Friday, June 21, 2013

For the 'Love of Foods' in Italy

I did not take a lot of photos of 'foods' ...simply, because the second week when I met up with my daughter. I was the official 'food photographer'...I became the 'annoying paparazzi, and tried to limit my food photos~

nothing like a casual morning walk to the local outdoor market...the freshest fruits and vegetables
grown locally!
Another fruit and vegetable stand at the outdoor market!
This is the local supermarket which is in a mall, and has other great shops as well.
You can try, and win this car while you're vacationing there!
These little mini pull baskets were very convenient!
Awesome seafood section...although I was asked not to take any in Whole Foods in the U.S., my store photos ended in the seafood isle; sad to say!
Just look at these lovely fish...all saying "hello"
Wow! Just look at the size of this octopus!
Outside the mall...all cloudy, and later in the afternoon...pouring rain. You can see the mountains in the background!

The first day for lunch I just opted for the baked fish and mixed salad...(no pasta for me)
Hard to resist a fresh homemade focaccia...right out of the oven.
Homemade olives from their farm in Calabria...just can't stop eating this, sooo incredibly good!
preparation for the next lunch...fresh farm grown arugula pesto for pasta!
Lots of freshly grated ParmigianaReggiana cheese

See what I mean? can't just eat salad? You go to Italy to eat pasta, pizza, and gelato!
...and don't skip dessert. Homemade crostata (tart) filled with homemade apricot jam...yumm!

After a great lunch a 'walk to the playground-park'...reading my novel. Park was empty, kids still in school!

Thank you for all your good wishes for speedy recovery!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! xo


  1. Wow I am sooo jealous! Looks like you are having a great time with a lot of delicious food.

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  2. All the fresh fruits,veggies and fresh seafood, what else ? beautiful view and delicious meal sound like you had a grand time,enjoy your weekend :)

  3. Sounds like you´re having a great time being a food paparazzi Elisabeth! I wish I was in Italy now, one of my favorite countries. Say hi to Lora and enjoy your vacation!

  4. Such a wonderful array of home made and fresh foods. Looks like you had a good time there and it looks relatively peaceful. At least until the children are on school break and all the summer tourists descend.

  5. Sounds like great time Elisabeth, I am seeing Facebook pictures posted by Lora. Enjoy the vacation and come back with lot of memories and picture.

  6. Ezt nevezem piacnak:) Csodaszép fotók:) Kellemes hétvégét:)

  7. The range of fruit at the outdoor markets is astounding. So much delicious looking food, no wonder you enjoyed taking so many photos - and sampling!

  8. De csodás minden kép, jót nevettem a paparazzin, néha én is annak érzem magam :) Nagyon szép hétvégét kívánok neked is:)

  9. I want that crostata!! Yes, yes, dessert first, then I want some fish and salad to end the dinner.
    You sure had a great time in Italy!

  10. The best tasting fruit I've ever tasted was in Italy. Your food photos have brought back wonderful beautiful. Such a fantastic trip...good food, family and scenery. Hope your weekend is off to a good start. xo

  11. Nagyon szép képeket készítettél, csodálatosak a gyümölcsök és zöldségek, no meg a halak és a táj is :)

  12. Beautiful photos of your trip! Glad you're feeling better too. Water stations would be wonderful to have here they make so much sense, and they would reduce plastic waste. :)

  13. Erzsi,

    Great blog,awesome pictures from your trip to Italy.Talented lady.Lots of loyal followers.
    Finally I figure it out how to comment .There is one think that I have no way to figure it out..When I signed in,first Google taken me to a page where it tells me to welcome to my blog,and how to start one.The only way I could get back to your blog after I shut it down ,and re open it again.

    Hugs from your old friend.


    1. Hi Melinda, surprise, surprise! I'm the one who's really surprised. You finally figured out how to comment on my blog...knowing you don't have a blog but have been following mine since day 1.

      So glad to see you here among my other friends as well. You and I certainly go back a long way and have managed to stay in touch.
      Thanks for you visit and sweet comment!

  14. Thank you Elisabeth for sharing this delicious photos. I am surprised you have managed to take so many photos before someone stopped you; I think photos are forbidden in every single shop in whole Europe (especially supermarkets). Everything looks delicious! Of course you have to eat pasta in Italy!

  15. Nagyon izgalmas piac, szívesen körbe járnám. No meg persze a vidéket is. Az olasz ételek nagyon finomak, főleg az egyszerű tészta ételeik. Szinte nincs rajtuk semmi de mégis olyan finomak. Már alig várom, hogy elmenjünk itthonról egy kis idegen vidékre.

  16. There's nothing like beautiful photographs to help you re-live a wonderful vacation. Thanks for sharing some of your time in Italy with us through your camera lens.
    Happy to hear that you and your ankle are on the mend.

  17. Such lovely, colourful photos Elisabeth, I really enjoyed looking through them.

    You've given me an idea for a tart recipe looking at that jam tart, yum. And the fish and salad looks amazing. I totally agree also, that you go to Italy to eat pasta, pizza and gelato - I would add in red wine and bread there also ;)

    Glad you're feeling better too :)

  18. Looks like you had a great time there Elisabeth. I love going to Italy and I can't wait to be back (hopefully sometime soon). I would not be able to resist that warm focaccia and those olives. Beautiful!

  19. Hi my dear Elisabeth, glad to know that you'd recover. I enjoyed looking at all your very well taken pictures. Those fruits and vege... lots of varieties to explore and the fish is so fresh. First time I'm seeing a huge octopus. LOL

    Love your homemade tarts and focaccia, they are really awesome. Those olive look great, very appetizing.

    With lots of love and hugs to you. Have a wonderful day.

  20. Wow Elisabeth, I’m so enjoying your trip to Italy! Your photos are just gorgeous! I would love to go there just to shop in the outdoor markets. Incredibly beautiful!! So glad you are feeling better!

  21. i love going to the fresh market too, tho they look very different from the ones in the photo, i do enjoy looking at each and every one of the local produce.

  22. Csodálatos fotók, és még csodálatos a piac látványa. Itt aztán kedvünkre válogathatnánk akár a zöldségfélékből, gyümölcsökből, és azokból a friss halacskákból. Imádom a polipot, és ebből a példányból aztán lehetne egy igazi finomságot készíteni.

  23. Ez egy nagyon klassz piac Elisabeth! This is the one thing I still miss where I live. You have to drive, drive and drive to the various farms if you want fresh produce. No supermarket fare compares with it.
