Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Best Ever Chocolate Chip-Banana Muffins

I haven't been able to take decent 'natural light' food photos for the last 2 weeks for a new post, since we've been getting so much rain with heavy winds, and clouds every day...except for last Sunday for about half a day; sun was in-and-out, and we were able to enjoy the beach and the pool. I feel so bad for all of you who live up north and even on the east coast as well; below zero temperatures, and all the snow storms...brrrr!
In order for me to buy more cookbooks, which I still find a few at a different Goodwill store for their original $2.49, or I've been ordering them online from Amazon for 'dirt cheap'...of course, cookbooks do add up and I'm not about to have a huge selection which I used to have; so, I have donated a lot of books that I find...useless! While looking through some of my books for torn out pages from magazines tucked into them, I found this photo copy of a recipe of this amazing and perfect Chocolate Chip Muffins...but wait!...This recipe is from a Bed and Breakfast Inn, called the
The Signal House in Ripley, Ohio.

If you plan to come to Florida...which would be a perfect time now to get away from the freezing cold weather for a's a local Bed and Breakfast, which I personally drive by just about every day. (it is only about 2 miles from the beach)
Sabal Palm House Bed and Breakfast

Best Ever Chocolate Chip-Banana Muffins
recipe from: The Signal House

3 large ripe bananas
1/4 cups sugar
1 slightly beaten egg
1/3 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
6 ounces chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Mash bananas. Add sugar and eggs. Add the melted butter, then add the dry ingredients. Stir in the chocolate chips. Pour batter into 12 or 6 cup muffin pan and bake for 20 minutes.

Makes 12 or 6 large muffins...I made 6, and I must tell you they were so moist, not too sweet, and so delicious with morning coffee, or afternoon tea!

Polar Vortex, 2014
Temperatures in all 50 US states dipped below freezing on Tuesday in a rare nationwide chill that will keep a grip on much of the country for at least another day, with cutting winds and blizzards posing the most danger.

Florida, a state that normally basks in its reputation as a warm winter escape, experienced unusually low temperatures. In the Midwest, northeast and eastern Canada, it was dangerous to venture outside. At some point on Tuesday, at least one location in each of the 50 US states recorded temperatures below freezing, with the highest point on Hawaii, Mauna Kea, recording a temperature of 21F (-6C).
The so-called polar vortex that funnelled an Arctic low pressure system into the upper US this week swung south and east on Tuesday. Polar conditions settled over two-thirds of the US.

It was colder in the southern state of Georgia than Alaska as Atlanta plunged to 6F (-14C) – the lowest temperature since 1966 – while Anchorage, Alaska, recorded 27F (-3C) . Wind chills were recorded around -60F in parts of Michigan, Minnesota, Montana and New Hampshire.
Read more...The Guardian New, York, Jan. 7, 2014
 Although we didn't get freezing weather here, in S. Florida...I took these photos this morning, and sure enough it looked like it was about to snow!
Wednesday, 8:20 AM...from my balcony. The wind-chill factor always make it at least 15-20 degrees cooler by the ocean, even in the summer time!
Usually, just about every day, the sun comes out...even if for a few minutes...for the last 3 days this is how our 'sunny Florida' skies looked...more like 'snow clouds'...I have not witnessed this kind of chilly wind, very damp, and just cuts through your bones! Not making excuses, because I grew up in Ohio, and I have lived through plenty of snow storms and freezing weather throughout my youth!


  1. best ever??? then i'm bookmarking this for sure... looks so cloudy out there... here the sun has been in a peekaboo mood for the past two days, however today it is shining bright...

  2. Hi Elisabeth, Happy New Year!!! Your muffins look absolutely delicious!!! The weather doesn't look that great in Florida, but it's still WAYYY better than Montreal!!! Still lots of snow, ice and chilling winds here..On a happier note, we've only got 10 more weeks to go till the end of

  3. Elisabeth,
    Happy New Year!! Your muffins look wonderful, and who doesn't want chocolate for breakfast?

    Talk about the Polar Vortex, we have had it in the Chicago burbs. Monday we has -17 temp with -45 below wind chills, just brutal, and lots of snow. Stay warm in Florida!

  4. Elisabeth, these muffins look wholesome. I love them packed with chocolate chips.
    We have a strangely mild winter this year, 13C and no snow at all! That's just too warm.

  5. oh tell me its not so, its my happy place I go to in my mind knowing Southern Florida is all sunshine and warmth! I hope your clouds and cold wind have hit the trail and you are back to way it should be, mean while here its still sub zero, blowing snow, ice, pardon me if I stay a while, just to look at thos palms, even if they are a bit chilly, lol, delicious muffins, the chocolate chips are a wonderful addition,

  6. The same here with all the rain! Your muffins came out wonderful. Thanks for the great recipe!

    Happy Healthy 2014!

