Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My 'Award' Winning Pizza for #Twelve Loaves September

Does it seem like I'm the only 'oddball?'...seriously! I do everything differently than the other fellow food bloggers. I'm so 'lame' when it comes to joining a group, or even linking up something. Not consistent, and certainly always falling behind schedule. I did try to link up last week with my Cheddar Cheese bread for Lora's #Twelve Loaves September, which required a cheesy bread, but did not know that pizza applies...and I did make my own dough this time with the most amazing yeast from RED STAR, called PLATINUM!

linking to:#Twelve Loaves September @ Cake Duchess
              Hearth and Soul Blog Hop @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen
              Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
              Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop @ Katherines Corner

...again, I chose to be alone...needed some quiet time to 'reflect'. Not exactly a holiday dinner; since it was Rosh Hashana Eve! My daughter had a beautiful celebration at her house with their best friends and family, and I was just not in the mood for more work in the kitchen, so I did not join!

I'm so unlucky with yeast, even though it has the proper dates for the expiration...somehow I tend to mess it up. The last time I know it was too hot water, that I added the yeast to dissolve. This time I made sure that the water was slightly warm, and it worked! (sorry, no photos of my step-by-step direction, was not going to use this post)

I am so overly critical of getting a good crust for my pizza, that I'm so picky when it's home made. For me, it has to have a good rim, and it has to be baked just right...actually, pre-baked which I strongly prefer, in order to get a good crunchy crust, not to have it soggy, or greasy, and WORST, underdone!

I have a few really good pizza dough recipes, including a whole wheat dough which is softer, than the regular unbleached white flour pizza dough. We prefer the traditional dough, and this recipes is so easy...so basic, saved from 1998 Gourmet magazine, which I am happy to share with you!

Basic Pizza Dough

For a 12-inch pizza

1 packet of Red Star Platinum dry yeast,
or your favorite (abt. 1-1/2 teaspoon)
2/3 cup warm water
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
(I used King Arthur)
1 teaspoon salt
olive oil for the bowl

Sprinkle the yeast over the water. Let stand 1 minute, or until yeast is creamy. Stir until the yeas dissolves.

In a large bowl, combine the 2 cups of flour, and the salt.
Add the yeast mixture and stir until a soft dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead, adding more flour if necessary, until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.

(you can skip all this process, by adding all the ingredients in a bread machine, on DOUGH setting, and let the machine do the work for you)

Lightly coat a large bowl with oil. Place the dough in the bowl, turning it to oil the top. Cover with plastic wrap. Place in a warm, draft-free place and let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1-1/2 hours.

Punch down on dough, and flatten with your fist. Spray your pizza pan with a non-stick cooking spray. If dough is sticky, you can add a little more flour, just do not knead any longer. Cover the dough with a dish towel and let it soften, to expand for an additional 30 to 45 minutes. At this time, you can stretch the dough all the way to the rim of the pizza pan. Lightly spread olive oil on the dough, and pre- bake for about 10 minutes, in a 425 degree F. oven on a pizza stone (preferably) to assure a good crusty dough.

At this time, you can leave the dough to cool down, and use for later, or proceed with your favorite topping for the pizza, to bake for an additional 10-15 minutes for the sauce, to set and the mozzarella cheese melt and slightly brown.
I strongly recommend a good quality pizza sauce, such as Dei Fratelli which is a superb quality. Just be sure to add to a small bowl, and stir about 1 to 2 Tbsp. olive oil and your favorite spices. (I used an Italian brand, a gift from Italy by Lora)

For a fresh mushroom, sliced red onion, and pepperoni topping:

Saute about a handful of fresh sliced mushrooms along with sliced red, or regular onions, just slightly...set aside.
In the meantime, spread the pizza sauce, thin, or thick on the pizza, not quite to the outer rim. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella, divide the mushroom mixture, and bake for 10 minutes. For the addition of the pepperoni slices...make sure to add the pepperoni slices at the last 5 minutes, (otherwise they will shrivel up and dry out!)
Leftover pieces of pizza can be reheated, or eaten cold (which I love)...the next day...Enjoy!

So there, you have a perfect 'Award' winning pizza, made with love, and Red Star PLATINUM yeast!
BTW- I still have to post my awesome Fresh Tomato Tart recipe, for the next post...just remind me, if I forget. xo

Join Lora, Barbara and Jamie with the #TwelveLoaves baking project!

