Saturday, August 25, 2012

Plum Upside-Down Cake

Since I've been food blogging for the last two years...I have not been thinking about that I would actually say,
"I have to bake something for my food blog"...hmm! wonder why did I say that to my daughter Lora, yesterday morning?
She told me the other day that her food blog is getting to be expensive...well, the reason for that is: She bakes every single day...really! There isn't a day that goes by when she does not bake...if nothing else, but the 'staple' banana bread, or homemade pancakes!
I was hoping to get this post up by yesterday...Friday, knowing that I did not have anything else worthwhile to post and that I don't do much baking cakes...although I love to put simple and yummy quick and easy desserts together!
We have such an abundance of plums...not the deep purple Italian ones, but the round ones which are so perfect just by themselves to snack on (which I did eat 3 yesterday)...and decide to make something with it. No time to start browsing through my cookbooks, old recipes, or favorite food bloggers' what do you do first, if you don't have the basic recipe on hand?...The Internet...yes, that's the fastest way to google a recipe and do some adaptations of your own, which I did a little on my cake. Since I made this for my blog...still smiling to myself
about that one, I only kept one large piece for myself and shared the rest with my family.

Yesterday was such a stormy day on-and-off, with tropical storm Isaac on our heels by Sunday night...hopefully it's not turning into a hurricane!

Good day to be cooking and baking when you're stuck inside. I did go out on my balcony to take some photos of the beach, the clouds, and no less than 30 minutes wind, and a storm, but the worst is yet to come! We'll just have to be prepaired and be safe.

As you see, for my baking, I like to chose a comfy-cozy home type of dessert. For me they are super easy to make, and I do believe it will be easy for you, if you follow my easy and handy little tips. Don't let the layering of this beautiful upside-down all American simple cake intimidate you...and I DO recommend that you make this from 'scratch' and not from a mix, although I do use cake mixes, only to 'doctor' them up!
Here's the link to this awesome and easy cake!

Plum Upside-Down Cake 

Plum Upside Down on, for the recipe

I did very little adaptation. I omitted the honey! The 1 cup of golden brown sugar was just need to have it sweeter, and the glaze from the sugar and butter worked out fine. If you don't have a cast iron skillet that you could bake it in, just proceed with the recipe.

My cast iron skillet is an "Emeril" brand (not thrift find)
purchased it online from the HSN home shopping network! A 9x9 inch corn bread skillet, or for any other cooking...already pre-seasoned, so you don't have to do all that, just maintaining it!
I also sprinkled some cinnamon powder on the top of the fruit, that the recipe does not call for.

First, start out with the dry ingredients to mix together in a small bowl...then with an electric mixer, mix your butter with the sugar, (I used 1/2 cup sugar) less than what the recipe calls for, which is 1 cup.

Add the eggs, one at a time while mixing. Alternately add the flour, and the milk, mixing it into the sugar-butter mixture until it has a nice thick creamy consistency, as in the photo.

Make sure the oven is preheated to 350 degrees F.

With a plastic, or rubber cake spatula, spoon on top of the fruit...making sure to cover the entire fruit...caution!
this is NOT  a Cobbler mix, it is a CAKE be sure to cover the entire portion...being careful to spread the batter and not to push it down into the fruit and the glaze, disturbing it!

Using a rubber spatula will make it easier for you to scrape out all the batter from the bowl.

Well...we're getting there!

Try to get the batter as close to the edge of the pan, as possible. I was already concerned about the batter sinking into the fruit mixture...which some will, at baking time, but that's the beauty of it.

My actual done not uploading...but here's the finish part where you invert the cake over your serving platter:

Here's the real great TIP: Bake at 350 degrees F. for the first 30 minutes...lower the temperature to 325 d. F.
for an additional 30 minutes. If your oven is correct, than that is the exact time you need. When you take cake out of the oven, let it sit in the pan on top of a metal rack for 30 minutes. Make sure to take a dull knife to go around the cake to loosen it, before inverting it!

