Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Stop and Smell the Roses"

 I arrived back late Sunday night, but not a very successful way. The worst summer flu, with a throat infection...a slightly sprained ankle two days before leaving (same ankle that I sprained 2yrs ago) this time missing a step down from stairway ...otherwise, I had the most relaxing and wonderful  amazing time...ever!

I actually do have a recipe for you...Lemon Bars that I made there for my Italian (extended) family and it turned out super luscious and perfect...thanks to the best and natural 'farmer butter' so fresh and sweet.

I took two great soft covered novels with me...which I read in less than one week...took long walks, ate amazing homemade foods. One thing that I took time to notice...take time to 'smell the roses' which are all around Como, and in Aosta (located very, far up northern Italy, abt. 3hrs from Como; surrounded by high mountains that some still have snow on them even in the summer...about 1 hr. drive to Switzerland, and part of France!

I will keep you posted, as soon as I feel better! xoxo

'Stop and smell the roses'... is a cliché that is widely used in the United States. We are all familiar with its meaning, which is, to take time to appreciate a situation or slow down and pay attention to what is going on around you.
'Stop and smell the roses' is commonly used when talking to someone who seems too busy to enjoy life.

Most often, this phrase is used by a well-meaning friend or family member when they become concerned that you are over-worked, or are not taking time to enjoy the pleasures of life.

This phrase can also be used just as a gentle reminder to take a few minutes for yourself each day.


  1. Bizony szépek ezek a rózsák, tényleg jó lenne mindennap megállni és rájuk csodálkozni kicsit:) Remélem azért jól telt a vakációd, kipihented magad:)

  2. Beautiful photos. I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation despite your physical challenges.

  3. Csodaszép fotókat hoztál, remélem feltöltődve és tele élményekkel tértél haza:) Jobbulást kívánok neked, aztán várjuk azt a citromos receptet, meg a többit is:)

  4. Sounds like the most amazing time! Hope you are soon feeling well again and able to smell the flowers and baking of home!

  5. Wow looks like you had a great time, sooo jealous! Hopefully you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing your vacation, even though it makes me super jealous!

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  6. Beautiful roses! So glad you had a wonderful trip. Hope you feel better soon! :)

  7. Csodás helyen jártál, a rózsák pedig mese szépek, nagyon szeretem őket!:))

  8. Welcome back, Elisabeth. I hope you feel better soon. Beautiful roses.

  9. Welcome back Elisabeth,I hope you feel better soon, take a rest ! what abeautiful view and roses :)

  10. Elisabeth, glad you are back! Do rest, drink lots of water and get well soon. Those roses are gorgeous!

  11. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, sooooo good to see you back home. But sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Wishing you speedy recovery and get well soon.

    Oh my gosh.... those roses are really gorgeous and beautiful. The first picture....the scenery is absolutely beautiful. Nice place to visit. Glad to know that you had a great time.

    With lots of love and hugs to you. Take care.

  12. Love the roses! Glad to hear that you are back safe if not relatively sound health wise. Hope you are healed and healthy very soon.

  13. Nagyon szépek a képid, szinte érzem a rózsák illatát :) Mielőbbi jobbulást kívánok!

  14. Welcome home, Lizzie! So sorry about the ankle and the flu...ugh, but it still looks like you had a marvelous trip. The roses and countryside are just spectacular...glad you had some time to relax among such beauty.

  15. Beautiful roses Elisabeth! Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well. Get well soon xoxo

  16. Csodálatos helyen, gyönyörű rózsák között vakációztál!
    Sajnálatos, hogy nem a legjobban végződött.
    Mielőbbi felgyógyulást kívánok!

  17. Oh such lovely photos! Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly though. Welcome home, we all missed you :)

  18. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well after the vacation Elisabeth. It is good tho to hear you did enjoy your time in Italy. I came back one month ago from my trip back to US and on the second week, I tripped and fell and broke my left foot and there goes my holiday! But then, I enjoyed spending time with my step daughter and my step son in law though. I am now on one crutch and hopefully, I will be be able to walk without any by end of July. Wishing you feel better soon! HUGZZZ!

  19. Such lovely photos!! Hope you feel better soon!

  20. Szépek, érzem az illatukat!

  21. Gorgeous photos (and sorry you got sick)! I would love a quick Italian getaway myself...

  22. Sounds like you had an amazing vacation! Welcome home! Sorry about your ankle and the flu. Your photos are beautiful…how could you not "stop and smell those roses”! Get well soon!

  23. Jobbulást kívánok. Remélem azért jól telt a pihenés. Ezek a rózsák csodaszépek! Köszönöm a kedves szavakat, amiket a blogomba írtál, nagyon jól esnek! :o)

  24. Elisabeth, I'm glad to hear you have had lovely holidays. Such a pity you came back ill. I suspect airplanes to be guilty of many colds but maybe it was simply a climate change in your case. I hope your leg gets better too. The most important is that all that hasn't spoilt your stay in Italy. I hope you will present us some of your food inspirations soon. The photos are beautiful.

  25. Wow, looks like an amazing holiday. Hope you are feeling much better!

  26. that's a beautiful view from the balcony! hope you are getting better!

  27. Csodálatos fotók, meseszép rózsák!!!Remélem már jobban érzed magad. Jobbulást kívánok!!!

  28. Looks like your new camera had a great workout in Italy. Take good care of that ankle... as you know the strain never really goes away.
