Sunday, October 28, 2012

Red Velvet {Birthday} Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

As you may know we've had a very stormy week, starting last Wednesday, and expecting the worst by Thursday, and having half a day of school on Thursday, and off on Friday, due to Hurricane 'Sandy' lurking around our area in S. Florida...leaving a mess behind in Cuba, and Haiti. Now, heading up to the east coast...already causing havoc in North Carolina! Luckily, we escaped a lot of what could have been really bad damage, just heavy winds, to deal with and a lot of downpour of heavy rains.
The only time you will see a frosted cake posted on my blog, when I make one for a special occasion...and this certainly was! My granddaughter Sophia just turned 11...the second oldest of the 4 grandchildren that I have. Gabriella had her 11th birthday in August. This was a special request from Sophia, she's such a 'sweetheart' and knows exactly what she wants. Red Velvet Cake is an 'all American' Southern cake...and don't let anyone convince you...otherwise:) Some like it 'ruby red'...but since there's cocoa powder used, I like to have a dark reddish/brown
version of this famous cake!
Most recipes call for cake flour, but the recipe that I adapted this from called for all-purpose flour. When using cake flour, you do not add baking powder, just baking soda, but I figured baking powder addition to the all-purpose flour would lighten it up...and it did; so moist, perfect, and yummy. Also, I cut down on the sugar, as well!
My two 'angels' Sophia on the left...and Gabby (cousins)...but more like sisters!

I don't like my Red Velvet Cake to be a
bright red I added the special dark Hershey's cocoa, instead of the regular one. When you chill the cake, you can cut a perfect slice, just like this! I will share this 'failproof' and perfect recipe with you, step-by-step, so READ on!
Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
 slightly adapted from Wilton
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine , softened
  • 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk 
    1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 tablespoons white vinegar

    Preheat oven to 350ºF. Spray 2- 9 in. pans with vegetable pan spray.

    In a medium bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, cocoa and salt; set aside. In large bowl, beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy.

    Add eggs and red icing color; mix well. Add flour mixture alternately with buttermilk to butter mixture, beating until well blended. Stir baking soda into vinegar and fold carefully into batter. Pour batter into prepared pans.

    Bake 25-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely.

    To Ice: Spread a thin layer of cream cheese icing on bottom cake layer. Top with remaining layer and spatula ice cake fluffy

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I'm glad to hear you escaped significant damage from the storms.

    The cake looks yummy and "happy". At some point I'd like to try making the velvet cake and so it's great to have your recipe!

  2. Gyönyörű szép lett a tortád, szívesen megkóstoltam volna :)
    Boldog szülinapot az ünnepeltnek!

  3. Happy Birthday, Sophia! I prefer dark ruby red reminds me of beet root. The cake looks super with creamy cheese frosting.

  4. We always preferred our deep, dark... blood red as well. (and since we're lactose-y intolerant used a mock Swiss meringue buttercream frosting)
    Super fun with the Sprinkles :)

  5. Nagyon boldog születésnapot kívánok Sophianak!!! Gyönyörű szép unokáid vannak,már igazi nagylányok.
    Csodaszépre sikerült a szülinapi tortád, és nagyon jó ez a sötétvörös szín. Imádnám ezzel a sok krémmel.:)

    Figyeltem a híradásokat és izgultam érted.Örülök hogy elkerült benneteket a Hurrikán,de gondolom azért így is volt részetek nagy viharban. Szép lehet ott élni a part közelében, de engem ilyenkor biztosan kitörne a frász a félelemtől. Puszillak

  6. Oh, it looks delicious! And your grandchildren are beautiful!

  7. Gyönyörű torta! Boldog szülinapot Sophia!! :)

  8. Csodaszép tortát sütöttél az unokádnak, boldog szülinapot utólag is! :)

  9. Happy birthday to Sophia!!!
    Beautiful cake :D

  10. Glad to hear that sandy is mild while passing through.

    Belated birthday wishes to your granddaughter she is really cute. I haven't tried red velvet cake yet. I am afraid of too much dose of food color. Your version sounds delicious.

