Friday, November 23, 2012

French's Green Bean Casserole

Thanksgiving has dwindled down, and Black Friday shoppers are out and about getting some real bargains, I am finally catching up with a new post, and do not feel too guilty for not being able to post a Thanksgiving post, as I have last year; but do feel bad for not wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving at least the day before...but then, that would have had to be another post which I wasn't prepared for!

Last year we spent Thanksgiving with family and friends...a large gathering of at least 20 people, but this year was just our own family. Couldn't help thinking how the Super Storm Sandy survivors that lost everything spend their holiday...being thankful to at least have their lives spared. I also feel bad for some of my elderly neighbors living alone knowing that they are spending Thanksgiving all alone, but I already know that this is how they choose to do so...they want to be alone and often complain about every little thing that bothers them about neighbors. So how could you be neighborly to anti-social people when they refuse a nice gesture from others? (not like they haven't been invited; they want to be left alone...sad, but true)
Do you recognize this all American Green Bean Casserole? ...of course you do. I thought it was popular since the sixties, which I remembered, but after researching it, turns out that it was discovered in 1955 by the Campbell's Soup Company in their test kitchen making it with Cream of Mushroom Soup, and French's ...French Fried Onion Rings, which I only buy just for this casserole, although you can make an awesome crunchy crusted onion chicken with it, as well!
I remember way back when I first had this casserole in the sixties, it was made with canned green beans, then later years with frozen beans, but I of course have been making it with fresh cooked green beans, and also added about 1 Tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil to the soup when mixing it with the milk and soy sauce, and folding the some of the French Fried Onions into it. For some reason, I was always disappointed in the sauce when baking it, and it would have a dry and 'chalky' look, but not any more, it has a beautiful consistency, and it even improves on the flavor.

 I adapted the recipe from the 6 oz. (170g.) new plastic container of the French's French Fried Onions, using fresh cooked green beans, instead of canned or frozen.

French's Green Bean Casserole
slightly adapted; by Elisabeth

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 cup milk (you can use soy milk)
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1 plastic bag (already filled) fresh green beans; about 1 lb.
washed, cleaned, and cooked
1 1/3 cup French's French Fried Onions

In a large bowl, mix soup, milk, olive oil, soy sauce, salt and pepper, and fold in the the french fried onions, and the green beans. Have a 1-1/2 qt. oven proof casserole ready to spoon mixture in. Bake for 25 minutes, in a preheated 350 degrees F. oven. Remove from oven, and top with remaining onions...bake for an additional 5 minutes till onions get crispy and golden.

So, check out my fabulous Herb Stuffed 14 lb. Organic, (Brined) Roast Turkey, purchased at Whole Foods Market; the best and the most moist, flavorful turkey...ever! Also made Giblet Gravy, a Smooth Turkey Gravy, simple Herb Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes made with Sour Cream! My daughter made a Sweet Potato Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Apple Cranberry Pie, and Pumpkin Pie...and we also had a Brussel Sprouts/Grapes was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day; we enjoyed our late lunch/early dinner outside, in a comfortable 73 degrees F. temperature in S. Florida! A lot to be thankful for, and counting our Blessings!

 No frills, no fancy platter...fresh out of the oven, after 5 1/2 hrs. partially tented with aluminum foil for the first 4hrs, baked in a 325 degree F. oven. Rubbed with Hungarian sweet paprika, salt, pepper, and canola oil...(as soon as the little red auto thermometer pops up; its ready) I folded the wings under, to prevent from burning the tip...(just a little habit of mine for chicken, as well)

Also added 1 cup chicken broth in the bottom of the disposable bake pan, and started to baste it after 3hrs, every 30 minutes.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. delicious! I hope you had a great thanksgiving as well!

  2. Your green bean casserole looks so much better than the ones like it that I have seen!

    You just have a way with food!

  3. This green bean casserole with the French fried onion rings I never heard of. Is this part of your Thanksgiving? And btw Happy Thanksgiving Elisabeth! Thanksgiving is always the same for me year after year and there is a certain comfort in that. Unfortunately my knee dislocated again and we had to order in Chinese. All my frozen pies were given away the week earlier so my husband had to buy a Safeway pie. I am happy your Thanksgiving went off well with your delicious cooking, it's always nice to have family around us for the holiday. I too think of the lonely people, but in many cases they choose that. I am more concerned for the street people, the mentally ill and for the homeless and yes for the victims of war and natural disasters. It wasn't a choice for them. You and I are very lucky.

