Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cream of Broccoli Soup...for Wordless Wednesday

Hello everyone, Welcome to Wordless Wednesday. Such a windy day here in S. Florida, with tropical storms brewing in the Atlantic, and we're getting all the strong winds, and storm, later! I made this comfy, homey, delicious Cream of Broccoli Soup while I was at my daughter Lora's for the weekend...totally from 'scratch'...using up her leftover steamed broccoli, and my chicken broth from a few days before...very easy to make...
linking to one of the best recipe that you could follow...which is quite similar to mine... 
Cream of Broccoli Soup

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  1. Wish i get that bowl now, prefect for Paris chilled weather.

    1. Priya, I would be happy to share a bowl of soup with you if only you were closer. Paris is 'Paris'...any time of the year!

  2. Ó, de finomságos! Imádom a krémleveseket! :)

    1. Hankka, én is nagyon szeretem a krém leveseket!

  3. my sweet friend, this feels like the longest I've been away. Aside from extreme busy-ness my computer crashed and finally got it back but my hard drive got wiped, so I lost all my RSS feed subscriptions to my favorite blogs and I will have to now go back and resubscribe. We had another death in the family this week :( - and I'm getting ready for Luke's 1st birthday, as well as many fall birthdays (I love having an October bday!!) - it's been a whirlwind. I think of you more often than you know, this soup looks amazing. I am bookmarking it. I am going to have to dig up your israeli couscous again to bookmark since it got lost with my hard drive wipeout.

    I am still submitting articles monthly to Calvary's website, but haven't blogged as much, but am now jumping back in!!! Hoping to write tonight!!! On top of all of that, I am leading a small group for this semester's bible study (we're studying the names of God! so far we've studied Elohim, Adonai, El Roi, Jehovah Jirah, and now El Shaddai) - it's been amazing! I miss you so much sweet bella. and sending all my love to you today xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!!!

    1. Hi Bella, so awesome to see you commenting after a long absence. I realize how busy you are with 3 little ones, so it's not surprising.
      I'm so sorry about your computer crashing and to loose all the valuable information on your hard drive is devastating.

      My condolences to you and your family for the loss of a family member.

      Your articles are so valuable to the Calvary website; just keep up the good work! Will check out your blog to see if you posted. So amazing about the different names of GOD...for instance; Elohim=(God of authority) Adonai=My Lord, El Shaddai=Almighty, Elyon=The Highest, Avinu=Our Father, YHWH=Lord, and I Am that I Am...Jehovah comes from YHWH that from the 8th Century CE. Most widely used is HASHEM, ADOSHEM...amazing, stuff, isn't it?

      Thank you for your sweet and kind words, my dear friend, missed you too, and sending all my love, as well!xoxo

  4. Brokkoli a kislányom kedvence:) Múlkor még a desszert helyett is brokkolit kért. Hideg van nálunk is, kezdődik a tél, itt a melengető krémlevesek ideje, mindegyiket szeretjük:)További szép napot Neked:)

    1. Jajj de aranyos a kislányod, az én unokalányom Gabriella, is egész pici kora óta szereti a brokkolit, most is eszi rendszeresen, és már tizenegy éves nagy kislány!
      Szép nap volt a mult hét végén, de most sajnos egy kis hurikkánt várunk a hét végére!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much...and yes it was really good!

  6. Elisabeth, I am going to try this. It's a little different from mine, I will compare and let you know. Mine has cream in it and it always makes me feel guilty....

    1. Zsuzsa, if you click on the title it will lead you to the recipe...mine has only 1 cup of lowfat milk, mixed with 3Tbsp. of flour to add at the very end to make it thicker. No cream used in my recipe, either!

    2. I made this Elisabeth and posted it a couple of days ago. :-) We loved it so much It already replaced my old recipe in my cookbook. This tastes so much better than mine did with the cream. Thank you!

  7. As usual now I am hungry for soup...your soup!

  8. Elisabeth- your photos are beautiful and this soup looks so delicious;-)

    1. Thank you, Patty...will be stopping by your blog, sorry for not visiting for a while!

  9. Simple, beautiful and creamy without cream. Such a wonderful soup, Lizzie...we're at 80º today but we'll lose about 50º over then next couple days...soup weather will return!

    1. Lizzy, this is the most simplest soup I can think of...really, no recipe needed; just the 2 main ingredients, and lowfat milk mixed with 3Tbsp flour, into a smooth paste, and added on at the very end!

      We're getting huge wind storms right is out at noon for the kids today, and closed tomorrow! Can't get over your 80 degrees weather, and the sudden drop!

  10. Elisabeth, what a comforting bowl of soup. It sure looks delicious and creamy!

    1. Hi Phong Hong. I owe you sorry for not commenting lately! Thanks for you kind words and complement!

  11. I hope you miss the worst of the bad weather! This soup looks so delicious...and I have a ton of broccoli in my fridge!

    1. Thanks for your words of comfort...don't know where this sudden hurricane Sandy has all of a sudden creeped upon us! Sure is soup weather!

      Unfortunately I have not been able to comment on your blog for the longest time due to your word verification that is blocking me! Hope you get this message!

  12. Hope storms won't come there. Cream of broccoli is rich and creamy, it can give run to any gourmet soup.

    1. Swathi, the storms are here already, and it now has a name...SANDY!
      Cream of Broccoli has always been a family favorite of ours:)

  13. Boy..I've missed a ton of your posts. OK, I'll kill the last three posts with one comment. Calamari with spaghetti..LOVE - although I'm always leery..cook 1 minute or 2 hours! Scrambled eggs in pita..I never even thought of putting scrambled eggs in a This cream of broccoli soup looks so tummy warming...which I need now..some kind of bug has crawled in.

