Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Chocolate Crinkles

Happy New Year, to all my blogger friends...(not excluding readers who may not comment)...equal time to all!
Hope you all had a wonderful, and safe New Year's we also did! This post may seem like a 'forgotten' or an 'after thought' post of my Chocolate Crinkles...but let me assure you that it is not a forgotten post of these lovely cookies that everyone loves around the Christmas holidays!

Chocolate Crinkles
recipe source: Gold Medal Flour
  • 1/2cup vegetable oil
  • 4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled
  • 2cups granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 4eggs
  • 2 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
  • 2teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2cup powdered sugar


  • 1
    In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in eggs, one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours.
  • 2
    Heat oven to 350°F. Grease cookie sheet with shortening or cooking spray.
  • 3
    Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar; roll around to coat and shape into balls. Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets.
  • 4
    Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched lightly in center. Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.

I find it a little odd to be posting a Christmas cookie (now, that Christmas is over) Chocolate Crinkles are so popular here in the U.S. and all over the world by now, I assume. They are so attractive with the light and dark contrast, and most certainly perfect for an interesting addition to a cookie tray or for serving by themselves, any time of the year!

I did not have a Christmas tree at my small beach condo apartment; but at my daughter Lora's they have a beautiful live and tall tree every year, and I spent time just about every day there to enjoy the holiday festivities, especially at City Place!

Christmas @ City Place...West Palm Beach, Florida
Friends, and Family, on Christmas Day Celebration!


  1. That is delicious chocolate crinkle cookies Elisabeth. Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2014.

  2. Nice bake. Here's to more fun bakes in 2014.

  3. Happy New Year, Elisabeth! These cookies look very unique! I would love to try them for the Chinese New Year :)

  4. the crinkle cookies look absolutely lovely... have been wanting to make these for my daughters... should do for sure, hopefully soon!!!

  5. Chocolate crinkle cookies always work for a celebration! Happy 2014 Elisabeth!

  6. Mennyi szép karácsonyfa:) A sütik is nagyon guszták:) Puszi:) BÚÉK mégegyszer:)

  7. Nagyon szép a süteményed, hasonlít arra mint amit már több blogon láttam és én is kipróbáltam már .Csodaszép a karácsonyfa.Boldog Új Évet kívánok Neked és szeretett családodnak!

  8. We love chocolate crinkles..they are a must-have during the holidays.
    Happy New Year to you and your family, Elisabeth!

  9. Gyönyörűek lettek, nálunk is családi kedvenc ez a keksz:) Szép karácsonyotok volt, együtt a nagy családdal:) Boldog és szerencsés új évet kívánok Neked és az egész családnak, puszi:)

  10. Elisabeth, Happy New Year! I have never made chocolate crinkles, but they sure do look yummy!

  11. Kedves Elisabeth! Köszönöm a jó kívánságokat és is viszont kívánom Neked is! Legyen egészséged, boldogságod és szerencséd az új Évben! A süti tökéletes! Még sosem sütöttem...

  12. Happy New Year Elisabeth! Best wishes for 2014...
    I have never made chocolate crinkles, but I do love them... I haven't had them for years... perhaps the last time was when I was in the States.
    It's still Christmas in our house... we're still listening to carols and the tree is still up... :)

  13. The crinkles look so cute and I am amazed they are so... crinkled ;-) I have never tasted or prepared crinkles, but I bet they are delicious. Happy New Year, Elisabeth!

  14. Oh Elizabeth…I love chocolate crinkles! Yours look beautiful! I just took a tray of Pignoli cookies out of my oven…talk about being a little late! I just didn’t have time to get them baked for the holiday….sooooo, they are our new years treat! Happy New Year, my friend! Looking forward to another year of cooking together.

  15. Happy New Year Elisabeth!!!!! I wish you and your family happiness and good health in 2014!!!! I love these chocolate crinkles, they look delicious and it looks like they are not too hard to make. My husband loves them, and I've never made them before,I might have borrow your recipe and make him some soon!
    Thank you for the lovely message you left on my blog! I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on your blog for awhile.We've been on vacation, & I've been using G+ and Facebook a lot. Do you have a Facebook account for your blog? Don't worry if you don't, I keep coming back to your blog anyway, you have some of the best photos, and I love your writing style and recipes!
    Happy New Year again Elisabeth! xoxo

  16. Happy New Year Elisabeth...these cookies look fabulous...I never made crinkles is time to give this a try.
    Have a great week my dear :D

  17. Happy 2014, Elisabeth!!!

    Yes that you are right that chocolate crinkles cookies looks very Christmasy with their snowy look... You are right too that it is perfectly fine to indulge these cookies throughout the whole year :p

    Our Christmas in Florida and Melbourne, Australia are not snowy anyway... and so I wouldn't bother eating chocolate crinkles just for Christmas :p ... I'm still trying to convince myself that it is ok to eat these cookies even Christmas is over... ha ha ha!

    Stop thinking... Just eat! Cheers!


  18. Ciao Bella!!!:-))
    Come stai??Che splendide foto di Natale,con la famiglia,tutti insieme..wonderful!!!;-)
    The cookies are beautiful!! :P
    Baci cara e felice 2014 a te e i tuoi cari

  19. bella! HAPPY NEW YEAR once again, wishing you all the joy and blessings your heart and hands can hold. These cookies look marvelous!!! I have never had a crinkle cookie!! so many treats I still have yet to taste. I always smile when I see you pinning on pinterest, it makes me feel like you are next to me on the couch flipping through magazines haha. I finally have gotten back to writing!!! yay!!! posted today and plan to get back into the swing of things. Looking forward to all of the possibilities this new year holds!! God Bless you now and always!!!

  20. Happy New Year Elizabeth! Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. I can see why everyone enjoyed these cookies, they look scrumptious.

  21. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. I will be commenting back to you shortly; if I haven't already!
    Take good care my dear friends who are dealing with this awful snow storm...bundle up, and stay indoors if you can! xo

  22. Hi my dear Elisabeth, your chocolate crinkles look interesting and delightful. I'm sure it's addictive and hard to stop eating? Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe.

    Love the beautiful Christmas trees. Wish you all the best in 2014 with abundance of joy, happiness and good health. With lots of love and hugs to you. Warmest regards from me.