  11. Csodaszép a torta, de a lányok is nagyon helyesek:) Boldog szülinapot Sophianak, nagyon szép a neve is, Sophia Loren juott esezmbe:) Hallottam már a Hershey's kakaóról, sajnos még nem volt szerencsém használni. Szép hetet kívánok Neked, már visszatértél New York-ból?

  12. Hűha, nagyon szép lányok, nagyon szép torta! Gratulálok!

  13. I really do love the color of's not that fake red color!

  14. How lucky is Sophia to have such a nice and talented grandma!!! Red velvet is among my most favorite cakes,and this one surely looks YUMMY!!!Glad that you didn't have any serious problems with Sandy, we'll probably get a taste of its tail by Wednesday..Have a great week, Elisabeth, XOXO

  15. Lovely cake, Elisabeth! And I love the sprinkles. Sophia must be very happy :)

  16. Happy belated birthday to Sophia. She's a lucky girl! and what a perfect cake to celebrate. Beautiful red velvet and thick cream cheese frosting... yum! I am also glad to know you're all safe from the storm. Take care Elisabeth.

  17. She is so lucky, belated birthday wishes to the gal.. Cant say more,wat a prefect birthday cake.

  18. That is a special occation! Such good looking girls, sounds like a perfect cake to make! I know my daughter would love it and she'll be 18 next month! Wow!

  19. What a beautiful special family you have out done yourself with this cake, it's so rich and beautiful as they are the perfect choice for this celebration. Happy belated birthday to them!

  20. Happy birthday to Sophia!!! What a marvelous birthday cake...I like how you used less food coloring...perfect. And your cream cheese icing looks to die for....fluffy and wonderful. Your grandchildren are blessed to have you, Lizzie! xo

  21. I would love to eat a huge piece of this... can you believe I have never had Red Velvet cake, had a cupcake once never a cake from scratch looks like I am missing out... BRAVO!!!!

  22. I know Sophia (and the rest of the family) loved this cake. It's so pretty and fun looking. I made red velvet cupcakes last year for my granddaughter, Lilly's birthday. I had all but forgotten about them, thanks for the reminder!
    ps Your girls are beautiful!

  23. Hi Elisabeth, love, love your red velvet cake. The texture look soft and moist. Nice decoration with the colourful sprinkles. I like the cream cheese frosting too.

    Happy birthday to Sophia.
    How is the weather at your side, hope it's not badly effected.
    Take care my dear. Have a nice week ahead. Hugs to you.

  24. Oh! Happy Birthday to Sophia...and your cake looks great...moist and fluffy. YUM!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe and have a wonderful week ahead Elisabeth :)

  25. A big happy birthday congratulations to Sophia!
    I have yet to make a red velvet cake, it is on the top of my cake recipes to try list;-)
    Thanks for sharing your recipe and photos- I have got to make this cake!

  26. Thank you all so much for your kind compliments, and good wishes for Sophia's sure means a lot to her and to us to be able to celebrate such a happy occasion. Before you know it; they grow up so fast before your eyes, and it's so important to treasure each and every happy moment. It seems like 'yesterday' when my children were at that age...sigh!

    Life is so precious, families should treasure, and honor each other. At a 'snap' of a moment all could change...our natural disasters could cause chaos and devastation, as we have witnessed right under our do take care, and each other...hug each other; ...and never forget to say the 3 magic words to your loved ones: I LOVE YOU!

  27. can still see that it was still raining behind the cake! hope the storm is behaving well these 2 days. It's a such a lovely cake , even the colors of the sprinklers match with the candles! you know, sometimes it's just amazing knowing a grandmother like you to be blogging that much!

  28. Red velvet and creamcheese icing - wow, this looks good, very good indeed. Happy birthday to Sophia and I am glad you all escaped Sandy's wrath.
