Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kodiak Cakes...Pancakes

I hope all you wonderful Moms had a lovely Mother's Day! These delicious pancakes were not for Mother's Day; I made them previously, last week, to be exact! A Canadian friend suggested this unusual, super moist, totally natural ingredients...no need to add eggs, or milk, so easy, that I splurged a little, adding fresh strawberries to top it off, and a little decoration with Ready Whip whipped cream...the best pancakes I've ever had from a box mix!
I never even knew about these amazing pancakes...or 'Flapjacks' as they call them, until I was introduced to it, and can only find them at Target! It's been around for a long time, but there is a 'success story' behind it. If any of you have watched Shark Tank...which I sometimes have watched, but missed this one...here's the story behind it!

Kodiak Cakes - Pancake and Waffle Mix

Kodiak Cakes on Shark Tank

Pancake and Waffle Mix - Episode 528 - 4/4/2014

Pancake and Waffle mix seen 4/4/2014 in Episode 528 The more I learn about these Kodiak Cake's, the more I'm convinced this business is destined to become a Super Successful Shark Tank Product. First off you need a superior and healthier product to compete in the multi-billion dollar Pancake and Waffle Mix Industry.  Next you'll need a razor-sharp marketing edge that absolutely makes your product stand out above-and-beyond any competition. Also, as with all Successful Shark Tank products, it helps to have a great story how you're business first began, and yes, the Kodiak Cake's also has a very interesting story indeed.

FlapJack and Waffle Mix episode 528, 4/4/2014
Original Kodiak Cakes
Flapjack and Waffle Mix
I first started writing this article (I had it half way done) with the assumption Kodiak Cake's first began by then 8 year old Joel Clark, who was selling this now famous flapjack and waffles mixes door-to-door out of his wagon. Although part of the story is true, it was his Mom who first began selling the Kodiak Pancake Mixes under the Baker Mills business name, the last names of both her Mom and Grandmother. The actual "Whole Wheat Hot Cake's" recipe was developed by Wallace Christofferson, the Family's Grandpa who perfected the now famous breakfast product over many years of trial and error. It looks like both Brother's Jon and Tim Clark, have also played vital role's in making the Kodiak Cake's a success.
read more....
 Kodiak Cakes...Pancakes, and Waffle Mix

The best pancakes...ever! I highly recommend it!

Make sure to add Real Maple Syrup on top...nothing but, the BEST!

Of course, if you would like to make your pancakes from 'scratch'...I recommend
Mark Bittman's Perfect Pancakes  simple and amazing recipe...(from a previous post of mine)

My choice was the Whole Wheat Oat, and Honey brand...just add;

1 cup of mix...

and add 1 cup of plain water. With a wire whisk, lightly whisk it till lumps disappear, and smooth.

In a preheated large cast iron skillet, heavy skillet, or a large griddle...
for small pancakes which yields about 6;
scoop with a 1/3 measuring spoon, and flip over when it starts to bubble!

For larger pancakes; you can scoop with 1/2 measuring cup which makes about 3 or 4.

You can double or triple the recipe...no eggs or milk required to add!


  1. I really like the packaging for the Kodiak Flap jacks, they look amazing, yummo!

  2. So fluffy and light, they look wonderful :)

    I now have the most massive craving for pancakes ...

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    Are you having your mother's day breakfast a week earlier??? I guess you don't have to eat delicious pancakes on Mothers' day because everyday should be mothers' day as mothers should be appreciated everyday :p

    I'm amazed how fluffy are Kodiak pancakes! ... but I still like the ones you made from scratch!


    1. Ha, ha, Zoe, you're so funny! I did have these yummy 'fancied up' pancakes a week earlier...on Mother's Day for breakfast, I made a frittata with kale and potatoes, which was also very good!

      I agree, I also like my homemade pancakes from scratch, probably better than any other ones...including the Kodiak brand!

  4. They look good! Happy Mother's Day! :)

  5. Pancake looks delicious Love that it is so fluffy yumm.

  6. Your pancakes look yummy. I love to eat pancakes for any meal of the day! I hope that your Mother's Day was a nice one too!

  7. De helyes kis palacsinták! Az eperrel meg főleg finom lehet!

    1. Katalin, tényleg nagyon finom volt, és nem is kellett hozzá adni tejet, vagy tojást, csak vizet adtam hozzá!

  8. I have never used a cake mix to make anything...well, I didn't know they would have looked this good. Well done, Elisabeth.

    1. Angie, actually this particular mix is for pancakes; it's all natural...no sugar, or additives...no preservatives; made with whole wheat flour. I always make my own pancake mix, from scratch; didn't think that this would be soo good!

  9. Ciaooo Elisabeth carissima!!!!
    Come stai??:-))
    Sono deliziosissimi i tuoi pancakes..:PP with strawberry,delicious..:-))
    Kisses,a presto!!! <3<3<3


    1. Io sto bene carissima Daiana! Grazie per il complimento dolce. Il gelato di fragola e banana è incredibilmente delizioso!
      Abbracci e baci

  10. Elisabeth I have never seen these in the stores - not that I shop for pancake mix, but I will make it a point to look for them. I have two more weeks and I can drive. Yippie! I would do it now, I am just not sure my insurance would cover me if I had an accident.

    1. Zsuzsa, I think they only sell them at your Target, in Canada...at least that's what I know from my friends that come here from Canada. They are of course, less expensive here in the U.S. Be careful driving!

  11. Those fluffy pancakes look stunning to kick start a day..Just cant resist..

  12. Perfect looking pancakes…fluffy, light and delicious! I am now craving a stack! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, Elizabeth!

  13. Nagyon guszta, én is szoktam reggelire sütni a gyerekeknek. Gyümölccsel a legfinomabb. Viszont tej nélkül még nem próbáltam...

    1. Kriszti, ez egy különleges mix, amihez nem kell adni tojást, és tejet sem. Tejpor van a mix-ben. Viszont ha rá kattintasz a másikra, ahhozz persze adtam hozzá tejet, és tojást is!

  14. Elisabeth I hope you had a wonderful mother's day! I love pancakes, and these look amazing! The product looks so easy to prepare and pancakes come out so moist.


  15. Elisabeth, rég voltam nálad, olyan kevés időm van mostanában a blogokon kommentelni. Jól vagy, minden rendben nálad?
    Nagyon szépek ezek a kis palacsinták:)

  16. Szuper kis palacsinták! Ritkán sütök palacsintát, de ezt a fajta "amerikai palacsintát" is szeretjük..., csak hát a kalóriák... :)

  17. Hi Elisabeth! Look's like I am a little late for pancakes! They do look so fluffy and scrumptious!

  18. what I would give to have some pancakes with you this morning!!! I am sitting on my porch, drinking coffee, enjoying the morning breeze and the beautiful sounds of Spring, birds singing, wind chimes, and beautiful flowers...these are the simple pleasures we often talk about, and I am just soaking it in....a busy week is underway, and before I dive in I am counting my blessings...thank you for always sharing such deliciousness with us all xoxo

  19. I've never heard of this mix, but I'll will look for it at Target. You made such a beautiful plate with your pancakes, cream and luscious berries. Have a great week, my friend. I just got back from BlogHer in Miami last night so playing catch up. xo

  20. hi elisabeth, i hv tried using pancake mix before ..long time ago before started blogging, they were good. and i actually dont mind using premix at times ..saves time too and the kodiak pancakes you have up there looks fluffy!
