Monday, August 5, 2013

Jelly Roll...Piskóta Tekercs

Jelly Roll, or Piskóta Tekercs ...pronounced as (Pishkota Tekerch) is, and has been truly a childhood favorite of mine and for a lot of years...also, my children are quite familiar with this awesome and light delicate cake that my favorite Hungarian aunt Mariska used to make on many occasions. My son insists that it is best filled with the smooth-as-silk chocolate filling, not just any old chocolate filling but the one that is like a mousse type and tastes like milk chocolate.
I did not take too good of a photo of was an extremely stormy day over this weekend, I got soaked in the rain coming out of the supermarket yesterday afternoon...of course leaving my umbrella at the house. As you know our South Florida weather is very 'tricky'. It was somewhat a sunny/partly cloudy day earlier, and all of a sudden you get this 'flash storm' hit you out of 'nowhere' that lasts about an hour and it's all over with, and the weather clears up again~

I actually have this recipe in my head from years ago...very simple method...4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, but I do have the classic recipe in my 1986 Good Housekeeping book. I am so thrilled that I ordered the new version of the Good Housekeeping cook book from Amazon, it finally arrived.
The best way to order books is to choose the 'used' versions, especially when it is gently used...and 'like new'. This book is a 'dream'...seriously! The new price is $35. and used...$5.19 plus $3.99 shipping charge. The outer jacket cover is still on the book and it is amazingly new...just can't see any flaws at all.

Jelly Roll
adapted from the Good Housekeeping cook book
1986 edition

3/4 cup cake flour (I used 1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 eggs separated (at room temperature)
3/4 cup sugar (I used 1 cup)
Confectioners' (icing) sugar
1- 10 to 12 ounce jar jelly, or jam of your choice
(I used seedless blackberry jam)

Grease a 15 1/2 inch x 10 1/2 inch (I used a smaller size, size doesn't have to be exact)
Line pan with waxed paper, and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix cake flour (or all-purp. flour) baking powder and salt.  With electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peaks form
(use the finger test if it adheres nicely to the finger, it's done) use 1/4 cup of sugar to add gradually while mixing. (I used 1/2 cup)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a large bowl,
with same beaters and with mixer at high speed,  egg yolks, vanilla extract and 1/2 cup sugar until very thick and lemon-colored (pale)

With rubber spatula, gently fold flour mixture and beaten egg whites into egg-yolk mixture.

Spread batter evenly in pan; bake 15 minutes or until cake is golden and top springs back when lightly touched with finger.

Meanwhile, sprinkle clean cloth towel with confectioners' sugar. When cake is done, immediately invert cake onto towel.
Carefully peel waxed paper from the cake. If you like, cut off crisp edges.

Starting at a narrow end, roll cake with towel, jelly-roll fashion. Cool cake completely, seam side down, on a wire rack, about 30 minutes.

To serve, unroll cooled cake. Spread cake evenly with jelly. Starting from same narrow end, roll cake without towel. Sprinkle roll with confectioners' sugar; place seam side down, on a platter.

I would like to announce the winner for the Red Gold Tomato Giveaway, which was determined by RANDOM.ORG ...number generator.

True Random Number Generator 2

Congratulations, Patty....and thanks to everyone who participated!


  1. I love to bake but have never made a jelly roll cake. Now I know I can do it! Thanks for a great tutorial! Seedless blackberry jam sounds like a wonderful filling!

  2. Örök és megunhatatlan. Nálunk ez a süti a legnépszerűbb. Gyorsan elkészül és a lekvár íze adja meg a lelkét. Nagyon szép a terítőd!

  3. I can't even show this to Den...he will cry!

  4. Szép a terítőd nagyon! A sütid pedig csábítóan guszta. Hú de ennék is most egy szeletet belőle:))

  5. Oh yum!!! I love swiss roll and jam filling is my absolute favourite. :):)

  6. Nagyon guszta ! Szerintem ez mindenkinek kedvence. Mikor lányaim kicsik voltak képesek voltak 1 óra alatt apránként megenni mert annyira szerették.

  7. De szeretjük mi is, örök kedvenc:) Én egész tojásból szoktam készíteni, nem verem fel külön a fehérjét, nekem így egyszerűbb:) Csodaszép a terítőd is, anyukámnak is volt ilyen mintája. Szép hetet kívánok Neked, puszi:)

  8. Mi is nagyon szeretjük, nekem sárgabarack lekvárral a legfinomabb :) Szépek lettek a fotóid róla! További szép nyarat....

  9. A very beautiful biscuit roll, Elisabeth. I love how light, moist and soft it looks.

  10. this is my husbands favorite desert, I have only made it a couple of times and it never looked like yours, such a beautiful roll,

  11. De szép:) S az alatta lévő terítő is:) Én még sosem készítettem ilyen tekercset, ki kell próbálnom:)

  12. Gorgeous jelly roll, i dont hesitate a second to have some.

  13. These are beautiful Picture Elisabeth. I haven't succeed getting one, I will try your recipe.

  14. Oooo that does look yummy! Definitely wouldn't mind slicing off a piece of that right now :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  15. i've never made these kind of rolls for a long time, we call it swiss roll here..always makes me nervous when rolling them, so afraid that the cake might split..ha!

  16. Hi Elisabeth, love your jelly roll. It look awesome, the texture too look very nice. Great to go with hot coffee. Thanks or sharing your wonderful recipe. Your embroidery table cloths look beautiful.

    Congratulation to the winner. :))

    Have a lovely week ahead. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  17. I think your son had a brilliant idea with the mousse inside. I've been wanting to revisit a jelly roll for sometime, considering my last one was a flop. I think a little drizzle moved in over here. It's usually hotter than I don't know what around here this time of year, strange weather for sure. Hoping you are enjoying your summer.

  18. I have to agree with your DS on the chocolate. That is all my grandma was allowed to fill the piskota with and old habits die hard. :-) Piskota is so lovely - it made me impervious to cake mixes. I used to think why people use them for birthday cakes, why don't they just make a piskota? Your photos are great they tell the story Elisabeth. Hope you are well my friend.

  19. Ciao Carissima!!!:-)
    Come stai???
    Stupendo il tuo rotolo..golosissimo,brava!!!!!!!;-)

  20. A férjem kedvenc sütije, nagyon guszta nálad! :)

  21. I adore jelly rolls! And the blackberry jam filling is both delicious and visually beautiful! I know my family would go to the mousse filled version :) Hope you're having a marvelous week, my friend!

  22. Thank you for step by step recipe and pictures, Elisabeth,the rolls looks moist and soft,delicious :)

  23. Elisabeth, I love your Jelly Roll! The filling look very delicious indeed :)

  24. Elisabeth, I am impressed! How do you manage to make such elaborate cakes during the summer? Maybe rainy days help? On the other hand, no matter how bad the weather I'm too lazy even to try preparing such a beautiful roll.

  25. What a yummy looking roll!! Divine!!

  26. Just stumbled upon your blog and these jelly roll looks absolutely delicious! Have a great weekend ahead.

  27. Gorgeous looking jelly roll, Elizabeth! So fluffy and light! Lovely photos!

  28. I absolutely love jelly rolls but have never tried to make one. Just beautiful!