    OH..finally, you pinned some amazing pumpkin pie cupcakes with a graham cracker bottom. When you click on leads to one of those recipe spam sites that hack into pins. By the time I found the real recipe, I couldn't find your pin to give you the real URL in the comment section (you click edit..erase spam url and add this one) here it is :)

    1. Lisa, you might have missed a few of my posts...I also missed probably a couple of yours, will stop by...hopefully not losing electricity with this storm hitting us! Will be going to Lora's later on and probably having to stay overnight...due to the storm!

      Thanks for the link for the pumpkin-pie-graham cracker cupcakes...sometimes I wonder, if pinterest just doesn't want me to keep on pinning when they cut you off...telling you its a SPAM!

  14. I. Want. A. Bowl. Right. Now. and I really do. That creamy, temptingly delicious bowl of soup is calling my name, yes I could use a bowl right now here in St. Louis :)
    enjoy the rest of the week,

    1. Would love to give you a bowl of this yummy soup Malou, if only you lived closer. You're having some pretty cold temps in S. Louis for the weekend, and we're in for a hurricane warning all of a sudden!

  15. Hello dear, Ur photos are improving a lot. The soup looks warm and very inviting. Hope everyone enjoyed what their mom made for them? I too make this the same way but do not add celery. I add garlic instead. Will try ur version as well.Thanks.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Suhaina. not quite know what you mean about my photos improving...for instance, these photos were taken outdoors on my daughter's patio dining table, but as for most photos lately; unfortunately they had to be taken indoors in the kitchen, with indoor lights...trying for the best possible turnout!

      My family wasn't around when I made the cream of broccoli soup, they were away having a great time in NYC for the weekend!

      Suhaina, the celery was actually in the cooked broth along with onions, carrots, garlic, ....chilled, and strained, so you are not getting any celery in the actual soup, since it's blended in the blender! Thanks for your kind comment...will stop by your blog, now!

  16. This is one creamy and dreamy soup I wish I had a chance to try. Looks so good! Lisa is the Pinning queen and love how she found the real source for your pin:) Maybe you can make this again this stormy weekend?

    1. Lora...can't believe I'm still sitting here replying back to comments, including yours when I should start to get ready to come over to your house and get off the 'island'...seriously!

      Maybe I will make this yummy soup again this weekend if I stay over again. Your dad took most of the soup home, and he loved it too!

      Can't get over Lisa finding the source for that pin...she's so funny, she's 'something else' cute!

  17. Easy, creamy and comforting! Exactly my kind of every day soup.

    1. Easy, creamy, and comforting...yes, that's the kind of every day soup this is!

  18. Nagyon szeretem a krémleveseket, és most itt nálunk elég hideg van, így bizony nagyon jólesne ezzel a tányérkával. Én tegnap sütőtökből készítettem krémlevest, szívesen cserélnék veled.Puszillak

    1. Gizike, pont akkor készitettem amikor megláttam a te finom brokkoli krém levesedet. Kellett volna linkelni hozzád, de egyáltalán nem volt kedvem még a receptet sem leirni, azért linkeltem ehhez a hasonló recepthez amit találtam. Nálunk ez a krém leves nagyon általános, és akkor a legfinomabb amikor saját csirke levesedet használod, ami nekem sok maradék volt! Puszillak

  19. What a terrific use for leftover broccoli!

  20. Yum! I love creamy broccoli soup!! Just give me some crusty bread to go with it and I'm happy.

  21. Nagyon szép lett, én is brokkolikrémlevest készítettem legutóbb, pedig nem beszéltünk össze :)
    Az enyém talán nem lett ilyen krémes, nem sűrítettem semmivel,tejszínt sem raktam bele. Újabban így készítem a krémleveseket, a zöldség a sűrítő anyag. Mellé adok tejszínt, aki akar tesz bele :)

  22. I wish I'd seen this recipe yesterday - I was at the supermarket where heads of broccoli were NZ90c each (that's about US$1.10) - but couldn't think what to do with them!
    It's very windy and chilly here - that's Spring for you. Have a great weekend x

  23. Wow, your pictures look awesome...they sure made me want a bowl of this cream of broccoli :)
    Hope you are having a great week Elisabeth!

  24. Már két - három hete kívánom a brokkoli levest, de nem talátam sehol brokkolit. De ahogy találok rögtön kipróbálom:)

  25. This is fabulous. My hubby would go wild for this.

  26. The storm's coming my way, so this broccoli soup recipe will come in handy! I have some freshly cut broccoli and some stock in the freezer. Keep safe and dry! :)

    1. We're getting the worst of 'Sandy' this West Palm Beach. No school for kids today!
      Do make this soup, will love it!

  27. Pont most vettem én is brokkolit. Én nagyon szeretem. Finom recept, hétvégén kipróbálom. Tetszik, hogy ilyen jó sűrű!

  28. It looks beautiful and delicious! You know, I never make cream soups... Maybe apart from the one from red lentils but only because they fall into pieces without my help ;-)

  29. now isnt this the perfect food for this horrible weather... hope your weathering the storm my friend... take care !

  30. We didn't really get any wind on this side of the state until yesterday. Beatiful until today, it was so cold only 72 today, I wore a jacket to school. But the sun was out. You know I have never made cream of broccoli soup. It looks good!

  31. Hi Elisabeth, your cream of broccoli look so appetizing and healthy. The light green color is beautiful.

    Love the 3rd picture, wish I can have a spoonful. LOL

    Have a nice week ahead, regards and hugs to you.
