Wednesday, October 31, 2012

'Not So' Wordless Wednesday...

As you all know, we've had a very huge hurricane/storm called 'Sandy' brewing around the Atlantic Ocean...came out from nowhere, and ended up in a huge devastation on the North East coast, causing numerous deaths and damages! Here, in S. Florida, we had our share of Sandy, starting with heavy rains, winds, and huge dangerous waves up to 20 ft, a massive erosion to once that was our beautiful beaches. As you can see in this photo, we lost 90% of our beach with a dangerous 5ft drop-down from the entrance!
Non-stop pounding waves...pouring out into our parking lot with debris. It was a scary scene, this was only the beginning of the worst to happen at the end of the week. By Saturday, Oct. 27th, 'Sandy' decided to make her way up the N. East Coast, and by Monday of this week, causing more devastation to the Coastline, making her way up to New Jersey, and New York!
While we escaped the worst of Sandy's fury and she only devastated and destroyed our beaches and caused a massive erosion throughout the entire coastline...causing more decline in tourism...which is the least of the problems; Our hearts go out to the people up the entire N. East Coast, and especially New Jersey, and New York!

Here's a link to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, in Battery Park, New York...and a couple of photos, courtesy to this link!
Naples News Photo Gallery, of the devastation from Hurricane Sandy

Here's how you can help out those in need from Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy!

Info from: NBC News’ website:

The Red Cross is providing shelter, clothes, supplies, food and blood, as needed, for the victims of Sandy. You can donate blood, but in terms of items, you'll be doing more for those in need by donating money instead of physical goods.

Text message: Text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief. As in the case with other donations via mobile, the donation will show up on your wireless bill, or be deducted from your balance if you have a prepaid phone. You need to be 18 or older, or have parental permission, to donate this way. (If you change your mind, text the word STOP to 90999.)

Phone: 800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767); for Spanish speakers, 800-257-7575; for TDD,  800-220-4095.
To donate blood: Visit this Red Cross Web page.
Online: American Red Cross
The Salvation Army is providing meals and shelter. "At this point, in-kind donations, such as used clothing and used furniture, are not being accepted for hurricane relief. However, these items are vital to supporting the day-to-day work of your local Salvation Army," the organization said Tuesday in a press release.

Text message: Text the word STORM to 80888 to make a $10 donation. To confirm the donation, respond with the word “Yes.”

Phone: 800-SAL-ARMY (800-725-2769)
Online: Salvation Army; here's the organization's New Jersey site, and its Greater New York site.

Many pet owners were able to take their pets with them, but for those who were not, the Humane Society's Animal Rescue Team is assembling staff and equipment to help rescue pets in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.
Online: Humane Society of the United States
Phone: 301-258-8276

The association is helping animals that may need rescue or shelter.
Text message: Text the word HUMANE to 80888 to donate $10.
Phone: 866-242-1877.
Online: The AHA's website for donating is here.

 Habitat, an international organization, helps those in need rebuild their homes after disaster strikes.
As of Tuesday morning, Habitat's online donation system was not available. If you want to make a donation, you can call Habitat's Partner Service Center at 800-HABITAT (422-4828). Press "0" when prompted and representatives will take your donation information over the phone.
This is Habitat for Humanity's main website.

This group coordinates efforts with the state's Office of Emergency Management, as well as with state and local nonprofit organizations.
Online: Community FoodBank of New Jersey
Phone: (908) 355- FOOD (3663), ext. 243.

The organization will deliver food, water and supplies to communities in need through its network of food banks and the agencies they serve.
Phone: 800-910-5524
Online: This is Feeding America's main website.

Catholic Charities provides emergency food, shelter, direct financial assistance, counseling, and support "regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds."
Online: More information here; main website here.
Phone: 800-919-9338 

This group provides emergency medicine and supplies. Donations are accepted on its accepts donations on its website.
Phone: 800-486-4357.

The organization provides medicine and supplies to partner health centers and clinics.
Text message: Text the word RELIEF to 27722 to give $10.
Phone: 805-964-4767.
Online: Direct Relief International is the main website; go here to donate online.

Describing itself as "a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families" and communities, World Vision provides flood clean-up kits, hygiene kits, blanket and food kits.
Text message: Text the word GIVEUSA to 777444 to donate $10.
Phone: 888-511-6443.
Online: For World Vision's Hurricane Sandy relief, click here.

All of this info is from NBC News: The Daily Nightly

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  1. Elisabeth,
    We were in Orlando last week, but Orlando didn't suffer any damage, just high winds and cooler temps. I'm so sorry about your beaches. I didn't realize the extent of the damage in SE Florida:(

  2. Very considerate post, thank you! Yes, it was strange living in the middle of a giant swimming pool for a while there. Take good care!

