Saturday, September 1, 2012

Silent Sunday

Mini banana breads with white chocolate chips
I'm not sure, which is better...'Silent Wednesday'...or 'Silent Sunday!'...either way, I haven't done one, or the other! This is something all new to here it goes!
Baked, Eggplant Stacks

 @ Palm Sugar Asian Grill..(Gabby and me)
Red Velvet Cupcake...(celebrating three family members' birthdays)
Super spicy mixed papaya salad
Vegetarian Spring Rolls with Tofu

Perfect and awesome Asian restaurant...Palm Sugar
My beloved city...West Palm Beach, dusk

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth, looking at your picture, I'm waving at you right now. LOL
    A big hugs to you, my Florida sister.

    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures. And the scenery at Florida is so beautiful. Delicious and yummy food especially the baked egg plant, something new to me.

    I like you banana bread, so moist and delicious.

    Have a nice weekend and happy holiday. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  2. Hi Elisabeth, silent sunday is it a holiday feel....hehhehe...I read birthday celebration under ur pic...was it your birthday? Lovely pics...the eggplant looks delicious....i love those spring rolls :-)

  3. Silent Sunday sounds perfect for me.
    Happy Birthday! (3-birthday celebration?)
    Indeed a very beautiful city, Eli. I love those eggplant stacks...they are amazing.

  4. I loved looking at your photos, this is so fun! I really need to visit your side of the state soon! :) Maybe when I get the two weeks off for Christmas in December. ;D Everything looks yummy too!

  5. Everything looks irresistible, the egg plant stacks,the vegetarian rolls!Scrumtious.
    You have a beautiful family!
    Happy Sunday:D

  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family, but my eyes kept going back to those egg plant stacks. I checked out the Cake Duchess, but I still don't know what silent Sunday is. Isn’t it funny Elisabeth that we both got transplanted to the other side of the world and ended up loving our new home... I think it was Hungary’s loss that we left.

    1. Zsuzsa, thank you for your kind compliments. No need for a recipe for the delicious eggplant stacks...its 'self explanatory, just pan fried eggplant slices, layered with tomato slice, and shredded mozzarella cheese...finished baking in the oven to melt the cheese and cook the tomatoes till soft, but not mushy!

      I don't quite understand what 'silent Sunday' or even 'silent Wednesday' is either, but some blogger are using more of the 'silent Wednesday with only one photo, not necessarily their own. For 'silent Sunday' I'm just copying Lora's, and she took the idea from another blogger friend who started it!

      You're so sweet to mention about being transplanted; which I have been transplanted, but happily growing up in the U.S. Everything happens for a reason and how things were meant to happen:)

  7. Milyen csodás napotok volt, együtt az egész család, finom ételek, lazítás:) Nagyon szépek az unokáid, helyes és vidám család vagytok:) A fehércsokis banánkenyered nagyon jól néz ki, olyan finom szaftos. További szép napot:)

  8. Love these photos!

    Everyone looks happy and beautiful and filled with delicious foods!

  9. Thank you, Elisabeth, for sharing delicious food and beautiful family photos with us. Among the above dishes there are two quite similar to my more or less future posts. Funny, isn't it?

  10. Thanks for sharing your photos Elisabeth- I will say silent except for the munching on your delicious looking banana bread..followed by all the other mouth watering dishes;-)

  11. Dear Elisabeth, Thank you for sharing the photo's. Your family is lovely and the scenery is beautiful. Everything looks very delicious. Blessings, Catherine

  12. Beautiful photos, my friend! And you've made me very hungry without saying a word :) xo

  13. What a lovely post! you have such a beautiful family and that was a super line up of food!
    Mary x

  14. Thank you for sharing your lovely post at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party xo

  15. Elisabeth, wow! Beautiful post! Luca is so charming! :)I am sure he brings a big joy to your heart!

  16. Elisabeth,

    Beautiful post, I too mad a banana bread for your event, but not get time to post it. End up missing this month. I will join next month sure. You are right I don't know the idea of Silent thing. I like your silent sunday. Love that banana bread and beautiful clicks.

  17. You must have had a wonderful time. Listening to you sharing stories about Lora, Gabby and Luca was a lot of fun back in San Fran. Looking great in the photo too. Just like how I remembered you ;). I have seen Silent Sunday or Wednesdays around, but never really understood it myself too. Well, most importantly, you are in good health and have a wonderful week ahead! Hugs, Jo

  18. What a gorgeous daughter and beautiful granddaughter they look just like you!
    Gorgeous! great recipes

  19. Lizzie, loved getting your sweet comment on my blog. I love all your photos, especially that darling grandchild and your daughter is beautiful! I never knew how pretty West Palm Beach was, thanks for sharing. I'll look forward to getting to know you! Chris

  20. Csodás család, csodás fotók!
    Én is hasonlóképpen készítettem padlizsánkarikákat, nagyon szépek és finomak!

    1. Köszönöm a kedves szavaidat, Anna. A padlizsánt rengeteg féle képpen készisük a lányommal!

  21. Your silent pictures have give us an insight of flavor and beautiful world.

  22. Your silent Sunday speaks clearly and beautifully of your love of family, food and your home :)

  23. what a cool concept - silent Sunday!

  24. I can see you had a lovely silent Sunday with your family. I really enjoyed seeing all your photos. Thanks for sharing your lovely moments with us. The food makes me drool.

  25. Sounds...and a wonderful and tasty day!

  26. Beautiful shots, Elizabeth!! Love seeing photos of you and your lovely family!!

  27. enjoy seeing all these photos especially the photos of your beautiful city! and nice to see the now ' you' ! that eggplant stack looks incredibly good!

  28. Oh this looks great! I feel like to go their.... really love your beautiful city.....I LOVE too this concept.

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