Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grilled Chipotle Pork Loin with Chipotle Black Beans

I don't know about you, but I like to eat a nice piece of pork loin, pork chops, pork ribs, pork roast, and of course...pork bacon every now-and-then! I'm not going to 'beat around the bush' about this...guilty; if that's the case. Most of the time, I just don't mention, or post about 'pork'...but this is the kind of pork that they call 'the other white meat:)

This one happens to be 100% I assume it would be! I purchased a package of this 'beauty' at Walmart Super Store...3 double thick, which I grilled for myself, and the 2 other pieces, I  tenderized, and pounded it 'paper thin'...breaded it, to make Wiener Schnitzel' (no photo) out of it to make it for my son, and my two granddaughters. One thought it was son thought it was veal...and for me...'mums the word'....guilty? ...nahhh!...don't think so!...Cost was a mere $6.17 and I had a fabulous dinner one night for myself, and another dinner the next day for the 4 of us! Bought 4 beautiful plantains, for 25 cents each, to fry along with the chops, as well!...and the black beans were amazing! Had 2 meals out of 2 cans...with rice!

Very simple to make...just marinade your pork loin, or chop by using a dry rub of your my case, I used chipotle powder, chili powder, Hungarian hot paprika, cumin powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, rub it in real well, pierce fork and let it marinade at room temperature for about 30 minutes. 

Being that your pork loin is so lean, just before grilling it on your electric my case; a small George Foreman that you pre-heat, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil on it, and grill for about 5 min. on each side..criss-crossing it to make a pretty pattern. With the George Foreman, you cut your grilling time in half, because it grills you meat on both sides with the top and bottom at the same time...that's the beauty of a George Foreman, which I love so can buy a 'dime a dozen' at any of the Goodwill Thrift stores for $5.99...practically NEW!

As for the Chipotle Black Beans, I used 2-oz. can of Walmart brand black beans (excellent quality)...1-15oz. can of Red Gold diced tomatoes. I sauteed some onion, garlic, and added my tomatoes, cooked it for about 20 minutes...adding the same spices as in the rub for the pork chops...added 1 bay leaf, and a few dashes of hot sauce. At the very end, as you can see, I drizzled some more olive oil, to give it a pretty shine, and added 1 teaspoon white vinegar to 'kick it up' a little. Served it over white rice, and the pork loin chops...So amazingly delicious meal for 1 person, with plenty leftover for the next meal!

I have something else to share with you...linking this super yummy chicken wings...I did not cut between the joints, because this way you get more meat out of it!  Check this out....and no slow cooker either...could not wait for it to get done, so I made it in my electric skillet!
Last but not 'least' is my delicious 'Honey-Garlic Wings'...slightly adapted from my dear Floridian friend Claudia, who has the wonderful What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine. She called it Sweet Wings, and she cooked it in the Crock Pot/Slow Cooker...but I could not wait that long, and made it in my electric skillet. Also did not split the wings in two, to get more meat out of them this way. For more tips on sauces for check out Claudia's amazing blog, and I promise that you will love each and every recipe and tips from Claudia, who is a Store Manager by day, and food blogger by night...with 2 successful blogs, and a third which she is also the administration of! Her handsome son Curt @ Curt's Delectable Vlog, after his beautiful mom in his talented cooking skills!

Instead of the 1 cup honey, I used 1/2 cup, increased the garlic cloves to 3, and added 2 more Tbsp. of the ketchup instead of (2)...added 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, and juice of 1/2 lemon. I fried the wings first, in a heavy duty ...cast iron skillet, and then I made the sauce separately, cooking all the sauce ingredients together...poured it over the wings set up in my electric skillet, and just let them simmer...and kept them warm...I made this for 'Sophia's birthday'...and let me tell you, it was gone within a few minutes...that good! thank you Claudia for your inspiration, and countless more of your easy, and delicious recipes that brings back so many wonderful memories from our Italian kitchen, as well!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elisabeth, doctors (in Europe so I assume in the US too) talk more and more about good sides of pork meat (of course as long as it's lean); vitamins, omega 3 fats... It is not as unhealthy as we were told for long years... I eat pork at least twice a week, I only avoid the fat cuts (although I love these... I only have them rarely) and I find pork easier to digest than beef.
    When I found a butcher selling only free range (so free of antibiotics too) labeled meat, I have jumped with joy (it was about two years ago I think).
    Your grilled pork with black beans looks extraordinary. The black beans are still the item I have to taste (although they are sold even in my closest grocery shop...). Wings are also my beloved chicken cuts. In short I feel as if you had cooked especially for me ;-)

  2. Elisabeth both looks delicious, love that you served with bed of black beans.

  3. I cannot get anything chipotle here. I looked, but no luck. Yet Whitespot has a flatbread with chipotle something. Hungarians love pork, I wouldn't apologize. If I didn't cook pork, I could not make the majority of Hungarian dishes. Elisabeth I have an electric skillet just like yours. I picked it up at the neigbourhood garage sale next door for 4 dollars. Oh and I have been thinking of adding wings to my cookbook....

