Sunday, March 17, 2013

Easter Menu Suggestions...Husvéti Menü Ajánlat

Today is Yesterday was... St. Patrick's Day...celebrated mostly in Ireland, but here in the United States as well...and all over the world. You don't have to be Irish to celebrate this special day, just have the love of 'green' as I do...have the 'luck of the Irish'...and mostly love of the traditional Irish food, in Soda Bread, which I also made, just not posting it today since my daughter Lora, @ Cake Duchess, made the same exact recipe and posted hers, for today.

I spend way too much time on Pinterest, and not enough time on my blog these last few months. I cannot download photos from my camera for the last couple weeks...and of course, to upload. I ordered the needed accessories to replace the old ones for my Canon Power Shot SX130, from Amazon; (cable cord, and adapter)...and if that doesn't work, then I will upgrade to a Canon Rebel camera!

"Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is a safe color, if you don't know what color to use anywhere use green.

Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eye shades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia." 

                                             Vegan Avocado-Tomato Toasts for #greenslove
Moving on to the next project:

I have been graciously invited once again...this year by a special Hungarian food blogger friend, from Katalin @Konyhája to participate in this Easter Menu Suggestion...Husvéti Ajánlat Játék originally initiated by Éva, from Takarékos Konyha...literally meaning, Éva's Thrifty Kitchen, in English. What a coincidence. My blog is Food and Thrift, in Hungarian...Étel és Takarékosság, very similar. 

Katalin, köszönöm szépen a kedves meghivást...Éva, köszönöm a kedves Husvéti Játékot!

This year, I will be featuring light, and Springtime suggestions...Easter is coming rather early this year, so is Passover, which always coincides with Easter...not a coincidence! For this year, I am featuring some International dishes...will be staying...have been staying away from heavy, and fatty meats, and red meats, although I do crave an occasional nice portion of steak, or homemade hamburger, grilled outdoors, with all the fixings!...never mind that, just lets concentrate on light, colorful, and tasty dishes that I have prepared in the past for spring, and summer, and stay with that!

Thanking Katalin, and Éva, and I will be paying forward the invite to 2 other food bloggers, as requested!
Köszönöm Katalin, és Köszönöm Éva...már is tovább adom a meghivót...Kriszti, az Illéskrisz Konyhája...  extending the invitation to Zsuzsa, from Zsuzsa is in the Kitchen
 Just click on the link for the original post, and recipe!
                                                              Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup
                                                               Wild Mushroom Risotto
                                          Fabrizio's Easter Lamb Shanks ...served over basic risotto, but can be served over Wild Mushroom risotto, as well! ...and I also recommend a nice spring pasta dish which you can pair with fresh salmon, if you wish not to eat lamb. (this year I'm omitting heavy meats)
                           Farfalle with Salmon, and a light cream sauce
                                         Flourless Chocolate Mousse Cake
                                                Coconut Macaroons
                                             Perfect 'brownie pan' Brownies


Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love tomato,avocado and sprouts for a sandwich. I also love vietnamese soup. You have a very interesting menu for this Easter. Have a good one!

  2. Gosh, Elisabeth, so many delicious treats in one post...I don't even know where to start...and I want to taste every single one. That avocado tomato topped toast looks particularly delicious to me. Pasta with salmon and peas is very tempting too though I am trying dang hard to avoid high-carb food these days.

  3. That vegan toast looks wonderful, everything in this Easter menu looks irresistible. Hoping you get all your camera issues sorted out. Spring is right around the corner and with it Easter. Both have always signified new beginnings for me and I wish for you fresh new beginnings filled with much hope and happiness.

  4. Csodás ajánlatod van, mindegyiket megkóstolnám szívesen, de most leginkább az a bárárny tetszett meg:) Nekem még fogalmam sincs miket fogok készíteni húsvétra, nehéz a döntés:) Örülök, hogy posztoltál, remélem jól vagy és a családod is, vigyázz magadra és hozzál új recepteket:)

  5. Nagyon szép és guszta ételeket teszel az ünnepi asztalodra! Szívesen lennék a vendéged! Nagyon örülök hogy játékot folytattad, köszönöm!

