Monday, August 20, 2012

Mango-Strawberry Cobbler

Some cobbler have toppings that are actually as thick as biscuits, but to me it's patches of a crusty dough that has a cake-like flavor on the inside. I've been making all kinds of cobblers that is so easy, and so nice with fresh fruit that you want to use up.
Although, I did just state in my previous recent post that mango season is over in S. really is over! This was the best mango season for us in years, and we were so blessed with all the abundance of these lovely tropical fruit, that we just had to use it in so many ways.

Last week, the final 4 mangoes fell down from the top of the tree and they were almost too ripe. Didn't want to use them for would be so selfish when we had smoothies just about every day for one month. I have not made a cobbler, since about one year ago, and it's time that I make one.

I made the cobbler this afternoon, and I was so very happy that we had beautiful sunshine today, but very, very, hot. Today was the first day of school for most of the kids in our area, and both my grandchildren started back! The weekend also went so nice with perfect Florida weather...rain again, in the late afternoon, but during the day was gorgeous and sunny!

Cobbler has got to be the easiest and fastest dessert to just have to remember, that it starts out with 1 cup of flour, a little sugar, dash of salt, and don't forget the baking powder, and of course, a little butter, moisten it with either a little bit of milk to form a dough, or a little over 1 cup to be able to drop the dough on the fruit, and bake for 35 minutes...Let me tell you, the best way to eat this amazing cobbler; while it's still warm. This was gone so fast that I must say I will be making it more often now, with different fruits!
 I wanted to show you close up how juicy the fruits are (I have a little secret for that)...and for the cobbler, you can see the thickness, which is just right, and see how moist it is, yet has a crusty top!
This is my favorite photo...Gabby enjoying her cobbler, for an afternoon snack. She had her first day of school, 6th grade, and she came home so happy...all smiles, and such positive energy and lots of stories.If you want to make your family happy, with the most perfect, easy, afternoon snack...make them a fresh fruit cobbler...they will love it, and 'thank you' for it!  Now, on to the on read more...(as if you didn't know it!?)

linking to: Hearth and Soul @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen

Mango-Strawberry Cobbler
recipe by: Elisabeth

1 cup all purpose flour
1 Tbsp. sugar
dash of salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter
1 1/4 cup milk
Confectioners sugar for dusting

4 ripe mangoes
peeled and diced small
1 cup cut strawberries
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp sugar
juice of 1 orange, and 1 1/2 teaspoon corn starch mixed in a cup with the orange juice. Add enough water to make 1/2 cup

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a 9 inch square pan, or an oblong, or a favorite ovenproof glass pan, combine the fruits, with the ginger, cinnamon, and the orange juice corn starch mixture, and toss lightly.

To prepare the topping, combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder in a small bowl. Cut the butter in small pieces, and with a pastry blender, or a fork, mix into the dough, until it forms a crumblike texture. Slowly add the milk and mix lightly; it still will be crumbly in texture, but that's how it should be.

Dollop the topping with a large spoon (I use and ice cream scooper) unto the mango mixture. You can spread the mixture... or leave it as a dollop, not to cover the surface.

Bake for about 30-35 minutes until it gets a light brown color, and the fruits are bubbly and thickened.
Dust with confectioners sugar, and serve warm.
Serves; 5 or 6
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. A beautiful dessert for the first snack of the school year!

  2. Már megint és még mindig mangó:) Imádjuk a cobblereket, egyszerű és mégis nagyon finom a végeredmény, nagyon finom lehet ebben a párosításban is, nekem már csak egy gombóc igazi vanília fagyi kéne hozzá:)Nálunk is jó volt az első nap az iskolában mindenkinek, csak a kora reggeli kelést nem szeretjük:) Szép hetet kívánok neked, puszi:)

  3. That's a great dessert. Would love a couple of scoops of ice cream with that :)

  4. Látom még van a mangóból :) csodás, nagyon finom lehetett!

  5. I love cobbler when it's HOT right out from the oven. This is one very healthy dessert as it contains so little sugar.

  6. I love it that you and Lora have both done pies (well, yours is nearly a pie!) today - both so delicious! Hope you have a great week - the start of a new school year always signals the end of summer, doesn't it?