  4. Absolutely wonderful dish you out did yourself looks just perfect love the way its cooked too just delicious! Love those beans yum!

  5. Good Lord I missed half this post :( if you hadn't told me I only saw part. THANKSso much for the call call outs my wings and wonderful words about me and my son. So embarassed I do not deserve such praise. I apologize for missing that. Thank-you so much for making the wings they look better than mine love your method!

    1. Claudia, the reason you missed the other half of the post because I put the 'break' in 'read on' which sometimes gets bypassed. It happens to me often, as well. So now, I featured the entire post on the same page.

      You deserve all the praise...and then some! I can't seem to keep up with all your great recipes. You have so many from your mom, and they are truly a 'treasure' Honestly, no need to apologize; The wing recipe is something I used to make years ago, and just changed it a little, that's all. Thanks again, for the inspiration:)

  6. Nagyon guszták a husik és a bab is! Így együtt még nem ettem karajt babbal, de nagyon finom lehetett!

  7. Hű, de finomakat főztél! Fekete babot még nem kóstoltam, kíváncsi lennék az ízére.. Milyen jó pofa kis grillsütőd van. Itthon is elkelne egy ilyen. Szóval mennék ebédre hozzád, az biztos.

  8. I love pork, too. . . . and your photos make everything look so very appetizing. I haven't made anything with black beans in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. I hardly cook porkchop, but I do enjoy them once in a while, esp. when they are cooked to perfection like yours. The black bean stew seems just as fantastic as the porkchop.

  10. Wow
    I almost missed all this too sweet lady! Thanks for the wonderful mention of mom... (I have to say shush but your method on the wings look amazing) I will suggest she try them this way they look beautiful! Thanks for compliment... I am blushing! :) have a great weekend... your a fabulous foodie supporter and its much appreciated! Ciao Bella! Curt

  11. out did yourself! You have to be exhausted after this post!

  12. I'm quite delinquent on commenting and visiting, too! I'm starting with today's post and working backwards :) But you have a fun excuse to be away from the family time...and cooking such a delicious meal! I love Claudia's wings, too...perfect for a football party. Happy start to a new week, my friend!

  13. The pork chop grilled marks are absolute perfection. I have yet to figure out while trying to grill. I have a tendency to do everything of the opposite; silly brain of mine. And I love that this pork has chipotle seasoning. Delish! I watched the news about Hurricane Sandy, and hope all is well with you and the family. Have a great week ahead and not to worry about commenting at a much later time over at my blog. I love hearing from you anytime of day, time or week. Hugs, Jo

  14. I get pork often, especially to make pulled pork in the slow cooker, or some nice grilled chops. I was wondering if you use the chipotle in adobo sauce, we like the powder too. The other is too spicy for my husband. (I have two of the GF small grills, one for fish, and the other for everything else)

    It's been awhile since I made wings...I would love to try these scrumptious looking wings, and so good to make them in the crockpot. I like it less sweet, so I would cut down on the sugar.

  15. Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for stopping by my place - I'm just slowly getting back in the swing :) As always, I see you are cooking up a storm! I really love our George Foreman grill and am always looking for new and interesting ways to use it. Served with rice, on top of the chipotle black beans, this looks like delightful.

  16. This looks amazing! I too love pork and am always looking for new ways to cook with it. It's lean, inexpensive, very delicious and can take on a zillion different flavors. Thanks for your yummy version!

  17. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! I love pork too, in whatever form. And those chicken wings are terribly tempting too!

  18. Hi Elisabeth, wow.... delicious meals!! It look really scrumptious and tempting. Very well grilled, the pork loin look really yummy yum yum.....:)

    The chicken wing look awesome too, wish I can have some right now cos it sure finger licking good....

    Have a great week ahead, with hugs and kisses to you.

  19. Hi Elizabeth, did you cook the wings before you put the sauce in with them? they look so scrumptious.
