Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Best Ever...Salmon Burgers

Notice the Louisiana hot sauce in the background? What a coincidence. I was just mentioning on some replies on my previous post that tropical storm Isaac is in Louisiana now. Since about 1 week now, we've been having heavy winds and rain here in South Florida, but nothing compares to the windy heavy storm we had last weekend, finally ending last night with several huge BANGS of thunder that shook all the windows.

When you're stuck inside all day on Sunday and half the day on Monday, due to the storm, you better have a plan while you have electricity, to make the best of the situation. As for me, I yearn for comfort food...not necessary junk food but something satisfying...yet, healthy! I had a brilliant idea to make burgers on my little George Foreman grill...better yet, a juicy salmon burger, with robust flavor, not too spicy, but intense in flavor.

How could you not have a burger without sides?...not me! Either fries, or onion rings, but I must confess I do love onion rings...good onion rings, and I am not going to wast any time making them from scratch just for me alone when I can get the Alexia onion rings in my local supermarkets freezer section.

I even made the dipping sauce that was sweet, and spicy (recipe on the side of the bag) I adapted it my way by adding the Louisiana hot sauce to kick it up a bit. No frying with these onion rings. Just bake it for 10 minutes on 400 degrees F. for a crisp perfect, crunchy onion rings that were dipped in Panko crumbs.

You must have tartar sauce with a delicious salmon burger...if not a tartar sauce, but then a special sauce. Now I have both, a ketchup based sweet and spicy dipping sauce, and a homemade tartar sauce that is way better than the store bought!

I was so inspired to make the tartar sauce that I have been making for years, which is really a simple method. Just have a good brand mayonnaise, and to make sure you add sweet pickle relish, or make your own pickle relish by chopping the pickles in your food processor.

So let's get started. For 2 salmon burgers, I used a piece of salmon fillet that was just under 1/2 lb.

2 scallions, trimmed and chopped coarsely.
2 or three pieces of fresh dill, stems cut
1 teaspoon lemon zest
juice of half of a lemon
1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs
freshly ground pepper, and sea salt to taste
(I used coarse sea salt ground fine)
Cut the salmon into 1 inch cubes, and add it to a food processor, adding all the listed ingredients.

Being careful not to process; just give it no more than 2 pulses, to keep it coarse, and not make it like ground meat. The Panko will help it hold together.

Have your grill set up, or your favorite grill pan or electric grill heating up.

This is the ideal consistency you should have. (my only problem was, I should have chopped the scallion into smaller pieces) food processor does not seem to chop it up in 2 pulses.

Now you are ready to pat them gently into patties.

On a large plate, add 1/4 cup more of the Panko crumbs and roll the salmon burgers in them. Gently pat some extra on each side.

Spray with PAM or other brand cooking spray on both sides. At this time, you can refrigerate them while you prepare the other easy sides to go with it!

Grill the salmon burgers on the George Foreman Grill, which of course has two sides for grilling which takes half the time than grilling in a grill pan, or on an outdoor grill.
Spray extra cooking spray while you're grilling,

Total time on George Foreman is 4-5 minutes. On a one sided grill you have to flip over to the other side. (4-5 minutes on each side)

Dipping Sauce for the onion rings and for the salmon burger (optional)

1 cup good quality ketchup
(I use Heinz)
1 teaspoon taco seasoning
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
few dashes of Louisiana hot sauce
Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl and serve for dipping, or spreading

Linking to:Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
               Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop @ KatherinesCorner

I happen to snap this photo on Sunday. right in front of my T.V. surprised that the photo actually came out!
You can see the danger warning in red, and check out W. Palm Beach. On the right side of the to the blue color, is where I reside, right smack in the way of the tropical storm. This is the first time I've experienced such strong tremendous winds and rain in all the years I've lived here...of course in another location, way west, but that area had the bad flooding this time.
Some beach "gawkers" viewing the rough waves. (I took this photo from my balcony, just in time before we had a huge rain downpour. Never fails to have thundering and several lightnings here. The thunder is so loud it shakes your doors and kidding. The main thing is we got through it without harm or damage other than objects flying around, and tree branches torn.

