Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Creole Shrimp and Rice...my way!

Living in sunny South Florida gives us the advantage of obtaining the freshest seafood every day...available, 365 days a year. You can even buy it from fishermen coming back from the fishing boats...not cheap, but affordable and oh, so amazing and fresh!
I love shrimp, especially the pink Key West shrimp. I saw the CREOLE SHRIMP AND RICE  recipe in June, 2013 issue of Cooking Light magazine and I was impressed by it, but adding the 1 cup of milk to make the Creole Sauce was not my 'cup of tea', so I adapted the recipe changing it to the 'ruby red' spicy sauce, and serving it with Jasmine rice!
I discovered this beautiful bag of little treasures...fresh San Marzano mini tomatoes...grown in Texas, so sweet, crunchy and yummy; you can eat it just like 'candy' but I used it in my sauce, along with the Red Gold tomatoes... that I still had left over from my promotion pack. No need for extra spices, although I used the same recipe as the one from Cooking Light, and added 1 can of the Chili Ready diced tomato.

We all have a way of dealing with 'stress' a different way. Most people eat for comfort...or shop for comfort...be a 'hoarder' of accumulated unnecessary things; as for me, I also shop, but I do the 'thrift shopping' and only for items that I really could use in my kitchen or around the house.

As for eating...I substitute it for 'food shopping'! My cupboards are slightly overflowing with just about every staple item needed for cooking or baking; my fridge is full with fruits, vegetables, dairy products, breads and rolls in the freezer. Food shopping brings me comfort, but it can be costly if all the perishable items are not used up in time.

I'm not the type of person to complain about my physical health...aches, and pains, or even keeping a doctor's appointment; rather cancelling and re-scheduling, instead. To get to the point, I've been neglecting my every 3 months dermatology check ups...after over a year, I finally visited the dermatologist office to check for dangerous moles or spots sprouting up. Since the last couple months I had at least half a dozen suspicious moles and spots...some cancerous, removed from my back, chest, and arm, and now I am dealing with two more that are a little more complex.

So, if you did not hear from me for over a week...posting, commenting, its not because I'm on vacation its just LIFE HAPPENS...every day is a 'challenge' of some sorts.

I had a dangerous skin cancer (Basal Carcinoma) surgically removed from the middle of my forehead this morning...three consecutive sessions...digging, scraping, carving; now its stitched up, and I'm not feeling my best, and next month I will have to have another one surgically removed.

Here's some helpful information about skin cancer...from the SKIN CANCER FOUNDATION

When you don't hear from me, and I'm not blogging...or on Facebook...something's up.
I also forgot to mention that, Pinterest has been a great comfort for me for the last week, just pinning...pinning...and marveling at all the amazing and beautiful things. Also, I've been 'downsizing' and getting rid of things. I hauled more clothes, books...mostly cookbooks, and small pieces of furniture, to donate...you would think that I'm moving!

Have a wonderful week, ahead! xo

Linking to:Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner
                  Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage



  1. oh no, I'm so sorry to hear your health troubles, please take good care, your recipe today is wonderful, the full pantry sounds good too! Thats something I need to do tomorrow, shop!

  2. Elisabeth, take care of health that is important. Glad that you are able to remove carcinoma, go to checkup as needed. My friend, life is precious.
    By the way recipe looks delicious and colorful.

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    Hope that you recover well after your surgery. Skin cancer is also one of the biggest killer in Australia. We were always told to Slip-Slop-Slap! :D

    Hope that you will eat well and enjoy lots of delicious Florida shrimp dishes while recovering.


  4. Elisabeth, nagyon sajnálom, gyógyulást kívánok, s imádkozom Istenhez, hogy megsegítsen téged.
    Nagyon jól hangzik ez a recept, szívesen megkóstólnám:)

  5. Kedves Elisabeth, nagyon vigyázz magadra, mielőbbi gyógyulást kívánok!
    Finomat főztél, nagyon szép színes és guszta, bár én rákféket nem szoktam enni :)

  6. Elisabeth, I am so SORRY to hear about your health problem and I wish you recover soon from the operation. I love the way you prepared shrimp...saucy and moreish!

