Saturday, April 6, 2013

Irish Soda Bread

St. Patrick's Day, and Easter has already came and went, and I'm still trying to catch up with posts that have been waiting in my draft file. As I mentioned, Lora made this same exact bread, and she has my recipe for it from a 1994 Gourmet magazine, which I found at Goodwill for 49cents, just recently. I do miss Gourmet so has been around for at least 40yrs and now, I just treasure each and every recipe, issue and of course books as well.

Click here for the recipe: Irish Soda Bread
I am unable to upload photos to my picture gallery, as I have mentioned before. I ordered a new cable adapter, and also a battery charger, but it is not helping, so obviously it's a problem with my camera. It take awesome photos, but cannot upload them to the computer. Not an easy choice to have to take the memory card out of the camera to have to upload photos from another camera, so now I'm stuck for a while until I get another camera. Oh, well...such as life!

I must admit that this is the BEST Irish soda bread recipe that I have tried, and will keep on making it, and not just on St. Patrick's Day. Even with the raisins...especially with the raisins, we love this easy bread so much.

I do hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday! Thank you for all your kind and sweet comments and will try to catch up with all the replies and good wishes. xo

In the meantime...I was able to catch the sunrise at 7:15 AM in its glorious, and luminous beauty the other day, just by taking a quick look outside my terrace. An hour later, I decided to take a short walk on the beach with a brisk 58 degrees F. temperature. Just perfect for S. Florida at this time of the year, when everywhere else is still freezing.
Take care, and have a beautiful Sunday!


  1. I just felt like digging in the delicious and tempting. Nice pics, thanks for sharing ;)

  2. A tengerpartért nagyon irigyellek, csodálatos dolog lehet ott élni. Szerintem én minden hétvégén a hajnalt a parton tölteném el. És az a naplemente....Igen, nekem ez nagyon messzinek tűnik, hiszen csak a nyaralás alkalmával látok ilyet. Ha kinézek most az ablakon, látok egy csatornázás miatt feltúrt és utána nem rendbe hozott, kátyús-sáros utcát, néha autókat és borongós időt... Micsoda különbség....

  3. A beautiful golden collection of photos! The soda bread looks very tasty but I'l choose the beach walk instead - so inviting.

  4. Nagyon guszta gondolom kalács elolvasni nem tudlak ! Az a sok mazsola benne ettől nagyon finom lehet! Csodásak a fotóid, számomra nekem ez a látvány csak fotón adatik meg!:) Nagyon tudom csodálni mert nagyon tetszik szinte álomkép!

  5. Sok jót hallottam erről a kenyérről, de még sosem próbáltam, de nagyon jól néz ki nálad:)
    Remélem jól vagy/tok:)
    Hát én még életemben nem láttam tengert, sem tengerpartot, számomra is még csak ákomkép, mint Éva számára:) De hátha valóra válik egyszer:)

  6. I love vintage recipes. This soda bread sounds as tempting as a beach walk.
    You too have a great Sunday, Elisabeth.

  7. I hope you are able to get a new camera soon. The soda bread looks wonderful, love the last shot of it. Beautiful shots of your sunrise. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

  8. you have made me want to make soda bread to go with my soup tonight, but maybe not with the sweetness of this one. It really is a beauty.

  9. Wow, I wanted to just reach out and eat some of that delicious bread. I have never tried soda bread, but this looks fantastic, I must try it!

  10. Elisabeth, I have not eaten soda bread before and I wonder what it is like. It look rather good especially with raisins in it. Oh, that sunrise is very pretty!

  11. Such a beautiful bread, wonderful job..Seriously i want to bake some soda bread, its in my to do list since a long.

  12. What a beautiful perfect looking Irish bread,Yum :)

  13. Lovely soda bread Elisabeth! If Lora made this from your old recipe in a roundabout way this is yours.

  14. Beautiful bread, Elisabeth! It's so perfectly shaped, the crust looks so crunchy, I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar at a professional baker's.

  15. I've always wanted to try to make irish soda bread, but haven't gotten around to it. I definitely want to give this a try!

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  16. The Irish soda bread looks perfect. I have never tried it, but it is on my list to make. I love the pictures of the beach, so pretty.

  17. Yum! I love Irish soda bread and I don't need it to be St. Patrick's Day to want some. :)

  18. Your bread looks fabulous, it seems a shame to only serve this on St. Patrick's day so I'm glad you're posting it now! Wow, what an amazing view out your door, who needs artwork when you have such breathtaking scenery!

  19. Fantastic looking bread Elisabeth. I do love Irish soda bread. They're just so easy and so delicious. I must try this recipe next time I bake one. Hope you're keeping well :)

  20. Looks gorgeous! I miss Gourmet too. BTW, I have a little USB card reader that I use to upload my photos. Works great.

  21. It does look like the best soda bread, Elizabeth! Absolutely delicious!! I make soda bread all year long…I love having it for breakfast.
    I hate having technical difficulties….so hard to figure out!! Hope you are up and running soon!
    Your views are amazing!! How lucky to live so close to the ocean! Gorgeous photos!

  22. Love all your beautiful photos!!! You are such a great photographer. We were on vacation in Florida last week (our first time there!), and we had a great time, the weather was good, and the people are fantastic! I like this Irish Soda Bread recipe very much, never made them before but will definitely try to make some soon, yours look soooooo yummy!

  23. This is the moistest looking soda bread I've ever seen, Lizzie! I will have to try your recipe...tried and true and wonderful! So sorry about the camera...what an inconvenience. And I was so delighted to see a comment from you...I know how it goes...I'll be MIA for a couple weeks while I volunteer full time...just can't do it all!!! Happy Thursday. xoxo

  24. Hi my dear Elisabeth, how you doing? That bread of yours look awesome and very well baked. The texture look so moist and soft. Nice to go with hot coffee and same time chatting with you and enjoy viewing the sunrise. :) Lovely sunrise pictures and the beach is beautiful. Right now I wish I can dip my feet inside. LOL

    Thanks for sharing. Oh... sorry to hear about your camera. Hope you get a replacement soon. Meanwhile take care and have a lovely weekend. You're always in my thoughts. With hugs and kisses to you.

  25. Your bread looks so pretty Elisabeth, like the way it "splits" and the pictures are breathtaking...
    You too have a wonderful weekend :)