Lastly, I need to get your attention to something really important! The most annoying Word Verification! I borrowed this helpful widget from my friend Brad, @  Here to Ann Arbor, to make a point. Question:
Has any of you bloggers noticed the new type of word verification that is next to impossible to read the mumble jumble words?...or is it just me!

For the last 2 weeks the word verification has not let me send my comment through to your blog. I have a list of at least a dozen now...some of you I have notified, and you fixed the problem, and some of you promised to fix the problem, Jo, Kathy and Zsuzsa... so that I can comment but I'm still finding more with the same issues!

For some reason Google is doing this to me...blocking me, or maybe the Word Verification people; whoever they are! I've even replied back to Lena, and Zsuzsa on my blog, sent an e-mail letter to Michael, and tried to leave a comment today on Cucina 49. So, if any of you bloggers has this word verification, now you will know why you are not getting comments from me, and in some cases I have no way of contacting you to let you know.
So that's all from my ramblings.

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  1. Wow, those are huge waves. I would love to feel the power of the wind on the beach but I'm real afraid of hurricanes and tornadoes, etc. never actually having been in one ;-) The photos you've taken show the powerful swells and I can imagine the winds. I hope all stays good and no damage to all of you who live on the coastline.

    As for word verification, I don't have it activated but many do, esp. those in certain countries where spam is rampant. I have been having a lot of problems like you. Sometimes I type the number beside the "words" and that works, esp. after having tried typing the jumble of "words" 20-30 times and getting no where.

  2. I hate word veryfication, this is just a waste of time-it is enough to set off anonymous comemnting and there is no spam! I always think twice when I have to comment on such a blog...

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  3. Those burgers are so inviting, loved the pics.
    I'm glad knowing you are safe and my best wishes are with you, & yes this words verifications are so annoying, it's hard to understand those ambiguous words.
    They should have put it off through setting tab!

  4. Ohhh...don't get me started on the word verification! You are absolutely right, lately I can't make out the words, they are doing this on purpose? And back to your salmon burgers, I must say WOW! Love it, a must try. And your sauce has cocoa powder and that seems strange to me, but I'm sure its really good. Can't go wrong with chocolate, right? Do stay safe Elisabeth. These storms can wreck havoc.

  5. Ohh...salmon burgers!!! Neva tried them...have to give it a shot..hubby loves salmon. Those waves are hugeee and scary!! And word verification!! ohh dont get me started how much i hate that stuff!! By the way, I am back..yes again for a second time...hehehe....but this time to stay :) missed a to do a lot of catching up.

  6. I can diffinitely agree with those super ingredients.. love the dill and lemon in salmon. I have only had the pre made can't wait till we try these babies they look fabulous! Glad you guys are ok down there... lots of water dumped on us this week :( but safe.... xo

  7. Although I am not a fish lover, this really does sound and look great!

  8. I am a huge fan of SALMON! And you are so right about the burger and the side. These onion rings look dang gorgeous.
    p.s The verification words on blogger are really hard to read...sometimes it took me a few times before the comment got it through.

  9. I'm so glad that you made it through Isaac without any harm and pray that all others in it's path can do the same. I heard on the news last night that it has been upgraded to a hurricane now as it plows through New Orleans.

    My husband loves salmon, pretty sure he would enjoy these burgers.

  10. Nagyon guszta lett a hamburgered, én még nem készítettem házi hamburgert.
    Jó kis hullámok voltak....

  11. OH...I love your post today...I would have battled any kind of weather to have a salmon burger with you!

  12. Elisabeth, ez az egyik kedvencem, de a lazacot magában is imádom, képes lennék megenni minden nap:) Láttam a hírekben milyen időjárásotok volt, közvetlen közelből nagyon félelmetes lehet. Az a sajnálatos,hogy mindig vannak halálos áldozatai is a hurrikánnak. A szóellenőrzés a magyar nyelvű blogoknál nekem is próbára teszi a türelmemet, van, hogy akár ötször is kell próbálkozni, nagyon idegesítő tud lenni. Örülök, hogy sem bennetek, sem a házakban nem esett kár, mostmár csak csendes és szép időt kívánok nektek:)

