Saturday, June 1, 2013

Flaky Buttery Biscuits...and Italy, vacation!

So, this is Lake Como, where I will be  Italy. Leaving tomorrow morning, but did not want to leave without saying 'goodbye' to you my dear friends!
I still can't believe that I'm going to Italy, but I did want to share a last minute recipe, and a 'goodbye'!
I got this recipe from a library book which I can't remember the name, but it is really good, flaky, and buttery goodness!

Flaky Buttery Biscuits
makes 12 small, or 6 large biscuits

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt
6 Tbsp.  (3/4 stick chilled unsalted butter)
cut into small pieces
3/4 cups whole milk

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Butter or line a baking sheet.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Using a fork or 2 table knives, combine the butter and flour mixture until they resemble a coarse meal slowly add the milk, stirring with a fork, to the desired consistency.

For softer biscuits, drop 2 tablespoon of the dough onto the lined baking sheet. For firmer biscuits, turn the dough out onto a clean, lightly floured surface, and gently knead just to bring the dough together,  Carefully roll out the dough about 3/4 inch thick, cut about 12 biscuits, re rolling any scraps,. Place on the lined baking sheet.

The biscuits can be frozen at this point. Freeze on the baking sheet, then remove to a resealable container or plastic bag for easier storage. Bake the biscuits for 13 to 15 minutes...add 3 to 4 additional minutes for frozen ones...until brown.. Cool slightly, and serve warm.

See you in 2 weeks...take care, and love you guys! Ciao~xo


  1. Hi my dear Elisabeth, enjoy your vacation. Have a rolling good time, have fun take lots of pictures to show us. Don't forget to eat some nice Italian food on behalf of us, show us what you eat too. ^-^

    Your this biscuit certainly look flaky and awesome. I'm sure it taste awesome with some butter and fruit compote or maybe egg and sausage.

    Oh ya, your posting pictures is over lapping the side bar. You have to adjust the width of the your blog.
    You go to template - click "customize" - select "Adjust Widths" the move the little bar 'Entire blog' to 1250 and 'right side bar' to 390 then 'apply to blog' OR you can adjust it smaller, up to your preference.

    Take care, with lots of hugs and kisses to you. Be seeing you.

    1. Thank you my sweet friend, Amelia...I did adjust it; glad you noticed it. Maybe not the same exact number, but I did get it out of the 'overlapping' on the side bar!

      We did have the biscuit as a sandwich with some yummy ham slices and grandson really loved it. Also, with sausage and egg sounds like a winner for breakfast. Hugs,

  2. Have a wonderful trip! Thanks for the biscuits- they look yummy! :)

  3. Have a safe trip and have fun Elisabeth,what a beautiful place I hope I can visit italy in the future, btw perfect looking biscuits for breakfast,Yum :)

  4. Have a wonderful vacation!
    Save me a piece of biscuit, please!

  5. Elisabeth, have a beautiful vacation!
    De szívesen tartanék veled, én is úgy ki vagyok éhezve egy kis pihenésre, de az sem most lesz még.
    A Párom jó pár éve dolgozott egy hónapot Itáliában a Como tó mellett, azt mondta gyönyörű vidék. Hátha összefutsz George Clooney - val, neki is ott van villája:)

  6. Elisabeth!
    Mit nem adnék,ha mehetnék egy kicsit én is Olaszországba! De talán majd egyszer! Nagyon kellemes nyaralást,boldog idő töltést,sok pihenést, jó étkeket,és sok-sok fényképet kérünk a boldog nyárról! Itt rossz az időjárás,kevés napsütés,de ott legyen sok napsütés és boldogság!!!
    puszil szeretettel Piroska!!!!

  7. Have a great time Elizabeth. I am super jealous!!!

  8. Kedves Elisabeth! Nagyon jó pihenést, jó időt, szép városnézést kívánok Nektek! Legyen szép az összes eltöltött napod a csodás Itáliában.

  9. Definitely need to try to make my own biscuits sometime, your recipe sounds incredible! I am so jealous of your Italy trip, it is a beautiful country :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  10. Csodás nyaralást kívánok Neked, biztosan jól fogod érezni magad a napfényes Itáliában:) Remélem viszed az új kamerádat is és sokat fogsz fotózni:)

  11. Bon Voyage Elisabeth! Enjoy!

  12. Bon Voyage! I am so jealous that you are going to be in Italy... but enjoy your trip! Sending you off with warm hugs and kisses!

  13. Elisabeth, you must be in Italy by now. Hope you have a great time. There's loads of good Italian food which I am sure you will be eating!

  14. The biscuits look and sound wonderful, but not as wonderful as your vacation to Italy! Enjoy your wonderful trip! Bon Voyage, Elizabeth! Safe travels!

  15. Have lovely holidays, Elisabeth! The biscuits look lovely. Thank you for such a delicious goodbye gift :-)

  16. Both the biscuits and the vacation deserve an applause Elisabeth! Enjoy many lazy days in one of my favorite destinations in the world, Italy!

  17. Elisabeth! You lucky duck. I'm a bit late but hope you're having a wonderful time and looking forward to heaps of beautiful photos on your return.

  18. Wowwww....your holiday in Italy!!!!
    Ottima scelta cara!!!! :-)))
    I'm glad for you!!!
    A strong hug


  19. The biscuits look great Elisabeth...flaky and light.
    Italy sounds a lot of fun for vacation...enjoy!

  20. Have fun Elisabeth! I look forward to reading your delicious adventure in Italy! :)

  21. Hi Elisabeth! I just come back to blogging and your off to Italy! Have a wonderful time. If anything I've learned to live each day to it's fullest! Enjoy!!

    I will have to make these biscuits...I keep putting off making biscuit and I don't know's on my list (I have now have the summer off)


  22. oh, you' re in italy! hv a great, great hols! catch up soon!

  23. Enjoy! My dream is to visit Italy some day. Have a wonderful vacation.


  24. I hope you've arrived safely. I'll miss you, my friend!!! But I know you'll bring back wonderful stories and recipes :) xoxo

  25. Your biscuits look perfect. I'm so behind in reading and you are probably on your way home by now. I hope you have (had) a wonderful time in Italy and that your return(ed) refreshed and relaxed.

  26. Sounds like you had a great time in Italy! Those biscuits look amazing! I'm jealous! Lake Como looks absolutely beautiful. Is it by any chance close to Tuscany? My fiance and I are going to be going on our honeymoon in Tuscany. We actually just booked our stay at the villas in Tuscany, Italy. We can't wait!