  6. Dear Elisabeth where do I post the menu? And am I supposed to invite two people?

  7. Nagyon szép, gusztusos lett az összeállításod, finom ételeket válogattál bele :)

  8. Such an irresistible menu, Elizabeth!! Love all the vibrant colors…and delicious dishes! I am really loving the lamb shanks…boy do they look incredible! And, that gorgeous chocolate cake with lovely strawberries on top…yum! Have a great day, my friend! I’ve missed you!

  9. Your menu looks stunning! That Vietnamese chicken soup just pops out of the page.

    I have an Irish background so love St Paddy's day and always celebrate it :D Also, I have the Canon rebel and it's great!

  10. That menu sounds delicious Elisabeth, Yummy . I like that healthy sandwich flourless chocolate mousse. With your canon rebel you are going to make lot of yummy food. Welcome back.

  11. What a wonderful menu, I like all the suggestions, but my favorite would be the Fabrizio's Easter Lamb Shanks, I would love to prepare and taste these lamb shanks.


  12. Everything looks so good,especially that,wild mushroom risotom, make my mouth watering and what beatiful coconut macaroon :)

  13. Micsoda választék! :) Szebbnél szebb ételek szebbnél szebben fotózva! :) Nem is tudnék választani, végigkóstolnám mindet! :)

  14. Köszönöm a játékra való meghívást, már el is készítettem az enyémet. Nálad is szuper a felhozatal, a gombás rizottó és a bárány tetszik a legjobban!

  15. Elisabeth, green is my favourite colour. So if I see any cakes or desserts on display, you can be sure if it is green or has some green, I'll zoom in on it :) Your menu suggestion is perfect! I will have a sampling of everything in it :)

  16. Elisabeth, what a surprising delicious-looking choice of dishes! Zsuzsa has kindly invited me to participate in the game and I was so scared to spoil the European, traditional image of Easter, but your wonderful and partly exotic dishes make me feel already calmer ;-)

  17. Elisabeth, olyan gazdag ajánlat, nem is tudom mit választanék:) De a Csirkeleves, a lazacos tészta, és az epres süti biztos benne lenne:)

  18. The Easter spread on your blog is making me drool! Look at that lamb shank and that rissotto! WOW, in fact, eeach one of the dishes is oozing with flavour! :)

  19. Fingers crossed that your camera woes will be over soon! LOVE all your spring recipes...each selection looks incredible!!! xo

  20. Hi Elizabeth, I'm here from Zsuzsa's blog; Zsuzsa invited me to participate in this exciting Easter roundup.
    Your Easter menu is beautiful, I will have a hard time collecting enough lovely recipes to include.

  21. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, wow... that's a lot of scrumptious food. Everything look so inviting and hard to say NO if you'll to invite me over for lunch or dinner. :))

    Beautiful pictures, all very well taken.
    Happy belated St Patrick Day. Have a lovely weekend. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  22. hi elisabeth, all the food looking delicious..not saying it just to make you happy but it's true! hope you are all well! Cheers!

  23. Hello! Seriously love your blog. That flourless choc cake and strawberry toppings is making me salivate! hahah. Hope you post more soon!

    Follow back if you can :)

  24. Great selection Elisabeth...they all look great!
    Enjoy your week my dear :)

  25. Ciao Carissima!!!!
    How are you?? :-))
    Recipes delicious for Easter,brava!!!!! :-))
    Happy Easter to you and your family.. :-*

  26. Hi Elizabeth, beautiful suggestions, especially the sweet ones!!!Hope you're doing well and wishing you a Blessed Resurrection Day,XO

  27. Hi my dear Elisabeth, how you doing? Drop by to wish you Happy Easter Sunday and a great weekend. With hugs and love to you.

  28. ohhhh... such a cute poster :) love the variation on the keep calm poster :)

  29. Csodás menűsor, csodás fotókkal - dehát ez tőled már megszokott!

  30. I am dropping by to say Happy Easter and to thank you for dropping by my blog a few days ago. Yes I try to blog from time to time, but I'm not good at keeping a regular schedule. But hey, blogging should be fun and not stressful right... so blog when I can is the rule of the day.

    Thanks for the blog love mi amiga. May the gifts of Easter be yours...