  7. Remélem jól vagy, a bőrrák az egyik legveszélyesebb, de ha időben észreveszik, akkor nincs gond. Nálunk sincs hiány tengeri herkenytyűkben, és a rákot imádom, meg a creol konyhát is, ez valami istenien néz ki:) Gondolok rád és szorítok, hogy minden rendben legyen a másik operációval is, várlak vissza:) Puszi:)

  8. Húú,csodás receptek és képek vannak Nálad! Szorítok, hogy az egészségeddel minden rendben legyen!

  9. Oh no, that sounds painful and scary. Yes life just does happen doesn't it. I just got over the flu, so thanks for the sweet birthday wishes. I hope that got your cancer early and that is all of it. Skin cancer is scary, hoping for the best. Wish we had a better variety of seafood here, I live too far inland and the cost is high or the freshness is iffy. Sending a hug.

  10. Love to finish that whole plate rite now,irresistible and seriously tempting...Take care of you..Wishing u a speedy recovery.

  11. Your shrimp and rice looks great. Hope you heal quickly. I've had that same procedure and I know it's not fun. So sorry you had to go through all that!

  12. Elisabeth, I hope that your skin lesions are under control. I guess you have to keep a close monitor on the growths and have them taken care of immediately. And I hope that you are healing well from the procedures. You must take good care of yourself. By the way, the Creole shrimps look delicious! Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants, so you are choosing the right foods :)

  13. I'm so sorry to hear you're dealing with a basal cell skin cancer...but I'm glad you had the lesion removed. Scary, I know. My sister had an early melanoma a few years back, so now I'm watching my skin like a hawk. Take care, my friend...hope you heal quickly! xo

    PS...I am envious of your gorgeous, fresh shrimp and your creole looks magnificent. I have some Red Gold tomatoes to use up, too :)

  14. I am sorry to hear about your skin cancer.I hope everything goes well for you.

    This creole shrimp looks delicious. I like that you changed out the milk for the tomatoes, that sounds better to me to.

  15. Creole shrimp looks lovely and delicious... with such pretty pics.. Hope you get well soon... Blessings.. Hugsxx

  16. The rice and shrimp combo looks absolutely delightful! So sorry to hear about what's going on. Take good care of yourself Elisabeth. I hope all is going well and you'll recover soon.

  17. So sorry Elisabeth, to hear about your skin problems. My husband has had several removed.
    Your Creole Shrimp looks so inviting and beautiful! I love a red sauce and yours looks perfect! Have a great day and take care! Sending you hugs!

  18. Ciao bella!!!! :-)))
    Come stai??
    Very very delicious your recipe!!! :PP
    Bravissima come sempre e tanti baciiiii

  19. Csodás tengeri étel. Szívesen elvenném most azt a tálat! Jobbulást neked, vigyázz magadra! Remélem minden rendben lesz!!

  20. Hi Elisabeth,
    We eat fish twice a day when we come to the coast, there is just such a difference in the fresh fish and the fish that we get here that has been frozen. Our lake is 6 ft down right now, so we aren't even doing any fishing from the lake. I shall dream about fresh fish and your recipe, it looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a good week!
    Miz Helen

  21. Hi my dear Elisabeth, how you doin'? Sorry I'm late in commenting. So sorry to hear about your health issue, hope you're recovering from your last week surgery. With medical now so advance, hope you can recover as soon as possible.

    BTW, your shrimp with jasmine rice look really inviting and scrumptious. I love shrimp regardless any recipe. :)Thank for sharing your wonderful recipe.

    Take care my dear. You're in my thought. With lots of hugs and love to you.

  22. Hope you're feeling better and keep up the good fight. But I can't access your recipe for shrimp and rice. Help.

    1. Thank your for your care, and concern and for commenting. To access the recipe, just click on the highlighted CREOLE SHRIMP AND RICE and it will show you the original recipe which I used and just switched the milk for the tomatoes!


  23. Thank you all for you kind comments, and good wishes. I finally got the stitches out from the surgery, and will be on my way for a complete recovery! I love hearing from you and truly appreciate your awesome heartfelt words! Hugs,

  24. Elisabeth, so sorry again for coming late... I am glad your first stage of surgery has been a success. I cross my fingers for next one. I'm sure it will go smoothly.
    Your shrimp dish looks marvellous. I'm actually having a shrimp salad today, but, alas fresh shrimp is not easy to find here. I'm already very lucky to have a big choice of big/small and different varieties frozen found in my shop for restaurant owners. Take care!

  25. Szia Elisabeth! Megnéztem a creol rákodat. Ez a konyha még felfedezésre váró terület a számomra. Nagyon kassz. Bárcsak én is tengerparttal rendelkező országban élnék. Klassz dolgok vannak nálad.
