Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fresh Tomato Tart...and Silent Sunday!

My amazing Fresh Tomato Tart with Gorgonzola Cheese...recipe, to follow!

...a funny sign by an owner or tenant of my complex...which wasn't as serious as they claimed!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. The food looks very scrumptious! It's nice to see your son and granddaughter. She looks so sweet.

  2. woowww....I cant wait for the tart recipe that too with gorgonzola......birthday wishes to Lora...the cake looks so fresh with all those fruits!!

  3. Hey Elisabeth , the tart looks scrumptuous and you have a lovely family .How have you been ?? Take care :D .

  4. Elisabeth, the tomato tart looks so delicious. And I love Lora's birthday cake. So fruity and full of color. Bet it is super yummy!

  5. Wow...that is one gorgeous tart! The tomatoes are so red and gorgeous. And with gorgonzola wow. Can't wait for the recipe! Nice family photos too :-)

  6. The tomato tart looks very good to eat, but Elisabeth daddy and daughter take the cake in this post.

  7. Gratulálok a szülinaposnak, szép a tortája is! De a paradicsomos lepény is varázslatos.

  8. Lovely group of pictures. Food shown is as beautiful as the people shown :) Have a great week.

  9. Every thing and every one looks wonderful!

  10. ÓÓÓÓ, Elisabeth csodálatosan szép a sajtos, paradicsomos tortád, és most bizony szívesen elfogadnák egy szeletkét. Én egy ilyen kerek forma után vágyakozom, de még nem sikerült kedvemre valót találni az üzletben.

    Nagyon jó képet készítettél a fiadról, és az unokádról!!!
    Lorának nagyon boldog születésnapot kívánok!!Nagyon szép a tortája, és gondolom milyen finom lehetett.

    Megjöttünk a nyaralásból,most próbálom utólérni magam, és hamarosan válaszolok a leveledre. Addig is vigyázz nagyon magadra. Puszillak

  11. Csodajó a paradicsomos pite a gorgonzolával, amit imádok, de szinte mindenféle sajtot nagyon szeretek. A lányodnak boldog szülinapot kívánok, én is az ilyen csupa gyümölcs tortákat kedvelem legjobban. Na meg jó lehet, ha család tagjai összejönnek egy-egy ilyen eseményre, nálunk ez nagyon ritka:)Szép hetet kívánok neked:)

  12. Happy HAPPY Birthday, Lora!
    The tomato tart looks awesome....Gorgonzola...that makes life better and sweeter ;-)

  13. Beautiful photos of your family! Happy birthday to Lora ♥

    p.s. your tomato tart gave me an instant craving for tomatoes just now!

  14. Happy birthday to Lora, hope she had a fabulous blast.. Tomato tart looks fabulous and irresistible.

  15. The tomato tart looks perfect with gorgonzola cheese,and beautiful birthday cake,Happy birthday to her :)

  16. Holy gorgeous Tomato Tart, Batman! Those tomatoes look like giant rubies! That said..always lovely to see photos of your beautiful family. Love the sign too! I cracked up so loud my cat almost hit the ceiling lol xoxo

  17. Hi Elisabeth, your tomato tart look awesome. Look beautiful.
    And Lora's birthday cake is excellent, look so good. Happy birthday to Lora.

    Have a nice week ahead.With hugs to you.

  18. Thanks everyone for all your kind, and sweet comments. This was certainly supposed to be a silent Sunday...but with me, 'silence' doesn't come so easy; just have to work on it some more. I always have way too much to my daughter always cautions me telling me "too much information"...well I say, it's "never enough!"
    Have a great week, and will comment back to all! xo

  19. silent but i can tell how happy you are tho you were not in the photos! thanks for telling me about the word verification on my blog, i never realised that, all along i thought it could be a problem with come browsers.

  20. I am cracking up at Lisa's comment-LOL. How did I miss that sign. That's a classic. No wonder I also like to take photos of silly signs. Beautiful photo of Sophia. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes:)And LOVE that tart!xx

  21. Happy birthday to your daughter Lora... and what a great spread. Truly spells celebration! xo,

  22. Such a gorgeous tomato tart! And Happy Birthday to Lora…such a beautiful family, Elizabeth!

  23. Gorgeous food and family photos. Love seeing family pics on blogs. Makes the blogging experience so much better.

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