Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paprikás Krumpli {Paprika Potatoes}

As the saying goes..."the eyes are windows to the soul"...well, let me tell you; I've been doing a lot of 'soul searching' in the last few days, after the holidays! A lot has happened since. I finally decided to get an eye exam, knowing that I need a new prescription for my eyes, and new glasses (I wear contact lenses, as well) Have had problems with both lately, my right eye not feeling just comfortable, blurriness, and sharp pain at times.

Just from my eye exam visit this Monday, (which took 2hrs) I was directed to visit a Retinal Eye Care place the next day for my right eye. Well, that was this morning...after 3hrs of thorough test, eye drops, yellow dye that they inject into your arm to see more...I found out that I damaged, badly scratched retina...swelling, as well. I will be needing an eye surgery, which will take place next Monday and hopefully I will regain my eye sight normally. Over the last few days, I have lost 75% of my vision in the right eye.

The eye specialist asked me if I had a trauma...perhaps hitting my eye; and I suddenly realized and remember my car accident and how I got smacked in the eye from the air bag...my eyeglasses knocked off and the right side digging into my eye...two years, and I have done nothing...even at that time I didn't bother to get my injured eye checked...so now, thinking I need new glasses, this is the result.

Please, do not neglect your eyes, and do go for regular eye exams yearly, if your wear glasses especially!  I waited 2 years with an injured eye that did heal from the physical bruises, but internal eye 'trauma' such as mine, the doctor told me, could have caused blindness...and neglect sure has not helped...so please say a 'little pray' for me for a successful outcome of the Retinal Surgery to correct this problem to regain my sight back...thank you, and I don't mean to 'dump' on you with my problem; but I just wanted to share this with you!
 Nothing like making a simple comforting dish from your childhood, and serving it on a beautiful cobalt blue plate, and a special tea towel from your Hungarian grandmother that she 'needle pointed' herself...some 40+yrs ago. I am truly blessed to have this, and proudly showing it off!
Paprikás Krumpli {Paprika Potatoes}
Recipe by; Elisabeth

4 medium potatoes; of your choice
1 med. onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, sliced
half link of smoked sausage, sliced...I used Polish Kielbasa
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. Hungarian sweet, or hot paprika
salt and pepper to taste

Cut potatoes in half, with skin on, and boil in salted water, just until it is still partially cooked. You can take the casing off from the smoked kielbasa, and slice thin.

 Saute onion, and garlic in the olive oil. till translucent, and golden. Add the paprika.

Saute onion, and garlic, and the paprika...add some chicken or vegetable broth, to keep from burning on the bottom of the pan.

 I used Progresso chicken broth, but you can use a vegetable broth as well. I used probably about 1 cup, of the 32 ozs, of the broth, and added the potatoes.

Add enough of the broth so that you can simmer the potatoes...at this time, you can add the sausage, or just stay with the potatoes, and let it get thick, and saucey.

At this time, you can add the sliced Kielbasa, and just cook for a few minutes to incorporate.

Add more broth as needed, but do not add more oil. You can always drizzle some extra oil at the end, to make it look glistening, and tasty, as well. Total cooking time is about probably 30 minutes...not counting the pre-cooking for the potatoes!

So, there you have it...the best tasting comfort potato dish, you would enjoy, as a brunch, lunch, side dish, or even for dinner with nice crusty bread, and a side salad!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elisabeth, you are so right. We must take care of our eyes and our overall health too. Gee, I should get my eyes examined too. My left eye has been itching (and I've been rubbing) for the last few months and I haven't done a thing about it. I wear contacts too. I am sure your surgery will be successful and you'll come out of it good as new! Oh, I love your potato dish. I know I'm going to love it, specially with the sausages. And your grandma's needle pointed tea towel is really beautiful! Can't believe it was done 40+ years ago as it looks fresh and new. You took very good care of it :)

  2. Dear Elisabeth.. Very sad to hear about the eye injury. u must take care of ur eyes dear. hope the surgery will cure the problems. will defenitely pray for u and ur health dear.
    love the beautiful plate and the tea towel which ur grandma made..
    wow..we too prepare this to have with bread or rice, but without the sausage.