Just look it the golden bronze color of the fruit, and the part of the cake! Moist, perfectly sweet, and over the top delicious, that you will impress your family and your guest with...even more; Impress yourself, and pat yourself on the shoulder! Great job! Looks like you slaved away for hours making this amazing cake...but you know you didn't!

The cake is super easy to make...only takes 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour...that is why it isn't taller, but that is the correct portion you need. Just make sure you have enough fruit overlapping..

A little close up...just to try it out...I took a bite from the piece I saved for myself...and could not stop eating it. BTW-best way to serve this would be still warm! With a scoop of vanilla ice cream (which I didn't have...and you're in 'heave'...well I already felt like I was there...incredibly yummy! Did I convince you now to make it? can substitute fresh peaches if you don't like plums!
So, I'm guilty...but happy guilty...could not resist just one bite, or even half the portion...had this super  yummy cake for lunch, with a tall glass of ice cold fat-free milk!

More for later...will let you know how our weekend went with ISAAC...and on Monday paying us a visit!

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  1. Hopefully the storm will pass....this looks very delicious...I am so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Elizabeth, We’re heading to the gulf coast in a few weeks…hope Isaac doesn’t do much damage…it looks like he's heading right over were we go!
    Your cake looks so beautiful and so delicious!! I’m sure everyone enjoyed it!! I’d like a piece with some ice cream on the side, please!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Stay safe from the storm Elisabeth! Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe with us. Your photos are mouth-watering! I love plums very much and I much prefer your Plum version than Williams-Sonoma's cranberry version!!!! Have a nice weekend!

  4. Thst´s a fantastic looking cake! Plums are so great when baked. Hope Isaac doesn´t pay you a visit!

  5. Hope Issac wont' do much damage, I hate hurricane,everybody prays that it didn't hit them. But I pray it didn't hit any where. Aftermath is terrible, he will come and go, but causing, power outage, water problem and heat without electricity. I faced it when hurricane IKE.

    Your plum cake looks delicious. Love to have a bite.

  6. This does look good! I do have a confession to make...I don't like pineapple upside down cake. I actually don't like cooked pineapple. I love it fresh and in drinks and such just don't grill it or cook it for me please. Now plums are another story, I love it in a tart, crisp and now here this looks great! So proud of you baking (I'm smiling at this since I am not a big baker either you know)

    I just found out that our schools are closed on Monday due to Issac. We have not had any rain or storms on this side of the state the calm before the storm. I should really get posting :D or baking!

  7. love the cake sounds amazing! looks even better. Praying you don't get too much water pounded out there... getting ready myself... Good luck GF!

  8. Hi Elisabeth, wow......I just woke up and haven't eat my breakfast.....saw your plum upside-down cake, so delicious and mouth watering. Can you please pass some over to me, I go make coffee now. LOL

    It look awesome, I think I can finish 2 big slices, no problem. Thanks for the step by step method but I like your cast iron skillet.

    I don't purposely bake just to update my blog, I bake what I feel like eating or fancy. That's why you only see me update my blog once a week. But my once a week I spent too much time on photography and presentation. Well, it's part of my hobby playing with photography and display. LOL

    Have a great weekend. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  9. Hope the storm will frizzle out and wont do much damage.
    The colour looks so vibrant and delightful. I have once seen a plum quick bread on one of my Australian blogger friend's site and at that time also I was totally blown over by the colour.
    Love your cast iron skillet. Last time when I was visiting my SIL in Baltimore, I bought one from Bed Bath & Beyond (actually I bought a whole lot of stuff)but had to leave it behind because of the baggage weight issues :(. I was so heartbroken (I had to leave some glass ware also)but my SIL was one happy person.
    Take care

  10. That was a great cake! The plums were just perfect. You can keep on baking your comfy cozy desserts for us-we love them!!

  11. Elisabeth, another lovely cake and I wouldn't have stopped at one slice. The plum topping is so beautiful to look at.

  12. I love plums, and your upside down cake looks just as great as those I saw in the bakery. Perfectly moist and light crumb. Love it.

  13. This looks like a perfectly delicious way to wait out the storm. Great photo tutorial and I too love your cast iron pan.