 The month of September is about bread and CHEESE! Who doesn't love bread and cheese? You could make a quick bread or yeasted bread (muffins, scones-PIZZA)and link up to the girls. I attached Lora's link for you to see the pretty pull-apart bread she baked.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Yumm yumm yumm... am drooling here... love any kinda pizzas and this is just my kind

  2. This is definitely a winner recipe! The crust has the perfect thickness and looks very crisp too.

  3. I'm hoping to join in this month, too, Lizzie. I didn't think of pizza either...now with that new idea, I may get it done after all :) I will definitely try your pizza crust...it looks perfect!

  4. This yummy pizza, crust is awesome. Thanks Elisabeth for sharing this delicious pizza for Hearth and Soul blog hop.

  5. PS...yeah, I wasn't thrilled to post my bread with its big tunnel, but it tasted wonderful. And that's just what happens in my kitchen sometimes! Lucky you getting a loaf :)

    1. Lizzy, I didn't pay attention to the tunnel in your bread, haha! It really looked so delicious. I must take a photo of Lora's bread, only half of the loaf left over. Really good bread!

  6. Very nicely done. it looks yummy. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods at least its getting cooler to enjoy these types of foods!

  7. Pizza is my weakness can totally see that its award winning... deliciousness!

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  9. oh bella how I have missed you. I know you know when I "fall off the grid" for a while it's simply from an overflowing plate and full full arms. When I finally sit down to indulge for myself I rush on over to visit you and catch up. This pizza looks sensational, and I must try this crust. sending all my love to you tonight - Happy Rosh Hashanah ~ Yamim Nora’im ~ Chag Sameach & L'Shana Tova! Praying for the peace of Jerusalem!!!!

    1. Bella, I missed you too. I know how busy you are with three little ones, and don't have much time to write and devote to your blog. You'll love this crust, it's really easy to make this dough!
      Thank you for your sweet words, and good wishes! Much love, and hugs:)
      L'Shanah Tovah u'Metukah
      לשה טובה תיכתבו ותיחתמו החיים

  10. Happy New Year dear Elisabeth, what a lovely pizza you made and I will use your idea mixing a little olive oil into the sauce next time, I always thought the sauce on my pizza was kind of dull looking, now I know why. Thank you for mentioning that detail in the post, I could have missed it in the recipe. And it’s not what we eat it's the company that counts and sometimes the best company is one's own.

    1. Thank you Zsuzsa! Mixing about one Tbsp of olive oil right into the pizza sauce makes a huge difference...your sauce will have a really nice texture.
      Very wise words, so true about the company. Sometimes we need some alone and quiet time!

  11. Elisabeth, ez a pizza gyönyörű!!! Finom lehetett rajta a sok friss paradicsom és a gomba. Mi is nagyon szeretjük a pizzát, elég sűrűn készítek. Én mindig friss élesztőt használok, a szárítottat nem szeretem :)

    1. Katalin, én is szeretnék használni friss élesztőt, csak nehéz beszerezni mert már nem árulják a pékség helyen. Máshol kéne megrendelnem. A tetején nem friss paradicsomok vannak...az pepperoni, egy olasz fajta száraz kolbász féle, vékonyan szeletelve:)

  12. Well I'm sorry you missed your daughter's Rosh Hashanah dinner but the pizza looks amazing!

  13. Elisabeth, you made a beautiful pizza, all red and inviting! I have always wanted to make my own pizza but somehow can't conquer my fear of working with dough. I am practicing and who knows, there'll be a pizza post or at least some simple buns in the making :)

  14. Ohh...pizzaaa...a pizza with perfect crust and perfectly melted cheese is my best friend :) I am an absolute pizza fanatic, u see....lol....if i dont get my weekly dose of it...i might go into depression....n usually i too make my own crust....now seeing ur pizza i have decided wats for dinner today :D

  15. i'm not surprised that you call it award winning pizza! it looks terrific and i've not eaten pepperoni for ages!

  16. Elizabeth, your pizza crust looks perfect! and so delicious!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog with your lovely comment. Have a great day!

  17. A pizza csodás, a paradicsomok rajtagyönyörűek. Már olyan rég sütöttem pizzát, pedig szeretjük nagyon, kösz a receptet!

  18. I can't believe I missed this amazing pizza this weekend. You were missed here on Sunday. I always love your pizzas and hope you make one again soon (hint-hint;)xo Thanks for linking up again with Twelve Loaves

  19. Your pizza crust does look perfect and I like the tip about pre-baking. I'll have to try that sometime. Sorry you weren't up to gathering with the family but sometimes the best company we keep is our own. Happy New Year...may it be wonderful for you and yours.

