Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Smoked Salmon on Toast Points

I already posted two "Wordless Wednesday' post...almost did a 'Silent Sunday', but I can't stay 'wordless'...and I can't stay 'silent'! It's been such a torment and grieving period for me; first, the 'denial', and second the 'shock and grief'. Never in my life have I witnessed a favorite pet, passing away, and I never want to experience that as long as I live. I really think that poor little Mush missed Prince so much since he's been gone for the past two years...she grieved for her 'best buddy' for over a year. A few months ago, I found out that she has 'heart murmur' and I have been giving her pills daily, but in the end she gave up.

Although, she has been a lot closer to me (meaning, that she wanted to sit on my lap and literally patting my hand to pet her, (so cute, which I did anyway)...I cancelled her last appointment to the vet, and I cannot forgive myself. The hardest part is; when I walk through the door...just like to 'poem says'...she is no longer there to greet me!
I always have fresh herbs on 'hand'...eggs, capers, cream cheese, and occasionally buy smoked Nova Salmon. Not cheap by all means, but oh, so good. The best way that I love it is to make little 'open faced' sandwiches, or on bagels. These cute little whole grain party breads are a perfect choice...better than cutting up bread for 'toast points'...I prefer making toasts out of the little party loaf, and you have the perfect little snack to enjoy...and healthy too!

I have not been eating dinners at all since Mushy died...just snacks in the middle of the day, skipping breakfast as well! (not a good idea, just have no appetite)

Now that I pulled out my dear departed Hungarian grandmother's hand crocheted doily from my 'secret' drawer; she made this lovely piece and more for me, years ago which I kept it in meticulous condition; I'm proudly displaying that, as well!
As for me, I can totally just eat appetizers, and skip dinner! I love the Spanish inspired Tapas, as well and have been checking them out to make something really inspiring. Of course, the Italian Antipasti is not too 'shabby'...love the small bites!

Smoked Salmon on Toast Points
slightly adapted from Williams- Sonoma

For the herbed cream cheese:

  • 4 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
  • Zest of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. chopped fresh chives
  • 1 Tbs. chopped fresh dill
  • 6 slices white or wheat sandwich bread, crusts removed, each cut into 4 triangles
  • I used whole grain party bread
  • 2 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
  • 6 oz. smoked salmon, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 1/2 cup capers, finely chopped
  • 3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and grated
  • Dill sprigs for garnish

To prepare the herbed cream cheese, in a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, lemon zest, lemon juice, chives and dill. Stir with a wooden spoon until well blended. Transfer to a serving bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Preheat an oven to 350F.

Brush the bread on both sides with the melted butter. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and transfer to the oven. Bake until the toast points are golden and slightly crispy, about 15 minutes. Let cool completely.

To assemble, spread the herbed cream cheese on the toast points and place 1/2 to 1 whole slice of salmon on top. Garnish with the onion, capers, hard-cooked eggs and dill sprigs. Arrange on a platter.

Alternatively, arrange the toast points and smoked salmon on platters. Place the herbed cream cheese, onion, capers, hard-cooked eggs and dill sprigs in separate serving bowls and let guests assemble their own hors d’oeuvres. Serves 8 to 10.

Thank you for all your kind and caring words of comfort, I appreciate each and every one of your kind comments. I do apologize for not visiting and commenting on your blogs for almost 1 week now. I am getting back to the normal routine, and will not abandon my blog, or my favorite blogger friends! Your friendship means a lot to me, and I hope to stay in touch with you for a long time to come! Hugs,


  1. These are just so beautiful! I am so sad along with you...I think of your two kitties every day...

  2. I was so sad to hear about Mush. Wishing we could have our pets forever, but I know that's not true. I know you give him more love than any kitty could wish. Hugs.

  3. Oh Elizabeth, I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved Mush. I know how sad it is to lose a pet that you love. Thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs!
    BTW…your salmon toast points look delicious. And I love your grandmothers doily…a beautiful treasure!

  4. Hi Elisabeth, sorry to hear about your beloved pet Mush. I know how it feels to lose a pet that's very dear and closed to you. Hugs to you, Elisabeth.. By the way, love your smoked salmon toast! I love salmon and I know one piece of this is not enough for me! Cheers and warmest regards :)

  5. Nagyon guszták a szendvicseid, szívesen beleharapnék most az egyikbe :-) A horgolt terítőd is nagyon tetszik, szeretem az ilyeneket!
    Szegény kis cicádat nagyon sajnálom, gondolom soha nem fogod elfelejteni....