    Hope that come Monday, all is well with you and that the clean-up is not too overwhelming. Stay safe and enjoy the cake ;)

  14. So much for the weight watching, eh? Flew out the window with Isaac. But, wow! is it worth it! I'd happily brave the storm for a piece of this! And I do believe plums is so much nicer than peaches. I've made cakes and cobblers with plums and they taste so heavenly!

  15. Thanks for baking a plum upside down cake for the blog-I sure do appreciate it ;-)
    I love plums and a cake baked with them is a perfect way to enjoy this yummy fruit, thanks for sharing your tips and technique for achieving such a beautiful cake;-)

  16. Be safe! I have to confess I don't like to eat plums - of any kind, it must be a textural thing because in baking I think plums are almost as good as apricots. The first time I baked with plims I couldn't believe how wonderful the flavour was. Your upside down cake must have been really delicious Elisabeth.

    1. Zsuzsa...I copied and I'm pasting my response to you on my reply, since your word verification is not letting me send my comment thru!

      Hi Zsuzsa, I lost the Internet connection all day yesterday...due to the strong tropical storm and winds, but then I had bad luck again to send my comments thru...failed 4 times, so I'm trying to comment from a different sign-up!

      I want to make the refrigerated pickles like yours, since leaving our homemade canned goods is not a good option. I did make some refrigerated pickled radish last week!

  17. Stay safe, my friend! Your upside-down cake looks perfect. I made one with peaches for Tuesdays with Dorie...and it wasn't nearly as pretty (but still yummy). Take good care. xoxo

    1. Thanks Lizzy! I do love peach upside-down cake which Lora makes quite often. Actually, I think plums work so well with tarts, as well!
      Well, Isaac took a turn towards the Gulf, but we're still having heavy winds and rain!

  18. What a beautiful cake, Elisabeth! Upside down cakes are something typically American indeed. I haven't had plums this year yet, but I'm planning preserving and baking sessions for next week. I love plums for their acidity. They become wonderful when baked or preserved. When I don't know what to do with fruits, I simply make a tart (I have puff pastry all the time in my fridge just in case). I hope the weather calms down... I'm always scared of strong winds even here, in Switzerland.

  19. Hi Everyone! I have not been able to comment since we've had tropical storm Isaac lurking around us with heavy winds and rain, and getting connected to the Internet yesterday...was not an 'option'! Finally it passed us, going towards the Gulf, but now we're under tornado watch...more winds, and rain!

    Am I the only blogger that has a problem with word verification since the last two week?...its getting worse, and worse, not being able to send my comment through! Here's another comment to Lena! Sorry...but some of you do not have any other option to be able to communicate to/with!

    To Lena, @ frozen wings (comment copied, and pasted)

    Lena, If you think you're guilty...well don't! I've done the same thing a few times, taking a photo of the recipe, and did not end up using it because the second part was missing. (not like you sat there clicking photos after photos...LOL)

    Your pork stir-fry looks, and sounds super delicious. I can only imagine how good it is/was!

    August 27, 2012 9:15 PM

  20. it's so pretty! and i love how you arranged the plum slices in such pretty ripples!

  21. I have many problems with word verification too, and to the point that I quit commenting on blogs with WF. Glad to heat that you are fine!

  22. What a great recipe! The cake looks so scrumptious, I wish I could have a piece right this moment. I hope Isaac behaves and doesn't any mayor damages.


  23. Your upside down plum cake looks amazing!

  24. I'm awed by the beautiful plum upside down topping color! I made an upside down plum tart tatin once..and the candied plums looked gray! I think I did something wrong! In any event, it not only looks gorgeous..I have no doubt it's delicious!

  25. This year my kids went crazy for plums (not last year - they weren't too interested). I should totally make upside down cake with it. It looks SO GOOD!!! Plums are packed and so juicy... Perfect for tea time!

