Sunday, May 19, 2013


Madeleines cookies are usually on the 'pale side' in color; they are also dusted with powdered sugar most of the time. I purposely chose mine with light brown sugar to give it a golden color, and wanted to show of the beautiful 'groove' lines from this awesome nonstick Madeleines baking pan which I ordered from like this online order store has become a very favorite store of mine....that's where I ordered my Nikon COOLPIX L810 camera from, as well.
Would you believe this camera even has a 'food app?'...I mean, seriously! How cool is that?! It automatically sets itself for you for great close-ups on the food, but most of the time you have to do the adjusting, how close you want it. 16.1 MP, and 26X Zoom is great!

Getting back to the Madeleines...they are so buttery, light, delicious, and so easy to make. I found the recipe on...Joy of

Here are some series of photos I took this weekend from my condo complex... between 7:00-7:45PM




  1. Lovely photos and lovely Madelines....

    1. Thank you Patty, and Suhaina! ...getting more acquainted with my new camera!

  2. lovely view from ur Condo dear...the madelines looks so yumm..

  3. Wow, My Favorite one. I used to get this from Target. This one look great and wonderful clicks.

  4. Beautiful photos and beautiful madeleines. I love Amazon, too. :)

  5. Gorgeous photos!! You must love your new toy :D

    I've never made madeleines, they look so elegant.

  6. LOVEEE this!! Wish I could just eat Madelines all day hahah

    xoxo Chels

  7. Elisabeth, love the chic new look of your blog! And the photos are awesome! This new camera is really worth it!

  8. Még sosem ettem madelainet, mert nincs formám hozzá, de már nagyon kíváncsi vagyok rá. Örvendek, hogy elégedett vagy az új fényképezőgépeddel, gyönyörűek is a fotók:)

  9. Elisabeth, szép a blogod új külleme!
    Madeleinest még nem sütöttem, neked nagyon jól sikerült!
    A fotóid gyönyörűek, sok sikert az új gépedhez!
    És hát csodálatos helyen laktok!

  10. Madeline forma is kell nekem, az még nincs:) De a kamerád is szuper, olyat is szeretnék, okos kis szerkentyű. Nagyon szépek a képeid, gondolom, most állandóan fotózol, teszteled az új gépet. Mennyivel másabb nálatok az oceán:) Szép hetet kívánok:)

  11. Fantastic madeleines Elisabeth. I actually like it when they're a bit golden... not pale. That way, you can really see the ridges/lines...
    That's great about the camera. I want to invest in one, at the moment I'm just using my iPhone :)

  12. madeleines looks perfect Elisabeth,my kind of cookies and gorgeus picture too and other pictures make me want to go to the beach,beautiful :)

  13. New template looks really cool, Elizabeth. Looks like that you have been having fun with your new camera. Love the beautiful!
    These madeleines look fantastic!

  14. Nagyon szép lett a süteményed, még én eddig nem sütöttem ilyet! Nagyon szép fotókat készítettél és a blogod új ruhája is jó lett!

  15. Elisabeth, I love your new blog theme! The photos are beautiful and the simple black background showcases them in a wonderful way. Your madeleines look beautiful and so perfectly shaped! I now start craving madeleines too... You are lucky to have such a wonderful weather. I think I am having the worst May in my whole life...

  16. Csodálatos fotókat készítettél, és ez a madelein annyira pihe-puha finomnak látszik. Én is sokszor sütök, nagyon szeretem. Örülök drága Elisabeth, hogy bevált az új fényképezőgéped. Igaz először meglepődtem, mert egy teljesen más blog fogadott, de aztán rögtön láttam, hogy jó helyen járok.
    Holnap reggel fekszem be a kórházba, majd írok ha újra itthon leszek. Puszillak

  17. You have such a beautiful view from your condo. Glad to see that you are enjoying your new camera. Great shot of your lovely madeleines.

    P.S. I like your new blog look too.

  18. Nagyon szép képek, mindig elcsábulok a pálmafáktól...Főleg ha tengerparton állnak...Jó a fotó aparát, biztos ügyes masina. A sütemény csodás, viszem a receptjét!

  19. Ciao Cara!!!
    How are you?? I hope well..:-)
    Your madeleines are amazing..complimenti!!!
    Kisses and hug

  20. Beautiful madeleines...perfect! Beautiful shots as well...I sure can see that you are having a lot of fun with your camera.
    Have a lovely week Elisabeth :)

  21. Hi Elisabeth, how are you? These Madeleines cookies look so yummy! They are perfect for afternoon tea-break! They look so tasty, I would like to make some right now!:-)By the way, I like the new look of your blog, it's simple and clean. Very modern! Are you on Google+, Elisabeth? I started using Google+ a lot, it's great for promoting your blog, and leave comments for others, and you can join different "circles" and be connected with other food bloggers too! It's great :-)

  22. Elizabeth,nagyon tetszik az új blogod! csoda szép a sütid!Még soha nem sütöttem,nincs formám!
    Hamarosan szabin leszek,és jövök nézlek,és írok is Neked!!!
    Nagyon szép a hely ahol élsz,csodás a kilátás!!!puszillak!
    Régen jártam Nálad,de most majd bepótolom!!!

  23. How cool Elisabeth! I love your new look. I'ts so contemporary. These madeleines look lovely. I will put on the tea.

  24. Hello Elisabeth, I love the fresh new look. It's so sophisticated. And your new toy err camera does great with the new look as well. So happy for you!

  25. Love your new look, Elisabeth. Your madeleines look perfect and absolutely beautiful!
    Lovely photos…enjoy the new camera!
    Have a great memorial weekend!

  26. Your madeleines are making me hungry, they look so light and delicious. Your new camera is doing a great job to help you capture things both near and far - lovely views.

  27. Hi my dear Elisabeth, look like you enjoyed playing with your new camera. All your pictures are very well taken, sharp and clear.

    The madeleines look superb and the colour look beautiful. Very well baked. Great to go with coffee.

    Love your blog 'new look'. :))
    Have a nice weekend. With hugs and love to you.