  6. Elisabeth, my eyes get teary reading this..It must be really hard for you to have lost two beloved kitties in two years. Mush must have missed Prince terribly.
    These salmon toast points look very delicious. Love your new profile photo.
    Have a peaceful day, my dear friend.

  7. Hi Elisabeth! I really don't mind having these yummy appetizers and my main meal! You have really kept your grandma's doily in pristine condition and it is very pretty indeed! I hope that you get back to your sunny spirited self again. Till then, hugs!

    1. Oops...I meant "yummy appetizers as my main meal"

  8. Unless you've lost a treasured pet, people don't realize what a difficult loss it is. Let me join all your fans with heartfelt sympathies, Elisabeth. And thank you for sharing the lovely salmon toasts. A perfect meal, I think.

  9. Kedvencem a füstölt lazac, én is hasonlót készítettem ma:) Nagyon klassz a tálalód és a terítőd is. Sajnálom a cicádat, a szívedhez nőtt ennyi év alatt, nehéz időszak ez most neked, gondolok rád, puszi:)

  10. Nagyon sajnálom a cicádat, és téged, tudom, hogy nagyon hiányzik.
    Imádom a lazacot, én is azt készítettem ma:)

  11. Nagyon helyeskék és biztosan finomak is voltak a kis falatkáid, guszták! :) Nagyon sajnálom, hogy elvesztetted a cicádat, együttérzek veled! :)

  12. Ínyemre való szendvicsek. Imádom a halat. Éppen a múlt héten voltunk a fiammal a Nemo nevű halbisztróban, itt Budapesten. Ettünk lazacot, fogast, polipot, tintahalat és rákot roston. Nagyon finom volt!

  13. You know I feel your pain, my friend. You gave both Mush and Prince wonderful lives...and I know you treasure your time with and memories of them. I'm so sorry you've been dealt this blow two times in as many years. Sending you a huge hug along with my condolences! xoxo

  14. Hi Elisabeth, I'm so sorry for Mush, I have experienced the loss of my son's dog, it wasn't pretty..When you've had pets, for a long time especially, they become part of your family and daily routine and it is so hard to deal with their loss.. On the other hand, we know from the beginning that their life span is shorter than ours...if we take good care of them, at least we know we did our best..The truth is every single one of them is special, and touches as well as teaches us in its very own way..Lots of XOXO's

  15. Damn delicious, once you served this as appetizer, trust me that it's gone as quick as you snapping your fingers!!!

  16. Hi Elisabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I imagine how sad you must be... I still remember losing my dog. It was many years ago and I decided I would never have any pet again. We get so attached, we treat animals almost like humans and it's too much pain when they die (and their lives are just too short). I hope you will find your good mood and appetite soon!
    The toasts look so lovely, I'd frankly skip a "proper" dinner for a plate of these!

  17. Oh this made me so sad :( :(, I hope you're holding up ok. You were such a loving mum to your furry kids and I'm certain they knew that.

    Feel better soon Elisabeth.

  18. Oh Elisabeth, it is very hard to loose a pet like Mushi who was your companion for so long. Just give yourself some time and hopefully soon her sweet memory will fill your heart. These delicious salmon points look soo good! We both love tapas style because you can enjoy so many more flavors at one time. Love your grandmother's hand crocheted doily we have several in a box packed away as well:)

  19. Egyszerűen csodás, a füstölt lazac "nagy barátja" a kapor, én is így szeretem...

  20. Oh Elisabeth, sorry to hear about your pet Mush...I totally understand how you feel...I hope you feel better soon my dear.
    The salmon on the toast look great...

  21. hi elisabeth, sorry for not visiting lately as hv been on a trip and taking a break. So sorry to hear about your pet, that is so sad. Hope you are going to feel better soon. btw, i love these kind of simple food..yup, stay in touch.

  22. Ciao bella!!!:-))
    Come stai??
    Hai preparato un delizioso cocktail,mi piace moltissimo,brava!!!!
    Un abbraccione forte a presto


  23. So sorry to hear about little Mushy. That's just so sad. I hope you are taking care of yourself and hope you will feel better soon. HUGS.

  24. Deliciosos y bellos aperitivo me encantan me encantan,abrazos.

  25. Thank you everyone, for all you kind and caring comments; I do appreciate your friendship, and you support at this particular time of sadness. I owe you so much gratitude, and mostly replies, and comment on your wonderful blogs! Hugs,

  26. Hi my dear Elisabeth, wow.... love your appetizer, it sure look tempting and awesome. Lovely presentation too. And I love your beautiful hand crocheted doily, so precious and with sweet memory.

    With lots of love to you. Regards.
