Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Mush was always at my side...even on her last day sitting on my lap while I was at the computer. She passed away peacefully, in her sleep on; 2-18-14 @ 4:44 A.M.


  1. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am glad that she went peacefully. Take care.

  2. Kedves Elisabeth, én is nagyon sajnálom!

  3. I'm sorry for your loss, I'm glad she spent some time with you before she passed so peacefully.

  4. Sajnálom a macskádat Elisabeth, 16 év alatt egymáshoz nöttetek. De legalább békében tért örök nyugovóra. Vigyázz magadra, puszillak.

  5. Oh Elisabeth.....I am so sorry for your loss. When I saw Mush's photo it made me smile but that changed when I read your caption. It's so sad.

  6. Elisabeth, I so sorry to hear about your loss. She was a cute cat and sounds like a great companion.

  7. ((((Elisabeth)))) So sorry for your loss! :(

  8. Aw, it is difficult to lose our faithful, furry friends. It is nice she didn't suffer. Hugs. xx

  9. Elisabeth, dear friend I am so sorry for your loss...

  10. So sorry for your loss dear Elisabeth!
    Take care

  11. Isten nyugosztalja a cicádat. Szép kort megélt, biztos boldog cicaélete volt nálad. Szomorú dolog ennyi idő után elveszíteni egy kedvencet. Bele sem tudok gondolni, mi lesz nálunk a 3 kutyával és a 2 cicával...

  12. Oh Elisabeth, I'm so sorry :( Such a sweet cat too, I'm glad she was by your side on her last day.

  13. Oh Bella I am so sorry for your loss, RIP Mush...sending you so much love along these lines!!!!

  14. Thank you for all your kind and caring comments of support. It is not easy to lose a beloved pet after a few years...or as in my case, nearly 16 yrs of loyal friendship, and always so loving and caring pet. They are always there for us and love us unconditionally! Take care of your precious pets, and give them all the best that they deserve...they are the most appreciative creatures on this planet! Hugs,

  15. Thanks for stopping by today. We get to double our coupons, so even the 50p and 75p, bring in freebies. Which is nice.

    16 years is a long time. It really does suck.

  16. Hi my dear Elisabeth, sorry to read that you loss Mush. Wow... 16 years of friendship, it's definitely hard to accept it. But glad that Mush did not suffer. RIP Mush.

    Take care my dear. Sorry for dropping by late cos after Chinese New Year I took a short break form blogland. Have a lovely day. Lots of love you, my Florida sister,