  13. Nagyon tetszik a lazacburgered, hagymakarikákkal és a mártogatósokkal együtt! :) Jó nagy vihar volt nálatok, nem szeretnék közelrők átélni ilyesmit! :)

  14. Vacanze finite per me...purtroppo!! spero che le tue siano state belle come le mie! un abbraccio...ciao

    1. grazie Giancarlo:)Qui in Florida siamo quasi sempre in vacanze;) ciao!

  15. I have heard about the scary weather in your area and only hope it's gone for good. At least you cheer yourself up with such extraordinary feasts! If most burgers are served in fast food chains and contain stuff I prefer not to think of, such gorgeous, high quality, inspiring creations prove that burger and burger are not equal. I often make burgers at home, but not necessarily with beef (I prefer half beef, half pork or chicken or lamb...), and now your idea of fish burger sounds fabulous (and the sides!). I'm glad to notice dill here because it's such a fish-loving herb...
    I have never had this word verification problem, but it sounds really annoying. I'm sure you are not the only one though, so hopefully it will be resolved soon.

  16. Fantastic salmon burger recipe - I really can't wait to taste it - I'm not eating meat at the moment so salmon burgers will come in VERY handy!! Keep safe from the winds and rain my friend!
    mary x

  17. Delicious and perfect Salmon burger. love that onion rings, my weakness. I order them always in Burger king.

    Issac is doing lot of damage to New Orlens and other southern states in Gulf coast.

    Regarding the word verification you are not alone, I hate that. I have seen in some blog both word verification and authorization by blog owers. I tried of that.

  18. Love to grab and have that burgers rite now, i join you regarding the word verification, hate it to the core,but some bloggers wont ever bother about it.

  19. Can I come for dinner next time you make these??? Beautifully done...and I have a weakness for onion rings, too....mmmmmmm. I'm glad you survived the those waves were impressive. Happy Thursday, my friend!

  20. Comfort food is definitely what you yearn for during a storm. I can tell you from experience that if you think your power is going to go off, eat the ice cream first. Sounds like a ha ha joke, but seriously, defrosted ice cream then re-frozen is awful. So glad you were spared any bad damage from Issac and after living in the islands, I know what bad damage it.

    I'm with you on the word verification. It is so difficult to read sometimes that I finally give up. I don't have it and haven't had it for a long time and Blogger takes care of my spam, so why have it.

    Love your Ina Garten quote on your header. Your burgers look delicious, especially like the panko crumbs. Now I'm off to check out some balsamic strawberries I saw on a previous post.

  21. the word verification brings sore to my eyes!! not only the words are difficult to read, the numbers next to that are so tiny that i probably need a magnifying glass to see it..there must be a reason why BLogger is doing that. Those people at the beach are really quite daring to stand there with such strong waves and wind, i wouldnt dare to go near if you ask me. haha! love your burger, elisabeth, yum!i'v emade patties before but never with salmon and never dill, thanks for the idea! you keep well!

    1. Lena, your word verification is STILL on your comment section, just can't seem to get my comment thru! If you're wondering why I'm not commenting back, I wish you would check remove it!

      Here's my comment to you, that could not go through on your blog:

      Hi Lena, I never thought about making pudding with soy milk...but then I don't drink soy milk, so I'm thinking maybe coconut milk, or almond milk would be a nice replacement for the pudding.

      Your pudding looks so smooth and silky, and inviting with the fruit topping. Have to find out what is the shelf life of the agar powder that I have, which has no expiration date on it!

      September 1, 2012 12:45 AM

  22. I also hate the word verification…I sit squinting my eyes trying to figure out what the letters are..sometimes without success! Until I heard from you I didn’t even realize my blog was using word verification…so thanks, Elizabeth!
    Glad you weathered the storm without much damage…looks like poor New Orleans is taking a huge hit again!
    And now to the salmon burgers, they look scrumptious!!