  7. Finom muffinokat sütöttél, szeretem nagyon a banános készítményeke :-)
    Valóban csúnya, viharos idő van nálatok, de még mindig jobb, mint a sarkvidéki hideg, fagyos idő.
    Nálunk sincs hó, és hideg sincs, viszont a nap már rág sütött ki, minden szürke, napok óta...

  8. Készítettem már hasonló muffint, tényleg nagyon finom. Puszi:)

  9. Lovely, delicious looking muffins! I share your passion for cookery books. I love reading them in my bed before going to sleep... especially when I'm too tired to read fiction. Amazon is my favourite source too ;-)
    You still live in an enviable climate, in spite of this windy cold weather... Happy New Year, dear Elisabeth!

  10. Gyönyörűek a muffinok, a belseje is, először azt hittem kelt tésztával készült:) Sajnos nálunk is hasonló az idő, eső, viharok és sötét van állandóan, szinte lehetetlen fotózni és nincs hó egyáltalán. A főnököm lányai jövő hétvégén utaznak Floridába, vitorlás bajnokság lesz, remélem addigra jobb lesz az idő:) Puszi:)

  11. I love a good muffin and those muffins look bangin! Definitely want to give them a try :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  12. Your muffins look yummy, I like the banana and chocolate chip combination.
    I live in Minnesota and I thought we would never get above 0 degree, but we finally did today I think we got up to 17 degree F.

  13. Uh, oh. I hope those nasty clouds are long gone by the time I arrive in Florida! Well, seriously, after the awful weather we've had so far this winter, I don't think I will complain one bit about your temperatures...whatever they happen to be :) It won't be long till we finally meet...I'm so, so looking forward to visiting in person!!! xo

  14. PS...your muffins look terrific!!!

  15. Hi Elisabeth, your banana chocolate muffins looks so yummy and irresistible! I love banana muffins and with chocolate chips, wow, just can't resist it. Hopefully you are doing fine this winter and do take care and keep warm.

  16. Ooooo Elizabeth…these muffins look fabulous! Banana and chocolate chips…a great combo!! Enjoy your warmer weather…it really is cold here in NJ. We’ll be heading south in February…looking forward to some sunshine! Happy weekend, my friend!

  17. Some of my favorite recipes are from B&B's. How fun that you found this one Elizabeth! They look wonderful!

  18. Awesome combination in muffins Elisabeth, they look wonderful. I've been reading about the freezing weather in the US, at least you are out of the worst of it in Florida. I can't imagine living somewhere as cold and snowy as Canada although I've always wanted to go there!


  19. Hi Elisabeth, The muffins are looking terrific ! We too in state of extreme cold without having enough of sun light to click pictures....
    Wish you and your family a very Happy and Blessed New Year!!!
    Thanks & Regards, Sonia !!!

  20. Glad you all are back to warmer temps in Florida! I finally re-subscribed to your blog via email since my hard drive has been replaced and I lost all my RSS feeds. Thank you for visiting me @ Mangiabella, you always make me smile. It DOES feel good to post some food and have some fun. My husband told me his new years resolution was to be totally open and try any new foods I make (a far cry from his usual picky-ness) - well let me know if you try Downton Abbey out, it probably is on netflix!!! It takes place in England 1912, on the day of the sinking of the Titanic. The writer does a brilliant job of building the complexity of each character and the story lines are fantastic....I'm hooked! sending all my love to you today sweet bella

  21. I LOVE adding chocolate to my banana muffins. So yummy.

  22. Hi Elisabeth, I love baking with bananas and I love this banana chocolate chip recipe! What a yummy indulgence! I envy the warmer weather you guys are enjoying in Florida, it's a lot "warmer" this week in NYC but I know it will be freezing cold again soon. ( It was down to 3F during the Polar Voltex! AHHHHH! ) My husband and I like going to sunny Florida in the winter for some sun too. Last winter we went to Orlando, and we loved it! Hopefully we will be visiting Florida again very soon! Will check out the B&B you mentioned! :-)

  23. I haven't been dong my rounds in the blogospere but I thought today i would so I could say HI ad greet my blog amigas a wonderful new year... so here I am saying HELLO!!!! and may 2014 bring you more blessings, more reasons to celebrate and more posts to read and exchange with... cheers!

  24. hi elisabeth, i have a fair amount of cookbooks too, sometimes i think whether should i be buying anymore bcos they are really taking up a bit of space in the room...but then again, it is a passion, hard to stop :) hopefully you get more sun there and stay warm! Cheers!

  25. Hi my dear Elisabeth, your chocolate chips muffin look wonderful. Lovely soft texture and I'm sure it taste good with a cup of hot coffee. You muffin picture still look good, very well taken.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery in Florida. Have a wonderful week ahead. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  26. Elisabeth, I love chocolate chip banana muffins! Oh by the way, I did visit the East Coast of USA and crazy as it may sound, I loved the cold!! Being in hot sunny Malaysia all my life, I found it fascinating to experience such cold conditions (I was lucky as the coldest at the time was 0C and not below freezing) and was totally thrilled! Hope to visit Florida one day :)