  3. Terrific post Elizabeth. Nice of you to let everyone know how they could help. The photos are fantastic. The waves are huge! It is sad to see all the destruction and loss of human lives. One thing this tragedy tells me is though man can control a lot, he certainly doesn't control the world and all it's natural elements which demonstrated their raw power this past few days (on the west coast we had earth quakes of 7.7 & 6.7 - no damage).

  4. Tegnap a Itthon, a Kossuth rádióban volt tudósítás New Yorkból,ahol az itthoni riporter kérdezett egy kint élő tudósítót,hogy félnek-e a New Yorkiak,a válasz az volt, nem Ők nem félnek,a New Yorki emberek nagyon bátrak és erősek!Fogadják együttérzéseinket.

  5. Very touching post Elisabeth, Yes man can do lot of thing, but it is hard to control the natural disasters. Everyday life is gift of God.

  6. My heart goes out to everyone Elisabeth! I'm absolutely shocked at how ferocious the storm was, I don't think I (or anyone I know in this part of the world) expected anything like this.

  7. What a crazy storm! My heart goes out to all those affected. What a mess to clean-up, and lives to put back together.

    Awesome post.


  8. Ezek a hatalmas hullámok csodálatosak és egyben rémisztőek. Nagyon örülök, hogy szerencsésen átvészelted ezt a hatalmas vihart, és köszönet ezekért a fotókért. Elszomorító hogy egy vihar ilyen hatalmas károkat képes okozni, és a legszomorúbb, hogy még emberi életeket is követelt. Tegnap este a híradóba elég hosszan foglalkoztak a vihar következményeivel, és a látvány lehangoló és sokkoló volt.Puszillak és vigyázz nagyon magadra.

  9. Watched the news yesterday....totally crazy and awful. Everywhere WATER and no electricity. I am so relieved that you and your family are okay.

  10. Biztosan félelmetes és szörnyű volt átélni ezt, mi csak a hírekben figyeltük,sokkoló volt ott is. Nagyon sajnálom azokat, akik életület vesztették és a családjukat is, nem is tudom, hogyan lehet ezt elviselni. Remélem minél többen fognak adakozni és sikerül mindent helyreállítani. Vigyázz magadra:)

  11. Hi Elisabeth, nice posting. Thanks for sharing the very well taken pictures. The waves are huge and the mess at the beach...but then natural disaster, it's beyond control.

    Glad to hear that you and your family are ok. Take care my dear. With hugs and love to you.

  12. pretty scary looking at the storm and the flooding city. yeah, read abt that in the internet and sad to know that some lost their lives. You take good care, elisabeth.

  13. I had no idea Florida had been hit so hard--what a terrible impact on the beaches. Thanks for sharing, since so much of the news coverage has focused on the upper East Coast.

  14. Scary to see the flooding city. Thank god you guys are safe:).

  15. Elisabeth, the last photos look really scary. The passage of the hurricane is a big tragedy. I cannot even imagine how one feels losing the house and everything there is in it... Not to mention those whose close family or friend die. We are lucky here to be spared of such nature's unleashed behaviour. I am happy to learn you are safe.

  16. Great post Elisabeth! Sorry to hear about the damage to your beaches, I'm glad you are okay;-)
    The news on all the damage caused by Sandy is horrible, it's going to take a while for everyone to recover from this bear of a storm!

  17. Elisabeth.I'm so glad you and your family are ok, although the loss of the beaches is sad. Unfortunately, even though we were ok..barring a lot of damage and broken stuff n my little yard (my little deck 10 tr old herb garden, which I was about to bring inside for the before the first now gone forever), we only lost power sporadically..and then it stayed on for good when the storm finally passed, unlike so many around me who are without it. That said..I'm completely devastated seeing the loss of so many places I've grown and grew up Seaside Heights. The way it 'was' will never be again :( Thank you for listing all the places people can help and donate..a wonderful post xoxo

  18. This is so sad Elisabeth. But I don't understand how this event is not part of global warming? [At least that is what the "news" said.]Storms are increasing in numbers and in severity exponentially. We noticed a few years ago travelling in BC that there are more and more freak ice storms on the highways causing pileup of cars at the height of the summer's heat. And the ice is disappearing up north. Water, water everywhere… and when our glaciers are gone, the rivers will dry up. The coast will have too much water and yet there will not be a drop left to drink.

  19. Glad you made it unscathed through Sandy. Heart-breaking photos and stories from the upper states however. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone. Great informative post you have done here.