  7. My two favourite fruits together, am loving this cobbler.

  8. Mango n strawberries... awesome dessert

    1. Thanks so much...will check out your blog too!

  9. this sounds fabulous!I love that its from the garden and the ingredients are so fresh! nice job! Your little granddaughter must have gobbled that cobbler up in a big hurry... lucky little girl!

    1. Thanks so much Claudia...she still want mango smoothies as often as we can make them. We froze some cut up mangoes too! She did love the cobbler!

  10. What a wonderful idea to mix strawberries with mango. Your dessert looks gorgeous and I'm very curious how the combination tastes. I also love crumbles (or cobblers), but always have problems with indicating the amounts because I never count or measure anything. I just add ingredients and work with the tips of my fingers until the required texture is obtained. This is always the reason why crumble is one of my beloved cakes: I don't have to measure or count anything ;-)

  11. I've never seen a cobbler recipe like this. It looks wonderful. I hope the summer went by slower for your grandkids than it did for me. Don't know where the weeks went. Glad to read that Gabby is happy to be back in school, hope she has a great year.

  12. Delicious cobbler,I think I can use this recipe for peach too. I can see it is really juicy and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe with Hearth and Soul blog hop. I will Highlight this recipe.

    My little boy is congested getting better. But he is taking breathing treatments. I have to drop Nidhi to MDO too.

  13. That look so-o-o-o good. Such a wonderful combination of flavors!

  14. That cobbler looks scrumptious, Elizabeth! Love the combo of mango and strawberry…looks beautiful!!

  15. What a delicious cobbler,great combination with fresh mango even better ,,YUM !!

  16. What a lovely cobbler Elisabeth! And I like the fact that you didn't smother the entire dish with the topping. Some recipes call for so much dough, the fruit gets all sucked up into the biscuit layer. I don't have a steady cobbler recipe... so I will have to remember how you made it.

    1. Zsuzsa, living here in S. Florida for so many years, I learned how to make a cobbler from a real 'southerner' and she told me this is the authentic way to make it. Little amount of dough, and lots of fruit...not the other way!
      Thanks, Zuzsa:D

    2. Makes sense! I will remember this definitely. I always threw half the topping away, and looked for different types of toppings, now why didn't I think of this?

  17. Liz..this is begging to be looks sensational! What a great way to use up the last of your mangoes. Between you and Lora..I think I'm missing them already lol Love Gabri's nail polish! :)

    1. Hi Lisa, I haven't even pinned the cobbler yet...thanks, for pinning it! You must know Lora quite well to know Gabby's other name...Gabri, short for Gabriella! She does her own nails, such a 'fashionista'!

    2. Via email she always uses 'Gabri' when referring to her, so that's what I figured everyone called her and didn't want to call her what she isn't usually called..if that makes sense?? lol

  18. Kids here still have two more weeks of vacation and are enjoying summer. What a great idea to add mangoes and strawberries.

  19. Ó, ismét a gyönyörű, érett mangók! :) Szeretem a cobblert, egyszerű és jól variálható, az eper+mangó duóval is biztosan nagyon jó lehet.

  20. Mennyi finomságot tudsz Te alkotni mangóból! Nagyon népszerű gyümölcs lehet ott nálatok... Most őszibarack van nálunk sok, talán abból elkészülhet itthon is. Nagyon guszta!!!

  21. Cooblert eddig csak szilvával készítettem, nagyon finom lehet mangóval is, guszta a képeken! :)

  22. Elisabeth, I a so craving a mango cobbler now, this looks super-delicious!
    I can't wait to bake this.


  23. Wow I cant even imagine how lucky I would be to have a mango tree and make something like this... what a tropical delight!

  24. Ahhh...just what I need right now. Something comforting and sweet as I watch the rain pour down outside! Looks amazing.

