicious, and you can never go wrong with mango. You're so lucky to have an actual mango tree! I should try having one on our balcony ;-)

    1. Ramya, our tree has been there for over half a century...limbs have been torn off by hurricanes a few times, but the faithful tree keeps on giving gorgeous mangoes, year after year!
      I don't think it would survive on the balcony, to give fruit...takes years for that!
      Nice to hear from you!

  24. Elisabeth, I love observing your mango adventures! This sorbet looks fabulous. Such as sunny colour and I'm sure that it tastes wonderful too. I keep on making the mango salad with chicken and still am not tired of it... Recently I have put some mango in a salad which I think lacked something sweet and it was a hit again!
    I'm starting to think that mango is one of the most versatile fruits...
    I have just bought two more mangoes (my organic shop sells them very cheap now!) and have a sweet project in mind ;-)

    1. Sissi, you are absolutely right about the mangoes being the most versatile fruits. Just can't get tired of eating it in so many different are so right!
      I still have yet, to make your delicious chicken salad with the mangoes...yumm:D

  25. I can just imagine how refreshing this is since its look perfect for these hot days!

  26. This is gorgeous Elisabeth! love to have scoop! What a perfectly delicious recipe especially with the current heatwave, just perfect. I am a huge fan of sorbet, and I love your addition of lime! I wish I have a mango tree too!!!

  27. Nagyon finom lehet ! Én tegnap készitettem citromból:))

    1. Böbe aranyos! köszönöm hogy követed a blogomat!

  28. Nagyon finom, jeges csodát készítettél :)
    Nemrég jöttünk haza Erdélyből, majdnem két hétig voltunk kint, gyönyörű helyeken jártunk... Ott is nagy a meleg és a szárazság. Távoli rokonod sírját is ismét meglátogattuk Szejkefürdőn :) Sok-sok szalag díszítette most is....

    1. Kedves Kati! Köszönöm hogy meglátogattátok a déd, déd rokonom sirját, Erdélyben. Nem is gondoltam volna hogy ilyen nagy tiszteletre van véve!

  29. Bizony sok tisztelője van! "Nagy" ember volt ő, és még ma is az!

  30. Have you made a good dent in Lora's mangoes yet? This may be my favorite mango recipe of yours cool and refreshing. We're still out of town but I couldn't resist sitting at my FIL's computer and checking a few of my favorite blogs! Catch up with you again soon, I hope...we're moving Nick to college next week. xo

  31. Such a catchy and irresistible sorbet, wish to have some scoops rite now.

  32. You do come up with some of the best ways to use your mangos!

  33. Elisabeth,
    Your sorbet is stunning, with such vibrant color. I can just taste it now. I'm watching the Olympics now,and I would like a dish of your sorbet. Take care of that tree.

  34. Now this is a dessert I could swim in. But that would be SO wrong.

  35. This looks so refreshing, especially for the summer. Love the color of the sorbet. Beautiful!

  36. I love a mango lime sorbet!! Its just so refreshing! I usually add a touch of basil too! :)

  37. I've finally shaken off the vacation road trip residue and wanted to pop over to see what you are cooking up! Of course it's another fabulous mango recipe! I returned from vacation excited for our full peach tree to be ripe and it was stripped completely (by squirrels we think). I'm coveting your mango tree even more! I love that you take full advantage of the ready fruit and have made so many delicious recipe Elisabeth. Now if you could please send me one of those 'rainy days and Mondays' I'd be your best friend forever!

  38. Hi Elisabeth!
    I have to find some perfect mangoes and make this sorbet recipe of yours! It looks so refreshing and light, pretty color too;-) I buy mango sorbet but I find it a bit too sweet so I really like the idea of making my own;-)

  39. So sad to see the last of the mangoes fall off the tree.Also sad I didn't get a sample of this lovely sorbet;)I heard it was wonderful and the photos are so pretty:)

  40. That is why I refuse to fix anything anymore, lol. You are so luck to be able to grab them off the tree. I was eyeing Lora's jam, not I want sorbet. Hope you are doing well.

  41. i love the vibrant colour, i've attempted a sorbet before, even ice cream, jsut maybe 2 times , thank you about the tips given on the ratio of water and sugar amount to make syrup, this is helpful !

  42. Hi Elisabeth, your mango sorbet is so refreshing. The color is excellent and I'm so tempting to grab from the screen....especially the first picture. LOL
    Good for our hot and humid weather here. I love anything mango.

    Have a nice weekend and regards to you. BIG hugs to you.

  43. Que color.
    Me encanta el mango.
    Un saludito

  44. I just bought an ice cream maker, and I just bought mango today, and I have limes from my little garden, perfect, tomorrow I am going to make this. Thank you for sharing!
