Thursday, June 5, 2014

Green Beans with Garlic Vinaigrette

Steam the green beans, (1 lb)... but do not overcook; for the vinaigrette, you need 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped or pressed, juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
In a small food chopper or a bowl, mix everything together, (except the olive oil)...slowly drizzle the olive can also use a wire whisk if not using a mini food chopper!
You would think that after MIA (missing in action)...I would come back to post an incredibly (WOW) post; so not happening! You see, since Mother's Day, I've been feeling so 'bummed' out...and carrying such sadness in my heart over the death of my dear friend Dianne's mother's sudden death; right on Mother's Day! She, herself is battling lung cancer (never smoked) for the last 2 years! I've been trying to be a good support for her (age 60). Anybody that says second hand smoking is not dangerous?...think again!

I've been also keeping myself busy with my private chef, as well! Just have to get my mind off of things that I cannot change. I have made some really nice dishes, and desserts, but just did not take even one photo of them...especially my N.Y. style cheesecake, my Yellow Cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting, my Caprese Ziti Pasta with the fresh mozzarella, tomatoes and basil, just to name a few! I have not gone on any social sites at all...such as facebook, have not visited blogs, or commented;...shame on me!

Pinning on Pinterest has been my only entertainment on the web! You don't have to comment, just keep on pinning on all your favorite boards which can take up hours of your time!

Also, I've noticed how bloggers have just abandoned their blogs...some favorite follower friends stopped commenting; some have totally ignored my previous comments...but I'm sure, that has happened to most of us in the near past!

I am so thankful to you, my sweet food, and other blogger friends that are still active and keep up with your lovely blogs. We all have our private lives, our jobs, families, significant 'others'...and mostly our daily routines, sometimes health related issues to worry about! Life has its ups-and-downs but we have to keep a positive outlook...and sometimes that positive outlook can be clouded by doubts and fears which we have to overcome!
Avocado and Tomato Basil Bruschetta
Also, I have made a really healthy, and yummy bruschetta a couple months ago...I could not upload the photos during that time, and have forgotten all about it! I used the yellow cherry tomatoes, the avocado pieces were diced rather larger, or maybe I should have smashed them, but it's based on the very similar recipe that I found on Pinterest!

Smashed Avocado + Tomato Basil Bruschetta
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Whole grain slices of french bread are toasted to perfection and topped with smashed avocado and a garlicky tomato basil mixture.
Recipe type: Appetizer, Lunch, Healthy
Serves: 4-6
  • Cooking spray
  • 1/2 loaf whole grain french bread (or 1 petite loaf), sliced 1/2 inch thick
  • 2 avocados, smashed
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, plus exta
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 large roma tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 3-4 basil leaves, chopped
  1. Preheat oven on broiler setting.
  2. Place slices of bread on baking sheet, spray with olive oil cooking spray and sprinkle with sea salt; broil slices in oven about 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Remove from oven and rub with one clove of garlic (make sure to cut it in half before rubbing).
  3. In a medium bowl, mix smashed avocado, lime juice, and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and ground pepper.
  4. In a separate large bowl, combine tomatoes, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Mince other garlic clove and add it into tomato mixture.
  5. Spread smashed avocado mixture onto each slice of toast, then generously spoon tomato topping on top. Garnish with basil and serve immediately.
Recipe by Ambitious Kitchen at

My New York Style Cheesecake...from 2 years ago, and also made it recently...original recipe can be found here; also video as well!
NEW YORK Joy of Baking


  1. Green beans and garlic vinaigrette is perfection! so is the bruschetta with the avocado and lime!

    1. Hi Mary, it's so nice to hear from you...thank you for your kind comment!

  2. I am so sorry for your sad! I have missed seeing you out and about...but any recipe you post is a good one! Take care! I love avocado on anything...especially toast...with just a bit of sea salt, freshly ground pepper and olive oil!

    1. Thank you, Patty! I've missed you too, and everyone as well! I also love anything avocado, and the same exact way...just with a bit of sea salt, freshly ground pepper, and olive oil; not always using lime juice.