  25. I think this is my favorite mango dish of all! I adore cobblers and will have to try this with peaches...and all sorts of other fruits! Thanks for sharing another delicious recipe! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  26. Elisabeth ez a cobbler egyszerűen gyönyörűséges, és isteni finom lehet. Főleg abba a közeli képbe szerettem bele, most bizony szívesen megenném. Sajnos mangóval azóta sem találkoztam itt nálunk, így csakis a te finomságaidban gyönyörködöm, na meg ici-picit irigykedem. Van még néhány szem jó érett őszibarack, holnap sütök abból egy adagot.
    Gabynak jó iskolakezdést, és jó tanulást kívánok. Puszillak

  27. I definitely like the thinner, cakier biscuits you used for your cobbler--sometimes the topping tends to be too thick, but not this one. It looks delicious!

  28. Looks perfect to me. Hope you squirreled away a bunch of those mangos in the freezer for the dead of winter. I just love cobbler. So glad you are having great weather, I hear we are gonna cool a bit this week and we need it. Have a great weekend.

  29. Wonderful cobbler! I'm loving all those flavours and super healthy too.

  30. I keep reading about cobblers, I need to make it...glad to know you had a lovely mango harvest this year....seeing your lovely photos I feel like making cobbler right now :-)

  31. Majdnem így készítem én is a cobblert, csak nem mangóval, mert az nálunk nagyon drága. Vegyes gyümölccsel szoktam, de most gyümölcsünk is alig termett az aszály miatt. Talán szilvával elkészítem.
    Jó iskolakezdést kívánok az unokádnak!
    A fotóid gyönyörűek, de a fekete cicát nem találtam! Csak nem valami baj érte?

    1. Marisz, köszönöm a kedves kommentedet...hidd el nálunk is nagyon drága a mangó, lehet kapni egész évben, de itt csak egy évben egyszer terem, itt Floridában. A lányoméknak van egy öreg, óriási mango fájuk, amit már a hurrikán hét évvel ezelőtt jól megcibálta az ágait, de minden évben terem rengeteg gyümölcsöt.

      A Cobbler, teljesen Amerikai kreáció...azt jelenti hogy "foltozni" pl. a suszter akit ugy szintén ennek hivták a régi időkben, aki foltozza a cipőket...nem kell pogácsákat a tetejére tenni, csak megfoltozni?...nem tudom jól mondtam ezt?

      A fekete cicát el küldtem, és sokan el is vitték...nálam csak SPAM-et hozott, nincs szükség arra!

  32. Elisabeth I am glad you are OK. I adjusted my cooment settings. See if you can post now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    1. Zsuzsa, I should have contacted you sooner because, this problem started a week ago, and I just thought that it would clear up but now, I'm unable to leave comments at least to 6 bloggers who has the same word verification requirement as yours.

      So glad that Sissi let you know thanks to her, and thank you for fixing it so I can comment. Not to worry it has nothing to do with you, and do think it's Blogger with this issue!
      Will try to comment now...have a lot of nice posts from you to catch up with!

  33. hi elisabeth, i never tried cobblers and i would really like to try making it, it looks wonderful. i love the sound of a crusty top. I think before i get my hands to make jams, i probably make these first. enjoy your weekend! oh, glad to know that the mangoes didnt fall on you this time!

    1. Lena, both the cobbler and the jam are really very easy. The cobbler, especially. I love to hear the little "tap" sound on the top of the dough, and moist on the inside! The jam is a little time consuming, but so well worth it! mangoes falling on my head this time...I retrieved the very last 4 and that is IT, for this season!
      Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. Hi Elisabeth, sorry I'm late... guess your cobblers finished by now? LOL
    Love the mango strawberry combo, look awesome and very tempting.
    Thanks for the recipes, it looks really good.
    I book marked this recipe...will give it a try soon.

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

    1. Hi're so sweet, the cobbler was finished in minutes, while still warm. Wish I had some of your amazing ice cream to top it off with it!
      The recipe is very easy, try it out on your other fabulous fruits that we don't get here:D

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  35. oh yummy! i love the strawberry-mango combo!

  36. It has been a long time since I made cobbler. This is a new way to doing it for me. The next time, I want to try doing it your way. Looks so yummy. Have a nice weekend. Hugs.

  37. Mango and never tried that combination....HAve to give this a shot. Sounds great :-)
