Sunday, August 11, 2013

Peach Galette

When you attempt to make a 'free form' galette, it is so much easier to make a galette, and tastier than the store bought frozen pie crust...I really, highly recommend home made. Just follow the recipe for a double crust pie crust for your, @ The Clever Carrot...such an adorable name for a food blog; but I will not be commenting  (learned my lesson from previous times, when I promoted a blog)
NO response back!

As for the filling, I got the inspiration from here...@ Kitchen Sisters; but do not follow the instructions for 8 individual galettes, although the dough recipe is beautiful, and correct, but there is no way possible to make more than two galettes (they possibly meant 8 servings) The double crust recipe yields 1 large galette, or two smaller ones.

A perfect summer dessert recipe, and for the fall season as well, as long as you can get fresh peaches. We have an abundance of beautiful peaches, right from Georgia; the state that is famous for the best...ever peaches, just like our Florida is famous for the best...ever, oranges.

As you can see, when I make some kind of dessert, it doesn't last long in my little beach apartment, and so far this week, my children, and grandchildren have been here almost every day enjoying the beach. School is starting soon, and they got the best week to enjoy the last week of sunshine, which we didn't have a lot of in the last month! As soon as the galette got cool enough to cut slices, Gabby just grabbed a fork and ate half of the yummy galette, all by herself. It was just too 'awesome' to let this moment pass, so I grabbed my camera...she just cautioned me not to take a picture of her eating, right there, while it was still on top of the stove cooling!

I used 2 ripe, but firm peaches to fill my galettes and let me tell you...the crust was so full, I barely was able to fold the dough over...but the dough is so perfect each and every time, and I mix it in my large food processor, just using 'pulse' and not mixing rapidly. The dough will actually form into a ball, and then you're ready to wrap it in plastic and press down to shape it into a disk...don't forget to refrigerate for at least one hour.

This is what a chilled disk of dough looks like, all nicely wrapped in plastic wrap, and ready to roll out.

Just lift the plastic wrap off and place it over the top of the dough to roll out, right on the parchment lined baking pan. (make sure the dough is still cold, right after you took it out of the fridge)...this will ensure that you will get a great flaky crust.

A beautiful couple hours at our private beach!
Lora, checking her I-Phone...Luca collecting 'live' fishies and baby crabs and placing them in the bucket!

Can you spot the tiny baby crab in the middle?

A gorgeous Sunday on the will be starting, and I'm sure all kids got to take advantage of the last, or almost last Sunday, before school, doing some fun stuff!

Take care, and have a wonderful week ahead! Hugs, to all

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
                   Thursday Favorite Things @Katherines Corner



  1. This looks absolutely delicious Elisabeth. And home made pie crust is so much better than store bought, I agree!

    Lovely beach pics also :)

  2. Everything looks yummy...the beach, the peachie dessert...everything...enjoy!

  3. such a lovely rustic desert, you live in such a wonderful spot, your family must love to visit here!!! The water is a beautiful color!

  4. Hi Elisabeth,

    Totally agree with you that homemade pie crust from scratch is always the best but store bought crusts are always good for convenience and desperate moments :p

    Your galatte made with fresh peaches looks yummy!


  5. Oh yes!! That is one tiny crab! Your galette looks amazing. I was just craving something like this yesterday, I am totally mouth watered.

    Have a wonderful weel

  6. This galette looks wonderful. The peaches right now are so delicious. I love the pictures of the beach.

  7. What a wonderful beach! I need a couple of beach days before school starts. The peach galette looks divine- I'd love to grab a fork and devour it too. :)

  8. wow..these looks so the goldne yellow colour..

  9. Elisabeth, your peach galettes are awesome! I could wolf them down after they are out of the oven too :) Glad you are having a great time with your kids and grandkids!

  10. Nagyon szépet sütöttél, és biztosan nagyon finom is volt, mert gyorsan fogyott:)
    Szép helyen strandoltatok! További szép nyarat :)

  11. What a beautiful peach galette! The colour is so inviting. I wouldn't able to wait for the galette to cool completely. I'll burn my mouth for sure! but will cool it down with ice-cream on the side or creme fraiche :)

  12. Elisabeth, ilyet én is sütöttem, édes meg sós változatban is. Az édeset almával készítettem, nagyon finom volt. A barack nagy kedvencem nekem is, ki kell próbálnom vele a galettet:)

  13. Look at those sweet juicy peaches! My mouth is watering...a gorgeous rustic galette.

  14. Gorgeous galette! Rather sad that the summer is coming to a close for the kids (and us) isn't it.

  15. Tavaly nyáron nagyon sokat sütöttem, mindenféle gyümölccsel, szeretjük nagyon! Guszta lett nálad is, meg is kívántam most:)) puszi..