  3. Elisabeth, I will pray for the speedy recovery. Hope you will have a easy and successful surgery.

    Love this spicy potato, it is nice to have treasure like tea towel well preserved.

  4. The potatoes look amazing but, much more importantly, I wish you a quick and full recovery!

  5. Oh my goodness! Take care of your eyes...and you are still cooking!
    The potatoes look delicious!

  6. What a delight! I love the color delicious looking mouth watering potatoes!

  7. Oh dear Elisabeth, I do know what you are going through. And it's not just words, I have retinal detachment myself. I wish you a good surgery results and a quick recovery (did they tell you that after the surgery you can't fly for 6 months?). Ask them as many questions as you can, you have a right to know all the pros and cons. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, my friend.

  8. Hi my dear Elisabeth, so sorry to hear about your eyes injury. I will pray for your speedy recovery and GOD Bless you will have a successful surgery. Please take care and all of us will miss you. Take lots of rest, no hurry to return visit until you fully recover.

    Love your comfort food, look extremely delicious. The blue plate look attractive too.

    Have a lovely week ahead, please take care. You shall be in my thoughts always. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  9. Igazi magyaros étel a tengeren túl... Nagyon guszta lett! Mit szólt a család, ízlett nekik? Bográcsban egyszerűen mennyei étel nyáron.:o)

  10. Will be thinking about you and hoping it comes out well. The eyes are nothing to fool around with. So glad you finally went in. Hope you and the family had a great Thanksgiving.

  11. Dear Elisabeth I was saddened to read about your injury taking asuch a turn. I am praying for you and will be keeping you close on the day of the surgery. Your eye will be well again dear friend.

  12. Kedves Elisabeth! Szomorúan olvastam a szemedről. Nagyon sajnálom ami veled történt a balesetedkor, és hogy most műtét előtt előtt állsz. A szemünk világa nagy kincs, amit csak akkor tudunk igazán értékelni, amikor veszélyben van. Nagyon bízom benne, hogy a műtét rendbe fogja hozni a látásodat, és olyan lesz mint régen. Nekem is volt már mindkét szemmel műtét, 2 és 3 éve, igaz nekem csak szürke hályogom volt, ami rutinműtétnek számít. Az egyikkel már alig láttam, a műtét után teljesen más lett minden, megszínesedett a világ számomra. Nagyon vigyázz magadra!!!
    A paprikás krumplid nagyon szép lett, igazi magyaros ételt varázsoltál az asztalra. Nagymamád terítője is gyönyörű munka, büszke lehetsz rá, vigyázz, hogy sokáig ilyen szép maradjon. A paprikás krumplit én kicsit másképp csinálom, ugyanis a krumplit nem főzőm meg előtte. De a tiéd is biztosan nagyon finom lett, mert látszik rajta :) Lehet hogy egyszer majd én is lefényképezem az enyémet, és kiteszem Katalin konyhájába :))

  13. You're making me hungry - these looks very tasty.

  14. Oh, Lizzie, I'm so sorry about your eye...but I'm glad surgery will fix it. Whew. And I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. This is the time of year when comfort food is so welcome...and your paprika potatoes sound wonderful! I love that you've added sausage and made it a meal! xo

  15. o Eli, I am so SORRY to hear about your eyes. All the best with the surgery next Monday.
    The paprika potatoes look so very homey and comforting. Exactly something I need right now.

  16. Oh Elizabeth, I am so sorry about your eye…surgery is never easy, but I’m sure you will get through this with flying colors. You will be in my prayers.
    As for your potato dish…it looks scrumptious!! And I love your beautiful cobalt blue bowl…such a nice memory from your grandmother. Thinking of you and sending you hugs and good wishes!