    1. Paula, do try the pre-baked method, it really works. The reason I wasn't up to join the festive gathering because we see each other every day practically, and Lora had a house full of guests...just wanted some quiet time to myself, and enjoy my pizza (strange, but true!) Thanks for your good wishes! xoxo

  20. What a beautiful looking pizza. I could go for a slice right now. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

    1. Thank you Catherine, I'm heading over to your blog right now!xo

  21. Nagyon finom a pizzád, igazi szaftos falatok! Kár, hogy olyan nehéz friss élesztőt beszerezned. Én csak akkor használok szárítottat, ha nincs frissem. Sokkal nehezebben kel meg a tészta tőle...De a végeredmény az nagyon csábító!

  22. the pizza looks perfect to me!
    Mary x (PS I still can't work out how to link!)

  23. Elisabeth,
    Your pizza is gorgeous, and oh the crust looks amazing. I would like a piece for breakfast now, and I have never eaten pizza for breakfast, true.

  24. Elisabeth, you inspired me to make some pizza. We haven't had any all hot summer long, and while days are getting a little colder, I can turn the oven on. Great post! :)

  25. Elizabeth csodálatos ez a pizza, gyönyörűséges a paradicsom színe, és olyan élethű a kép, hogy szinte érzem a finom illatát. Szerencsére itt nálunk mindig van az üzletbe friss élesztő, és így én azt használok. Kicsit tartok a szárított élesztőtől, mert már jártam úgy, hogy nem kelt meg a tészta.Puszillak

  26. no worries, you're not the only one. I do my own schedule too and I'm always off tangent haha. but for as long as you are enjoying the ride around blogosphere.. you are fine.
    I want some pizza please? I don't usually make my own dough though (hmm that rhymes haha)
    I hope are having a wonderful day,

  27. Very yummy looking/sounding! I have never heard of the Platinum yeast but I will be looking for it for sure. I never seem to gow tired of pizza, one of those things I could eat every night!

  28. What a delicious looking pizza! You make me want to make some pizza! Will definitely make this for my husband, he would love it! I am actually on a low carb diet and I have been working on a low carb pizza crust, do you know any good recipe, Elisabeth? I tried flaxseed meal, it was good but it was nowhere as good as a good old fashion pizza..... anyway, hope you are keeping well! have a great weekend! Thanks for sharing x

  29. Oh my...your pictures are so mouthwatering that I am craving pizza now before bed!:) Great recipe! And you will never be lame in my eyes, you are simply amazing!

  30. Elisabeth, your pizza looks perfect! I am so bad about linking or doing anything technical, I'm lucky to be able to post on my blog,lol;-) I'm curious about the Platinum yeast but I never buy Red Star Yeast so I probably wouldn't have noticed it anyway;-) I'm looking forward to baking for the holidays, I'll have to remember to make some pizza, homemade is always better, thanks for sharing your recipe;-) Have a wonderful weekend;-)

  31. Hi Elisabeth, this is one truly mouth watering pizza!! The crust is indeed baked to perfection!!Since it's really late now,I wouldn't mind at all having it for breakfast..Have a great weekend, XOXO

  32. Elisabeth what a lovely delicious pizza ...your pics are so good that I can't resist to have a piece right now.....I am drooling dear!

  33. Hi Elisabeth,
    Your always make everything look so good, like I could just reach out an have a bite. This would sure be a winner here at the cottage, it is a great pizza. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  34. wow..the pizza looks so perfectly baked.looks so yummy and really tempting.

  35. Hi Elisabeth, your pizza look delicious.. It's so tempting. Wish I can have one big slice now. Perfect!

    Catch up with you again, was busy with work and miss my usual return visit to my blogger friends. So many to catch up.

    Have a nice day, warm regards and hugs to you.

  36. I am having my own issues keeping up and also just not feeling social gatherings these days. Sometimes life just goes that way. I figure the body and brain are good at telling us what we need, we just have to listen. Right now mine is saying lots of rest is good. I'm trying to listen.

    This pizza looks outstanding, and this is coming from a pizza freak so trust me, this is amazing. We must eat pizza 2 or 3 times a week. Mini-me even works at a pizza place. I have to say my MIL makes undercooked crust often and for some reason I don't mind it. Just depends on my mood.