  26. Hi Elisabeth! How's the storm so far? I heard over the news that #Isaac has landed in Louisiana. Gosh! crazy weather really.. I love plums and have been seeing baked goodies with plums everywhere. Will try to get some and make some treats with them. Right now, I am feasting with my eyes; loving the dark rich caramelized plums the upside down cake baked in a cast iron pan is just classic! I only wish I could have a slice right now and maybe with a small scoop of vanilla ice-cream? Do take care my friend, and thanks for letting me know if there are issues over at my blog too. Always appreciate the feedback. Huggggsss

    1. Hi Jo, thanks for your concern, the storm finally passed us. Yes, it has landed in Louisiana now. Well, at least Isaac is out of harms way in our area. Just feel bad for the folks in New Orleans. Hope they don't have devastating flooding this time!

      Vanilla ice cream is the perfect pairing with this yummy cake. I just don't keep ice cream in my freezer any more. (will eat the whole thing) Cast iron skillet is the best thing for upside-down cakes. You seemed to have successfully removed the word verification, but you still have to approve of the comments.

  27. I hope everything is ok,,stay safe and I hope there is no serious damage after tropical storm Isaac, btw,Plum upside-down,looks delicious !!
    about comments to other blog,I still have problem too with these verification words ,,and yes is getting worse !!

  28. I never had plum upside down cake...yours look fabulous...moist and beautiful :) I wish I had one slice of this cake. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    1. Plum upside-down cake, just like pineapple, banana, peach...they are classic American cakes, so easy to make, because it is only one layer. Just have to make sure when you invert the pan to follow the tips for not sticking in the pan.

      Thanks Juliana, all is well with me and my family. As long as we stayed indoors, we were all safe.

  29. Replies
    1. Zsuzsa, I left a reply to you re: your blog word verification...actually copied and paste the comment on my reply section, on this page!

      Thanks for your concern, I'm OK...we're OK, storm has passed us but we still got a huge storm late last nite, thunder so loud that it shook my windows. Otherwise Isaac is in Louisiana now!

    2. I missed it Elisabeth sorry. I am glad you are fine. You havn't posted anything new either and I was starting to get concerned about the storm. I managed to activate the +URL option on my blog, [just don't ask me how I did it. hehe] Disregard the word verification, and just pick your identity and sign in with that. Sissi told me of the change, I had no clue.

  30. Gorgeous cake with one of my favourite fruits.

    I don't bake nearly every day but am finding it quite hard to update with two recipes every week but don't want to stop doing it! I think food blogging can be a bit addictive ...

  31. Lizzy, hope you fare well through the storm! And that you have lots of this yummy cake to get you through! Love that you ate this for lunch, I could see me doing that

  32. Hope you are safe from the storm. Your cake looks delish!

  33. after making my first upside down cake few weeks ago which was done with apples, i now have confident of making another be exact, have more confident to turn the cake over. I always hv the impression that it's a scary thing to do, to flip the cake over without damaging the beauty of the fruits.

    Thanks for your comment to me over here. regarding the snapping of the photos, we are not actually allowed to do that in bookstores but i couldnt bring myself to buy the book just becos of one recipe and i dont have a super good memory that i can memorize all..but you are right, when you doing this kind of things, you just want to do it so quickly that sometimes we are not even aware of the 'missing' part!dont worry or dun feel guilty of not able to make a comment in my blog, it's okay! you better watch the storms ! bye!!

  34. ÓÓÓÓÓÓ, Elisabeth ez a fordított szilvatorta nem csak csodálatos, de nagyon finom is. Olyan jó szaftosnak tűnik első látásra, hogy bizony én sem tudtam volna elenállni neki, sőt a felénél is többet ettem volna belőle. Én is sokszor sütök hasonló gyümölcsös fordított tortát, mert igen nagy kedvencünk.A napokban éppen őszibarackkal készült, csak a fotozás maradt el, olyan gyorsan megettük.

  35. I can't remember the last time I had an upside down cake. My mom used to make them all the time in a cast iron skillet when we were little. Hoping the storm passed you guys by with no damage. I'm so glad we had a three day weekend, I hope you had a good one.

  36. Pretty! I love the square shape!