  16. Peaches are so good this time of year, this recipe sounds awesome! Great job :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  17. ÓÓÓÓÓ, de gyönyörűséges ennek a galettének a színe, az ízét pedig eltudom képzel. Nem is csodálkozom rajta, hogy Gabby csak úgy falta befelé. Biztosan nagyon jól érezték magukat a lányok a strandon, lesz miről meséljenek majd az iskolában. Nagyon szerencsés vagy, hogy ilyen szép helyen élsz. Puszillak drága Elisabeth!!!!

  18. Csodásan néz ki, imádom az ilyen rusztikus sütiket (is):) Kilószámra esszük mi is a nektarint, csak úgy magában, de a családnak el fogom ezt készíteni, nagyon tetszik:) Neked is szép hetet kívánok:)

  19. Yum, there's nothing that screams summer like peaches do and in a yummy galette with homemade pastry ....... all I can say is YUM .......... and drool a bit :)

  20. Hi my dear Elisabeth, your peach galette look really scrumptious. If you offer it to me, I'll not hesitate to finish it at one go. LOL
    Very tempting, the pastry look good.

    It's really nice to stay near the beautiful beach. :)
    I pop in to your your breakfast collections, I'm all shake up and wake up. LOL Thanks for the link.

    With hugs and lots of love to you. Have a nice week ahead.

  21. I have so many pears from my friend right now,maybe I have to make this with pears,looks delicious and fluffy cruncy crust and that crumbled and peaches is tempting me :)

  22. Sunday on the beach... You live in a dream place! The peach galette looks gorgeous, Elisabeth. The more sun, the better peaches are, so I can imagine how wonderful those from Florida taste. I must say it also looks exotic to me because the closest thing I know are very thin French tarts I often prepare either with bought puff pastry or with my own thin pastry (when I don't feel too lazy...). You have now inspired me to bake something with peaches! Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing the wonderful beach photos.

  23. Galette looks stunning and very fruity.

  24. I love the look of a galette and yours is perfect! I don't think I've ever made a peach one...and I need to soon! I'll definitely use your crust recommendation; it rolls perfectly! I'm glad you're enjoying some beach time with your children and grandchildren before school starts...the water is so gorgeous....such a beautiful place you live :)

  25. Annyira szeretem ezeket a rusztikus pitéket. Már egy csomó fajta gyümölccsel kipróbáltam. Almával, körtével, barackkal, áfonyával és szilvával. Mindegyikkel nagyon finom. Nem túl sok dolog van vele és irtó finom tud lenni. A tenger mesés!

  26. Perfect looking galette, Elizabeth! I would love a piece of that beautiful galette right now! There’s nothing like peaches in season. And a perfect day for the beach, especially when it’s with your grandchildren and children. A wonderful place to call home! Have a great day!

  27. What a beautiful galette, and yes, peach looks and sounds delicious...yum!
    Nice pictures of the beach...hope you are having a lovely week Elisabeth :D

  28. Looks delicious. Peach anything is awesome.
    Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
    Angel @

  29. i can't make a perfect pie nor pizza but galette i can make... yeah i love the free form idea suits me to a tee.
    I finally got the mojos back Elisabeth, yes I'm back to blogging... and that means, I'm back visiting friends like you!
    Take care!

  30. hi elisabeth, i think i will be less stressful when comes to making galettes..u know, i'm quite bad at lining and trimming the dough in the dough pan..and most of the time i make my own pastry simply becos the ready ones are not available here at my place! haha..still i believe home made ones are indeed much better and gives me an opportunity to practice more..hehe..hugs back to you and hv a beautiful coming weekend!

  31. Hi Elisabeth,
    We just love peaches and the peach filling for your galette has great flavor. It is a beautiful Galette that we would just love!

    Those wonderful white beaches that you'al have in Florida are some of the most beautiful in the entire world, your photos are very inviting.

    Thank you so much for sharing your delicious recipe with Full Plate Thursday.
    Have a great weekend!
    Miz Helen

  32. Just mouthwatering...looks delicious!

  33. Oh my this makes me want to run out and get some peaches. Yum. Lovely beach photos too my friend. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  34. Nothing beats homemade dough, and galette is the perfect choice when you want to make a quick pie. Peach pie is always good, this one is lovely! Enjoy the summer!

  35. Elisabeth,
    I love the galette with your Georgia peaches, just gorgeous. Your beach pics are so inviting, and get to see that everyday, lucky you!

  36. G'day! Love rustic desserts, true!
    Love how we can all be inspired every day food wise world wise too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  37. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Have a great weekend and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Miz Helen

  38. Beautiful. I love these free-form pies and I always make my own dough. Peaches are heavenly in August!