    1. Kathy, that's so funny that you didn't know you had word verification. At first I was able to verify the words, but always on the 3rd try at least, and now I'm being by-passing is solving the thank you for removing it~

      We did weather the storm without damage, this is the first tropical storm/almost hurricane that I literally watched the happenings right in front of my eyes, with the ocean swelling the way it did...huge swells and waves!

  23. Ezt a hamburgert mintha csak nekem csináltad volna.. Imádom a halat minden formában. Nagyon guszta, igazi ínyenc falat! Örülök, hogy elkerült titeket a hurrikán, rémes egy természeti csapás! Micsoda mérges hullámok! Nem semmi!

  24. aaargh. Word verification is horrid - I've set mine to the easiest possible so I hope mine isn't one you're having problems with Elisabeth, let me know.

    Your burger looks fantastic! Burgers and onion rings are just about my favourite things but I never make them for some reason.

    Stay safe in all that wild weather you're having! It'll be our turn soon *gloomy*

  25. Elisabeth ez a hamburger igen csak csábító, még ilyen késön is betudnám falni. Imádom a lazacot, csak sajnos itt nálunk igen borsos ára van. Félelmetes lehetet a vihar, bátor emberek lehettek azok akik lesétáltak ilyen cudar időben a partra. Azok a hullámok igencsak félelmetesek.
    Csodás hétvégét az egész családnak!!!Puszillak

  26. Hi Elisabeth,
    I am going to just love your Salmon Burger and what a great idea. I can't wait to make it, the recipe looks like it will be packed with flavor. Hope you have a fabulous holiday week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  27. OMG..these certainly DO look like the best salmon burgers ever! MY BF practically lives on salmon - he's going to love these! Of course I'm off to pin these to my burger board ;)

  28. Hi Elisabeth, I am so glad to hear issac wasn't too much of a problem for you; I was worried last week. We can't really conceive what it's like to live in a hurricane-prone place - I guess it's similar for people who don't feel earthquakes.
    I absolutely cannot wait to make these burgers, not to mention the onion rings. Not sure we can buy frozen onions - if I was to bake my own would I need to cook them first? Happy weekend to you, lucy

  29. oh yum! It's such a great alternative to beef burgers! You can get omega 3!

  30. And yes! I am having so much trouble with the word verification! Last week, it took me at least ten tries! I was like, is that a h or a n? and worst of all, every time you mess up, they give you a new word to stare at! I know there are spammers out there, but I think word verification is just a nuisance for commentors. I think we should just do away with it. And sometimes, blogger will pick up on the spam comments that get through! Those are my two cents...

  31. I love salmon, I love them raw, smoked, fried, steamed, caked, barbecued and burgered! Your recipe looks so fresh and wonderful (I love the Panko crumbs touch!) I can't wait to try it! :-) BTW did you sort out the problem with leaving comments on your friends' blogs yet? I don't think i have the word verification thing activated, but I think I will check again just to make sure. Thanks for mentioning it! Have a great Labor day weekend! x

  32. Hi Elisabeth! I know what you mean about the word verification! I never will have that on my blog! I also have on my blog my post on what I did on Sunday and Monday during Issac! Anyway this salmon burger is the best and I will try it this weekend, but maybe on the grill! And I will use dried dill, just because I like it better than fresh...I know I'm weired. I also like dried tarragon better than fresh. Other than that I like fresh best! Hope you have a great labor Day weekend! Cheers! Lyndsey

  33. Hi Elisabeth, this is indeed the best burger. Save the first picture for me, it's really mouth watering. Don't think I can resist this tall burger even thou I just had taken my lunch. LOL

    Thanks for the recipe, I've yet to make my own meat patties. :(

    How's the weather at your side. You keep well and take care. With lots of love and hugs to you. Have a nice weekend.

  34. I love your salmon burgers and they seem really healthy too.I've never had one before and it sounds like a great idea :)