  4. With Thanksgiving preps and all, I understand why you were not able to post... but it's not to late yet to greet you Happy Thanksgving <3

  5. Elisabeth, I wanted to say that the green bean casserole looked fantastic, but it was before I saw the turkey! It looks breathtaking! Not dry at all and so appetising... Is it the brine? I have never brined meat... Any meat. Maybe because it's organic (I am lucky to have a butcher who sells everything free range and the turkey meat is completely different too).
    Happy Thanksgiving (a bit late, sorry!).

  6. I'm so glad you spent some quality time with just your family...that's what we did, pressure, low key and lots of laughter. I cherish our friendship...thanks for always being around to offer a kind word. And your modern version of the green bean casserole and your roast turkey both look phenomenal!!! xo

  7. Fabulous thanks giving menu, french green beans casserole looks absolutely tempting and wonderful.
    Mindblowing roasted turkey, drooling.

  8. Glad you had a wonderful thanksgiving with family. I am really thankful to have you as my friend. You are real friend. Love this newversion of green bean casserole, I always pass through aisle of fried onion rings, I think I can buy now as I got a classic recipe.

  9. Beautiful food. I'm glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family!

  10. Hi Elisabeth, I trust you weren't out in those mobs at the Black Friday sales!!! I watched some of it on the internet and I must say I would never venture out - no matter how good the sales were - it looked pretty dangerous from what I saw.

    My grandmother (on my father's side) was very anti-social in her elderly years - not to her family, but after she's moved into an assisted living condo - there were all kinds of activities going on all the time, but she wouldn't take part in anything!! It was her loss, I guess.

    Your French Green Salad really looks wonderful - as does the bird :D

  11. Elisabeth,
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I made this green bean casserole for years, but I updated it a bit, making my own sauce, and using caramelized onions. I like your tweaks, too. Your turkey is gorgeous!

  12. Hi Elisabeth, look like you had a really lovely thanksgiving. Your casserole look delicious and appetizing. The roast turkey look very delicious, very well baked.

    Have a lovely weekend, regards. With hugs and kisses to you.

  13. Sounds like that you and the family had a lovely Thanksgiving.
    Can you believe that I have never had a green bean casserole? I love it's loaded with fried onions ;-)

  14. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving, just how it should be celebrated ;-)
    Your green bean casserole is such a classic dish on Thanksgiving tables everywhere! Looks like you've greatly improved on the recipe and for photos are mouth watering;-) Beautiful turkey too!
    Enjoy your holiday weekend Elisabeth;-)

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Elisabeth :D , the casserole looks delish and the turkey looks so perfect .

  16. Hope you had a wonderful Turkey Day.. your area was so busy our store down in Palm Beach had 900 people in line for Thursday doorbusters. I was thinking of you.. Hope you didnt have to drive far for the family dinner!

    I missed everything and playing catch up worked 28 hours with two hours in between to rest, getting to old for this :)..... Happy Thanksgiving the casserole and Turkey are calling me.. heading to publix to buy one cooked!

  17. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! 1st time here.. I've browsed a few recipes and bookmarked them. Love them! :)

  18. Your adaptations to the green beans sound delish - this certainly is a yummy classic! Love your turkey too, I know your family gobbled it up! Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  19. I'm in love with your beautifully tanned turkey---and what a great idea to season with paprika!!

  20. I have never had green bean casserole. Mine is usually stir fried with garlic and salt (boooringg.....) The fried onions sure add loads of flavour to the casserole. And Elisabeth, I must say that your roast turkey is awesome! Love the golden brown colour :)

  21. Hát ebből szívesen falatoznék az tuti!Még soha nem ettem ilyent!!!

  22. This Thanksgiving food looks delicious. I've NEVER roasted a whole Turkey (it is not an Italian tradition...), it sounds like a BIG job... now it is time to rest!

  23. Your turkey looks lovely, plump and juicy indeed. It took me a few years to get to a perfect turkey to serve on Thanksgiving. As the previous commenter, Rita, we also didn't have this holiday back in Europe, and first few years in US were not the easiest ones so first turkey on our table was 7 years ago. I've seen this green beans casserole on many tables, but this one yet another dish to get use to... :)

  24. Nagyon jól néz ki! Imádom a zöld ceruzababot, szezonban frissen veszem,úgy az igazi, télen persze más a helyzet. A pulyka csodás, én még sosem sütöttem, itt nem "divat", még :)...

  25. Hi friends, I've been MIA...totally, for the last 2 days, and have not even opened my computer until now! I feel so bad for neglecting to comment back to you, and also for visiting your blog. I will tell you all about my last two days of shocking news; in my upcoming post which I'm determined to post now!

    Take care, and I thank you all for your sweet comments, and to hear news about you...I love to read each and every one of your comments~ Hugs~

  26. Elizabeth, Beautiful casserole…my sister-in-law makes this every Christmas…it is so delicious! Gorgeous turkey!! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