  3. such deliciousness!!! Life gets in the way sometimes, but true friends are always there, my condolences on the passing of your friend's mother's , take care,

    1. Thank you Laurie for your does get in the way, sometimes!

  4. So sorry about your friends mom and her own health battles. She is lucky to have you for support. I know it sounds cliche, but life really has gotten the better of me despite my best intentions. I just think of blogging now as something I do when I can, not as another chore I have to get done. Wishing you the best my friend.

    1. Gina, you've been a long time great friend...thank you for your kind words! Blogging should not be a 'chore''re absolutely right about that. After nearly 4 years of blogging, I'm not about to abandon my blog, for sure!

  5. Hi Elisabeth! Good to see you back! Where I am at, MIA means Malaysian Institute of Accountants hah..hah...It is good to know that you had been keeping busy which means that you are in good health, I was quite concerned when I did not see updates! Anyway, I really have to try your garlic vinaigrette. It sound delicious and I love garlic hah..hah..The other dishes look awesome too and I am really eyeing the Cheesecake LOL! Take care, my friend!

    1. Hi Phong Hong! Thanks for your kind words, and support! Good thing I emphasized the meaning o funny that it also means something more meaningful in Malaysia!
      The garlic vinaigrette is really very good, and it's so fresh; also great on salads, as well!

  6. Hello Elisabeth! Megint csodás dolgokat készítettél, nálunk is nagy kedvenc a zöld bab, újabban nem főzöm, hanem sütőben sütöm, így igazán különleges. Sajttortát még sosem készítettem, épp itt az ideje, a tied gyönyörű.

    1. Hello Anna! Örvendek hogy meglátogattál, köszönöm a kedves kommentedet. Ki is fogom próbálni a sötőben a zöld babot, hiszen sok féle más zöldségeket is sütök a sütőben. Nézd meg a receptet, video is van rajta!

  7. Good to see YOU again, Elisabeth, and at the same time, so sorry to hear about your friend's mom and her health issue.
    I love green beans and can't get enough of them! Garlic vinaigrette sounds a perfect dressing for this simply yet delicious veggie dish.
    Take really good care of yourself!

    1. Hi Angie! So sorry for neglecting to comment on your blog; which I never miss! I will be visiting and checking out all the wonderful and delicious things you've made since I've been missing for 3 weeks! Thank you for your kind condolences and your caring comment!

  8. Nice to see you back, Elisabeth. Your green beans and bruschette look amazing! I have also seen so many bloggers stop blogging... I think mine has become an addiction, but there are times when I'm less motivated (I'm afraid it somehow "feels" through my posts and photographs...). I somehow always make vinaigrette with... vinegar and always forget anything sour can be used instead. Thank you for reminding me.
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend's mother... I know that even people who are not passive smokers suffer from lung cancer too, so one never knows.

  9. Hi Elisabeth,
    It is good to see you out and about again, sharing your great food with us. What a sad situation for your friend, but she is blessed to have you as a friend. Have a great weekend!
    Miz Helen

  10. Hi Elisabeth, So good to see you back! I have also been quite busy with life lately. Sometimes I don’t get to visit as many blogger friends as I would like…but I feel as though my blog grounds me, and gives me satisfaction. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  11. I've made that cheesecake from Joy of Baking Elisabeth, isn't it wonderful?

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend's mum and her troubles, I agree, second hand smoking is v. dangerous :( :( Life really is difficult to comprehend sometimes.

    I'm so glad to see you back, but never apologise for not being present online because real life is far more important that this ridiculous internet. We all (myself included) spend far too much time on it.

    Those bruschetta dishes look absolutely delicious and your vinaigrette sounds and looks wonderful! A classic dish with the green beans.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  12. Hi elisabeth, i do believe the garlic vinaigrette is a great one. I think it can also b used on my chinese homeccoked dishes like steamed fish . On blogging, even tho both of us at times may not drop by at each other's blogs as often, rest assured that you are not forgotten and always wonderful to see your comments. Stay in touch elisabeth, i will b away for a week, take good care..catch up later!

  13. Hi darling!!!:-))
    How are you??
    Hai cucinato delle ricette meravigliose,su tutti il tuo cheesecake...è a dir poco golosissimo..e che belle foto sempre,brava!!!! ;-)))
    Big big Kisses,a presto bella <3