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye- that's horrible!
    I hope you are up and back in the swing of things very soon ;-)
    I'm in love with your potato dish and the serving bowl is gorgeous, love the blue;-)

  18. Will be thinking of you this coming Monday and praying that all goes well with your surgery. So glad that you did make that appointment for new glasses!!
    Your grandmother's tea towel is beautiful. The fact that it looks new is a testament to her wonderful needlepoint skills.
    The paprika potatoes...mmm mmmm mmmm :)

  19. Very sorry to hear about ur eye, dont worry Elisabeth. Everything will be alrite after ur surgery,my prayers are with you.

    Wish to enjoy this paprika potatoes rite now for my dinner.

  20. Kedves Elisabeth szomorúan olvastam a soraidat, és nagyon drukkolok Neked hogy minden rendben menjen menjen a műtét alatt, és újra éles legyen a látásod mindkét szemeden.

    Nagyon guszta paprikás krumplit főztél, és csodálatos a tálalás. Igazi magyaros ebéd, és a tálalás is. Gyönyörű szép a nagymamádtól örökölt terítő!!!
    Vigyázz nagyon magadra, és pihentessed sokat a szemeidet!! Puszillak

  21. These potatoes look awesome, like the paprika and the sausage with it, and the color is very tempting.
    Hope you are having a great week Elisabeth :)

  22. oh my gosh...sorry to know about your eye! a scratched retina usually is very painful...2 of my kids did that and had to wear eye patches and put eye drops in...they also were very light sensitive. good luck with the surgery. and oh this recipe...so delicious! love all the flavors!!

  23. the potatoes look beautiful against the dark blue plate!

  24. Paprika is one of the spices missing from my huge spice collection. It is definitely going on my shopping list, these look fantastic!

  25. I hope your surgery goes well Elisabeth! Any surgery is scary but so many advances have been made in ophthalmology now, I'm sure you'll be well looked after.

    Your dish looks lovely as always but I'll be thinking of you next week!

  26. hopped over from a friend's blog, the food looks amazing! and good luck for your suergery, may all go well xxx

  27. hope by now your doing better been thinking about you... hope to hear an update of how your doing... speedy recovery xo

  28. Thank you for all your kind and caring comments! I appreciate each and every one of them. It's going to be a long weekend for me, and on Monday I will have the eye surgery. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated! xoxo

  29. Elisabeth, I am so sorry to learn about your surgery and am so ashamed for coming so late here... I hope you will soon feel better and that you will forget about the whole thing before Christmas. I know someone who had a similar retina injury after working in her garden (she scratched her eye with some thin branches). She had a surgery and she feels great since then so I hope everything will be ok. I cross my fingers!
    The potato paprikas looks fabulous! The kind of home dish which would make everyone feel happy.

    1. Sissi, do not feel ashamed for coming late. I should have visited your fabulous blog sooner! Unfortunately, I have several scratches on my retina injury... the computer sketch shows it more...like a shattered window, with several scratches, and swelling as well!

      I did here about the surgery, that it does restore, and cures the scratches...hope it will be the same with me! We all love paprikas krumpli; last night I made it again, adding sauer kraut to it:)

  30. Elisabeth I just made this following your recipe. I am really looking forward to dinner.


    1. Zsuzsa, I pre-cooked the potatoes first to speed up cooking time. Last night, I made it starting out with the raw potato pieces cooked in broth, and followed the method from there! I'm so glad you also made it:)

  31. So sorry to hear of your eye injury, Elisabeth. And I'm sorry I haven't been here earlier to wish you a safe and speedy recovery. I am in the midst of another crisis myself.
    Take care of that eye. And thanks for sharing this great dish.

  32. oh, so sorry to hear about your eye problem and just knowing it now. It's tuesday morning now, probably you've just completed the surgery, i hope everything's okay and wishing you a speedy recovery. you take good care, hugs.

  33. Elisabeth minden jót kívánok, biztos rendbe jön a szemed! Főzzél még sok finomat és írd is le nekünk. A paprikás krumplid a hímzett terítőn teljesen felvidított ma.
